
Shrimp Rich Protein and Low Calorie

Various types of shellfish (mussels, oysters, mussels, barnacle) and crustaceans (shrimp, lobster, crab, crab) are animals that live in freshwater (freshwater) and marine (salty). Both regular and special caught shrimp are farmed as a food of high nourishing.

Shrimp have been processed in to a variety of appetizing and tasty cuisine. Even massive shrimp species have also been often used to replace the equally lobster crustacean nation. But of coursework the presentation of various types of shrimp dishes also affect the nutritional content. As with other seafood, shrimp is rich in calcium and protein. So shrimp is included in the source of animal protein.

Value of complete protein because protein is categorized amino acid levels are high, full-profile and straightforward to digest about 85-95 percent of the body. 100 grams of raw shrimp contain twenty.3 grams of protein or to meet every day protein needs as much as 41%. Amino acid profile of shrimp (per 100 g) in a row that included high is gulamat acid (3465 mg), aspartic acid (2100 mg), arginine (1775 mg), lysine (1768 mg), leucine (1612 mg), glycine ( 1225 mg), isoleucine (985 mg), and valine (956 mg). That is, shrimp consumed are suitable for those who require protein to build muscle.

Shrimp Nutrition

Indeed shrimp kolsterol content is high at 152 mg per 100 g of fresh shrimp. But  as well as tuna and other seafood, all the nutritional benefits of shrimp will overcome the negative effects. Essential fatty acids contained shrimp can raise levels of HDL (lovely cholesterol) and lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides in the blood so that is lovely for cardiovascular health.

Calories shrimp low energy (only 106 calories per 100 grams of shrimp) making it of an excellent diet food. Shrimp also contains tiny saturated fatty acids. Even as well as other seafood, healthy fatty acid levels in the shrimp it is as high as Omega-3 and Omega-6 respectively to reach 540 mg and 28 mg per 100 g of fresh shrimp.

Various types of water-soluble vitamins and lovely fats are also high, so excellent on shrimp consumption. Abortion highest consecutive according to the percentage of every day requirement (every day value) is a vitamin D (38%), vitamin B12 (19%), Niacin (13%), vitamin E (5%), vitamin B6 (5%), vitamin A (4%), vitamin C (3%), and others.

Shrimp also contains various minerals that are important to the body. As already known, the minerals of the sea food is more readily absorbed than that derived from beans and cereals. Mineral selenium in 100 grams of fresh shrimp sufficient to meet the every day needs of 54%, followed by phosphorus (20%), iron and copper (each 13%), magnesium (9%), zinc (7%), sodium (6%) , potassium and calcium (5% each), and various other essential minerals.

Shrimp Consumption Benefits

Taking a look at different types of nutrients contained shrimp on the explanation above, it is no exaggeration if some benefits are:

Shrimp and Seafood Allergies

  one. Maintaining cardiovascular health (heart) because the content of essential fatty acids will lower bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots or pieces of atherosclerosis.
  four. Meet protein requirements with a complete profile of amino acids that are basically absorbed body.
  three. It is suitable for a diet menu for low-calorie energy.
  three. Maximizing the various functions of vital organs of the body because of various vitamin content.
  four. As an antioxidant that can maintain healthy immune function, anti-free radicals cause 50 types of degenerative diseases and assist the production of antibodies with high levels of selenium.
  6. Helping working over 70 kinds of enzymes, hormones, and the biosynthesis of other body with its zinc content.
  7. It is vital for intelligence and growth of kids with high vitamin D, B12 and Omega three.
  8. Stopping low blood disease (anemia) and was instrumental in the formation of red blood cells because iron and zinc content was high.
  9. Handle links by maintaining eye health vitamin A.
 ten. Maintain healthy skin and prevent the disease pellagra (mottled and scaly skin) with vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) and niacin high.
 11. Maintaining healthy bones, teeth and joints with vitamin D, calcium and potassium are high.

For those of you who suffer from allergies, sebaikny restrict eating shrimp. If the difficulty be avoided then you can take your medicine anti-allergy is safe to eat. Moreover, it can also take the type of medicines outside the cream to the affected skin allergic reaction. Seafood allergy can happen to even smell the sea food or being around individuals who consume them.

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