
E Coli Bacteria New More Deadly

According to the Beijing Genomics Institute, China in cooperation with Spanish scientists, strains of E coli is a kind of highly deadly and contagious. "This is a unique strain that has not been isolated from a patient before," said Hilde Kruse, food safety specialists from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Europe is currently facing outbreaks of E coli bacteria which make the pain over one,600 people in Germany and killed 18 people. World Health Organization states, the pathogen causing this outbreak is a new strain that has seldom been known by scientists.

Preliminary research on the genetic analysis showed that strains of this bacterium is a mutant type of the bacteria E coli, enteroaggregative E coli (EAEC) and enterohemorrhagic E coli (EHEC). When the bacteria join, it would be hazardous to humans.

"One of the bacteria will take poisonous substances from other bacteria and produce toxins that are more hazardous because it causes extreme diarrhea, even destroy the tissue, including kidney," said Dr Paul Wigley, a biologist from the University of Liverpool, as reported by the BBC.

The case of E coli outbreak has led to kidney failure a rare and life-threatening. Actually, the normal E coli infection was also life-threatening, but usually only in the group of babies and babies and individuals who low body resistance.

In the case of Europe's most victims are females and teenagers. The Spanish government found 470 cases of kidney complications. This outbreak is feared more casualties because until now can not ascertain the source of transmission of plague.

The incubation period of the disease was to three days. E coli bacteria can be present in feces and can spread if a person has a lack of tidy living habits, such as not washing hands with soap.

Suspected outbreaks are caused by preliminary raw vegetables contaminated with E coli. Several studies conducted in Europe also showed a powerful relationship between the signs of the disease and the consumption of raw vegetables.

E coli outbreak that occurred in Europe this is the third largest event and most cause fatalities. Earlier people reportedly died in an outbreak in Japan in 1996 and made 9,000 people sick. Meanwhile, in 2000 in Canada reported 7 people died of E coli outbreak.

WHO said, the cases because of E coli have been reported in nine European countries, including Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and England. The huge majority of cases of people in Germany or individuals who travelled to northern Germany.

Renal Failure due to E Coli Infections

Gastro-intestinal infections caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli (E coli) in general will cause diarrhea and abdominal cramps within week after eating contaminated food. However, in cases of epidemics caused by strain of E coli is, sufferers can experience kidney complication called hemolytic uremic rare syndrome.

Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a kind of kidney failure is rare. Usually affects only 5-15 percent of the population, in babies infected with E coli.

This disease appears after diarrhea signs get better. The WebMD site mentioned, the signs of HUS include fever, abdominal pain, pale skin, fatigue, reduced urine, unexplained bruising, bleeding from the nose and mouth, and swelling of the face, hands, legs, or other body parts.

The impact is more deadly than the disease is destroy to the brain, seizures, even coma. This disease can also cause complications in organ pancreas and other organs.

When they eat foods contaminated with E coli, in intestinal organisms will remove toxins and absorbed in to the blood vessels are then carried by white blood cells (leucocytes) to the kidneys. This will cause acute renal impairment.

In dealing with these bacterial infections, doctors in Europe and the United States no longer give antibiotics since numerous studies show that the move would worsen the condition of the patient.

"It seems that antibiotics make the bacteria explode and poison in it out and cause destroy," said Dr. Buddy Creech, an assistant professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, as reported by CNN.

"All they can do is give patients cope with pain medication or put them on ventilators or dialysis in the event that they need it. They can not address the actual issue. They can only wait for the body heal itself. What can be done basically monitor the patient and hope for the best , "said Dr. Robert Steele, a pediatrician from St. John's Kid's Hospital in Springfield, Missouri.

According to him, until now no specific treatment for the bacteria overcome the malignancy.

Meanwhile, specialist in internal medicine from Cipto Mangunkusumo, dr. Ari Fahrial Sp.PD-KGEH, explains, kidney failure due to bacterial infection may occur when a person experiences a extreme dehydration.

The preliminary signs that arise in patients infected with E. coli, said Ari, in general is extreme diarrhea. As a result, the body is dehydrated which can lead to disruption of kidney function.

In addition, other factors such as toxins or poisons that are released or produced by bacteria in the body may cause kidney failure.

"And this is hazardous. When the bacteria die, the likelihood of toxin would die. But it could also dead bacteria, toxin still alive," they explained.

Ari added, E. coli infection for humans has a broad impact. Mostly, this bacterial infection has a low mortality rate, but a high incidence rate.

No need to panic

E.coli outbreak in Europe is thought to occur because of the habit of consuming raw vegetables such as cucumbers and salad. In fact, according to Ari, bacteria in food would not have died basically by washing. "It is better cooked. Because if cooked properly at a positive temperature for example 80 degrees Celsius, will usually die, "he added.

Ari gave the message that people in Indonesia do not need to panic or participate affected by the plague bacterium that hit parts of Europe. Because according to him, Indonesia had not had to import vegetables from the country.

Exactly Ari reminded the people of Indonesia who plan to travel abroad to be more vigilant. "What is clear, when speaking of food they ought to see, whether the food is still fresh, there is contamination or not, how our immune method against these foods, the environment, and most important budayakan healthy life," they concluded.

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