Fibroids (Leiomioma, Fibromioma, myomas) are benign tumors in the uterine wall consisting of muscle and tissue fibrosa.Fibroid occurred in 20% of women aged 35 years and more frequently found in women skinned hitam.Ukurannya varied, ranging from the invisible to the size of watermelon fruit.
The cause is unknown, but it seems to be influenced by estrogen.Fibroid levels often increase in size during pregnancy and shrink after menopause. As long as people are still having menstrual periods, fibroids will probably continue to grow even though its growth is very slow. Can only be found fibroids, but can also grow some fruit fibroids.
Symptoms can include: # A lot of menstrual bleeding or prolonged # Bleeding between menstrual cycles # Pain, pressure or heavy feeling in the pelvic area during or between
Despite the large size, fibroids may not cause gejala.Gejalanya depending on the number of fibroids, size and location in the uterus.
menstrual cycle # Frequent urination # Stomach swells # Infertility due to blockage of the fallopian tubes or uterine cavity distortion.
Other tests commonly performed are: # A biopsy of endometrial tissue # Hysteroscopy # Transvagina ultrasound or pelvic ultrasound # Laparoscopy pelvis.
Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination. On pelvic examination, the uterus is enlarged or palpable presence palpable solid mass with irregular shape.
Treatment depends on severity of symptoms, patient age, pregnancy status, pregnancy plan in the future, a thorough medical and fibroid characteristics.
In patients who experience severe menstrual bleeding that can be given iron to help prevent anemia.
Medication non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (eg ibuprofen or naproxen) are given to cope with lower abdominal cramps or pain during menstruation.
The way it is usually applied to women who have not entered menopause.
Myomectomy (removal of myomas) is usually an option for patients who have not experienced menopause and have a plan to get pregnant again because usually fertility is maintained. Myomectomy performed if the size continues to grow or cause symptoms that can not be tolerated by the patient.
A few months before undergoing surgery, given hormones to reduce the size of the fibroid.
Another advantage of myomectomy is that it can reduce pain or heavy bleeding.
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is done if: - Very heavy menstrual bleeding - Severe pain - Extremely rapid growth of fibroids - Large fibroids who have an infection or twisted.
Surgery should not be done during pregnancy because it can cause miscarriage and lost a lot of blood.
Uterine artery embolization is a new procedure, in which a small tube inserted through a vein in the groin and then into the arteries leading to the uterus. Through this tube is injected substance to clog arteries permanently. Decreased blood flow to the uterus is expected to prevent further tumor growth and ultimately shrink the tumor.
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