
Temukunci Key Overcome Cancer

His appearance was the children who put together the key. That is why they is called temukunci. Mothers temukunci mix when cooking spinach to neutralize purine. Purines causes gout is gone. Recent research proves that anticancer Zingiberaceae relatives members.

Temukunci anticancer? That research Sukardiman Dr., Apt MS, researchers at the Faculty of Pharmacy Airlangga University, for 7 years since 1999. Doctor of pharmacy that use the services of mice with cancer due to injection of benzo (a) pirena, aka carcinogenic substances cause cancer. Sukardiman mice-mice were grouped in to five groups. To overcome this, the birth of Kebumen, Central Java, January 9, 1963 that made the group I as control, the 2nd group given twenty mg / kg body weight of pure isolates pinostrobin; group of the 3rd dose of 40 mg per kg body weight, whereas the group to -4 given anticancer compounds.


Mice fed pinostrobin group four showed no cancer cells proliferate. In fact, its development is hampered by 80%. That is, members of the Zingiberaceae relatives was effective in diminishing as anticancer. Substances What is the most deadly act against the cell? According Sukardiman pinostrobin in temukunci potent against cancer cells. The way it works by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

Efficacy temukunci overcome cancer cells demonstrated through in vitro assays. With a concentration of 100? M, flavonoids that inhibit cancer cell growth leukeumia. On a check basis, it is believed pinostrobin as an anticancer substance in temukunci. They is destroying the cancer cells as well as encouraging the process of suicide. In medical terms, how to work it is called apoptosis. 'Miracle' cancer cells that seldom die finally disappear.

Pinostrobin an antioxidant compound. His role substances counteract free radicals cause cancer. Free radicals are molecules, atoms, or groups of atoms that are not paired. They is risky if the amount over the antioxidant compounds in the body. Due to free radicals that are electrophiles assault the body & destroy DNA, so simple to assault cancer. To be strong endurance, immune process must be maintained.

According to Dr. Ma'at Suprapto from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga, immune process function is defense. They was as guardians of the balance of parts of the body by cleaning the cells die. Another function, immune process patrol throughout the body. If the mutations present in the cell body that trigger cancer-immune-system will destroy it. 'The immune process protects the body from risky free radicals in the body,' they said.

Also pinostrobin also able to inhibit the enzyme topoisomerase I. 'Usually in cancer patients, it increased the enzyme activity,' they said. The impact topoisomerase increased in number. The improvement is due to the high activity of DNA transcription & translation. Transcription changes of DNA in to messenger ribo nucleid acid (mRNA), the carrier of genetic code. Translation is the incorporation of amino acids in DNA.

Pinostrobin Thanks to the addition of topoisomerase I was inhibited. You do this by inhibiting the transcription of DNA. While the action of the enzyme activity is inhibited by releasing a substance that will bind the enzyme. As a result, cancer cells die. Thus drinking at temukunci effective in overcoming cancer. For consumers healthy, drinking ginger stew relatives were efficacious to prevent the assault of cancer.

Prevent Cancer

Besides containing pinostrobin, temukunci also rich in essential oils. 'In each rhizome was 9 months on average contained one.2% volatile oil,' said Sukardiman. Part consists primarily of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, & phenylpropane derivatives such as: geranial, minerals, kamfora, zingiberen, d-pinen, kamfen, d-borneol, geraniol, osimen, & miristin. According to Professor Sidik, professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University, the efficacy of essential oils in a similar temukunci with relatives, ginger & turmeric.

'Content of volatile in all proved to have lots of benefits, "said Sidik. Research Professor. Dr. Yahya Kisyanto & Dr. Nyoman Kertia show it. Xanthorrhizol, the active compound in ginger, it proved as anticancer. Regrettably, research temukunci not yet reached the stage of clinical trials. So dose for humans is unknown.

Most importantly, use a 9-month-old temukunci rhizome. If the harvest miss up to five months stay in the soil-roots-causing substances efficacious missing. Temukunci rhizome consists of a rounded stem tuber & rhizome-like roots are tiny key. Both types of rhizomes were efficacious drugs. Four times neat, the iris rhizome of Kaempferia panduratum narrow, boil in four cups water to boil & the remaining glass. Herb that is routinely taken to prevent or treat cancer assault.

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