
Celery Benefits To Drugs

Celery (Apium graveolens) can grow well in low or high plains. Plants dikatageorikan celery as a vegetable, celery plantations in Indonesia are in Berastagi, North Sumatra and West Java are scattered in Pacet, Pangalengan and Cipanas the cool air. Tuberous plants and have a wet bar of this compound, can basically be divided into several types and include celery tuber can be eaten.
Celery used in Indonesia to complement the vegetables (eg, for soup). For the ancient Romans used the plant as a wreath of celery. According to the historian of botany, leaf celery has been used as a vegetable since XZII century or in 1640, and is recognized as medicinal plants scientifically new in 1942. Celery plant breeding can be used two ways, namely through the seeds or the mass removal of children.

Local Name:Celery (UK), Celeri (France), celery (Italy); Selinon, Parsley (Germany), Celery (Indonesia); Sledri (Java), celery (Sunda).

Chemical Ingredients:Celery has many nutrients, among others, (per 100 g): a. calories by 20 calories, b. 1 gram protein c. d. 0.1 grams fat 4.6 grams carbohydrate e. calcium 50 mg f. phosphorus 40 mg g. 1 mg iron h. Vitamin A 130 SI i. Vitamin B1 0.03 mg j. Vitamin C 11 mg and 63% of edible parts. Celery leaves also contain many apiin, in addition to a diuretic substance that is useful to increase the amount of urine.

Benefits To Drugs

* Ingredients: celery leaves to taste
* Method: squeezed with enough cooking water and then filtered;
* How to use: drink 3 times a day 2 tablespoons, and performed regularly.
* Note: Excessive use of dangerous!

Overcoming the pain of dry eye

* Ingredients: 2 stalks celery, 2 stalks of spinach leaves, basil leaves 1 stalk.
* How to make: all the ingredients are pounded together then brewed with 1 cup hot water and filtered.
* How to use: the usual drink.


* Ingredients: 1 stalk celery
* How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables at each meal.

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