You are often walking out of the city will certainly find that bizarre food. They ought to be more cautious, in case the food was not kosher.
When you travel to Solo for example, then you ought to be cautious with foods that are sold in stalls. There's several stalls in the city & the surrounding area which offers menus sate jamu. The city palace was famous for its herbal medicine products that reach the other areas. Lots of of the herbal industry, both large & tiny, that come from this city. So when there is food menu which makes use of the term, our thoughts immediately focused on products that nourish & refresh the body.
Having observed & researched further, it is the satay skewers laced with herbs is not an efficacious herbal medicine or herbalism. Sate was actually a pseudonym of satay made from dog meat! This food is sold at the roadside stalls between Solo & Boyolali, as well as the other way around Kartosuro.
The use of the name of the menu that did not blunt the perception that is cause for Muslim consumers. If the offer is satay skewers dog or pig, as Muslims they would definitely avoid it with a clear conscience. But with a name that is not clear that they may be deceived & ate the menu without feeling guilty.
In Bali, people may already be familiar with the food called "lawar". Balinese people often make this special menu in celebration of their events. These foods consist of a variety of vegetables mixed with meat & seasonings. At first glance urab food is similar to Java. Not lots of know that in lawar is often added to fresh blood being poured. Usually derived from the blood of chickens or other animals, which are added together with spices.
The presence of fresh blood, of coursework, makes the cuisine is prohibited for Muslims. Moreover, the blood still flows were added in a raw state, which in addition to haram is also unhealthy. If people outside of Bali come & try dishes typical of the area, it is necessary to look at it more carefully & cautiously. It is OK to taste the typical regional cuisine, but awareness of its halal status must even be a serious concern.
There's several restaurants that have been modified modern regional cuisine is becoming more hygienic & halal. Lawar historicallyin the past use lots of fresh blood that has been modified using the halal spices, such as soy sauce & some kind of sauce. But sometimes it is hard to distinguish where lawar that have been adapted to the needs of Muslims or who are still using prohibited materials.
In other areas on the island of Java are still lots of shops & restaurants that provide food prohibited covertly. You may often listen to the term "marus", ie blood frozen & cooked side dishes are popular in some places in West Java, Central Java & Yogyakarta. Marus is often located in the row of menus along with tofu, tempeh & other side dishes.
Cursory marus sweet, marinated tofu is similar to a dark brown. When juxtaposed with sweet, marinated tofu, consumers will be difficult to distinguish which of them marus & which of them to know. If they are not critical & cautious, it could be confused, as it's ever experienced buyers from out of town who did not know marus well.
As lawar in Bali, marus derived from the blood that flowed that the law is haram for Muslims. Blood results from the slaughter of animals, like cows & chickens, it ought to not be consumed by humans. In addition to prohibited, in which also contain pathogenic bacteria that may cause various diseases. In homes that have been cut to get halal certification from MUI, blood utilization has become of the preconditions, does he deserve a halal certificate or not. In case you still use it for human blood (consumed), then the slaughterhouse can not be certified kosher, although the resulting meat slaughtered by Muslims.
There is also marus cooked satay-style, by making tiny pieces & stabbed her with a prick like satay. Worse, the cuisine is then mixed with satay-satay others, such as satay ati, quail eggs, chicken & shellfish jerohan. Consumers who have no idea will take it as jerohan, because the shape & color similar to the sate ati.
Finally, when they travel to new places or areas, ought to indeed be more cautious in choosing food. It is OK to try typical local dishes tersebutr, but keep in mind, the halal standards which serve as guidelines for a Muslim ought to be maintained. If it does not know, you ought to ask the local community, of whether the food is made & how to make it. For if they have no idea & do not try to figure out, then they will receive a sin if it is then the food they eat comes from the illegal.
In Manado, in case you are not cautious could get the dishes typical of the region was derived from mice. Rats are ample in palm oil plantations in the area to be hunted person Manado cuisine is said by locals produce delicious dishes. Harganyapun pricey, when it is served in restaurants. Well, if they try to Manado cuisine, you ought to be cautious with the food.
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