Health benefits of exercise for our bodies has long been proven. Exercise is important not only important for maintaining physical fitness but also mental health.
Now list the positive effects of sport will grow long again with the discovery of new proof of Daniel M. Landers, professor of physical health & sports science from the University of Indiana. Basically by moving the body for ten minutes every day of our mental health will increase quickly.
In addition it would increase clear thinking & fascinating can reduce stress & tension alias make sense to be cheerful always. According to Landers, there's benefits of exercise that can nourish our mental.
one. Exercise reduces stress
Every normal human being has experienced the stress or tension. Is the stress caused by economic issues such as inflation or devaluation, social issues or conjugal relationship breakdown, the business office who never done, the final examination that will be faced, wrong decisions that have been taken or perhaps reluctance to take decisions.
All human beings have experienced stress, & you must know how to handle it! Lots of oarang disease, despair, & even sudden death due to stress!
The reason, if our heart works in the work of exercise, then automatically the concentration of the mind won't focus on your work again. In addition to divert the mind, aerobics system may also increase cardiovascular endurance, so that later they can be not far in addressing a controversy. Activities that have proved effective in resisting tension brain is kind of aerobic running, running, swimming, walking & yoga.
The way you can avoid stress? Apparently olaraga can help you to cope with stress. How? For that they must see how the muscles work that they have. Exercise can help us reduce the anxiety your heart & even to resist anger.
four. Exercise can improve brain power
It is no secret that physical activity system can improve the reaction, concentration, creativity & our mental health. This is because the body pump more blood so that oxygen levels in blood circulation also increases the tip speed of blood entry in to the brain. Specialists agree that the brain gets blood intake, the physical & mental reactions will increase.
In the wonders of the human body, scientists recently have discovered a hormone system that serves as a morphine-called endogenous opioids. This is fascinating because the attention of receptor present in the hypothalamus & limbic system of the brain, areas associated with emotion & human behavior.
four. Hormones affect the endogenous opioids
Endogenous opioid system of hormones, of which is beta-endorphin, not only reduce feelings of pain & gives strength to face cancer alone, but also adds memory, normalize appetite, sex, blood pressure & ventilation.
When exercising, the gland pitutiari add products of beta-endorphin, & because of beta-endorphin concentration increased in the blood that are drawn also to the brain, reducing pain, anxiety, depression & feeling worn out.
Research shows that exercise, there is the addition of alpha waves in the brain. Alpha brain waves have long been associated with relaxed & casual circumstances, such as the time to meditate. These alpha waves seen in a walking for twenty to 30 minutes, & still can be measured after the exercise ended.
three. Increasing alpha brain waves
two. Dealer brain
The researchers suggested that increasing the power of alpha waves contribute to the psychological benefits of exercise, including reduced anxiety & depression.
Sports will be able to memperlancarkan practices of neural (brain neurotransmitter) in the brain. The leads to this case can convey that exercise can increase levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, & serotonin in the brain, thereby reducing depression. It's been proven that the brain such as norepinephrine nerve distribution (NE) & serotonin (two - HT) are involved in depression & schizophrenia.
A healthy body to live in peace. You won't feel it from the inside out harmony & peace. When the exercise will provide a nice physical health, & also peace of mind & the attainment of a higher intellect, why do they not immediately work out from now.
Recent research proves that with only mild exercise such as running alone can help the body recover from the decline of brain power in older females. The longer & frequent running activities is done then the sharpness of mind will even be getting better.
6. Exercise can fight aging
Best results will be obtained by moving the body each week for nine weeks. "The activities need not be high intensity, to get around it, which is important pacemaker power they can increase," said Landers. "But the benefits of memory they will always be sharp."
7. Exercise can increase feelings of happiness
Lots of people affected by depression or heart pain taking tranquilizers as a way out. Now the road to happiness by nature can be gained by moving your body regularly. Sports proven effective in enhancing hormone growers feel happy in our brains, such as adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine & endorphins, which is the number killer heart disease.
A survey in England reported 83% of patients with depression depends on the activities of sport in improving mood & reducing anxiety. Exercise regularly for 16 weeks in individuals who had higher levels of depression currently have the happy effect.
Research at Duke University show that 60% of patients with depression who underwent 30 minutes of exercise times a week for four months to fight pain without using medication doctor. But for people with extreme depression definitely can not escape from drugs. It is that lots of doctors now who include sports activities in their medical prescriptions in addition to medical sedation.
8. Exercise can improve self-confidence
Now self-confidence can be achieved not by relying on physical beauty again. A case study in the United States to show that the teenagers who actively exercise have the same confidence level strong with their friends who have a body as well as a stunning appearance.
Stability itself is situated on the results they get, namely a healthy body picture & excellent physical strength, not merely obsessed with vigorous exercise because of physical figures of the models on the cover of magazines.
today many people no longer care about her health, many factors influence the occurrence of this case ranging from one's own self that does not care about her health, family relationships are not harmonious, and her social community which one to choose friends / community, and most do not realize is the products that we consume prodak ranging from food, body care, health, supplement, and much more. Here I'll try sharing information related to our health problems.
Efficacy of Sunflower
Sunlight is beneficial & important to the lives of all living things, whether plants, animals, & humans. Depictions of the sun is usually a round yellow with yellow flames licking around it.
Preview of the sun that makes large-size flowering plants with yellow flowers is often called the sun. Named such because there's other reasons. Sunflower always faces toward the sun where it rolled. At night, the flowers bowed down, while in the work of the day, the flower show his face.
That said, sunflower (Helianthus annus L) comes from North America. In 1919, planting in Java. This plant thrives in mountainous regions, areas that have sufficient moisture as well as a lot get direct sunlight. The tree grows in lowland until height of 1500 meters above sea level.
Lots of individuals who think about anual short-lived herbaceous plants as decorative plants only. You see, the shape & color of the flower is fascinating & exquisite eyes.
Trunked plants wet (herbaceus) tall upright plant grows one to two meters. The whole surface of the plant stem rough-skinned & had hair. Heart-shaped green leaves. For flowers, giant size with a crown formed like a cup of yellow tape along the fringe of the cup. In the midst of the cup there is a small flower-shaped tube with the color brown.
When fertilized, these small flowers in to seeds that are black & white striped gathered in the cup. When ripe, the seeds are basically removed from his cup. Today, lots of individuals who use the seeds for sunflower oil or to snack in the form kwaci sunflower seeds.
Lots of people do not recognize that sunflowers have lots of benefits beyond beauty. The flowers contain quercimeritrin, helianthoside ABC, oleanolat acid, & acid echinocystat. For seeds, there is the content of beta-sitosterol, prostagladin E, chlorogenic acid, quinat acid, phytin, & 3-4 benzopyrine.
All parts of this plant has properties. The flowers have the effect of lowering blood pressure & reduce pain (analgesic). Seeds as antidisentri & stimulate the body's secretion of liquid & measles. The leaves are potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, & anti-malarial. Roots also have efficacy for anti-inflammatory, laxative urine, a cough suppressant & analgesic. Meanwhile, marrow stem & flower Daar efficacious stimulate vital energy, analgesic, soothing the liver, & lots of more.
In every hundred grams of sunflower seed oil, there is fat with a total of hundred, which consisted of 9.8 saturated fat & unsaturated fat (oleic) of 11.7. The rest are linoleic much as 72.9 & the rest do not contain cholesterol.
Use of all parts of this plant can be in the kind of fresh & dry. Outside use, tumbuhannya crushed & placed on the sick. For example for rheumatism, ulcers, & inflammation of the breast.
Use for deep, tumbuhannya boiled & drunk. Some are fried, such as seeds, then finely ground, poured boiling hot water & drunk. Treatment in this way is to complain of headaches, dizziness, toothache, sore breasts, cough, whooping cough, shortness of breath, hypertension, prevent cancer of the stomach, bloating, heartburn, constipation, dysentery, urinary tract infection, give -beri, malaria, vaginal discharge, bleeding, & hernia.
The use of marrow from stem & base of the flower that contains the content of hemicellulose that inhibit sarcoma 180 & Ehrlich ascitic carcinoma in mice. Marrow extracts can destroy nitrosamines & can be used for the prevention & treatment of gastrointestinal tumors. However, for mothers who were pregnant, it is forbidden to drink boiled sunflower.
Preview of the sun that makes large-size flowering plants with yellow flowers is often called the sun. Named such because there's other reasons. Sunflower always faces toward the sun where it rolled. At night, the flowers bowed down, while in the work of the day, the flower show his face.
That said, sunflower (Helianthus annus L) comes from North America. In 1919, planting in Java. This plant thrives in mountainous regions, areas that have sufficient moisture as well as a lot get direct sunlight. The tree grows in lowland until height of 1500 meters above sea level.
Lots of individuals who think about anual short-lived herbaceous plants as decorative plants only. You see, the shape & color of the flower is fascinating & exquisite eyes.
Trunked plants wet (herbaceus) tall upright plant grows one to two meters. The whole surface of the plant stem rough-skinned & had hair. Heart-shaped green leaves. For flowers, giant size with a crown formed like a cup of yellow tape along the fringe of the cup. In the midst of the cup there is a small flower-shaped tube with the color brown.
When fertilized, these small flowers in to seeds that are black & white striped gathered in the cup. When ripe, the seeds are basically removed from his cup. Today, lots of individuals who use the seeds for sunflower oil or to snack in the form kwaci sunflower seeds.
Lots of people do not recognize that sunflowers have lots of benefits beyond beauty. The flowers contain quercimeritrin, helianthoside ABC, oleanolat acid, & acid echinocystat. For seeds, there is the content of beta-sitosterol, prostagladin E, chlorogenic acid, quinat acid, phytin, & 3-4 benzopyrine.
All parts of this plant has properties. The flowers have the effect of lowering blood pressure & reduce pain (analgesic). Seeds as antidisentri & stimulate the body's secretion of liquid & measles. The leaves are potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, & anti-malarial. Roots also have efficacy for anti-inflammatory, laxative urine, a cough suppressant & analgesic. Meanwhile, marrow stem & flower Daar efficacious stimulate vital energy, analgesic, soothing the liver, & lots of more.
In every hundred grams of sunflower seed oil, there is fat with a total of hundred, which consisted of 9.8 saturated fat & unsaturated fat (oleic) of 11.7. The rest are linoleic much as 72.9 & the rest do not contain cholesterol.
Use of all parts of this plant can be in the kind of fresh & dry. Outside use, tumbuhannya crushed & placed on the sick. For example for rheumatism, ulcers, & inflammation of the breast.
Use for deep, tumbuhannya boiled & drunk. Some are fried, such as seeds, then finely ground, poured boiling hot water & drunk. Treatment in this way is to complain of headaches, dizziness, toothache, sore breasts, cough, whooping cough, shortness of breath, hypertension, prevent cancer of the stomach, bloating, heartburn, constipation, dysentery, urinary tract infection, give -beri, malaria, vaginal discharge, bleeding, & hernia.
The use of marrow from stem & base of the flower that contains the content of hemicellulose that inhibit sarcoma 180 & Ehrlich ascitic carcinoma in mice. Marrow extracts can destroy nitrosamines & can be used for the prevention & treatment of gastrointestinal tumors. However, for mothers who were pregnant, it is forbidden to drink boiled sunflower.
Shrimp Rich Protein and Low Calorie
Various types of shellfish (mussels, oysters, mussels, barnacle) and crustaceans (shrimp, lobster, crab, crab) are animals that live in freshwater (freshwater) and marine (salty). Both regular and special caught shrimp are farmed as a food of high nourishing.
Shrimp have been processed in to a variety of appetizing and tasty cuisine. Even massive shrimp species have also been often used to replace the equally lobster crustacean nation. But of coursework the presentation of various types of shrimp dishes also affect the nutritional content. As with other seafood, shrimp is rich in calcium and protein. So shrimp is included in the source of animal protein.
Value of complete protein because protein is categorized amino acid levels are high, full-profile and straightforward to digest about 85-95 percent of the body. 100 grams of raw shrimp contain twenty.3 grams of protein or to meet every day protein needs as much as 41%. Amino acid profile of shrimp (per 100 g) in a row that included high is gulamat acid (3465 mg), aspartic acid (2100 mg), arginine (1775 mg), lysine (1768 mg), leucine (1612 mg), glycine ( 1225 mg), isoleucine (985 mg), and valine (956 mg). That is, shrimp consumed are suitable for those who require protein to build muscle.
Shrimp Nutrition
Indeed shrimp kolsterol content is high at 152 mg per 100 g of fresh shrimp. But as well as tuna and other seafood, all the nutritional benefits of shrimp will overcome the negative effects. Essential fatty acids contained shrimp can raise levels of HDL (lovely cholesterol) and lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides in the blood so that is lovely for cardiovascular health.
Calories shrimp low energy (only 106 calories per 100 grams of shrimp) making it of an excellent diet food. Shrimp also contains tiny saturated fatty acids. Even as well as other seafood, healthy fatty acid levels in the shrimp it is as high as Omega-3 and Omega-6 respectively to reach 540 mg and 28 mg per 100 g of fresh shrimp.
Various types of water-soluble vitamins and lovely fats are also high, so excellent on shrimp consumption. Abortion highest consecutive according to the percentage of every day requirement (every day value) is a vitamin D (38%), vitamin B12 (19%), Niacin (13%), vitamin E (5%), vitamin B6 (5%), vitamin A (4%), vitamin C (3%), and others.
Shrimp also contains various minerals that are important to the body. As already known, the minerals of the sea food is more readily absorbed than that derived from beans and cereals. Mineral selenium in 100 grams of fresh shrimp sufficient to meet the every day needs of 54%, followed by phosphorus (20%), iron and copper (each 13%), magnesium (9%), zinc (7%), sodium (6%) , potassium and calcium (5% each), and various other essential minerals.
Shrimp Consumption Benefits
Taking a look at different types of nutrients contained shrimp on the explanation above, it is no exaggeration if some benefits are:
Shrimp and Seafood Allergies
one. Maintaining cardiovascular health (heart) because the content of essential fatty acids will lower bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots or pieces of atherosclerosis.
four. Meet protein requirements with a complete profile of amino acids that are basically absorbed body.
three. It is suitable for a diet menu for low-calorie energy.
three. Maximizing the various functions of vital organs of the body because of various vitamin content.
four. As an antioxidant that can maintain healthy immune function, anti-free radicals cause 50 types of degenerative diseases and assist the production of antibodies with high levels of selenium.
6. Helping working over 70 kinds of enzymes, hormones, and the biosynthesis of other body with its zinc content.
7. It is vital for intelligence and growth of kids with high vitamin D, B12 and Omega three.
8. Stopping low blood disease (anemia) and was instrumental in the formation of red blood cells because iron and zinc content was high.
9. Handle links by maintaining eye health vitamin A.
ten. Maintain healthy skin and prevent the disease pellagra (mottled and scaly skin) with vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) and niacin high.
11. Maintaining healthy bones, teeth and joints with vitamin D, calcium and potassium are high.
For those of you who suffer from allergies, sebaikny restrict eating shrimp. If the difficulty be avoided then you can take your medicine anti-allergy is safe to eat. Moreover, it can also take the type of medicines outside the cream to the affected skin allergic reaction. Seafood allergy can happen to even smell the sea food or being around individuals who consume them.
Shrimp have been processed in to a variety of appetizing and tasty cuisine. Even massive shrimp species have also been often used to replace the equally lobster crustacean nation. But of coursework the presentation of various types of shrimp dishes also affect the nutritional content. As with other seafood, shrimp is rich in calcium and protein. So shrimp is included in the source of animal protein.
Value of complete protein because protein is categorized amino acid levels are high, full-profile and straightforward to digest about 85-95 percent of the body. 100 grams of raw shrimp contain twenty.3 grams of protein or to meet every day protein needs as much as 41%. Amino acid profile of shrimp (per 100 g) in a row that included high is gulamat acid (3465 mg), aspartic acid (2100 mg), arginine (1775 mg), lysine (1768 mg), leucine (1612 mg), glycine ( 1225 mg), isoleucine (985 mg), and valine (956 mg). That is, shrimp consumed are suitable for those who require protein to build muscle.
Shrimp Nutrition
Indeed shrimp kolsterol content is high at 152 mg per 100 g of fresh shrimp. But as well as tuna and other seafood, all the nutritional benefits of shrimp will overcome the negative effects. Essential fatty acids contained shrimp can raise levels of HDL (lovely cholesterol) and lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides in the blood so that is lovely for cardiovascular health.
Calories shrimp low energy (only 106 calories per 100 grams of shrimp) making it of an excellent diet food. Shrimp also contains tiny saturated fatty acids. Even as well as other seafood, healthy fatty acid levels in the shrimp it is as high as Omega-3 and Omega-6 respectively to reach 540 mg and 28 mg per 100 g of fresh shrimp.
Various types of water-soluble vitamins and lovely fats are also high, so excellent on shrimp consumption. Abortion highest consecutive according to the percentage of every day requirement (every day value) is a vitamin D (38%), vitamin B12 (19%), Niacin (13%), vitamin E (5%), vitamin B6 (5%), vitamin A (4%), vitamin C (3%), and others.
Shrimp also contains various minerals that are important to the body. As already known, the minerals of the sea food is more readily absorbed than that derived from beans and cereals. Mineral selenium in 100 grams of fresh shrimp sufficient to meet the every day needs of 54%, followed by phosphorus (20%), iron and copper (each 13%), magnesium (9%), zinc (7%), sodium (6%) , potassium and calcium (5% each), and various other essential minerals.
Shrimp Consumption Benefits
Taking a look at different types of nutrients contained shrimp on the explanation above, it is no exaggeration if some benefits are:
Shrimp and Seafood Allergies
one. Maintaining cardiovascular health (heart) because the content of essential fatty acids will lower bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots or pieces of atherosclerosis.
four. Meet protein requirements with a complete profile of amino acids that are basically absorbed body.
three. It is suitable for a diet menu for low-calorie energy.
three. Maximizing the various functions of vital organs of the body because of various vitamin content.
four. As an antioxidant that can maintain healthy immune function, anti-free radicals cause 50 types of degenerative diseases and assist the production of antibodies with high levels of selenium.
6. Helping working over 70 kinds of enzymes, hormones, and the biosynthesis of other body with its zinc content.
7. It is vital for intelligence and growth of kids with high vitamin D, B12 and Omega three.
8. Stopping low blood disease (anemia) and was instrumental in the formation of red blood cells because iron and zinc content was high.
9. Handle links by maintaining eye health vitamin A.
ten. Maintain healthy skin and prevent the disease pellagra (mottled and scaly skin) with vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) and niacin high.
11. Maintaining healthy bones, teeth and joints with vitamin D, calcium and potassium are high.
For those of you who suffer from allergies, sebaikny restrict eating shrimp. If the difficulty be avoided then you can take your medicine anti-allergy is safe to eat. Moreover, it can also take the type of medicines outside the cream to the affected skin allergic reaction. Seafood allergy can happen to even smell the sea food or being around individuals who consume them.
Female Infertility Could Keeper of Cats
Zoonoses are diseases transmitted between humans and animals. This might mean transmitted from humans to animals or vice versa, from animals to humans. All animals can transmit the illness in humans as humans can transmit the disease-the illness in animals.
Pet owners must now be more cautious. According to various studies the likelihood of keeping animals exposed to high, zoonoses keepers of birds, felines and canines. In some cases, zoonotic may even cause death in sufferers.
There's lots of types of zoonotic diseases. The various types of zoonoses that can infect humans. Kampilobakteriosis example, Encephalitis, Toxoplasmosis, Clamidiosis, Rubella, Cytomegalo virus, and Herpes simplex, avian flu and even Ebola. Of these species there is only cause minor disruption, but no less deadly. As is known, ebola is transmitted by the primates in Africa is a deadly illness. Which can kill sufferers within hours.
That ought to be a cautionary note, your pet was promising the greatest risk for contracting owner by zoonotic diseases. is the bird's favourite kind of turtledove, pigeons, parakeets, cockatoos and other-opy.
Another example is toxoplasmosis. Diseases caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii may cause the fetus to have a miscarriage. In addition, from a variety of related research Toxoplasma can also cause enlargement of the head (hidrochepalus), weakened hearing and vision (in some cases even children can suffer from deafness and blindness) and mentally weak that emerged after the early years of children born healthy.
Keeping Felines Can Make Infertility
Zoonotic cases are asymptomatic, which means. Why? Most signs will only appear when the immune technique declines, and signs are often similar to ordinary flu. (That is why such immunosuppressed AIDS patients will be susceptible to this illness). This is risky. Non-specific signs that would complicate diagnosis so that the diagnosis would be difficult to do while growing germs.
For adults do not like first. Because Toxoplasma gondii will also assault and destroy cells in the human body core. This means also will destroy the eggs released by the ovaries. Except for red blood cells, cells in the human body usually core. Meaning, the egg is fertilized by sperm was supposed, would have been destroyed. That is why, when ladies in the reproductive age infected with this parasite, usually they will have difficulty conceiving. Because, before they could be fertilized by sperm, egg parasites already destroy incurred by the ovaries. The result is obvious, the fertilization process to fail and pregnancy can not occur. The parasite is chiefly nest in cat feces, but pet birds are also found to be intermediary hosts of this parasite.
Therefore, let the birds and other wildlife living in their habitat because that is the best place for them. Besides they are not infected by the diseases they carryover, the risk of transmission of human diseases of animals may even be minimized. They better keep their habitat is not damaged, if if they would like to 'enjoy' them. It is definitely safer, and definitely far simpler and cheaper.
Leave Wildlife in their habitat
Pet owners must now be more cautious. According to various studies the likelihood of keeping animals exposed to high, zoonoses keepers of birds, felines and canines. In some cases, zoonotic may even cause death in sufferers.
There's lots of types of zoonotic diseases. The various types of zoonoses that can infect humans. Kampilobakteriosis example, Encephalitis, Toxoplasmosis, Clamidiosis, Rubella, Cytomegalo virus, and Herpes simplex, avian flu and even Ebola. Of these species there is only cause minor disruption, but no less deadly. As is known, ebola is transmitted by the primates in Africa is a deadly illness. Which can kill sufferers within hours.
That ought to be a cautionary note, your pet was promising the greatest risk for contracting owner by zoonotic diseases. is the bird's favourite kind of turtledove, pigeons, parakeets, cockatoos and other-opy.
Another example is toxoplasmosis. Diseases caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii may cause the fetus to have a miscarriage. In addition, from a variety of related research Toxoplasma can also cause enlargement of the head (hidrochepalus), weakened hearing and vision (in some cases even children can suffer from deafness and blindness) and mentally weak that emerged after the early years of children born healthy.
Keeping Felines Can Make Infertility
Zoonotic cases are asymptomatic, which means. Why? Most signs will only appear when the immune technique declines, and signs are often similar to ordinary flu. (That is why such immunosuppressed AIDS patients will be susceptible to this illness). This is risky. Non-specific signs that would complicate diagnosis so that the diagnosis would be difficult to do while growing germs.
For adults do not like first. Because Toxoplasma gondii will also assault and destroy cells in the human body core. This means also will destroy the eggs released by the ovaries. Except for red blood cells, cells in the human body usually core. Meaning, the egg is fertilized by sperm was supposed, would have been destroyed. That is why, when ladies in the reproductive age infected with this parasite, usually they will have difficulty conceiving. Because, before they could be fertilized by sperm, egg parasites already destroy incurred by the ovaries. The result is obvious, the fertilization process to fail and pregnancy can not occur. The parasite is chiefly nest in cat feces, but pet birds are also found to be intermediary hosts of this parasite.
Therefore, let the birds and other wildlife living in their habitat because that is the best place for them. Besides they are not infected by the diseases they carryover, the risk of transmission of human diseases of animals may even be minimized. They better keep their habitat is not damaged, if if they would like to 'enjoy' them. It is definitely safer, and definitely far simpler and cheaper.
Leave Wildlife in their habitat
Careful Use of Melamine Dining Equipment
Community asked to be cautious using melamine tableware because based on the results of POM, 30 products with melamine tableware in the type of plates, bowls, spoons, forks, glasses, and sodet circulating in Indonesia tested positive for the release of formaldehyde and melamine are potentially harmful to health.
This was said by Chief Dr POM. Husniah Rubiana Thamrin Akib, MS, M. Kes, SpFK told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, June one, 2009 when it announced Warnings / Public Warning on Eating Equipment from Melamine.
Results of laboratory tests conducted by the POM of 62 sample products melamine tableware found 30 positive products release formaldehyde and melamine when used to contain foods that are watery or sour taste, in hot conditions. Levels of formaldehyde that is released these products vary, ranging from the low section (one ppm) to the section of high (161 ppm), said the head of the POM.
Further to say, formaldehyde and melamine tableware released by the potential hazard to health because it may cause cancer, kidney stones, kidney failure, urinary tract assault, and destroy to body organs and causing death, said Dr. Husniah.
Of the 30 products that tested positive for formaldehyde issue, there's some that are domestic products, but most of it is imported from China, judging from the inscription that is on the back of the product as "Zak Designs China", "Mei Shin Melamine" and "Melamine Ware Made In China". The products sampled were found circulating in supermarkets and traditional markets.
In plain view, the products that are harmful to health can not be distinguished from similar products that are not hazardous, so to know the product is hazardous or not ought to be tested in the laboratory.
For individuals who need further information or who find these products can contact the POM Affairs through the Consumer Complaints Service Unit at phone number 021-4263333 and 021-32199000 or by e-mail and or check the net site POM,
Responding about the lots of harmful products circulating in Indonesian. Dr. Husniah said it could not make withdrawals of melamine products such as orbit permission from the Ministry of Trade & Industry. To menindaklajutinya POM have reported these findings and coordinate with all relevant parties for products that potentially endanger public health is no longer circulating in Indonesia, said Dr. Husniah.
This information is published by the Middle for Public Communication, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Health. For more information contact by phone / fax: 021-52907416-9 and 52921669, or e-mail puskom.depkes @ and puskom.publik @
This was said by Chief Dr POM. Husniah Rubiana Thamrin Akib, MS, M. Kes, SpFK told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, June one, 2009 when it announced Warnings / Public Warning on Eating Equipment from Melamine.
Results of laboratory tests conducted by the POM of 62 sample products melamine tableware found 30 positive products release formaldehyde and melamine when used to contain foods that are watery or sour taste, in hot conditions. Levels of formaldehyde that is released these products vary, ranging from the low section (one ppm) to the section of high (161 ppm), said the head of the POM.
Further to say, formaldehyde and melamine tableware released by the potential hazard to health because it may cause cancer, kidney stones, kidney failure, urinary tract assault, and destroy to body organs and causing death, said Dr. Husniah.
Of the 30 products that tested positive for formaldehyde issue, there's some that are domestic products, but most of it is imported from China, judging from the inscription that is on the back of the product as "Zak Designs China", "Mei Shin Melamine" and "Melamine Ware Made In China". The products sampled were found circulating in supermarkets and traditional markets.
In plain view, the products that are harmful to health can not be distinguished from similar products that are not hazardous, so to know the product is hazardous or not ought to be tested in the laboratory.
For individuals who need further information or who find these products can contact the POM Affairs through the Consumer Complaints Service Unit at phone number 021-4263333 and 021-32199000 or by e-mail and or check the net site POM,
Responding about the lots of harmful products circulating in Indonesian. Dr. Husniah said it could not make withdrawals of melamine products such as orbit permission from the Ministry of Trade & Industry. To menindaklajutinya POM have reported these findings and coordinate with all relevant parties for products that potentially endanger public health is no longer circulating in Indonesia, said Dr. Husniah.
This information is published by the Middle for Public Communication, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Health. For more information contact by phone / fax: 021-52907416-9 and 52921669, or e-mail puskom.depkes @ and puskom.publik @
Four Kinds Germs Cause Dysentery
Dysentery is an infection that causes sores that cause ulcers confined to the colon or sizable intestine characterized by typical signs are known as dysentery syndrome, namely abdominal pain and watery bowel movements that constantly (diarrhea) is mixed with mucus and blood.
The presence of blood and leucocytes in the chair is a proof that the germs that cause dysentery are penetrating the colon wall and lodged underneath. That is why in these days of invasive diarrhea name preferred by the specialists.
Historically, dysentery thought about only consists of types based on the cause, namely basiler dysentery caused by Shigella bacillus spp. and amoebic dysentery caused by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica. But now it's been known to plenty of other causes in the kind of microbes, bacteria and parasites, which are: Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Pleisomonas shigelloides, EIEC (Enteriinnasive E. coil), Aeromonus spp., Entamoeba histolytica or Giardia lambha. Shigella spp. there is in all places and is the most common cause of dysentery.
Here are kinds of germs or bacteria that cause dysentery are plenty of:
one. Shigella spp.
Shigelloides are in all places but most are in the country with the level of individual health is bad. Man himself is the source of transmission and natural hosts of this disease, the mode of transmission is by orofaecal the germs enter your body healthy people through oral (mouth) and out of the sick person's body through the feces. Shigella spp are the most common cause of invasive diarrhea (dysentery) compared with other causes.
three. Salmonella spp.
Known there's species of Shigella on the basis of biochemical reactions and serology, namely: Sh. Jlexneri, Sh. boydii, Sh. dysentriae and Sh. sonnei. The first species are subdivided in to serotypes were Sh. sonnei were divided according to type colisin. Until now it was known that there's 8 scrotipe Sh. Jlexneri, 15 serotypes of Sh. boydii, ten serotypes of Sh. dysentriae and 15 type colisin Sh. sonnei.
Several species of Salmonella that are not S. typhi, S. paratyphi A and B may cause invasive diarrhea. As is known Salmonella is a zoonotic disease, animal and poultry are a reservoir of this disease, and people infected through food, meat, poultry and eggs.
The disease is more common in countries whose inhabitants are meat-eaters. So it is understandable that Salmonellosis become a bigger health issue in countries that have been developed compared with developing countries.
In recent Campylobacter jejuni (formerly called "other vibrio" (related vibrio) began to emerge as an important cause of diarrheal disease. This disease is a zoonosis although usually transmitted from person through contaminated water.
two. Campylobacter spp.
It is estimated that poultry is the lowest reservoir potential. It is important because the Indonesian people prefer to eat poultry meat than beef. In addition, the egg also plays an important role in, transmission of this disease. Various eruption of this disease in Britain, the United States and Canada have been associated with unpasteurized milk. Milk contaminated through direct contact with the feces of cows. C. jejuni will be able to survive for 22 days in milk stored at three ° C but die soon if pasteurized.
Campylobacter infections are chiefly present in childhood and, it causes diarrhea is usually over 7 days although the signs are not heavy.
Since 1967, researchers in Japan, Brazil and other countries has shown that positive serotypes of Escherichia coli other than those named EPEC (and positive other serotypes of E. coli), have been isolated from feces of babies and adult patients with diarrhea invasive . Now it is known that serotypes of E. coli that are invasive are: 028ac, 029, 0112ac, 0124, 0136, 0143, 0144, 0152, 0164 and 0167. EIEC serotype 0124 is the most frequent cause eruption of the epidemic, as happened in Hungary and the USA.
three. EIEC (entero Invasive Escherichia coli)
EIEC closely resemble Shigella because often the same biochemical properties, lactose negative, not moving, lysin decarboxylase was also negative, but it's the same 0 somatic antigen.
Importance of Tidy and Healthy Lifestyle
Preventive measures that can be completed to anticipate dysentery which thinking about a healthy lifestyle and tidy, as always maintain the cleanliness of food and drink from contamination of dirt and germ-carrying insects, environmental hygiene, tidy hands properly after defecation or before eating or when holding food to be eaten
The presence of blood and leucocytes in the chair is a proof that the germs that cause dysentery are penetrating the colon wall and lodged underneath. That is why in these days of invasive diarrhea name preferred by the specialists.
Historically, dysentery thought about only consists of types based on the cause, namely basiler dysentery caused by Shigella bacillus spp. and amoebic dysentery caused by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica. But now it's been known to plenty of other causes in the kind of microbes, bacteria and parasites, which are: Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Pleisomonas shigelloides, EIEC (Enteriinnasive E. coil), Aeromonus spp., Entamoeba histolytica or Giardia lambha. Shigella spp. there is in all places and is the most common cause of dysentery.
Here are kinds of germs or bacteria that cause dysentery are plenty of:
one. Shigella spp.
Shigelloides are in all places but most are in the country with the level of individual health is bad. Man himself is the source of transmission and natural hosts of this disease, the mode of transmission is by orofaecal the germs enter your body healthy people through oral (mouth) and out of the sick person's body through the feces. Shigella spp are the most common cause of invasive diarrhea (dysentery) compared with other causes.
three. Salmonella spp.
Known there's species of Shigella on the basis of biochemical reactions and serology, namely: Sh. Jlexneri, Sh. boydii, Sh. dysentriae and Sh. sonnei. The first species are subdivided in to serotypes were Sh. sonnei were divided according to type colisin. Until now it was known that there's 8 scrotipe Sh. Jlexneri, 15 serotypes of Sh. boydii, ten serotypes of Sh. dysentriae and 15 type colisin Sh. sonnei.
Several species of Salmonella that are not S. typhi, S. paratyphi A and B may cause invasive diarrhea. As is known Salmonella is a zoonotic disease, animal and poultry are a reservoir of this disease, and people infected through food, meat, poultry and eggs.
The disease is more common in countries whose inhabitants are meat-eaters. So it is understandable that Salmonellosis become a bigger health issue in countries that have been developed compared with developing countries.
In recent Campylobacter jejuni (formerly called "other vibrio" (related vibrio) began to emerge as an important cause of diarrheal disease. This disease is a zoonosis although usually transmitted from person through contaminated water.
two. Campylobacter spp.
It is estimated that poultry is the lowest reservoir potential. It is important because the Indonesian people prefer to eat poultry meat than beef. In addition, the egg also plays an important role in, transmission of this disease. Various eruption of this disease in Britain, the United States and Canada have been associated with unpasteurized milk. Milk contaminated through direct contact with the feces of cows. C. jejuni will be able to survive for 22 days in milk stored at three ° C but die soon if pasteurized.
Campylobacter infections are chiefly present in childhood and, it causes diarrhea is usually over 7 days although the signs are not heavy.
Since 1967, researchers in Japan, Brazil and other countries has shown that positive serotypes of Escherichia coli other than those named EPEC (and positive other serotypes of E. coli), have been isolated from feces of babies and adult patients with diarrhea invasive . Now it is known that serotypes of E. coli that are invasive are: 028ac, 029, 0112ac, 0124, 0136, 0143, 0144, 0152, 0164 and 0167. EIEC serotype 0124 is the most frequent cause eruption of the epidemic, as happened in Hungary and the USA.
three. EIEC (entero Invasive Escherichia coli)
EIEC closely resemble Shigella because often the same biochemical properties, lactose negative, not moving, lysin decarboxylase was also negative, but it's the same 0 somatic antigen.
Importance of Tidy and Healthy Lifestyle
Preventive measures that can be completed to anticipate dysentery which thinking about a healthy lifestyle and tidy, as always maintain the cleanliness of food and drink from contamination of dirt and germ-carrying insects, environmental hygiene, tidy hands properly after defecation or before eating or when holding food to be eaten
Drinking Fruit Juice Can Trigger Diabetes
"Diabetes is called blood killer illness. Once suffering from diabetes, blood vessel illness can hit anywhere. Little blood vessels of the most widely exist in the kidney and eyes," said Dr. Greenson Antono, Sp.JP, FACC, FSCAI, FAMS, FIHA in media forum event held at Le Seminyak Siloam Hospitals, Pacific Place, Jakarta, Thursday (06/24/2010).
compared Indonesian men have pre-diabetes. As for in America, individuals who have pre-diabetes at 40 to 50 percent of the population. The reason for the outbreak of diabetes, of which comes from food. It can not be denied, that the tongue of Indonesia closely with sweet-based foods and flour-based, which is a diet like this is the largest supplier of body vulnerable to diabetes. In addition, the habit of eating a fruit juice than eating the fruit can instantly become of the triggers of diabetes assault us.
In developing countries, diabetes has increased the number of singnifikan. No wonder, when Indonesia as of the developing countries also have various diabetic patients is high.
"And, that damage the market is fruit juice. When they eat fruit, our stomachs ngejus. Ngejus tummy time, they was wasting calories twenty to 40 calories made for ngejus. Meanwhile, if the fruit juice, they do not ngejus stomach,"
In fact, by eating the fruit directly, then the body will produce less insulin. What cause?
"Carbohydrates in fruit that will release slowly. So the sugar in to the blood will slowly enter. When they went in to the blood, the body needs insulin production. When the body's production of insulin, blood sugar down. But it is how much insulin needs rapid food on the absorption by the body. Eat fruit juices, insulin requirements are higher than eating the fruit, "
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder caused by deficiency of insulin production or decreased insulin receptor sensitivity. Insulin itself is a kind of anabolic hormone produced by beta cells in pancreatic Langerhans island. So what to do with the habit of eating sweet foods (including sugar) and flour-based foods?
"The more they eat carbohydrates that have been processed, the higher the necessity for insulin. Until day the body can not produce more insulin. It occurs when diabetes. When insulin levels have gone up, and can not produce more, then the occurrence of diabetes,"
compared Indonesian men have pre-diabetes. As for in America, individuals who have pre-diabetes at 40 to 50 percent of the population. The reason for the outbreak of diabetes, of which comes from food. It can not be denied, that the tongue of Indonesia closely with sweet-based foods and flour-based, which is a diet like this is the largest supplier of body vulnerable to diabetes. In addition, the habit of eating a fruit juice than eating the fruit can instantly become of the triggers of diabetes assault us.
In developing countries, diabetes has increased the number of singnifikan. No wonder, when Indonesia as of the developing countries also have various diabetic patients is high.
"And, that damage the market is fruit juice. When they eat fruit, our stomachs ngejus. Ngejus tummy time, they was wasting calories twenty to 40 calories made for ngejus. Meanwhile, if the fruit juice, they do not ngejus stomach,"
In fact, by eating the fruit directly, then the body will produce less insulin. What cause?
"Carbohydrates in fruit that will release slowly. So the sugar in to the blood will slowly enter. When they went in to the blood, the body needs insulin production. When the body's production of insulin, blood sugar down. But it is how much insulin needs rapid food on the absorption by the body. Eat fruit juices, insulin requirements are higher than eating the fruit, "
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder caused by deficiency of insulin production or decreased insulin receptor sensitivity. Insulin itself is a kind of anabolic hormone produced by beta cells in pancreatic Langerhans island. So what to do with the habit of eating sweet foods (including sugar) and flour-based foods?
"The more they eat carbohydrates that have been processed, the higher the necessity for insulin. Until day the body can not produce more insulin. It occurs when diabetes. When insulin levels have gone up, and can not produce more, then the occurrence of diabetes,"
Snake Can Savor
Besides deadly, snake venom has also had treatment. But so far still do research, to find the right dosage & safety. Snake venom tested to prevent heart assaults & strokes, & eradicate the cancer & treat extreme allergies.
Everyone must have known the impact patukan deadly viper. That is why, in plenty of countries, venomous snakes are thought about the enemy & wiped out. in the developing or poor countries, patukan often finish deadly poisonous snakes, due to the unavailability of anti-snake venom serum. But behind the threat of killer, can snake it also has efficacy as a drug. It's been known since a long time by medical specialists. Not coincidentally, if the caduceus is the snake-ridden trophy. Ironically, so far not much is known efficacy of this snake venom.
Stroke prevention venom
Various recent medical research shows, plenty of snake venom properties that can be used for treatment. For example, researchers in Britain & Australia found that snake venom can prevent heart disease & stroke & treat cancer. However, research has been conducted since 25 years, yet managed to establish safe & appropriate dose, for the treatment of disease using snake venom. Strict pharmaceutical standards in developed countries, inhibiting the development of new drugs.
Joint research team from the University of Oxford, Liverpool & Birmingham who received funding from the British Heart Foundation, now doing research efficacy of snake venom for heart assault & stroke prevention. Both these diseases, in developed countries become the main killer. In Britain alone, every year recorded 270,000 cases of heart assault, & the half ended with the death. While the number of deaths from stroke, reaching 60,000 cases yearly. Not surprisingly, if the British Heart Foundation fund research this alternative treatment.
Since long been known, in essence, snake venom can be divided in to types of poisons, namely the so-called paralytic neurotoxin or nerve poison, & hematoxin or toxins that paralyze the blood circulation process. Snake venom is a complex mixture of enzymes. Further research, shows there's about twenty types of poisonous enzymes in snake venom. Each type of venomous snake, has a composition different toxins, a mix between three to 12 types of enzymes. Each of these enzymes in snake venom that has a unique function as well.
On the front line, functioning as a paralytic venom prey & digestive aide. So if humans are not prey to snakes, pecked the snake, it is called bad luck or a snake disturbed territory. But the consequences can be deadly. Poisonous enzyme from snake venom indiscriminate, & work according to its natural function. For example, the enzyme proteinase, plays a major role in the digestion of snakes, & describes the function of the skin or muscle tissue in a fast tempo. If a man pecked venomous snakes, which contain poisonous parts of proteinases, leading to skin & muscle tissue damage & die quickly.
Everyone must have known the impact patukan deadly viper. That is why, in plenty of countries, venomous snakes are thought about the enemy & wiped out. in the developing or poor countries, patukan often finish deadly poisonous snakes, due to the unavailability of anti-snake venom serum. But behind the threat of killer, can snake it also has efficacy as a drug. It's been known since a long time by medical specialists. Not coincidentally, if the caduceus is the snake-ridden trophy. Ironically, so far not much is known efficacy of this snake venom.
Stroke prevention venom
Various recent medical research shows, plenty of snake venom properties that can be used for treatment. For example, researchers in Britain & Australia found that snake venom can prevent heart disease & stroke & treat cancer. However, research has been conducted since 25 years, yet managed to establish safe & appropriate dose, for the treatment of disease using snake venom. Strict pharmaceutical standards in developed countries, inhibiting the development of new drugs.
Joint research team from the University of Oxford, Liverpool & Birmingham who received funding from the British Heart Foundation, now doing research efficacy of snake venom for heart assault & stroke prevention. Both these diseases, in developed countries become the main killer. In Britain alone, every year recorded 270,000 cases of heart assault, & the half ended with the death. While the number of deaths from stroke, reaching 60,000 cases yearly. Not surprisingly, if the British Heart Foundation fund research this alternative treatment.
Since long been known, in essence, snake venom can be divided in to types of poisons, namely the so-called paralytic neurotoxin or nerve poison, & hematoxin or toxins that paralyze the blood circulation process. Snake venom is a complex mixture of enzymes. Further research, shows there's about twenty types of poisonous enzymes in snake venom. Each type of venomous snake, has a composition different toxins, a mix between three to 12 types of enzymes. Each of these enzymes in snake venom that has a unique function as well.
On the front line, functioning as a paralytic venom prey & digestive aide. So if humans are not prey to snakes, pecked the snake, it is called bad luck or a snake disturbed territory. But the consequences can be deadly. Poisonous enzyme from snake venom indiscriminate, & work according to its natural function. For example, the enzyme proteinase, plays a major role in the digestion of snakes, & describes the function of the skin or muscle tissue in a fast tempo. If a man pecked venomous snakes, which contain poisonous parts of proteinases, leading to skin & muscle tissue damage & die quickly.
Savor Flowers At Eight
Flowers At Five (Portulaca grandiflora Hook)
Relatives: Portulacaceae
Five o'clock flower or portulaka is native to Argentina, southern Brazil, & Uruguay. Usually, planted as a decorative plant in the garden or in parks. These herbs require full sun to grow lush & colorful flowers. Portulaka can be found from low altitude. one.400m asl.
Flowers gathered in groups 2-8 at the finish of the stem, blooms at five o'clock in the morning & wilt late in the afternoon, the color red, dice, white, orange or yellow. Fruit shape is oval, hairy surface, 5-8 mm long. seeds round, the number of lots, little, & light brown. Expand by stem cuttings or seeds that are elderly.
Trunked wet season herb that grows sideways or rise to the top, 15-30 cm long, often branched from base, on ruasnya smooth-haired, & red or green color. Single leaf, spread lies, not stemmed, at the finish of the stem crowded meeting, to the base of the leaves is more rare. Strands of thick fleshy leaves, succulent, needle shape, a round cylindrical, blunt tip, one to five.5 cm long, it is green.
Nature & Benefits
This herb is bitter, cold nature. Efficacious eliminate swelling, pain relievers (analgesics), anti-inflammatory, & remove blood clots.
Chemical Ingredients
All herbs contain portulal. Stems & flowers contain betacyanin, beranin, & betanidin.
Used Parts
The part that is used as a medicine is all in the type of fresh herbs.
Herbs used to treat:
How to Use
Boil the whole herb (15-30g) & drink when cold. Fresh herbs may even be made juice, then drink.
* Sore throat, headache,
* Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), &
* Swelling due to knock (bruise).
For outside use, wash fresh herbs to taste, then milled until smooth. Stick it on the sick, such as insect bites, boils, sore, or bruised, & swollen. Mill juice of fresh herbs may even be used to wash & compress eczema, burns, or scalded.
Example Usage
Sore throat
Wash fresh herbs portulaka, then milled until smooth & squeeze until the water is collected cup. Add a tiny borax, & use it to gargle-gargle.
Wash all fresh portulaka part, except the roots, (+ / - 30 grams). add cups of water, boil until boiling for 15 minutes. Five times cold, strain & drink as well. If pain recurs, do 2-3 times a day.
Wash fresh herbs partulaka (30 grams), then milled until smooth. Squeeze with a piece of cloth, & drinking water collected simultaneously. Do it 2-3 times a day until healed.
Eczema in babies
Wash fresh herbs to taste, then milled until smooth. Use water to compress Eczema feelings.
Boils, Scabby
Wash fresh stalks thoroughly, then finely minced. Put in to place the sick, & dressing. Replace 2-3 times a day
Relatives: Portulacaceae
Five o'clock flower or portulaka is native to Argentina, southern Brazil, & Uruguay. Usually, planted as a decorative plant in the garden or in parks. These herbs require full sun to grow lush & colorful flowers. Portulaka can be found from low altitude. one.400m asl.
Flowers gathered in groups 2-8 at the finish of the stem, blooms at five o'clock in the morning & wilt late in the afternoon, the color red, dice, white, orange or yellow. Fruit shape is oval, hairy surface, 5-8 mm long. seeds round, the number of lots, little, & light brown. Expand by stem cuttings or seeds that are elderly.
Trunked wet season herb that grows sideways or rise to the top, 15-30 cm long, often branched from base, on ruasnya smooth-haired, & red or green color. Single leaf, spread lies, not stemmed, at the finish of the stem crowded meeting, to the base of the leaves is more rare. Strands of thick fleshy leaves, succulent, needle shape, a round cylindrical, blunt tip, one to five.5 cm long, it is green.
Nature & Benefits
This herb is bitter, cold nature. Efficacious eliminate swelling, pain relievers (analgesics), anti-inflammatory, & remove blood clots.
Chemical Ingredients
All herbs contain portulal. Stems & flowers contain betacyanin, beranin, & betanidin.
Used Parts
The part that is used as a medicine is all in the type of fresh herbs.
Herbs used to treat:
How to Use
Boil the whole herb (15-30g) & drink when cold. Fresh herbs may even be made juice, then drink.
* Sore throat, headache,
* Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), &
* Swelling due to knock (bruise).
For outside use, wash fresh herbs to taste, then milled until smooth. Stick it on the sick, such as insect bites, boils, sore, or bruised, & swollen. Mill juice of fresh herbs may even be used to wash & compress eczema, burns, or scalded.
Example Usage
Sore throat
Wash fresh herbs portulaka, then milled until smooth & squeeze until the water is collected cup. Add a tiny borax, & use it to gargle-gargle.
Wash all fresh portulaka part, except the roots, (+ / - 30 grams). add cups of water, boil until boiling for 15 minutes. Five times cold, strain & drink as well. If pain recurs, do 2-3 times a day.
Wash fresh herbs partulaka (30 grams), then milled until smooth. Squeeze with a piece of cloth, & drinking water collected simultaneously. Do it 2-3 times a day until healed.
Eczema in babies
Wash fresh herbs to taste, then milled until smooth. Use water to compress Eczema feelings.
Boils, Scabby
Wash fresh stalks thoroughly, then finely minced. Put in to place the sick, & dressing. Replace 2-3 times a day
Body Odor Causes and how to prevent
So far, people always think in case you have body odor caused by unclean in treating the body. Though lots of factors that cause a person to have body odor. Need to know why people can have body odor?
Body odor has become a giant issue for lots of people. Because of body odor, can somebody excluded from the association. As a result, lots of million ways done to eradicate the body odor.
But where it comes from body odor, following a scientific explanation as quoted by detikhealth:
Humans have body odor caused by bacteria in the body. The bacteria proliferate in sure areas, when people are sweating it created a conducive surroundings for bacteria to breed. Body odor itself is usually caused by bacteria that breed, because sweat itself does not cause odor.
That is why a stronger body odor in damp areas like under the armpits, between toes, & between the folds of the thighs. Men usually have a stronger body odor than females, is caused by the hormone androgen & some types of bacteria in the skin.
While some ladies also have the bacteria, but lower levels of androgennya & mixed with progesterone & estrogen that does not produce the same level of body odor.
Hormones & Diet
Hormones play an important role in the body & our life. The hormone makes us grow & helps the internal organs & metabolic function properly. Diet & poor diet such as bulimia & anorexia can make the body to eliminate waste lots of results that can disrupt the body's metabolic balance. Thus, excessive sweating & body odor will be increased. In addition, a strong-smelling foods can also increase body odor.
Stress & the menopause
There's substances around us who accidentally ingested that can influence metabolism. Such as chemicals from pesticide plants, toxins from plastic food wrap, the water they drink or even the air they breathe can impact negatively affecting the hormone process. Normally the hormone process that is affected is by decreasing the production of estrogen.
Causes such as emotional & psychological stress can affect the adrenal glands that causes the 'hot flashes', allergies, chronic fatigue, insomnia & excess sweating. Whereas in case you have experienced menopause, the levels of the hormone progesterone & estrogen will decrease leading to excessive sweat that causes body odor.
Source Hormone
Well, already you know the trigger, it is better avoided, or if it can not be handled immediately see your doctor.
If there is interference with hormonal imbalance, then see a doctor immediately. May have issues with regard to gland hormone that causes excessive body odor. Also keep body & environmental hygiene & conduct neat & healthy lifestyle.
Parts of the Body the Most Odor
Body odor can be produced by the body parts in every single place, but there's some parts of the body are known to most odors. Whichever body part it?
Each person usually has a distinctive body odor which can sometimes be regarded as a pheromone basis of that person. But this smell would be a controversy when it becomes an disagreeable odor.
Parts of human body odor that most often is a damp & dark areas & has a concentration of glands & hair follicles are high. Dr. Mehmet Oz give four sequence regions of the body most odors, as quoted from, Thursday (05/05/2011), namely:
Pubic area is of the most smelly place. This is because the area is warm, sweaty & have a few glands & hair follicles that spelled out a lot. This condition primarily occurs in the vagina & susceptible to infection.
one. Groin area (genitalia)
three. Armpit
In addition, this area also never exposed to outside air & is often covered by synthetic clothing that does not absorb sweat well, so it will lead to moisture & bacteria.
two. Foot
This area is the first place that occurred to somebody about body odor. Part of this body have hair & loaded with sweat glands. The people of European descent or African have apocrine sweat glands are more, while East Asians less.
three. Mouth
Not surprisingly, the foot of a person can smell. This is because when somebody makes use of footwear closed for hours, then this condition prevents the evaporation of sweat glands are removed each day. Closing legs will generate an surroundings that dark, humid & warm most preferred bacteria.
four. Scalp
Bad breath happens two times in some time is usually caused by fragments of food by enzymes in saliva. But over 90 percent are caused by bacteria that live in the gums, under the false teeth & tongue surface. Changes in breathing due to sure gastrointestinal diseases, chronic sinusitis, diabetes & kidney illness can also cause bad breath.
Stopping & Overcoming Body Odor
Somebody who does not wash your hair (shampoo) within a few days could cause the odor. The combination of sebum oil from sebaceous glands & hair follicles are the things that cause bacterial growth. If somebody using a hat or headgear will make matters worse.
one. Bath
Bathing at least two times a day can to eliminate bacteria & sweat. Be sure to pay attention to armpits & groin area, because this place tends to be a harbor for bacteria. It is recommended to make use of a deodorant soap.
Here are some steps that can be done to prevent & eliminate body odor:
two. Wearing deodorant antiperspirant everyday
Use of this deodorant can reduce the amount of sweat. In case you are active or sweat a lot look antiperspirant deodorant containing zinc (zinc) & aluminum.
three. Avoid tight clothing
The that makes the bacteria grow is because of lack of oxygen. Therefore, wear loose clothing so that body to get oxygen.
three. Stay away from tobacco
The smell of tobacco can penetrate your skin & creates a distinctive smell. Smoke from cigarettes will even be attached to the skin & body needs to take several weeks to get rid of this smell after you cease using it.
four. Watch out for illness
If odors continue to appear ought to be aware of the existence of medical issues such as kidney illness, liver or fungal infection. When it comes to diseases that you can not handle it alone, come to the doctor to find out what the cause & cure.
7. Use baking soda
Use baking soda on the underarms & feet to reduce sweating.
6. Drinking water
Drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach.
8. Use apple vinegar
To reduce the pH of the skin & eliminate underarm odor, use apple cider vinegar in lieu of deodorant. Enter in to a glass of water & use to rinse the underarms in the bath.
9. Avoid processed foods
Avoid processed foods such as hydrogenated oils & other processed foods. Eat healthy foods that contain lots of fiber such as whole grains, wheat, soy products & green leafy vegetables. Also reduce meat & dairy products.
ten. Avoid food triggers sweat
Also avoid foods that trigger excessive sweating such as spicy & hot food.
11. Avoid trigger foods smell
Reduce foods that may cause odors such as onions & curry. Frequent consumption of foods containing garlic (lehsun), curry & cumin (jeera) may cause some strong odor coming from the pores of up to 24 hours after consumption.
12. Use clothing that absorbs sweat
Use cotton clothes that can better absorb sweat so it does not immediately mix with the bacteria that cause odor. Often alter clothes when they was lots of sweating.
Body odor has become a giant issue for lots of people. Because of body odor, can somebody excluded from the association. As a result, lots of million ways done to eradicate the body odor.
But where it comes from body odor, following a scientific explanation as quoted by detikhealth:
Humans have body odor caused by bacteria in the body. The bacteria proliferate in sure areas, when people are sweating it created a conducive surroundings for bacteria to breed. Body odor itself is usually caused by bacteria that breed, because sweat itself does not cause odor.
That is why a stronger body odor in damp areas like under the armpits, between toes, & between the folds of the thighs. Men usually have a stronger body odor than females, is caused by the hormone androgen & some types of bacteria in the skin.
While some ladies also have the bacteria, but lower levels of androgennya & mixed with progesterone & estrogen that does not produce the same level of body odor.
Hormones & Diet
Hormones play an important role in the body & our life. The hormone makes us grow & helps the internal organs & metabolic function properly. Diet & poor diet such as bulimia & anorexia can make the body to eliminate waste lots of results that can disrupt the body's metabolic balance. Thus, excessive sweating & body odor will be increased. In addition, a strong-smelling foods can also increase body odor.
Stress & the menopause
There's substances around us who accidentally ingested that can influence metabolism. Such as chemicals from pesticide plants, toxins from plastic food wrap, the water they drink or even the air they breathe can impact negatively affecting the hormone process. Normally the hormone process that is affected is by decreasing the production of estrogen.
Causes such as emotional & psychological stress can affect the adrenal glands that causes the 'hot flashes', allergies, chronic fatigue, insomnia & excess sweating. Whereas in case you have experienced menopause, the levels of the hormone progesterone & estrogen will decrease leading to excessive sweat that causes body odor.
Source Hormone
Well, already you know the trigger, it is better avoided, or if it can not be handled immediately see your doctor.
If there is interference with hormonal imbalance, then see a doctor immediately. May have issues with regard to gland hormone that causes excessive body odor. Also keep body & environmental hygiene & conduct neat & healthy lifestyle.
Parts of the Body the Most Odor
Body odor can be produced by the body parts in every single place, but there's some parts of the body are known to most odors. Whichever body part it?
Each person usually has a distinctive body odor which can sometimes be regarded as a pheromone basis of that person. But this smell would be a controversy when it becomes an disagreeable odor.
Parts of human body odor that most often is a damp & dark areas & has a concentration of glands & hair follicles are high. Dr. Mehmet Oz give four sequence regions of the body most odors, as quoted from, Thursday (05/05/2011), namely:
Pubic area is of the most smelly place. This is because the area is warm, sweaty & have a few glands & hair follicles that spelled out a lot. This condition primarily occurs in the vagina & susceptible to infection.
one. Groin area (genitalia)
three. Armpit
In addition, this area also never exposed to outside air & is often covered by synthetic clothing that does not absorb sweat well, so it will lead to moisture & bacteria.
two. Foot
This area is the first place that occurred to somebody about body odor. Part of this body have hair & loaded with sweat glands. The people of European descent or African have apocrine sweat glands are more, while East Asians less.
three. Mouth
Not surprisingly, the foot of a person can smell. This is because when somebody makes use of footwear closed for hours, then this condition prevents the evaporation of sweat glands are removed each day. Closing legs will generate an surroundings that dark, humid & warm most preferred bacteria.
four. Scalp
Bad breath happens two times in some time is usually caused by fragments of food by enzymes in saliva. But over 90 percent are caused by bacteria that live in the gums, under the false teeth & tongue surface. Changes in breathing due to sure gastrointestinal diseases, chronic sinusitis, diabetes & kidney illness can also cause bad breath.
Stopping & Overcoming Body Odor
Somebody who does not wash your hair (shampoo) within a few days could cause the odor. The combination of sebum oil from sebaceous glands & hair follicles are the things that cause bacterial growth. If somebody using a hat or headgear will make matters worse.
one. Bath
Bathing at least two times a day can to eliminate bacteria & sweat. Be sure to pay attention to armpits & groin area, because this place tends to be a harbor for bacteria. It is recommended to make use of a deodorant soap.
Here are some steps that can be done to prevent & eliminate body odor:
two. Wearing deodorant antiperspirant everyday
Use of this deodorant can reduce the amount of sweat. In case you are active or sweat a lot look antiperspirant deodorant containing zinc (zinc) & aluminum.
three. Avoid tight clothing
The that makes the bacteria grow is because of lack of oxygen. Therefore, wear loose clothing so that body to get oxygen.
three. Stay away from tobacco
The smell of tobacco can penetrate your skin & creates a distinctive smell. Smoke from cigarettes will even be attached to the skin & body needs to take several weeks to get rid of this smell after you cease using it.
four. Watch out for illness
If odors continue to appear ought to be aware of the existence of medical issues such as kidney illness, liver or fungal infection. When it comes to diseases that you can not handle it alone, come to the doctor to find out what the cause & cure.
7. Use baking soda
Use baking soda on the underarms & feet to reduce sweating.
6. Drinking water
Drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach.
8. Use apple vinegar
To reduce the pH of the skin & eliminate underarm odor, use apple cider vinegar in lieu of deodorant. Enter in to a glass of water & use to rinse the underarms in the bath.
9. Avoid processed foods
Avoid processed foods such as hydrogenated oils & other processed foods. Eat healthy foods that contain lots of fiber such as whole grains, wheat, soy products & green leafy vegetables. Also reduce meat & dairy products.
ten. Avoid food triggers sweat
Also avoid foods that trigger excessive sweating such as spicy & hot food.
11. Avoid trigger foods smell
Reduce foods that may cause odors such as onions & curry. Frequent consumption of foods containing garlic (lehsun), curry & cumin (jeera) may cause some strong odor coming from the pores of up to 24 hours after consumption.
12. Use clothing that absorbs sweat
Use cotton clothes that can better absorb sweat so it does not immediately mix with the bacteria that cause odor. Often alter clothes when they was lots of sweating.
Bad cholesterol: LDL-MGmin
The results of this English team to describe why a higher risk of heart disease in diabetics, thus opening opportunities for the creation of an anti-cholesterol drugs to date.
The scientists found cholesterol "superjahat" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in individuals who have a high risk of heart assault. Cholesterol-LDL-called MGmin is sticky, so simple to stick to the arteries & form thick deposits (plaque) so that arteries become narrow.
In the research by a team from Warwick University, scientists generate MGmin-LDL in the laboratory through glycation, sugar groups, which added to the bad cholesterol (LDL). The system to modify the type of cholesterol is becoming increasingly quickly form a sticky plaque deposits, narrow the arteries & reduces blood flow, & modify it to "superjahat cholesterol."
"The results of this research provide greater understanding about the type of cholesterol that contribute to heart disease in diabetics & the elderly. The next challenge is to control this type of bad cholesterol so as not to endanger the arteries," said Naila Rabbani, researchers say.
For those of you who are struggling to lower cholesterol or hypertension, there's now some practical solutions & nice. From now on, diligent eating foods containing fruit such as tomato paste or tomato juice.
Hajar Bad Cholesterol with Tomatoes
According to research reports published journal maturity, food from the tomatoes are cooked like pasta turned out to have the same efficacy as cholesterol-lowering drug chemistry.
As reported by the Every day Mail, specialists recommend that tomatoes can be "effective alternative" replacement statins, drugs often prescribed for conditions that cause heart issues.
The secret lies in lycopene compound that gives red light at the ripe tomatoes. This powerful antioxidant important to health in reducing the risk of heart assault & stroke.
According to the researchers, with only consume ounces or about 60 grams of tomato paste or one-eighth of tomato juice every day is for the patient to receive such benefits.
This is a study of specialists in Australia who analyzed 14 international studies on the benefits of lycopene in the last 55 years. They concluded that these compounds could provide natural protection against the effects of elevated levels of "bad cholesterol" or low density lipoproteins in the blood.
Researchers emphasize, tomatoes are cooked is the best source. It's been proven in research in which the body can absorb more lycopene from cooked tomatoes than in ripe tomatoes yet.
"I recommend to think about the tomato paste. Food is rich in lycopene & not difficult to get 50 grams per day or in a pizza or a drink. Our research shows, when over 25 grams of lycopene consumed every day, it can reduce cholesterol" poor "by over ten percent," Ried said.
The effect is that cooked tomatoes can be equated with small doses of statins that are used to treat patients with cholesterol or hypertension. This condition can be a factor of heart issues.
of the study's authors, Dr Karin Ried, of the University of Adelaide, said the tomato has a high level of lycopene. He added, half a liter of tomato juice or 50 grams of tomato paste every day to provide protection against heart disease. But in case you eat a tomato a day won't be .
"It can be equated with the effect of low doses of often prescribed treatment but without side effects, such as muscle pain & weakness & nerve damage," he added.
Lycopene may even be present in watermelon, guava, papaya, pink grapefruit, apricot & rosehip, but in lower concentrations.
The scientists found cholesterol "superjahat" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in individuals who have a high risk of heart assault. Cholesterol-LDL-called MGmin is sticky, so simple to stick to the arteries & form thick deposits (plaque) so that arteries become narrow.
In the research by a team from Warwick University, scientists generate MGmin-LDL in the laboratory through glycation, sugar groups, which added to the bad cholesterol (LDL). The system to modify the type of cholesterol is becoming increasingly quickly form a sticky plaque deposits, narrow the arteries & reduces blood flow, & modify it to "superjahat cholesterol."
"The results of this research provide greater understanding about the type of cholesterol that contribute to heart disease in diabetics & the elderly. The next challenge is to control this type of bad cholesterol so as not to endanger the arteries," said Naila Rabbani, researchers say.
For those of you who are struggling to lower cholesterol or hypertension, there's now some practical solutions & nice. From now on, diligent eating foods containing fruit such as tomato paste or tomato juice.
Hajar Bad Cholesterol with Tomatoes
According to research reports published journal maturity, food from the tomatoes are cooked like pasta turned out to have the same efficacy as cholesterol-lowering drug chemistry.
As reported by the Every day Mail, specialists recommend that tomatoes can be "effective alternative" replacement statins, drugs often prescribed for conditions that cause heart issues.
The secret lies in lycopene compound that gives red light at the ripe tomatoes. This powerful antioxidant important to health in reducing the risk of heart assault & stroke.
According to the researchers, with only consume ounces or about 60 grams of tomato paste or one-eighth of tomato juice every day is for the patient to receive such benefits.
This is a study of specialists in Australia who analyzed 14 international studies on the benefits of lycopene in the last 55 years. They concluded that these compounds could provide natural protection against the effects of elevated levels of "bad cholesterol" or low density lipoproteins in the blood.
Researchers emphasize, tomatoes are cooked is the best source. It's been proven in research in which the body can absorb more lycopene from cooked tomatoes than in ripe tomatoes yet.
"I recommend to think about the tomato paste. Food is rich in lycopene & not difficult to get 50 grams per day or in a pizza or a drink. Our research shows, when over 25 grams of lycopene consumed every day, it can reduce cholesterol" poor "by over ten percent," Ried said.
The effect is that cooked tomatoes can be equated with small doses of statins that are used to treat patients with cholesterol or hypertension. This condition can be a factor of heart issues.
of the study's authors, Dr Karin Ried, of the University of Adelaide, said the tomato has a high level of lycopene. He added, half a liter of tomato juice or 50 grams of tomato paste every day to provide protection against heart disease. But in case you eat a tomato a day won't be .
"It can be equated with the effect of low doses of often prescribed treatment but without side effects, such as muscle pain & weakness & nerve damage," he added.
Lycopene may even be present in watermelon, guava, papaya, pink grapefruit, apricot & rosehip, but in lower concentrations.
Savor Chinese Petai Plants
Botanical name: Leucaena leucocephala, CML. de wit
Synonyms: Leucaena glauca, Benth.
Relatives: Mimesaceae
Local name: Petai China (Indonesia), Kemlandingan, Leucaena (Java); Palanding, Peuteuy Selong (Sunda), Kalandingan (Madura);
Foreign Name: guage (Mexico); wild tamarind (Corozal, Belize); lead tree (Florida); Ipil Ipil (Philippines); jumby bean (Bahamas); false Koa, Koa haole (Hawaii); tangantangan, hand hand, talantayan ( Guam, Marshall Islands); talntangan, ganitnityuwan tangantan (Yap); tuhngantuhngan, rohbohtin (Kosrae); telentund (Palau); Lopa Samoa (American Samoa); fua pepe (American Samoa and Samoa); lusina (Samoa); pepe (Niue and Samoa); Nito (Cook Islands); siale mohemohe (Tonga); subabul (India); vaivai (Fiji); cassis (Vanuatu); te kaitetua (Kiribati); kay Keo DAU (Vietnam).
China petai (Leucaena leucocephala) is a plant that has a hard tree trunk and the size is not huge. The leaves are compound decomposes in a double bladed stalks. The flowers are white tuft often called cengkaruk. The fruit is similar to the fruit petai (Parkia speciosa), but the size is much smaller and thinner berpenampang. China petai fruits including fruit pod, containing tiny seeds bibji which is a lot.
Petai chinese by the farmers in the countryside is often planted as a fence crop, green manure and everything. China petai suited to the low altitude 1500 meters above sea level. Petai Chinese in Indonesia destroyed after suffering a planthopper pest. Pengembangbiakannya than by seed dispersal that are elderly may even be done by stem cuttings.
Seeds of Chinese petai pod (Leucaena leucocephala), an elderly per 100 grams has a value of the chemical content of the form:
Chemical Ingredients:
Curable Illness:
Diabetes mellitus, intestinal worms, passionate sex, a new wound and swollen; tluseben (kasura);
* Calories 148 calories,
* Protein ten.6 grams,
* Fat 0.5 grams,
* Hydrate 26.2 grams of charcoal,
* Calcium 155 mg,
* Phosphorus 59 grams,
* two.2 grams of iron,
* Vitamin A 416 SI,
* Vitamin B1 0.23 mg
* Vitamin C is twenty milligrams.
one. Diabetes Mellitus
Example Usage:
two. Wormy
* Materials: china petai beans that are elderly and dry;
* How to make: fried without oil and finely ground (powdered). Then grab a spoon and brewed with hot water (such as making coffee).
* How to Use: drink one a day one cup and carried out regularly.
* Materials: china petai beans that are elderly and dry;
* How to make: fried without oil and finely ground (powdered). Then grab a spoon and poured boiling water with ½ - one cup hot water (such as making coffee).
* How to Use: drink at bedtime.
two. Increase sex drive
* Ingredients: one tablespoon Chinese banana, one tsp black pepper powder, two eggs raw chicken egg yolk and one tablespoon of honey;
* How to make: all Materials are mixed until evenly distributed.
* How to Use: drink as well.
two. Fresh wounds and swollen
* Materials: banana leaves chinese taste.
* Process: finely ground or chewed.
* How to Use: placed on the injured / swollen.
four. Kasura / Tlusuben (things that get in to the meat: wood, bamboo)
* Materials: banana leaves chinese shrimp paste that is still young and kitchen;
* How to: banana leaves chinese shrimp finely ground and added a kitchen to taste, stirring until evenly;
* How to Use: affixed on the sick, and then wrapped with cloth napkins.
Synonyms: Leucaena glauca, Benth.
Relatives: Mimesaceae
Local name: Petai China (Indonesia), Kemlandingan, Leucaena (Java); Palanding, Peuteuy Selong (Sunda), Kalandingan (Madura);
Foreign Name: guage (Mexico); wild tamarind (Corozal, Belize); lead tree (Florida); Ipil Ipil (Philippines); jumby bean (Bahamas); false Koa, Koa haole (Hawaii); tangantangan, hand hand, talantayan ( Guam, Marshall Islands); talntangan, ganitnityuwan tangantan (Yap); tuhngantuhngan, rohbohtin (Kosrae); telentund (Palau); Lopa Samoa (American Samoa); fua pepe (American Samoa and Samoa); lusina (Samoa); pepe (Niue and Samoa); Nito (Cook Islands); siale mohemohe (Tonga); subabul (India); vaivai (Fiji); cassis (Vanuatu); te kaitetua (Kiribati); kay Keo DAU (Vietnam).
China petai (Leucaena leucocephala) is a plant that has a hard tree trunk and the size is not huge. The leaves are compound decomposes in a double bladed stalks. The flowers are white tuft often called cengkaruk. The fruit is similar to the fruit petai (Parkia speciosa), but the size is much smaller and thinner berpenampang. China petai fruits including fruit pod, containing tiny seeds bibji which is a lot.
Petai chinese by the farmers in the countryside is often planted as a fence crop, green manure and everything. China petai suited to the low altitude 1500 meters above sea level. Petai Chinese in Indonesia destroyed after suffering a planthopper pest. Pengembangbiakannya than by seed dispersal that are elderly may even be done by stem cuttings.
Seeds of Chinese petai pod (Leucaena leucocephala), an elderly per 100 grams has a value of the chemical content of the form:
Chemical Ingredients:
Curable Illness:
Diabetes mellitus, intestinal worms, passionate sex, a new wound and swollen; tluseben (kasura);
* Calories 148 calories,
* Protein ten.6 grams,
* Fat 0.5 grams,
* Hydrate 26.2 grams of charcoal,
* Calcium 155 mg,
* Phosphorus 59 grams,
* two.2 grams of iron,
* Vitamin A 416 SI,
* Vitamin B1 0.23 mg
* Vitamin C is twenty milligrams.
one. Diabetes Mellitus
Example Usage:
two. Wormy
* Materials: china petai beans that are elderly and dry;
* How to make: fried without oil and finely ground (powdered). Then grab a spoon and brewed with hot water (such as making coffee).
* How to Use: drink one a day one cup and carried out regularly.
* Materials: china petai beans that are elderly and dry;
* How to make: fried without oil and finely ground (powdered). Then grab a spoon and poured boiling water with ½ - one cup hot water (such as making coffee).
* How to Use: drink at bedtime.
two. Increase sex drive
* Ingredients: one tablespoon Chinese banana, one tsp black pepper powder, two eggs raw chicken egg yolk and one tablespoon of honey;
* How to make: all Materials are mixed until evenly distributed.
* How to Use: drink as well.
two. Fresh wounds and swollen
* Materials: banana leaves chinese taste.
* Process: finely ground or chewed.
* How to Use: placed on the injured / swollen.
four. Kasura / Tlusuben (things that get in to the meat: wood, bamboo)
* Materials: banana leaves chinese shrimp paste that is still young and kitchen;
* How to: banana leaves chinese shrimp finely ground and added a kitchen to taste, stirring until evenly;
* How to Use: affixed on the sick, and then wrapped with cloth napkins.
Traditional Acne Treatments
Many ways are done by people to treat pimples that grow on his face. Some use of modern medicine & some are performing the traditional medication. To make use of modern medicine, there's several things in to consideration, namely the cost & side effects from the use of modern medicine.
They can also use traditional means to mennangani this acne, & a economical cost, side effects were not as great when using modern medicines.
This traditional acne treatment using natural ingredients basically available & affordable cost relatiif. Examples of these alternative treatments include:
a. Wild Ginger
three slices of ginger, neem leaf 7 pieces, & Centella asiatica 30 grams. All material is boiled with water until the remaining three cups to two cups. Results stew is taken two times a day each two cups. In the coursework of the healing method, patients with acne, avoid eating fatty foods, animal oil, coconut milk, brains, eggs, peanuts, organ meats & spicy foods.
c. Garlic
Half a clove of garlic, turmeric finger seruas & medium-size potato cucumber & aloe vera added. All materials are crushed & mixed until blended. This herb is applied to the whole skin surface of acne as a mask, leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water, followed by chilled water.
b. Betel leaves
5-10 pieces of betel leaf, then boiled with two cups water in a sealed container. After boiling, remove & let stand until lukewarm. This herb is used to wash your face acne, ought to be performed routinely before bed & after
e. Mengukudu
Noni fruit two pieces & two crushed rock sugar knuckle (blended) with a glass of water (200 cc), then strain & boil until boiling. Decoction drunk while still warm every morning hour before meals. This herb will cleanse dirty blood. Dirty blood is cause of acne.
d. Lemon
A squeeze of lemon & a cucumber or yam, mashed & squeezed take water, then mix. Apply the mixture to the whole surface of the skin of the face as a mask, leave on for 30 minutes then rinse with warm water. Perform regular two days. If the acne sore, use is stopped.
g. Carambola Wuluh
Carambola wuluh three pieces & finely ground saltwater & the water is applied to the skin of acne two times a day in the morning & at night before bed.
f. Jasmine Flower
Jasmine flower of twenty petals, two finger tamarind, two tablespoons lime juice & brimstone of a marble, mixed & finely ground, then apply on acne prone skin in the morning & at night before bed this herb may cause acne to deflate.
h. Mahkota Dewa
The fruit is still green crown of the gods & the results parutannya grated directly applied to the skin as a mask facial acne
They can also use traditional means to mennangani this acne, & a economical cost, side effects were not as great when using modern medicines.
This traditional acne treatment using natural ingredients basically available & affordable cost relatiif. Examples of these alternative treatments include:
a. Wild Ginger
three slices of ginger, neem leaf 7 pieces, & Centella asiatica 30 grams. All material is boiled with water until the remaining three cups to two cups. Results stew is taken two times a day each two cups. In the coursework of the healing method, patients with acne, avoid eating fatty foods, animal oil, coconut milk, brains, eggs, peanuts, organ meats & spicy foods.
c. Garlic
Half a clove of garlic, turmeric finger seruas & medium-size potato cucumber & aloe vera added. All materials are crushed & mixed until blended. This herb is applied to the whole skin surface of acne as a mask, leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water, followed by chilled water.
b. Betel leaves
5-10 pieces of betel leaf, then boiled with two cups water in a sealed container. After boiling, remove & let stand until lukewarm. This herb is used to wash your face acne, ought to be performed routinely before bed & after
e. Mengukudu
Noni fruit two pieces & two crushed rock sugar knuckle (blended) with a glass of water (200 cc), then strain & boil until boiling. Decoction drunk while still warm every morning hour before meals. This herb will cleanse dirty blood. Dirty blood is cause of acne.
d. Lemon
A squeeze of lemon & a cucumber or yam, mashed & squeezed take water, then mix. Apply the mixture to the whole surface of the skin of the face as a mask, leave on for 30 minutes then rinse with warm water. Perform regular two days. If the acne sore, use is stopped.
g. Carambola Wuluh
Carambola wuluh three pieces & finely ground saltwater & the water is applied to the skin of acne two times a day in the morning & at night before bed.
f. Jasmine Flower
Jasmine flower of twenty petals, two finger tamarind, two tablespoons lime juice & brimstone of a marble, mixed & finely ground, then apply on acne prone skin in the morning & at night before bed this herb may cause acne to deflate.
h. Mahkota Dewa
The fruit is still green crown of the gods & the results parutannya grated directly applied to the skin as a mask facial acne
8 Factors Cause Diarrhea in Children
Diarrhea is a bowel movement (defecation), with feces as a liquid or semi-liquid, thus the water content in the stool over usual (100-200 ml per hour normal stool). Diarrhea is a state of bowel movement frequency over three times in children & over one time in children. Consistency technique can dilute the color green or can be mixed with mucus & blood or mucus only.
Diarrhea is a disease syndrome characterized by changes in shape & consistency of stools slowed until melted & increased frequency of bowel movements than usual one time or more a day.
Various factors affect the incidence of diarrhea, such as environmental factors, nutrition, population, schooling, socioeconomic circumstances & behaviors of society.
Diarrheal disease is the No. three cause of morbidity & mortality in children, among children under three years of age.
one. Schooling Factor
According to research, found that the group of mothers with secondary schooling status to the top has a one.25 times likely to give nice oral rehydration solution in children compared with a group of mothers with primary schooling status down. also note that schooling is a factor affecting the morbidity of children under. The higher the schooling level of parents, the better the level obtained by the kid's health.
three. Work Factor
Brother & brother who worked civil servants or private sector have on average higher schooling than the brother & brother who worked as laborers or farmers. Type of work usually associated with schooling level & income. But working mothers ought to let their children cared for by someone else, so have a greater risk for exposure to the disease.
three. Toddlers Age Factors
Most of diarrhea occur in children under the age of three years. Child 12-24 months elderly had three.23 times the risk of diarrhea than children aged 25-59 months.
three. Environmental Factors
Diarrheal disease is disease-based surroundings. dominant factors, namely: water supply & sewage treatment. Both these factors will interact together with manbusia behavior. If environmental factors are not healthy because of diarrhea & accumulate germs contaminated with human behavior that is not healthy also, that is through food & drinks, it may cause diarrheal disease incidence.
three. Nutritional Factors
Diarrhea causes malnutrition & worsened the diarrhea. Therefore, treatment with nice food is a major part of the healing diarrhea. Children & toddlers are largely affects less died of diarrhea. This is due to dehydration & malnutrition. Nutritional factors on nutritional status is seen well = 100-90, less =
Diarrhea is a disease syndrome characterized by changes in shape & consistency of stools slowed until melted & increased frequency of bowel movements than usual one time or more a day.
Various factors affect the incidence of diarrhea, such as environmental factors, nutrition, population, schooling, socioeconomic circumstances & behaviors of society.
Diarrheal disease is the No. three cause of morbidity & mortality in children, among children under three years of age.
one. Schooling Factor
According to research, found that the group of mothers with secondary schooling status to the top has a one.25 times likely to give nice oral rehydration solution in children compared with a group of mothers with primary schooling status down. also note that schooling is a factor affecting the morbidity of children under. The higher the schooling level of parents, the better the level obtained by the kid's health.
three. Work Factor
Brother & brother who worked civil servants or private sector have on average higher schooling than the brother & brother who worked as laborers or farmers. Type of work usually associated with schooling level & income. But working mothers ought to let their children cared for by someone else, so have a greater risk for exposure to the disease.
three. Toddlers Age Factors
Most of diarrhea occur in children under the age of three years. Child 12-24 months elderly had three.23 times the risk of diarrhea than children aged 25-59 months.
three. Environmental Factors
Diarrheal disease is disease-based surroundings. dominant factors, namely: water supply & sewage treatment. Both these factors will interact together with manbusia behavior. If environmental factors are not healthy because of diarrhea & accumulate germs contaminated with human behavior that is not healthy also, that is through food & drinks, it may cause diarrheal disease incidence.
three. Nutritional Factors
Diarrhea causes malnutrition & worsened the diarrhea. Therefore, treatment with nice food is a major part of the healing diarrhea. Children & toddlers are largely affects less died of diarrhea. This is due to dehydration & malnutrition. Nutritional factors on nutritional status is seen well = 100-90, less =
General Signs of Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2
If you are affected by diabetes means the amount of glucose in your body are high. In the blood it contained glucose, but an excessive amount to be not lovely for the health of the body & become diabetic.
Type one Diabetes
Diabetes type one, is a kind of diabetes is less common, occurs when the immune process assaults the insulin - producing cells in the pancreas-and destroy it. The pancreas then lost its ability to produce sufficient insulin supply.
Signs of Type one Diabetes
Signs of type one diabetes appears suddenly & develops most often in kids & young adults. Immediately consult a doctor in the event you have signs as follows:
* Become more frequent thirst,
* Frequent urination,
* Always feeling hungry,
Abdominal pain,
* Nausea,
* Weight loss,
* Blurred vision,
* Fatigue.
The more common type of diabetes is type five diabetes. Ninety to 95% of people affected by diabetes is Type five Diabetes. In type five diabetes, the pancreas produces insulin but the body's cells can not effectively use it. The final result is the same with type one diabetes: stacked glucose in the blood & the body's inability to utilize the main source of fuel effectively.
Type five Diabetes
Type five diabetes is the more common type of diabetes. The signs of type five diabetes create gradually & do not look like the type one diabetes. Immediately consult a doctor in the event you have signs as follows:
Signs of Type five Diabetes
* Frequent urination, at night,
* Frequent thirst,
* Weight loss,
* Blurred vision,
* Fatigue,
* Frequent infections,
* Healing wounds to be slow.
Type one Diabetes
Diabetes type one, is a kind of diabetes is less common, occurs when the immune process assaults the insulin - producing cells in the pancreas-and destroy it. The pancreas then lost its ability to produce sufficient insulin supply.
Signs of Type one Diabetes
Signs of type one diabetes appears suddenly & develops most often in kids & young adults. Immediately consult a doctor in the event you have signs as follows:
* Become more frequent thirst,
* Frequent urination,
* Always feeling hungry,
Abdominal pain,
* Nausea,
* Weight loss,
* Blurred vision,
* Fatigue.
The more common type of diabetes is type five diabetes. Ninety to 95% of people affected by diabetes is Type five Diabetes. In type five diabetes, the pancreas produces insulin but the body's cells can not effectively use it. The final result is the same with type one diabetes: stacked glucose in the blood & the body's inability to utilize the main source of fuel effectively.
Type five Diabetes
Type five diabetes is the more common type of diabetes. The signs of type five diabetes create gradually & do not look like the type one diabetes. Immediately consult a doctor in the event you have signs as follows:
Signs of Type five Diabetes
* Frequent urination, at night,
* Frequent thirst,
* Weight loss,
* Blurred vision,
* Fatigue,
* Frequent infections,
* Healing wounds to be slow.
Meat Savor Eels
That is example relating to the eel (Monopterus albus), slippery animal-shaped like a snake has become the object of human pleasure. But behind the appearance of less beautiful, even while the disgusted look, eel is an excellent food is delicious & rich variety of nutrients. advantage, rich hormone calcitonin, which serves to maintain the deficiency / bone health. In addition, eel also has a variety of benefits for health.
The atmosphere was festive 17-an in the presence of various competitions are followed by all members of society, ranging from children to the elderly. is the competition catch eels with empty hands, & moving / inserting eels in to a bottle that were located a few meters. Various feelings in the hearts of competitors perch move eel. A sense of amusement, disgust & fear would be felt most of the ladies participants.
In Indonesia there's types of fish, eel, namely rice field eel (Monopterus albus Zuieuw), swamp eel (Synbranchus bengalensis Mc. Clell), & eel-eyed little (Macrotema caligans Cannot). Rice field eel is most known in Indonesia, while the swamp eel is limited to less widely known.
Long An eel is varied. Monopterus indicus measuring only 8.5 cm, while the marble eel Synbranchus marmoratus is known to reach one.5 m.
Most of the cultivation of eels used for consumption needs. Judging from the composition of nutrients, eels have a comparatively high energy value, namely 303 kcal per 100 grams of meat. Eel energy value is much higher than the eggs (162 kcal / 100 g without skin) & beef (207 kcal per 100 grams).
The worth of protein in eel (18.4 g / 100 g meat) is equivalent to beef protein (18.8 g / 100g), but higher than egg protein (12.8 g/100 g). As with other fish species, the digestibility of protein in the eel is also high, so it is suitable for the source of protein for all age groups, from kids to the elderly.
High levels of glutamic acid in the eel makes the eel taste delicious & tasty. In the ripening method does not need added flavorings in the type of monosodium glutamate (MSG).
Leucine is useful for breaking & formation of muscle protein. Glutamic acid is necessary to boost the immune technique & aspartic acid to help the working neurotransmitters.
Eels are rich in iron (twenty mg/100 g), much higher than the iron in eggs & meat (six.8 mg / 100g). Consumption of 125 grams of eels every day has fulfilled the body's need for iron, which is 25 mg per day. Iron is necessary for the body to prevent nutritional anemia, characterized by the body that is simple weak, worn out, & lethargic.
The content of arginine (nonessential amino acids) in the eel may affect the production of human growth hormone is popularly known as human growth hormone (HGH). HGH, which will help improve muscle tone & reduce fat accumulation in the body. Laboratory check results also show that arginine serves to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.
Iron is useful to establish the function of blood hemoglobin to carryover oxygen. all body tissues. Oxygen is then used to oxidize carbohydrates, fats, & proteins in to energy for body activities. That is what causes the main signs of iron deficiency is weak, worn out, & not powered. Iron is also useful to boost the immune technique, so as not susceptible to various infectious diseases.
Eels are also rich in phosphorus. Its value doubled phosphorus in the egg. Without the presence of phosphorus, calcium can not form bone mass. Therefore, consumption of phosphorus hares balanced with calcium, so that bones become stronger & stronger, so free from osteoporosis. In the body, phosphorus in the type of calcium phosphate crystals are usually (about 80 per-cent) are in the bones & teeth.
The content of vitamin A which reaches 1600 SI per 100 g making eel is excellent for use as a guardian of epithelial cells. In addition, vitamin A also our bodies need for growth, vision, & prows of reproduction.
The main function of phosphorus is as a giver of energy & strength on the metabolism of fats & carbohydrates, as supporting healthy teeth & gums, for DNA synthesis & calcium absorption & utilization. Phosphorus needs for pregnant ladies banyal definitely over moments do not contain, chiefly for bone formation fetus. If the intake of phosphorus is less, the fetus will take it from the father. It is of the causes of brittle bone disease in the father. Phosphorus requirement will be met if protein consumption is also thought about.
Though having a high nutritional value, fat content in the eel is also high, which reached 27 g per 100 g. Higher than the fat in eggs (11.5 g/100 g) & beef (14.0 g/100 g).
Eels are also rich in vitamin B. Vitamin B usually acts as a cofactor of an enzyme, so that enzymes can function normally in the body's metabolic processes. Vitamin B is also important for the brain to function normally, helping to build proteins, hormones, & red blood cells.
Although the high fat content, eels do not need to be avoided in our diet. However, fat plays an important role as a somber delicacy, energy resources, provider of essential fatty acids, & naturally as a carrier of fat soluble vitamins min (A, D, E & K).
Among the group of fish, eels were classified as high-fat fish. Fat content in the eel is equivalent to the pork fat (28 g/100 g). According to the publication issued by the Singapore General Hospital, eels including high-cholesterol foods & mandatory to be cautious of.
In vitamin D are fatty fish that is high , which is ten times over the meat & 50 times as much vitamin D present in milk. Vitamin D is useful for the body to help prevent calcium absorption & resorption processes dad (dad bone calcium release).
Efforts to reduce the fat content in the eel is by roasting in the embers of the fire. Roasting method will lead to melt fat & out of the eel meat, dripping onto the coals. They recommend that eels are not processed by frying, so that fat content did not increase much.
& research results, it is known that the body parts of fish have omega-3 fats with a composition different. Levels of omega five on the head about 12 percent, chest 28 percent, 31.2 percent of the meat surface, & the contents of the abdominal cavity 42.1 percent (based on dry weight).
As with other types of fish, eels also contains omega-3 fatty acids. Levels of omega-3 in fatty fish, including eels, varied but ranged from three.48 percent to 11.80 percent. The content of omega five in fish, depending on the type, age, food availability, & fishing.
The atmosphere was festive 17-an in the presence of various competitions are followed by all members of society, ranging from children to the elderly. is the competition catch eels with empty hands, & moving / inserting eels in to a bottle that were located a few meters. Various feelings in the hearts of competitors perch move eel. A sense of amusement, disgust & fear would be felt most of the ladies participants.
In Indonesia there's types of fish, eel, namely rice field eel (Monopterus albus Zuieuw), swamp eel (Synbranchus bengalensis Mc. Clell), & eel-eyed little (Macrotema caligans Cannot). Rice field eel is most known in Indonesia, while the swamp eel is limited to less widely known.
Long An eel is varied. Monopterus indicus measuring only 8.5 cm, while the marble eel Synbranchus marmoratus is known to reach one.5 m.
Most of the cultivation of eels used for consumption needs. Judging from the composition of nutrients, eels have a comparatively high energy value, namely 303 kcal per 100 grams of meat. Eel energy value is much higher than the eggs (162 kcal / 100 g without skin) & beef (207 kcal per 100 grams).
The worth of protein in eel (18.4 g / 100 g meat) is equivalent to beef protein (18.8 g / 100g), but higher than egg protein (12.8 g/100 g). As with other fish species, the digestibility of protein in the eel is also high, so it is suitable for the source of protein for all age groups, from kids to the elderly.
High levels of glutamic acid in the eel makes the eel taste delicious & tasty. In the ripening method does not need added flavorings in the type of monosodium glutamate (MSG).
Leucine is useful for breaking & formation of muscle protein. Glutamic acid is necessary to boost the immune technique & aspartic acid to help the working neurotransmitters.
Eels are rich in iron (twenty mg/100 g), much higher than the iron in eggs & meat (six.8 mg / 100g). Consumption of 125 grams of eels every day has fulfilled the body's need for iron, which is 25 mg per day. Iron is necessary for the body to prevent nutritional anemia, characterized by the body that is simple weak, worn out, & lethargic.
The content of arginine (nonessential amino acids) in the eel may affect the production of human growth hormone is popularly known as human growth hormone (HGH). HGH, which will help improve muscle tone & reduce fat accumulation in the body. Laboratory check results also show that arginine serves to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.
Iron is useful to establish the function of blood hemoglobin to carryover oxygen. all body tissues. Oxygen is then used to oxidize carbohydrates, fats, & proteins in to energy for body activities. That is what causes the main signs of iron deficiency is weak, worn out, & not powered. Iron is also useful to boost the immune technique, so as not susceptible to various infectious diseases.
Eels are also rich in phosphorus. Its value doubled phosphorus in the egg. Without the presence of phosphorus, calcium can not form bone mass. Therefore, consumption of phosphorus hares balanced with calcium, so that bones become stronger & stronger, so free from osteoporosis. In the body, phosphorus in the type of calcium phosphate crystals are usually (about 80 per-cent) are in the bones & teeth.
The content of vitamin A which reaches 1600 SI per 100 g making eel is excellent for use as a guardian of epithelial cells. In addition, vitamin A also our bodies need for growth, vision, & prows of reproduction.
The main function of phosphorus is as a giver of energy & strength on the metabolism of fats & carbohydrates, as supporting healthy teeth & gums, for DNA synthesis & calcium absorption & utilization. Phosphorus needs for pregnant ladies banyal definitely over moments do not contain, chiefly for bone formation fetus. If the intake of phosphorus is less, the fetus will take it from the father. It is of the causes of brittle bone disease in the father. Phosphorus requirement will be met if protein consumption is also thought about.
Though having a high nutritional value, fat content in the eel is also high, which reached 27 g per 100 g. Higher than the fat in eggs (11.5 g/100 g) & beef (14.0 g/100 g).
Eels are also rich in vitamin B. Vitamin B usually acts as a cofactor of an enzyme, so that enzymes can function normally in the body's metabolic processes. Vitamin B is also important for the brain to function normally, helping to build proteins, hormones, & red blood cells.
Although the high fat content, eels do not need to be avoided in our diet. However, fat plays an important role as a somber delicacy, energy resources, provider of essential fatty acids, & naturally as a carrier of fat soluble vitamins min (A, D, E & K).
Among the group of fish, eels were classified as high-fat fish. Fat content in the eel is equivalent to the pork fat (28 g/100 g). According to the publication issued by the Singapore General Hospital, eels including high-cholesterol foods & mandatory to be cautious of.
In vitamin D are fatty fish that is high , which is ten times over the meat & 50 times as much vitamin D present in milk. Vitamin D is useful for the body to help prevent calcium absorption & resorption processes dad (dad bone calcium release).
Efforts to reduce the fat content in the eel is by roasting in the embers of the fire. Roasting method will lead to melt fat & out of the eel meat, dripping onto the coals. They recommend that eels are not processed by frying, so that fat content did not increase much.
& research results, it is known that the body parts of fish have omega-3 fats with a composition different. Levels of omega five on the head about 12 percent, chest 28 percent, 31.2 percent of the meat surface, & the contents of the abdominal cavity 42.1 percent (based on dry weight).
As with other types of fish, eels also contains omega-3 fatty acids. Levels of omega-3 in fatty fish, including eels, varied but ranged from three.48 percent to 11.80 percent. The content of omega five in fish, depending on the type, age, food availability, & fishing.
Temukunci Key Overcome Cancer
His appearance was the children who put together the key. That is why they is called temukunci. Mothers temukunci mix when cooking spinach to neutralize purine. Purines causes gout is gone. Recent research proves that anticancer Zingiberaceae relatives members.
Temukunci anticancer? That research Sukardiman Dr., Apt MS, researchers at the Faculty of Pharmacy Airlangga University, for 7 years since 1999. Doctor of pharmacy that use the services of mice with cancer due to injection of benzo (a) pirena, aka carcinogenic substances cause cancer. Sukardiman mice-mice were grouped in to five groups. To overcome this, the birth of Kebumen, Central Java, January 9, 1963 that made the group I as control, the 2nd group given twenty mg / kg body weight of pure isolates pinostrobin; group of the 3rd dose of 40 mg per kg body weight, whereas the group to -4 given anticancer compounds.
Mice fed pinostrobin group four showed no cancer cells proliferate. In fact, its development is hampered by 80%. That is, members of the Zingiberaceae relatives was effective in diminishing as anticancer. Substances What is the most deadly act against the cell? According Sukardiman pinostrobin in temukunci potent against cancer cells. The way it works by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
Efficacy temukunci overcome cancer cells demonstrated through in vitro assays. With a concentration of 100? M, flavonoids that inhibit cancer cell growth leukeumia. On a check basis, it is believed pinostrobin as an anticancer substance in temukunci. They is destroying the cancer cells as well as encouraging the process of suicide. In medical terms, how to work it is called apoptosis. 'Miracle' cancer cells that seldom die finally disappear.
Pinostrobin an antioxidant compound. His role substances counteract free radicals cause cancer. Free radicals are molecules, atoms, or groups of atoms that are not paired. They is risky if the amount over the antioxidant compounds in the body. Due to free radicals that are electrophiles assault the body & destroy DNA, so simple to assault cancer. To be strong endurance, immune process must be maintained.
According to Dr. Ma'at Suprapto from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga, immune process function is defense. They was as guardians of the balance of parts of the body by cleaning the cells die. Another function, immune process patrol throughout the body. If the mutations present in the cell body that trigger cancer-immune-system will destroy it. 'The immune process protects the body from risky free radicals in the body,' they said.
Also pinostrobin also able to inhibit the enzyme topoisomerase I. 'Usually in cancer patients, it increased the enzyme activity,' they said. The impact topoisomerase increased in number. The improvement is due to the high activity of DNA transcription & translation. Transcription changes of DNA in to messenger ribo nucleid acid (mRNA), the carrier of genetic code. Translation is the incorporation of amino acids in DNA.
Pinostrobin Thanks to the addition of topoisomerase I was inhibited. You do this by inhibiting the transcription of DNA. While the action of the enzyme activity is inhibited by releasing a substance that will bind the enzyme. As a result, cancer cells die. Thus drinking at temukunci effective in overcoming cancer. For consumers healthy, drinking ginger stew relatives were efficacious to prevent the assault of cancer.
Prevent Cancer
Besides containing pinostrobin, temukunci also rich in essential oils. 'In each rhizome was 9 months on average contained one.2% volatile oil,' said Sukardiman. Part consists primarily of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, & phenylpropane derivatives such as: geranial, minerals, kamfora, zingiberen, d-pinen, kamfen, d-borneol, geraniol, osimen, & miristin. According to Professor Sidik, professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University, the efficacy of essential oils in a similar temukunci with relatives, ginger & turmeric.
'Content of volatile in all proved to have lots of benefits, "said Sidik. Research Professor. Dr. Yahya Kisyanto & Dr. Nyoman Kertia show it. Xanthorrhizol, the active compound in ginger, it proved as anticancer. Regrettably, research temukunci not yet reached the stage of clinical trials. So dose for humans is unknown.
Most importantly, use a 9-month-old temukunci rhizome. If the harvest miss up to five months stay in the soil-roots-causing substances efficacious missing. Temukunci rhizome consists of a rounded stem tuber & rhizome-like roots are tiny key. Both types of rhizomes were efficacious drugs. Four times neat, the iris rhizome of Kaempferia panduratum narrow, boil in four cups water to boil & the remaining glass. Herb that is routinely taken to prevent or treat cancer assault.
Temukunci anticancer? That research Sukardiman Dr., Apt MS, researchers at the Faculty of Pharmacy Airlangga University, for 7 years since 1999. Doctor of pharmacy that use the services of mice with cancer due to injection of benzo (a) pirena, aka carcinogenic substances cause cancer. Sukardiman mice-mice were grouped in to five groups. To overcome this, the birth of Kebumen, Central Java, January 9, 1963 that made the group I as control, the 2nd group given twenty mg / kg body weight of pure isolates pinostrobin; group of the 3rd dose of 40 mg per kg body weight, whereas the group to -4 given anticancer compounds.
Mice fed pinostrobin group four showed no cancer cells proliferate. In fact, its development is hampered by 80%. That is, members of the Zingiberaceae relatives was effective in diminishing as anticancer. Substances What is the most deadly act against the cell? According Sukardiman pinostrobin in temukunci potent against cancer cells. The way it works by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
Efficacy temukunci overcome cancer cells demonstrated through in vitro assays. With a concentration of 100? M, flavonoids that inhibit cancer cell growth leukeumia. On a check basis, it is believed pinostrobin as an anticancer substance in temukunci. They is destroying the cancer cells as well as encouraging the process of suicide. In medical terms, how to work it is called apoptosis. 'Miracle' cancer cells that seldom die finally disappear.
Pinostrobin an antioxidant compound. His role substances counteract free radicals cause cancer. Free radicals are molecules, atoms, or groups of atoms that are not paired. They is risky if the amount over the antioxidant compounds in the body. Due to free radicals that are electrophiles assault the body & destroy DNA, so simple to assault cancer. To be strong endurance, immune process must be maintained.
According to Dr. Ma'at Suprapto from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga, immune process function is defense. They was as guardians of the balance of parts of the body by cleaning the cells die. Another function, immune process patrol throughout the body. If the mutations present in the cell body that trigger cancer-immune-system will destroy it. 'The immune process protects the body from risky free radicals in the body,' they said.
Also pinostrobin also able to inhibit the enzyme topoisomerase I. 'Usually in cancer patients, it increased the enzyme activity,' they said. The impact topoisomerase increased in number. The improvement is due to the high activity of DNA transcription & translation. Transcription changes of DNA in to messenger ribo nucleid acid (mRNA), the carrier of genetic code. Translation is the incorporation of amino acids in DNA.
Pinostrobin Thanks to the addition of topoisomerase I was inhibited. You do this by inhibiting the transcription of DNA. While the action of the enzyme activity is inhibited by releasing a substance that will bind the enzyme. As a result, cancer cells die. Thus drinking at temukunci effective in overcoming cancer. For consumers healthy, drinking ginger stew relatives were efficacious to prevent the assault of cancer.
Prevent Cancer
Besides containing pinostrobin, temukunci also rich in essential oils. 'In each rhizome was 9 months on average contained one.2% volatile oil,' said Sukardiman. Part consists primarily of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, & phenylpropane derivatives such as: geranial, minerals, kamfora, zingiberen, d-pinen, kamfen, d-borneol, geraniol, osimen, & miristin. According to Professor Sidik, professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University, the efficacy of essential oils in a similar temukunci with relatives, ginger & turmeric.
'Content of volatile in all proved to have lots of benefits, "said Sidik. Research Professor. Dr. Yahya Kisyanto & Dr. Nyoman Kertia show it. Xanthorrhizol, the active compound in ginger, it proved as anticancer. Regrettably, research temukunci not yet reached the stage of clinical trials. So dose for humans is unknown.
Most importantly, use a 9-month-old temukunci rhizome. If the harvest miss up to five months stay in the soil-roots-causing substances efficacious missing. Temukunci rhizome consists of a rounded stem tuber & rhizome-like roots are tiny key. Both types of rhizomes were efficacious drugs. Four times neat, the iris rhizome of Kaempferia panduratum narrow, boil in four cups water to boil & the remaining glass. Herb that is routinely taken to prevent or treat cancer assault.
Artificial sweeteners can trigger premature births
When pregnant, ought to keep away from consumption of foods & drinks containing artificial sweeteners. According to the research team Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, Denmark, there is a connection between artificial sweeteners & premature births.
"It's not the right choice if pregnant females consume high amounts of artificial sweeteners," said researcher, Dr. Thorhallur I Halldorsson, as quoted from the MSNBC site.
Artificial sweeteners are often hidden behind a healthy-label packaging products such as diet fizzy drinks. Content of artificial sweetener in soda is what often triggers hypertension & increase the risk of premature birth.
The findings were obtained through a study of 60,000 pregnant females in Denmark. The respondents were asked to document their eating habits, including how lots of soft drinks they consume for about 25 weeks gestation.
Females who drank at least cans of diet soda per day, 80 percent more likely to give birth prematurely. The researchers write these findings in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
About percent of females gave birth to their kid at the age of 37 weeks of pregnancy has not been fulfilled. Females who drank at least serving of soda per day in the work of pregnancy, 38 percent more likely to give birth prematurely than females who do not drink diet soda at all.
Chocolate Prevent Premature Birth
Unlike artificial sweeteners, chocolate actually proved to be a lovely food for pregnant females & fetuses in the womb. Pregnant females who eat chocolate can reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia, the increase in blood pressure which reduces the oxygen & nutrients to the kid. Eat chocolate regularly in the work of pregnancy to reduce pre-eclampsia by 50 percent.
In the United Kingdom, pre-eclampsia occurred in 70 thousand pregnant females & one,000 children each year. It is characterized by hypertension & may cause convulsions, blood clot blood, liver destroy & kidney failure.
However, research that examines the snacking habits of one,500 females in the work of pregnancy found that females who eat chocolate snacks, including hot chocolate, the risk is less exposed to deadly complications in the work of pregnancy. However, it is recommended to consume dark chocolate than milk chocolate & colored, which has a higher sugar content.
"Women with regular chocolate consumption of over servings a week reduced the risk of pre-eclampsia. Intake of chocolate on the first & third trimester is as important for mothers & children," concluded a study of Yale University as quoted by the Mail Online.
As published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology, cacao contains the compound theobromine which maintain stable blood pressure & help blood vessels expand.
In other studies, chocolate snack as much as servings a week also reduces the risk of death from heart disease by 70 percent. Studies in 2008 by a team of Georgetown University in Washington DC found that chemicals in chocolate can cease colon cancer cells.
"It's not the right choice if pregnant females consume high amounts of artificial sweeteners," said researcher, Dr. Thorhallur I Halldorsson, as quoted from the MSNBC site.
Artificial sweeteners are often hidden behind a healthy-label packaging products such as diet fizzy drinks. Content of artificial sweetener in soda is what often triggers hypertension & increase the risk of premature birth.
The findings were obtained through a study of 60,000 pregnant females in Denmark. The respondents were asked to document their eating habits, including how lots of soft drinks they consume for about 25 weeks gestation.
Females who drank at least cans of diet soda per day, 80 percent more likely to give birth prematurely. The researchers write these findings in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
About percent of females gave birth to their kid at the age of 37 weeks of pregnancy has not been fulfilled. Females who drank at least serving of soda per day in the work of pregnancy, 38 percent more likely to give birth prematurely than females who do not drink diet soda at all.
Chocolate Prevent Premature Birth
Unlike artificial sweeteners, chocolate actually proved to be a lovely food for pregnant females & fetuses in the womb. Pregnant females who eat chocolate can reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia, the increase in blood pressure which reduces the oxygen & nutrients to the kid. Eat chocolate regularly in the work of pregnancy to reduce pre-eclampsia by 50 percent.
In the United Kingdom, pre-eclampsia occurred in 70 thousand pregnant females & one,000 children each year. It is characterized by hypertension & may cause convulsions, blood clot blood, liver destroy & kidney failure.
However, research that examines the snacking habits of one,500 females in the work of pregnancy found that females who eat chocolate snacks, including hot chocolate, the risk is less exposed to deadly complications in the work of pregnancy. However, it is recommended to consume dark chocolate than milk chocolate & colored, which has a higher sugar content.
"Women with regular chocolate consumption of over servings a week reduced the risk of pre-eclampsia. Intake of chocolate on the first & third trimester is as important for mothers & children," concluded a study of Yale University as quoted by the Mail Online.
As published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology, cacao contains the compound theobromine which maintain stable blood pressure & help blood vessels expand.
In other studies, chocolate snack as much as servings a week also reduces the risk of death from heart disease by 70 percent. Studies in 2008 by a team of Georgetown University in Washington DC found that chemicals in chocolate can cease colon cancer cells.
Benefits of Water For Healing
Most of us can live without drugs. But no can live without water. In fact, over half (57%) of the human body is water. If they use water with the best feasible standard of health requirements, the number of illnesses & deaths-especially children-can be reduced.
For example, the proper use of water is a nice base in the prevention & treatment of diarrhea. In lots of regions, diarrhea is the most common cause of disease & death in young babies. Use neat water that is not often a major cause of diarrhea. important part of prevention of diarrhea & other diseases is to make sure that safe drinking water. Protect wells & water sources from manure & animal by making a protective fence around it. Use cement or stone to generate nice drainage around the well or water source, so that rain water or used water does not flow in to it.
Common causes of death in babies with diarrhea is extreme dehydration, or lose much water from the body. By giving lots of water in babies with diarrhea (more bik longer if mixed with sugar or cereal & salt), dehydration can often be prevented or cured.
When the water may be contaminated or they are not sure of cleanliness, it is important to prevent diarrhea is to boil water before using it for drinking or for preparing food. It is important for the kid. Ideally the milk bottles for babies & feeding equipment ought to even be boiled to keep it neat. Wash hands with soap & water after defecating (shitting) & before eating or food engolah also important.
Some of the benefits of water to help prevent & treat diseases, among others:
Give lots of fluids in babies with diarrhea is more important than giving any medicine. In fact, if given sufficient fluids, medication is usually not necessary in the treatment of diarrhea.
* Diarrhea, intestinal worms, intestinal infection: only use water that has been boiled for drinking, washing hands, etc.
* Skin infections: frequent bathing.
* Wound infection; tetanus: wash the wound with soap & neat water.
To help prevent disease:
To help treat the disease:
* Diarrhea, dehydration: drink lots of fluids.
* Diseases with fever: drink lots of fluids.
* High fever: remove clothing & Soak in icy water.
* Minor infections of the urinary tract (often in ladies): drink lots of water.
* Cough, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough: drink lots of water & breathe the steam of hot water (to loosen mucus).
* Sores, impetigo, skin or scalp ringworm, pimples: rub with soap & neat water.
* Infected Wounds, abscesses, boils: soak or compress with hot / warm.
* Muscles stiff, sore joints: do hot compresses.
* Sprain & sprained: First day: soak in icy water, then do a hot compress.
* Itching, burning, or irritation of the skin: a icy compress.
* Minor burns: soak in icy water.
* Sore throat: gargle with warm saltwater.
* Dirt or irritation of the eyes: used as drops eyes with icy water, & do it for 30 minutes.
* Nasal congestion: breathe the smell of saltwater.
* Constipation, hard chair: drink lots of water.
In each case above, when water is used properly, medicines are often not necessary. Use drugs only when absolutely necessary.
For example, the proper use of water is a nice base in the prevention & treatment of diarrhea. In lots of regions, diarrhea is the most common cause of disease & death in young babies. Use neat water that is not often a major cause of diarrhea. important part of prevention of diarrhea & other diseases is to make sure that safe drinking water. Protect wells & water sources from manure & animal by making a protective fence around it. Use cement or stone to generate nice drainage around the well or water source, so that rain water or used water does not flow in to it.
Common causes of death in babies with diarrhea is extreme dehydration, or lose much water from the body. By giving lots of water in babies with diarrhea (more bik longer if mixed with sugar or cereal & salt), dehydration can often be prevented or cured.
When the water may be contaminated or they are not sure of cleanliness, it is important to prevent diarrhea is to boil water before using it for drinking or for preparing food. It is important for the kid. Ideally the milk bottles for babies & feeding equipment ought to even be boiled to keep it neat. Wash hands with soap & water after defecating (shitting) & before eating or food engolah also important.
Some of the benefits of water to help prevent & treat diseases, among others:
Give lots of fluids in babies with diarrhea is more important than giving any medicine. In fact, if given sufficient fluids, medication is usually not necessary in the treatment of diarrhea.
* Diarrhea, intestinal worms, intestinal infection: only use water that has been boiled for drinking, washing hands, etc.
* Skin infections: frequent bathing.
* Wound infection; tetanus: wash the wound with soap & neat water.
To help prevent disease:
To help treat the disease:
* Diarrhea, dehydration: drink lots of fluids.
* Diseases with fever: drink lots of fluids.
* High fever: remove clothing & Soak in icy water.
* Minor infections of the urinary tract (often in ladies): drink lots of water.
* Cough, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough: drink lots of water & breathe the steam of hot water (to loosen mucus).
* Sores, impetigo, skin or scalp ringworm, pimples: rub with soap & neat water.
* Infected Wounds, abscesses, boils: soak or compress with hot / warm.
* Muscles stiff, sore joints: do hot compresses.
* Sprain & sprained: First day: soak in icy water, then do a hot compress.
* Itching, burning, or irritation of the skin: a icy compress.
* Minor burns: soak in icy water.
* Sore throat: gargle with warm saltwater.
* Dirt or irritation of the eyes: used as drops eyes with icy water, & do it for 30 minutes.
* Nasal congestion: breathe the smell of saltwater.
* Constipation, hard chair: drink lots of water.
In each case above, when water is used properly, medicines are often not necessary. Use drugs only when absolutely necessary.
Overview of tuberculosis Know
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease directly caused by the TB germ (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Most of the TB germs assault the lungs, but can also on other organs.
Tuberculosis Germs
Modes of Transmission
Rod-shaped bacteria, have special properties that is resistant to acid staining. Therefore, also often called Basil Acid Resistant (BTA). TB germs die quickly in direct sunlight, but can survive several hours in a dark and damp. In this germ tissue to dormant, sleeping for a few years elderly.
Source of infection is sputum smear positive TB patients. At the time of coughing or sneezing, people spread germs in to the air in the type of droplets (splashing sputum). Droplets containing the bacteria can survive in air at room temperature for several hours. People can become infected if the droplets are inhaled in to the respiratory tract.
After TB germs enter the human body through breathing, these TB germs can spread from the lungs to other body parts, through the circulatory technique, lymphatic drainage technique, respiratory tract, or spread directly to other body parts.
Power transmission from a patient is determined by the number of bacteria released from the lungs. The higher the degree of positive results of sputum examination, the patient is contagious. When the results of sputum examination is negative (no visible germ), then the patient is thought about not contagious. The chance of somebody infected with TB is determined by the concentration of droplets in the air and the length of breathing air.
Transmission Risk
The risk of infection every year (Annual Risk of Tuberculosis Infection = ARTI) in Indonesia is thought about high and varied between 1-3%. In regions with ARTI of 1%, means that every year between 1000 population, ten 0) people will be infected. Most individuals who won't become infected with TB, only about 10% of which will become infected with TB.
From the information above, can be estimated that in areas with ARTI of 1%, then among the 100,000 people on average 100 (hundred) people with tuberculosis every year, in which 50 patients were smear positive. Factors affecting the likelihood a person with TB is a low immune technique, such as malnutrition or HIV / AIDS.
The occurrence of tuberculosis Method
The presence of infection can be proved by the tuberculin reaction changes from negative to positive.
Primary Infection
Primary infection occurs when a person was first exposed to TB germs. Are inhaled tiny droplet size, so it can pass defense technique mukosilier bronchus, and kept jogging, so until the alveolus and remained there. Infection begins when the TB germs to breed successfully by splitting themselves in the lungs, causing inflammation in the lung. Lymph channel will over TB germs in to the lymph nodes around the lung hilum, and is called primary complex. The time between the occurrence of infection to primary complex formation is about 4-6 weeks.
Continuation after primary infection depends on the number of germs that enter and magnitude of immune responses (cellular immunity). In general, immune reactions can cease the progression of TB germs. Nevertheless, there's some germs will stay as germ persister or dormant (sleeping). Sometimes the immune technique is unable to cease the growth of germs, leading to a few months, the concerned will wait and see with TB.
The incubation period, the time needed from infected to become ill, it is estimated about 6 months.
Post-primary tuberculosis usually occurs after several months or years after primary infection, such as decreased immune technique due to HIV infection or poor nutritional status. Characteristic of the post-primary tuberculosis is extensive lung destroy with the cavity or pleural effusion.
Post-Primary Tuberculosis (Post Primary TB)
The main signs
Persistent cough and phlegm for six ) weeks or more.
Signs of tuberculosis
Additional signs, which are often encountered:
* Sputum mixed with blood.
* Coughing blood
* Shortness of breath and chest pain.
* Body weakness, decreased appetite, weight loss, body discomfort (malaise), night sweats, although without any activity, fever, fever over a month.
Complications in Patients with TB
The signs mentioned above are found also in lung diseases other than tuberculosis. Therefore, every that came to the DMU with the signs mentioned above, the flow is regarded as a "suspected tuberculosis" or suspect TB patients, and needs to be done by microscopic examination of sputum directly.
* Extreme hemoptysis (bleeding from the lower respiratory tract), which may finish up in death due to hypovolemic shock or blockage of the airway.
* Collapse of the lobe due to bronchial retraction.
* Bronkiectasis (local bronchial dilation) and fibrosis (formation of fibrous tissue in the recovery method or reactive) in the lung.
* Pneumotorak (presence of air within the pleural cavity) spontaneous: spontaneous collapse because of destroy to lung tissue.
* The spread of infection to other organs such as brain, bones, joints, kidneys and so forth.
* Cardio pulmonary insufficiency (Cardio Pulmonary insufficiency).
The following complications often occur in patients with advanced stage:
Without treatment, 50% of TB Patient Dies After two Years
Patients who experience extreme complications ought to be hospitalized in the hospital. Pulmonary TB patients with extensive tissue destroy that has been cured (smear negative) can still be experienced coughing up blood. This situation is often confused with cases of relapse. In such cases, treatment with OAT is not necessary, but adequate given symptomatic treatment. If heavy bleeding, patients ought to be referred to specialist units.
Without treatment, after years, 50% of TB patients will die, 25% will heal itself with high endurance, and 25% as "chronic cases" ang stay infectious (WHO, 1996).
Effect of HIV Infection
HIV infection resulted in extensive destroy to the immune technique of mobile (Cellular Immunity), so if there is an opportunistic infection, like tuberculosis, then the ersangkutan will become seriously ill and even lead to death. When the number of people infected with HIV increases, the number of TB patients will increase, thus the transmission of TB in the community will increase as well.
Tuberculosis Germs
Modes of Transmission
Rod-shaped bacteria, have special properties that is resistant to acid staining. Therefore, also often called Basil Acid Resistant (BTA). TB germs die quickly in direct sunlight, but can survive several hours in a dark and damp. In this germ tissue to dormant, sleeping for a few years elderly.
Source of infection is sputum smear positive TB patients. At the time of coughing or sneezing, people spread germs in to the air in the type of droplets (splashing sputum). Droplets containing the bacteria can survive in air at room temperature for several hours. People can become infected if the droplets are inhaled in to the respiratory tract.
After TB germs enter the human body through breathing, these TB germs can spread from the lungs to other body parts, through the circulatory technique, lymphatic drainage technique, respiratory tract, or spread directly to other body parts.
Power transmission from a patient is determined by the number of bacteria released from the lungs. The higher the degree of positive results of sputum examination, the patient is contagious. When the results of sputum examination is negative (no visible germ), then the patient is thought about not contagious. The chance of somebody infected with TB is determined by the concentration of droplets in the air and the length of breathing air.
Transmission Risk
The risk of infection every year (Annual Risk of Tuberculosis Infection = ARTI) in Indonesia is thought about high and varied between 1-3%. In regions with ARTI of 1%, means that every year between 1000 population, ten 0) people will be infected. Most individuals who won't become infected with TB, only about 10% of which will become infected with TB.
From the information above, can be estimated that in areas with ARTI of 1%, then among the 100,000 people on average 100 (hundred) people with tuberculosis every year, in which 50 patients were smear positive. Factors affecting the likelihood a person with TB is a low immune technique, such as malnutrition or HIV / AIDS.
The occurrence of tuberculosis Method
The presence of infection can be proved by the tuberculin reaction changes from negative to positive.
Primary Infection
Primary infection occurs when a person was first exposed to TB germs. Are inhaled tiny droplet size, so it can pass defense technique mukosilier bronchus, and kept jogging, so until the alveolus and remained there. Infection begins when the TB germs to breed successfully by splitting themselves in the lungs, causing inflammation in the lung. Lymph channel will over TB germs in to the lymph nodes around the lung hilum, and is called primary complex. The time between the occurrence of infection to primary complex formation is about 4-6 weeks.
Continuation after primary infection depends on the number of germs that enter and magnitude of immune responses (cellular immunity). In general, immune reactions can cease the progression of TB germs. Nevertheless, there's some germs will stay as germ persister or dormant (sleeping). Sometimes the immune technique is unable to cease the growth of germs, leading to a few months, the concerned will wait and see with TB.
The incubation period, the time needed from infected to become ill, it is estimated about 6 months.
Post-primary tuberculosis usually occurs after several months or years after primary infection, such as decreased immune technique due to HIV infection or poor nutritional status. Characteristic of the post-primary tuberculosis is extensive lung destroy with the cavity or pleural effusion.
Post-Primary Tuberculosis (Post Primary TB)
The main signs
Persistent cough and phlegm for six ) weeks or more.
Signs of tuberculosis
Additional signs, which are often encountered:
* Sputum mixed with blood.
* Coughing blood
* Shortness of breath and chest pain.
* Body weakness, decreased appetite, weight loss, body discomfort (malaise), night sweats, although without any activity, fever, fever over a month.
Complications in Patients with TB
The signs mentioned above are found also in lung diseases other than tuberculosis. Therefore, every that came to the DMU with the signs mentioned above, the flow is regarded as a "suspected tuberculosis" or suspect TB patients, and needs to be done by microscopic examination of sputum directly.
* Extreme hemoptysis (bleeding from the lower respiratory tract), which may finish up in death due to hypovolemic shock or blockage of the airway.
* Collapse of the lobe due to bronchial retraction.
* Bronkiectasis (local bronchial dilation) and fibrosis (formation of fibrous tissue in the recovery method or reactive) in the lung.
* Pneumotorak (presence of air within the pleural cavity) spontaneous: spontaneous collapse because of destroy to lung tissue.
* The spread of infection to other organs such as brain, bones, joints, kidneys and so forth.
* Cardio pulmonary insufficiency (Cardio Pulmonary insufficiency).
The following complications often occur in patients with advanced stage:
Without treatment, 50% of TB Patient Dies After two Years
Patients who experience extreme complications ought to be hospitalized in the hospital. Pulmonary TB patients with extensive tissue destroy that has been cured (smear negative) can still be experienced coughing up blood. This situation is often confused with cases of relapse. In such cases, treatment with OAT is not necessary, but adequate given symptomatic treatment. If heavy bleeding, patients ought to be referred to specialist units.
Without treatment, after years, 50% of TB patients will die, 25% will heal itself with high endurance, and 25% as "chronic cases" ang stay infectious (WHO, 1996).
Effect of HIV Infection
HIV infection resulted in extensive destroy to the immune technique of mobile (Cellular Immunity), so if there is an opportunistic infection, like tuberculosis, then the ersangkutan will become seriously ill and even lead to death. When the number of people infected with HIV increases, the number of TB patients will increase, thus the transmission of TB in the community will increase as well.
Savor Lime
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia), including type of citrus Geruk. Orange juice including clump plant type that has plenty of branches and twigs. Woody trunk resilient and hard. Medium dark colored outer skin surface and dull. Lime plant at age six one / six years has begun to bear fruit. The flowers are little and white-colored little round-shaped fruit of colored ping-pong ball (outer skin), green or yellowish. The fruit of elderly lime sour taste.
Citrus plants usually like places that can get direct sunlight.
a. Climate · Elevation: 200 m - 1300 m above sea level · Annual rainfall: one,000 mm - 1500 mm / years · Month wet (above 100 mm / month): six months - 12 months · Month dry (below 60 mm / month): 0 months - 6 months · air temperature: 200 C - 300 C ° Humidity: medium - high ° Irradiation: medium
Growing Conditions
b. Land · Type: latosol, alluvial, andosol. · Texture: sandy clay loam and clay loam · Drainage: nice · groundwater depth: 40 cm - 170 cm from ground · rooting depth: 40 cm below the soil surface · Acidity (pH): two - 9 · Fertility: medium - high
a. Pegolahan Land · Make the planting hole berukuran50 cm x 50 cm x 40 cm. · Land of the top separated from the soil beneath it, and then given manure. · Land reentered the bottom, then followed the upper soil.
Planting Guidelines
c. Planting · Seedlings planted in the planting hole that has been provided. · Spacing 6 m x 6 m
b. Preparation of Seed · Orange juice can be propagated by grafting and grafting.
Local Name:
Lime (UK), Lima (France), Limah (Arabic); Lime (Indonesia), Orange pecel (Java); Limau acid (Sunda).
Chemical Ingredients:
Orange juice contains elements kiniia useful compounds. For example: limonene, linalin acetate, acetic geranil, fellandren and sitral. In addition, orange juice contains citric asani. 100 grams of orange juice contains: - Vitamin C 27 mg, - 40 milligrams of calcium - phosphorus 22 milligrams, - 12.4 grams carbohydrate, - 0.04 milligrams of vitamin B one, - 0.6 milligrams of iron, - fat 0.1 grams, - calories 37 grams - 0.8 grams protein - 86 grams of water. Orange juice contains elements of chemical compounds such as limonene, linalin acetate, acetic geranil, fellandren, sitral and citric acid.
Utilization To Drugs
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one One / six turmeric rhizome of your thumb and grated six tablespoons honey;
* Way of making: lime extorted to be taken the water, turmeric grated and extorted to take water, then mixed with honey with added one / six cup water, stirring until evenly distributed, and filtered;
* How to make use of: drink six days on a regular basis.
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one tablespoon soy sauce, salt to taste;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, then mixed with other material and filtered;
* How to make use of: drink each morning before breakfast.
* Ingredients: 2-4 slices of lemon roots;
* Technique: boiled with one One / six liters of water to boil down to one liter, then filtered;
* How to make use of: drink every evening weara regularly.
* Ingredients: one orange juice, six cloves red onion, one egg chicken, one teaspoon coffee powder, one piece of rock sweet,
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, red onion shredded and then mixed with other ingredients and brewed with hot water to taste, stirring until evenly distributed, then filtered;
* How to make use of: drink after breakfast on a regular basis.
a. Ingredients: one orange juice, one One / six tablespoons soy sauce, salt to taste;
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one / six teaspoon eucalyptus oil, betel leaf to taste;
* Way of making: lime extorted to be roasted for a moment and take water, then mixed with the ingredients and stir until evenly distributed, and filtered;
* How to make use of: drink one a day regularly.
* How to make: lime diperis to take water,
* How to make use of: drink regularly one times a day in the work of illness
b. Ingredients: one orange juice, one / two teaspoon nutmeg seed flour, one tablespoon eucalyptus oil;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, then mixed with other material until flattening;
* How to make use of: used as a powder and applied to the chest and back.
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one / six teaspoon coconut oil, one tablespoon eucalyptus oil, 2-4 cloves of garlic mashed red;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, then mixed with other material until flattening,
* How to make use of: use as a compress and embrocation for chest and back.
* Ingredients: one orange juice, 2-4 spring onions, one tablespoon eucalyptus oil, sour fruit taste, six tablespoons of cooking water;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, then mixed with other ingredients and mashed together;
* How to make use of: applied to the whole body, around the abdomen.
Telambat coming months
Stomach mules at the time of menstruation coming months
* Ingredients: one orange juice, six turmeric rhizome of your thumb, betel and salt to taste;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, turmeric grated and extorted to take water, then all ingredients are evenly mixed and filtered;
* How to make use of: drink one a day.
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one One / six thumb of ginger rhizome, two eyes of the ripe fruit acid, one slice of coconut sugar;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, grated ginger, then all ingredients are mixed and given a two / two cup cooking water and filtered;
* How to make use of: drink on the first day of menstruation.
* Ingredients: six slices of lemon roots;
* Technique: boiled with six one / six cups water to boiling, then filtered;
* How to make use of: drink one a day.
Stomach mules
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one turmeric rhizome of thumb;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, turmeric iparut and squeezed to take water, then second ersebut material mixed with one / six cup warm water until evenly distributed and filtered;
* How to make use of: make and drink one time a day.
* Ingredients: one orange juice and one piece of palm sugar
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, then mixed with palm sugar until evenly, and one cup warm water and filtered;
* How to make use of: plain drunk.
Stomach nausea
* Ingredients: one orange juice, six ginger rhizome of thumb, one / six teaspoon pepper powder, one teaspoon of coffee;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, ginger grated and squeezed to take water, then mixed with other ingredients until evenly distributed, and one cup cooking water and filtered;
* How to make use of: made and taken six weeks.
Eliminates fatigue
Citrus plants usually like places that can get direct sunlight.
a. Climate · Elevation: 200 m - 1300 m above sea level · Annual rainfall: one,000 mm - 1500 mm / years · Month wet (above 100 mm / month): six months - 12 months · Month dry (below 60 mm / month): 0 months - 6 months · air temperature: 200 C - 300 C ° Humidity: medium - high ° Irradiation: medium
Growing Conditions
b. Land · Type: latosol, alluvial, andosol. · Texture: sandy clay loam and clay loam · Drainage: nice · groundwater depth: 40 cm - 170 cm from ground · rooting depth: 40 cm below the soil surface · Acidity (pH): two - 9 · Fertility: medium - high
a. Pegolahan Land · Make the planting hole berukuran50 cm x 50 cm x 40 cm. · Land of the top separated from the soil beneath it, and then given manure. · Land reentered the bottom, then followed the upper soil.
Planting Guidelines
c. Planting · Seedlings planted in the planting hole that has been provided. · Spacing 6 m x 6 m
b. Preparation of Seed · Orange juice can be propagated by grafting and grafting.
Local Name:
Lime (UK), Lima (France), Limah (Arabic); Lime (Indonesia), Orange pecel (Java); Limau acid (Sunda).
Chemical Ingredients:
Orange juice contains elements kiniia useful compounds. For example: limonene, linalin acetate, acetic geranil, fellandren and sitral. In addition, orange juice contains citric asani. 100 grams of orange juice contains: - Vitamin C 27 mg, - 40 milligrams of calcium - phosphorus 22 milligrams, - 12.4 grams carbohydrate, - 0.04 milligrams of vitamin B one, - 0.6 milligrams of iron, - fat 0.1 grams, - calories 37 grams - 0.8 grams protein - 86 grams of water. Orange juice contains elements of chemical compounds such as limonene, linalin acetate, acetic geranil, fellandren, sitral and citric acid.
Utilization To Drugs
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one One / six turmeric rhizome of your thumb and grated six tablespoons honey;
* Way of making: lime extorted to be taken the water, turmeric grated and extorted to take water, then mixed with honey with added one / six cup water, stirring until evenly distributed, and filtered;
* How to make use of: drink six days on a regular basis.
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one tablespoon soy sauce, salt to taste;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, then mixed with other material and filtered;
* How to make use of: drink each morning before breakfast.
* Ingredients: 2-4 slices of lemon roots;
* Technique: boiled with one One / six liters of water to boil down to one liter, then filtered;
* How to make use of: drink every evening weara regularly.
* Ingredients: one orange juice, six cloves red onion, one egg chicken, one teaspoon coffee powder, one piece of rock sweet,
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, red onion shredded and then mixed with other ingredients and brewed with hot water to taste, stirring until evenly distributed, then filtered;
* How to make use of: drink after breakfast on a regular basis.
a. Ingredients: one orange juice, one One / six tablespoons soy sauce, salt to taste;
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one / six teaspoon eucalyptus oil, betel leaf to taste;
* Way of making: lime extorted to be roasted for a moment and take water, then mixed with the ingredients and stir until evenly distributed, and filtered;
* How to make use of: drink one a day regularly.
* How to make: lime diperis to take water,
* How to make use of: drink regularly one times a day in the work of illness
b. Ingredients: one orange juice, one / two teaspoon nutmeg seed flour, one tablespoon eucalyptus oil;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, then mixed with other material until flattening;
* How to make use of: used as a powder and applied to the chest and back.
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one / six teaspoon coconut oil, one tablespoon eucalyptus oil, 2-4 cloves of garlic mashed red;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, then mixed with other material until flattening,
* How to make use of: use as a compress and embrocation for chest and back.
* Ingredients: one orange juice, 2-4 spring onions, one tablespoon eucalyptus oil, sour fruit taste, six tablespoons of cooking water;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, then mixed with other ingredients and mashed together;
* How to make use of: applied to the whole body, around the abdomen.
Telambat coming months
Stomach mules at the time of menstruation coming months
* Ingredients: one orange juice, six turmeric rhizome of your thumb, betel and salt to taste;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, turmeric grated and extorted to take water, then all ingredients are evenly mixed and filtered;
* How to make use of: drink one a day.
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one One / six thumb of ginger rhizome, two eyes of the ripe fruit acid, one slice of coconut sugar;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, grated ginger, then all ingredients are mixed and given a two / two cup cooking water and filtered;
* How to make use of: drink on the first day of menstruation.
* Ingredients: six slices of lemon roots;
* Technique: boiled with six one / six cups water to boiling, then filtered;
* How to make use of: drink one a day.
Stomach mules
* Ingredients: one orange juice, one turmeric rhizome of thumb;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, turmeric iparut and squeezed to take water, then second ersebut material mixed with one / six cup warm water until evenly distributed and filtered;
* How to make use of: make and drink one time a day.
* Ingredients: one orange juice and one piece of palm sugar
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, then mixed with palm sugar until evenly, and one cup warm water and filtered;
* How to make use of: plain drunk.
Stomach nausea
* Ingredients: one orange juice, six ginger rhizome of thumb, one / six teaspoon pepper powder, one teaspoon of coffee;
* Way of making: lime extorted to take water, ginger grated and squeezed to take water, then mixed with other ingredients until evenly distributed, and one cup cooking water and filtered;
* How to make use of: made and taken six weeks.
Eliminates fatigue
E Coli Bacteria New More Deadly
According to the Beijing Genomics Institute, China in cooperation with Spanish scientists, strains of E coli is a kind of highly deadly and contagious. "This is a unique strain that has not been isolated from a patient before," said Hilde Kruse, food safety specialists from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Europe is currently facing outbreaks of E coli bacteria which make the pain over one,600 people in Germany and killed 18 people. World Health Organization states, the pathogen causing this outbreak is a new strain that has seldom been known by scientists.
Preliminary research on the genetic analysis showed that strains of this bacterium is a mutant type of the bacteria E coli, enteroaggregative E coli (EAEC) and enterohemorrhagic E coli (EHEC). When the bacteria join, it would be hazardous to humans.
"One of the bacteria will take poisonous substances from other bacteria and produce toxins that are more hazardous because it causes extreme diarrhea, even destroy the tissue, including kidney," said Dr Paul Wigley, a biologist from the University of Liverpool, as reported by the BBC.
The case of E coli outbreak has led to kidney failure a rare and life-threatening. Actually, the normal E coli infection was also life-threatening, but usually only in the group of babies and babies and individuals who low body resistance.
In the case of Europe's most victims are females and teenagers. The Spanish government found 470 cases of kidney complications. This outbreak is feared more casualties because until now can not ascertain the source of transmission of plague.
The incubation period of the disease was to three days. E coli bacteria can be present in feces and can spread if a person has a lack of tidy living habits, such as not washing hands with soap.
Suspected outbreaks are caused by preliminary raw vegetables contaminated with E coli. Several studies conducted in Europe also showed a powerful relationship between the signs of the disease and the consumption of raw vegetables.
E coli outbreak that occurred in Europe this is the third largest event and most cause fatalities. Earlier people reportedly died in an outbreak in Japan in 1996 and made 9,000 people sick. Meanwhile, in 2000 in Canada reported 7 people died of E coli outbreak.
WHO said, the cases because of E coli have been reported in nine European countries, including Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and England. The huge majority of cases of people in Germany or individuals who travelled to northern Germany.
Renal Failure due to E Coli Infections
Gastro-intestinal infections caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli (E coli) in general will cause diarrhea and abdominal cramps within week after eating contaminated food. However, in cases of epidemics caused by strain of E coli is, sufferers can experience kidney complication called hemolytic uremic rare syndrome.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a kind of kidney failure is rare. Usually affects only 5-15 percent of the population, in babies infected with E coli.
This disease appears after diarrhea signs get better. The WebMD site mentioned, the signs of HUS include fever, abdominal pain, pale skin, fatigue, reduced urine, unexplained bruising, bleeding from the nose and mouth, and swelling of the face, hands, legs, or other body parts.
The impact is more deadly than the disease is destroy to the brain, seizures, even coma. This disease can also cause complications in organ pancreas and other organs.
When they eat foods contaminated with E coli, in intestinal organisms will remove toxins and absorbed in to the blood vessels are then carried by white blood cells (leucocytes) to the kidneys. This will cause acute renal impairment.
In dealing with these bacterial infections, doctors in Europe and the United States no longer give antibiotics since numerous studies show that the move would worsen the condition of the patient.
"It seems that antibiotics make the bacteria explode and poison in it out and cause destroy," said Dr. Buddy Creech, an assistant professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, as reported by CNN.
"All they can do is give patients cope with pain medication or put them on ventilators or dialysis in the event that they need it. They can not address the actual issue. They can only wait for the body heal itself. What can be done basically monitor the patient and hope for the best , "said Dr. Robert Steele, a pediatrician from St. John's Kid's Hospital in Springfield, Missouri.
According to him, until now no specific treatment for the bacteria overcome the malignancy.
Meanwhile, specialist in internal medicine from Cipto Mangunkusumo, dr. Ari Fahrial Sp.PD-KGEH, explains, kidney failure due to bacterial infection may occur when a person experiences a extreme dehydration.
The preliminary signs that arise in patients infected with E. coli, said Ari, in general is extreme diarrhea. As a result, the body is dehydrated which can lead to disruption of kidney function.
In addition, other factors such as toxins or poisons that are released or produced by bacteria in the body may cause kidney failure.
"And this is hazardous. When the bacteria die, the likelihood of toxin would die. But it could also dead bacteria, toxin still alive," they explained.
Ari added, E. coli infection for humans has a broad impact. Mostly, this bacterial infection has a low mortality rate, but a high incidence rate.
No need to panic
E.coli outbreak in Europe is thought to occur because of the habit of consuming raw vegetables such as cucumbers and salad. In fact, according to Ari, bacteria in food would not have died basically by washing. "It is better cooked. Because if cooked properly at a positive temperature for example 80 degrees Celsius, will usually die, "he added.
Ari gave the message that people in Indonesia do not need to panic or participate affected by the plague bacterium that hit parts of Europe. Because according to him, Indonesia had not had to import vegetables from the country.
Exactly Ari reminded the people of Indonesia who plan to travel abroad to be more vigilant. "What is clear, when speaking of food they ought to see, whether the food is still fresh, there is contamination or not, how our immune method against these foods, the environment, and most important budayakan healthy life," they concluded.
Europe is currently facing outbreaks of E coli bacteria which make the pain over one,600 people in Germany and killed 18 people. World Health Organization states, the pathogen causing this outbreak is a new strain that has seldom been known by scientists.
Preliminary research on the genetic analysis showed that strains of this bacterium is a mutant type of the bacteria E coli, enteroaggregative E coli (EAEC) and enterohemorrhagic E coli (EHEC). When the bacteria join, it would be hazardous to humans.
"One of the bacteria will take poisonous substances from other bacteria and produce toxins that are more hazardous because it causes extreme diarrhea, even destroy the tissue, including kidney," said Dr Paul Wigley, a biologist from the University of Liverpool, as reported by the BBC.
The case of E coli outbreak has led to kidney failure a rare and life-threatening. Actually, the normal E coli infection was also life-threatening, but usually only in the group of babies and babies and individuals who low body resistance.
In the case of Europe's most victims are females and teenagers. The Spanish government found 470 cases of kidney complications. This outbreak is feared more casualties because until now can not ascertain the source of transmission of plague.
The incubation period of the disease was to three days. E coli bacteria can be present in feces and can spread if a person has a lack of tidy living habits, such as not washing hands with soap.
Suspected outbreaks are caused by preliminary raw vegetables contaminated with E coli. Several studies conducted in Europe also showed a powerful relationship between the signs of the disease and the consumption of raw vegetables.
E coli outbreak that occurred in Europe this is the third largest event and most cause fatalities. Earlier people reportedly died in an outbreak in Japan in 1996 and made 9,000 people sick. Meanwhile, in 2000 in Canada reported 7 people died of E coli outbreak.
WHO said, the cases because of E coli have been reported in nine European countries, including Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and England. The huge majority of cases of people in Germany or individuals who travelled to northern Germany.
Renal Failure due to E Coli Infections
Gastro-intestinal infections caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli (E coli) in general will cause diarrhea and abdominal cramps within week after eating contaminated food. However, in cases of epidemics caused by strain of E coli is, sufferers can experience kidney complication called hemolytic uremic rare syndrome.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a kind of kidney failure is rare. Usually affects only 5-15 percent of the population, in babies infected with E coli.
This disease appears after diarrhea signs get better. The WebMD site mentioned, the signs of HUS include fever, abdominal pain, pale skin, fatigue, reduced urine, unexplained bruising, bleeding from the nose and mouth, and swelling of the face, hands, legs, or other body parts.
The impact is more deadly than the disease is destroy to the brain, seizures, even coma. This disease can also cause complications in organ pancreas and other organs.
When they eat foods contaminated with E coli, in intestinal organisms will remove toxins and absorbed in to the blood vessels are then carried by white blood cells (leucocytes) to the kidneys. This will cause acute renal impairment.
In dealing with these bacterial infections, doctors in Europe and the United States no longer give antibiotics since numerous studies show that the move would worsen the condition of the patient.
"It seems that antibiotics make the bacteria explode and poison in it out and cause destroy," said Dr. Buddy Creech, an assistant professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, as reported by CNN.
"All they can do is give patients cope with pain medication or put them on ventilators or dialysis in the event that they need it. They can not address the actual issue. They can only wait for the body heal itself. What can be done basically monitor the patient and hope for the best , "said Dr. Robert Steele, a pediatrician from St. John's Kid's Hospital in Springfield, Missouri.
According to him, until now no specific treatment for the bacteria overcome the malignancy.
Meanwhile, specialist in internal medicine from Cipto Mangunkusumo, dr. Ari Fahrial Sp.PD-KGEH, explains, kidney failure due to bacterial infection may occur when a person experiences a extreme dehydration.
The preliminary signs that arise in patients infected with E. coli, said Ari, in general is extreme diarrhea. As a result, the body is dehydrated which can lead to disruption of kidney function.
In addition, other factors such as toxins or poisons that are released or produced by bacteria in the body may cause kidney failure.
"And this is hazardous. When the bacteria die, the likelihood of toxin would die. But it could also dead bacteria, toxin still alive," they explained.
Ari added, E. coli infection for humans has a broad impact. Mostly, this bacterial infection has a low mortality rate, but a high incidence rate.
No need to panic
E.coli outbreak in Europe is thought to occur because of the habit of consuming raw vegetables such as cucumbers and salad. In fact, according to Ari, bacteria in food would not have died basically by washing. "It is better cooked. Because if cooked properly at a positive temperature for example 80 degrees Celsius, will usually die, "he added.
Ari gave the message that people in Indonesia do not need to panic or participate affected by the plague bacterium that hit parts of Europe. Because according to him, Indonesia had not had to import vegetables from the country.
Exactly Ari reminded the people of Indonesia who plan to travel abroad to be more vigilant. "What is clear, when speaking of food they ought to see, whether the food is still fresh, there is contamination or not, how our immune method against these foods, the environment, and most important budayakan healthy life," they concluded.
Benefits Leaves Sembung
Blumea (Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC.)
Synonym: Baccharis salvia, Lour. = Conyza balsamifera, Linn. = Pluchea balsamifera, (Linn.) Less.
Familia: Compositae (Asteraccae)
Growing up in the open until the place is protected by the river, farm, garden, can grow on sandy soil or a slightly damp soil at an altitude of up to 2200 m above sea level. Shrubs, grow upright, to four m tall, smooth-haired, the leaves at the bottom of stemmed, at the top of the leaves sit, grow turns, round leaf form egg to oval, the base and leaf tip pointed, serrated or scalloped edge, length 8 cm - 40 cm, width four cm - twenty cm, there's 2-3 additional leaf on the stalk leaves. Upper leaf surface a tiny rough-haired, the bottom of haired tight and smooth as velvet. Interest groups in the type of malai, exit at the finish of the branch, the color yellow. Longkah fruit slightly bowed, its length is one mm.
Local Name
Blumea, Blumea utan (Sunda); Sembung, Blumea legi; Blumea hanging, Blumea sugar, Blumea kuwuk,; Blumea mingsa, Blumea disagreeable, Blumea slow (Java); Kamandhin (Madura); Sembung (Bali), Sembung, capa; capo (Sumatra), Afoat (East), Ampampau, capo, Madikapu; Ai na xiang (China).;
Nature Chemical and pharmacological effects: Taste spicy and slightly bitter, slightly warm, aromatic. Anti-rheumatism, circulation, remove blood clots and swelling.
Curable Disease
Chemical Ingredients: borneol, cineole, limonene, in-methyl ether phloroacetophenon
Rheumatism, menstrual pain, influenza, Bloating, diarrhea, bone pain;
The Used Parts
Leaves, roots, fresh or dried. Borneol Extract obtained from fresh leaves.
* Rheumatic joints.
* The bones pain after childbirth, menstrual pain.
* Influenza, bloating, diarrhea.
Injuries hit, boils, sores, itching skin. Fresh leaves are crushed for outside use or boiled for washing.
Outside Use
one. Diarrhea:
Example of Use for Treatment:
four. Irregular menstruation, no appetite:
one handful of leaves of Blumea boil with four cups water to one One / four cup. Drink with honey if necessary, a day four x one / four cup.
four / four handheld sembung washed Ialu boiled in four cups water to 3/4-nya. Drink with honey, a day four x four / four cup.
four. Chest pain due to narrowing of the coronary arteries (angina pectolis)
four. Menstrual pain
four pieces of leaves of Blumea + Kedaung some baked beans and mashed, boiled with four cups water to rest 1/2-nya, after a chilled drink.
one / four handheld sembung Ialu washed with four cups boiling water in to 3/4-nya. After chilling filtered Ialu taken with honey as necessary. Perform a day four x four / four cup.
Synonym: Baccharis salvia, Lour. = Conyza balsamifera, Linn. = Pluchea balsamifera, (Linn.) Less.
Familia: Compositae (Asteraccae)
Growing up in the open until the place is protected by the river, farm, garden, can grow on sandy soil or a slightly damp soil at an altitude of up to 2200 m above sea level. Shrubs, grow upright, to four m tall, smooth-haired, the leaves at the bottom of stemmed, at the top of the leaves sit, grow turns, round leaf form egg to oval, the base and leaf tip pointed, serrated or scalloped edge, length 8 cm - 40 cm, width four cm - twenty cm, there's 2-3 additional leaf on the stalk leaves. Upper leaf surface a tiny rough-haired, the bottom of haired tight and smooth as velvet. Interest groups in the type of malai, exit at the finish of the branch, the color yellow. Longkah fruit slightly bowed, its length is one mm.
Local Name
Blumea, Blumea utan (Sunda); Sembung, Blumea legi; Blumea hanging, Blumea sugar, Blumea kuwuk,; Blumea mingsa, Blumea disagreeable, Blumea slow (Java); Kamandhin (Madura); Sembung (Bali), Sembung, capa; capo (Sumatra), Afoat (East), Ampampau, capo, Madikapu; Ai na xiang (China).;
Nature Chemical and pharmacological effects: Taste spicy and slightly bitter, slightly warm, aromatic. Anti-rheumatism, circulation, remove blood clots and swelling.
Curable Disease
Chemical Ingredients: borneol, cineole, limonene, in-methyl ether phloroacetophenon
Rheumatism, menstrual pain, influenza, Bloating, diarrhea, bone pain;
The Used Parts
Leaves, roots, fresh or dried. Borneol Extract obtained from fresh leaves.
* Rheumatic joints.
* The bones pain after childbirth, menstrual pain.
* Influenza, bloating, diarrhea.
Injuries hit, boils, sores, itching skin. Fresh leaves are crushed for outside use or boiled for washing.
Outside Use
one. Diarrhea:
Example of Use for Treatment:
four. Irregular menstruation, no appetite:
one handful of leaves of Blumea boil with four cups water to one One / four cup. Drink with honey if necessary, a day four x one / four cup.
four / four handheld sembung washed Ialu boiled in four cups water to 3/4-nya. Drink with honey, a day four x four / four cup.
four. Chest pain due to narrowing of the coronary arteries (angina pectolis)
four. Menstrual pain
four pieces of leaves of Blumea + Kedaung some baked beans and mashed, boiled with four cups water to rest 1/2-nya, after a chilled drink.
one / four handheld sembung Ialu washed with four cups boiling water in to 3/4-nya. After chilling filtered Ialu taken with honey as necessary. Perform a day four x four / four cup.
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