Food substances in our bodies convert in to energy. Digestive method in our body produce nutrients. Sari food was burned in the cells produce energy. At the time alter food in to energy, cells produce waste.
Waste generated in the kind of metabolic waste substances, these substances are no longer used by the body. Therefore, this substance must be disposed of so as not to poison the body. The method of disposal of substances called the method of spending the remainder of metabolism or excretion. Waste substances are excreted out of the body by excretion organs, ie kidneys, skin, lung, & liver.
one. Disorders of the kidney
Kidney function can be weakened due to bacterial infection, inflammation, kidney stones, & so forth. If kidney is not functioning or weakened, then the other kidney will take over the task of the first kidney. But the kidneys can be damaged both of them & this will lead to serious because urea will accumulate in the body & cause death. The following are disorders & diseases of the kidney.
a. Kidney stones
Kidney stones occur because of the calcium salt deposits in the kidneys thereby inhibiting the release of urine & cause pain. The illness can be treated with surgical procedure & laser beams. The aim of surgical procedure to remove the potassium salt deposits. The aim of using laser light to break the deposition of calcium salts.
b. Kidney inflammation (nephritis)
Kidney inflammation called nephritis. Kidney inflammation occurs because of damage to the nephron, the glomerulus caused by bacterial infection. Damage to the nephron leading to urine back in to the blood & the absorption of water becomes disturbed, causing swelling in the legs. Nephritis sufferers can be cured with a kidney transplant or regular dialysis. Dialysis is usually done to receive a donor kidney patients who have tissue compatibility with the organs of patients.
c. Renal failure
Kidney failure occurs if kidney is not functioning. Failure of of these kidneys will be taken over their duties by the other kidney. However, this situation will continue to generate high risk. Why is that? Because the causes accumulation of urea in the body & death. The illness can be overcome with a kidney transplant or the use of artificial kidney until the original kidney function can return.
four. Disorders of the skin
a. Biduran
Biduran caused by chilled air, food allergies, & chemical allergies. Biduran marked by the emergence of bumps, irregular bumps & itchy.
Disorders & diseases associated with skin often they find in every day life. There's diseases that are not harmful & unsafe. Common skin disorders are as follows.
Biduran may take several hours & can also last for days. If the illness is caused by allergies, the way to prevent it is to keep away from food & chemical products that cause allergies. Treatment can be performed using prescription drugs given by doctors.
b. Ringworm
Ringworm is a fungus that infects the skin. The infection is characterized by the onset of the circle spots on the skin. Prevention of this illness is done by keep skin dry & not humid. The treatment is done by taking anti-fungal drugs.
There's types of white blood cells that play a role in our immune technique, namely T lymphocytes & B lymphocytes In psoriaris happen activation of abnormal T lymphocytes in the skin. This causes the skin to become inflamed excessively.
c. Psoriasis
Psoriasis can not be cured , but regular treatment can suppress the signs become apparent. The signs it causes are skin redness that may occur in the scalp, elbows, back & knee. The exact cause of this illness can not be determined, but results from lots of studies of this illness caused by a disruption in the immune technique.
seven. Disturbances in liver
d. Skin cancer
Skin cancer caused by excessive sunlight reception. The illness is more often attacked individuals who were white or light, because skin color is more sensitive to sunlight. Prevention can be done with sunscreen or avoid contact with the sun much.
Liver illness can be caused by a viral infection, no operation of the liver & bile. Disorders & diseases related to heart diseases such as hepatitis & jaundice.
a. Hepatitis
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by a virus. There's several kinds of hepatitis viruses, such as viral hepatitis A & hepatitis B. Hepatitis caused by hepatitis B virus is more unsafe than hepatitis caused by viral hepatitis A. Hepatitis can be prevented by vaccination.
two. Disturbances in lung
b. Jaundice
Jaundice is caused by blockage of bile ducts leading to bile can not flow in to the duodenum, so that entry in to the blood & the blood color to yellow. Patient looked pale yellowish skin, the whites of the eyes yellowish ball, & nail jaripun yellow. This happens because the whole body there's blood vessels that carryover blood yellowish because of mixing with bile.
The main causes that make the lungs are not functioning optimally is a viral infection & bacteria & air pollution. Air pollution caused by factory smoke, vehicles, combustion, & cigarette smoke. Diseases of the lungs such as asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, & lung cancer.
a. Asthma
Asthma is called asthma caused by bronchospasm. Asthma is a narrowing of the main bronchi of the lungs. Signs of this illness characterized by difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath. The illness is not contagious & is declining. Environmental conditions where the air is unhealthy or has been contaminated will trigger an asthma assault.
b. Tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculosis is a illness caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This bacteria assaults the lungs so that on the inside of the alveoli there is a pimple. TB may cause death. Most people infected by the tuberculosis bacteria without having signs of suffering from tuberculosis, this is called latent tuberculosis. If patients do not get treatment for latent tuberculosis will create active tuberculosis widened.
Active tuberculosis is a condition in which the immune technique is unable to fight the tuberculosis bacteria present in the body, causing infections, in the lungs.
* User vaccine BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) BCG vaccine can be given from the child. The protection provided by the BCG vaccine can last for 10-15 years, so at the age of 12-15 years can be vaccinated again.
* Treatment of patients with latent tuberculosis.
* Treatment of active tuberculosis by using antibiotics for about 6 months ought to not be broken.
TB can be overcome with therapy. TB therapy can be done is as follows:
c. Pneumonia
The illness is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi that infect the lungs, in the alveoli. This illness causes the oxygen difficult to enter because of alveoli filled with liquid.
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