
Efficacy Apples

END-end we will find a lot of apples everywhere. Not only apples from Malang, but also will be found apple imports. Apparently, the fruit is more popular in the community is a lot of usefulness.
If the East (Eastern) as the durian fruit has a seed, then the Western society (Western) have apples. Westerners often use apples as a paradigm for an interesting fruit.
It is estimated that there are seven thousand kinds of apples growing in the world, but there are only a few kinds on the market in Indonesia, such as apples Village, Australian apples, apple Manalagi, American apple.
The shape, size, color, flavor and texture of each type of apples are diverse. But in terms of nutrition is not much different. The presence of potassium / high potassium and pectin in apples, making the fruit is very useful for preventing stroke and reducing sugar levels and blood cholesterol. One thing that is beneficial for patients with diabetes and coronary heart disease.
Apples are generally round, with hollows at the base of the bud. Apple flesh is white, crunchy and juicy with a sweet or sour. The flesh of this fruit is protected by a thin skin that is generally shiny. When the meat was cut off out its fragrant and fresh. But there are several varieties of apples, the smell of it was very sharp.
Flavor, aroma, and texture, is actually generated from approximately 230 chemical components. It also includes a variety of acids such as acetic acid, the format as well as 20 other types of acid. Additionally there is alcohol content ranges from 30-40 species, esters such as ethyl acetate approximately 100 species, such as formaldehyde and asetaldehid carbonyl, and much more.
Potassium and stroke
The content of nutrients that stand out on the apple is potassium, especially in red apples, as well as pectin and cellulose. Potassium is a mineral that works to increase the regularity of the heartbeat, activating muscle contractions, regulating the delivery of nutrients to the cells, control the fluid balance in the body's tissues and cells, and helps regulate blood pressure.
Research conducted by experts from the University of California at San Diego, United States, shows, one serving of fruits that contain lots of potassium a day, can reduce the risk of stroke (brain attack) up to 40%.
The research was applied to approximately 800 men and women aged 50 or over, namely the high risk age for the exposed brain attack. Apparently, high concentrations of potassium intake through diet can reduce blood pressure, thereby decreasing the chances of stroke.
Apples, especially the red, has a relatively high potassium content of potassium. Every 100 grams of red edible apples contained approximately 203 mg of potassium content.
It is still lower when compared to potassium is in bananas (435 mg), avocado (278 mg), duku (232 mg) and papaya (221 mg). But still higher than the potassium content in brown manila (181 mg), orange (162 mg), leatherback (130 mg), pineapple (125 mg) and wine (111 mg). Thus, apple fruit is considered one of the potential in lowering the risk of brain attack.
Dietary fiber
Apples contain fiber in large quantities. Cellulose is an insoluble fiber (in water) which is in apple skin. Meanwhile, the type of pectin is a soluble fiber that are often found on apple fruit flesh.
Insoluble fiber, particularly cellulose hemicellulose and lignin in addition to some, can speed the trip across the channel percerna leftovers. While soluble fibers can cause the opposite effect, slowing the 'traffic' leftovers.
Both forms of fiber is actually equally memunyai strength laxative. Both types of fiber can absorb water and makes stools larger. So, do not be surprised if people with constipation (difficult bowel movements), the consumption of whole apples with the skin is highly recommended aliases.
Controlling cholesterol
Soluble fiber, namely pectin and gums, forming a gel in the intestine. As a result, the time required to move the remaining food from the mouth of the anus so much longer. This makes the person will feel full longer. That is why, for those who are on a slimming program, apples can be used as penggati energy food, such as fatty or sweet cakes.
In addition, soluble fiber is able to bind various substances, including cholesterol, and reduce its absorption from the intestinal tract. The shape of this fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels.
The results show, pectin content of apples can reduce LDL cholesterol by 10%. LDL cholesterol is a cause of heart disease and stroke. In addition to lowering LDL, the apple does not reduce HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol. So the apples is expected to minimize the risk of heart disease by 20%.
Insoluble fiber also was able to slow the entry of glucose from the digestion of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. This is very useful for controlling diabetes.
Freshness of apples
To obtain maximum benefit from the apple then the dosage form must be considered. Fresh apples are generally better than processed into juice or syrup.
Research conducted by several experts pointed out, giving an apple with a variety of dosage forms in normal people, produces a different response to the concentration of blood sugar and insulin. While consumption of fresh apples intact only slightly raised serum insulin, compared to applesauce. The structure of the fiber in the apple pulp is damaged.
So, fresh apples, especially in patients with diabetes, more beneficial than the processed apples. High soluble fiber content and low energy, as well as a variety of sweet and sour taste makes apples suitable as a selection of snacks in addition to being a good dessert.
Crisp apple flavor can help remove the sticky material on the teeth, such as sugar, as well as stimulate salivation, so as to clean the teeth.
High content of flavonoids
There have been many studies reveal that the apples, like other fruits, are rich in fiber, phytochemicals, and flavonoids. However, according to the National Cancer Institute of the United States, most apples contain flavonoids compared with other fruits.
This substance, according to the report, can reduce the risk of a disease and lung cancer by 50 percent. In addition there is good news for men. Mayo Clinic research in the United States in 2001 proved that quacertin, a type of flavonoids contained in apples, helps prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells.
With the content of many of these nutrients by consuming apples then we will be spared from a variety of diseases, while diseases that could be avoided are as follows:
Keep the immune system
According to Miriam Polunnin in his book "Healing Foods". According to the book, apple is very beneficial for digestion. To study Konowalchuck J in 1978 also published that the cider is proven to overcome the attacks of disease or viral infection.
Strengthen bones
French researchers found that flavonoids contained or phloridzin in apple fruit is useful for increasing bone density.
Borax which is contained other substances are also beneficial for strengthening bones. Peneltian is done to women who have entered the menopausal period proved to be protected from osteoprosis.
Preventing asthma
One recent study showed that children with asthma by drinking apple juice every day had less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month.
Another study showed that children born to women who eat lots of apples during pregnancy had a lower risk of asthma than children of mothers who ate few apples.
Prevent Alzheimers
A study conducted on mice at Cornell University found that the quercetin in apples protect brain cells from free radical damage types that can cause Alzheimers disease.
Eating apples can increase production of acetylcholine, a chemical that transmits messages between nerve cells, so that the content of apples is able to maintain the sharpness of brain as you age, increase memory, and potentially reduce the likelihood of getting Alzheimer's disease.
Lowers cholesterol
Research suggests that apples have high enough levels of quercetin. High levels of quercetin mentioned may increase antioxidant activity in blood. This can reduce levels of LDL cholesterol that can damage the blood stream.
Pectin in apples lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol. Two people who eat apples per day can lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.
Preventing lung cancer
According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids, quercetin and naringin in apples.
Preventing breast cancer
A Cornell University study found that rats who ate one apple per day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 17 percent. Rats fed three apples per day reduced their risk by 39 percent and those fed six apples per day reduced their risk by 44 percent.
Preventing colon cancer
One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer. Other studies have shown that the pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive system.
Preventing liver cancer
The study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer.
Mengontol diabetes
Water-soluble fiber called pectin in apples can lower cholesterol levels. Pectin can bind bile acids and brought out through the feces. Pectin in apples are also useful in controlling blood sugar.
Lose weight
Brazilian in his research found that women who ate three apples per day during the diet program then it will be a greater loss than those who did not consume apples at the time of carrying out his diet.
As a good source of fiber, apple good for digestion and helps you lose weight. Apples are an excellent snack for people who are losing weight due to high fiber content, thus preventing hunger comes more quickly.
Preventing heart disease
University of California Davis Medical Center, based on his research results have, antioxidants in apple juice is able to overcome the disease bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein / LDL) and protects the health of body heart disease. Publication of research in Finland (1996) showed that people ate flavonoid-rich have a lower incidence of heart disease.
Reduce interference when menopause
According to the study of U.S. Apple Association in 1992, it was reported that apples contain boron which helps the body maintain a woman's estrogen levels at menopause. Maintaining estrogen means to reduce interference caused by hormonal imbalance dikala menopause such as hot flashes, pain, depression, heart disease, osteoporosis.
Keep the immune system
According to Miriam Polunnin in his book "Healing Foods". According to the book, apple is very beneficial for digestion. To study Konowalchuck J in 1978 also published that the cider is proven to overcome the attacks of disease or viral infection.
Maintaining healthy teeth
Apples also contain tannins, substances that are useful to prevent tooth decay periodontal. Gum disease is caused by mutual attachment of plaque forming bacteria.
Prevents gallstones
According to Dr. Lai Chiu Nan nutritious apples to soften gall stones by consuming daily 4 to 5 pieces of fresh apple.
Relieve diarrhea
Apples also have properties to relieve diarrhea. This according to Miriam Polunnin in his book "Healing Foods". According to the book, apple is very beneficial for digestion.

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