Flowers At Five (Portulaca grandiflora Hook)
Relatives: Portulacaceae
Five o'clock flower or portulaka is native to Argentina, southern Brazil, & Uruguay. Usually, planted as a decorative plant in the garden or in parks. These herbs require full sun to grow lush & colorful flowers. Portulaka can be found from low altitude. one.400m asl.
Flowers gathered in groups 2-8 at the finish of the stem, blooms at five o'clock in the morning & wilt late in the afternoon, the color red, dice, white, orange or yellow. Fruit shape is oval, hairy surface, 5-8 mm long. seeds round, the number of lots, little, & light brown. Expand by stem cuttings or seeds that are elderly.
Trunked wet season herb that grows sideways or rise to the top, 15-30 cm long, often branched from base, on ruasnya smooth-haired, & red or green color. Single leaf, spread lies, not stemmed, at the finish of the stem crowded meeting, to the base of the leaves is more rare. Strands of thick fleshy leaves, succulent, needle shape, a round cylindrical, blunt tip, one to five.5 cm long, it is green.
Nature & Benefits
This herb is bitter, cold nature. Efficacious eliminate swelling, pain relievers (analgesics), anti-inflammatory, & remove blood clots.
Chemical Ingredients
All herbs contain portulal. Stems & flowers contain betacyanin, beranin, & betanidin.
Used Parts
The part that is used as a medicine is all in the type of fresh herbs.
Herbs used to treat:
How to Use
Boil the whole herb (15-30g) & drink when cold. Fresh herbs may even be made juice, then drink.
* Sore throat, headache,
* Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), &
* Swelling due to knock (bruise).
For outside use, wash fresh herbs to taste, then milled until smooth. Stick it on the sick, such as insect bites, boils, sore, or bruised, & swollen. Mill juice of fresh herbs may even be used to wash & compress eczema, burns, or scalded.
Example Usage
Sore throat
Wash fresh herbs portulaka, then milled until smooth & squeeze until the water is collected cup. Add a tiny borax, & use it to gargle-gargle.
Wash all fresh portulaka part, except the roots, (+ / - 30 grams). add cups of water, boil until boiling for 15 minutes. Five times cold, strain & drink as well. If pain recurs, do 2-3 times a day.
Wash fresh herbs partulaka (30 grams), then milled until smooth. Squeeze with a piece of cloth, & drinking water collected simultaneously. Do it 2-3 times a day until healed.
Eczema in babies
Wash fresh herbs to taste, then milled until smooth. Use water to compress Eczema feelings.
Boils, Scabby
Wash fresh stalks thoroughly, then finely minced. Put in to place the sick, & dressing. Replace 2-3 times a day
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