During this time, cancer researchers are focused on the vitamin that serves as a powerful antioxidant such as vitamin A, C, and E and forget the vitamin B. But lately, folic acid or Vitamin B9 much attention because of its role in stopping colon cancer and may function to prevent cervical and other cancers as well.
Yet there was also research-study introduced that give different results, even mentioning that the addition of folic acid to foods can trigger cancer.
Prevent Colon Cancer
Intake of folic acid can be obtained from a variety of everyday foods, including green vegetables, like broccoli, spinach and asparagus. So also with fruits red or orange, like watermelon, oranges, bananas, pineapple, kiwi . Folic acid is also present in meat, beef liver, fish, milk as well (currently lots of milk fortified with folic acid.)
Recent research shows that people with low folic acid levels were more likely to get colon cancer. If females and get lots of folic acid in their food menu, will reduce the risk of colon cancer by 60 percent.
Individuals who suffer from Ulcerative Colitis (UC), have an increased risk of colon cancer and the patient was often found low levels of folic acid. Ulcerative colitis are inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation of the digestive tract, is characterized by abdominal pain and diarrhea. This is because that the cure for this disease, namely sulfasalazine, can block the absorption of folic acid.
Females with cervical dysplasia and can create in to cervical cancer, if the issue is not detected and treated early. Lots of females infected with human papillomavirus (HPV) had cervical dysplasia. Females who smoke are more likely to have cervical dysplasia, this may be because smokers have low levels of folic acid.
Stopping Cervical Cancer
Recent research shows that females with HPV and low levels of folic acid times more likely to have cervical dysplasia. Another study showed that a small cervical dysplasia can be treated effectively with a immense dose folic acid (over three milligrams a day). In the event you are affected by cervical dysplasia, consult together with your doctor.
Lower Pancreatic Cancer Risk In Females
It is known that folic acid plays an important role in the method of methylation, synthesis or formation and DNA repair. Several epidemiological studies conducted showed that administration of folic acid is more highly correlated with a reduction of the risk of pancreatic cancer for example in the study of PLCO (Prostate, Lung, colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer) of the studies proving the benefits of folic acid.
As published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition volume 91, February 2010, research on folic acid supplementation and fortification by Dr. Oaks and colleagues from George Washington University, United States provide information about the benefits of folic acid supplementation to decrease the risk of pancreatic cancer in females.
The study shows there is and a crooked keterbalikan between pancreatic cancer risk between increasing quartiles of total folate in females (P trend: 0.04), but not in men (P trend: 0.65).
In conclusion the study, that there was a relationship between foods that contain more folate and folate intake with a reduced risk of pancreatic cancer in females, but this is not present in men.
Folic Acid Cure Throat Cancer
Study Results from a recent study showed that folic acid supplementation is useful for the treatment leucoplakia (ie white patches on the mucous membrane) in the larynx that may cause cancer.
Larynx, as the vocal cords, is part of the respiratory technique and acts as a sound producer. Weakened leucoplakia form white patches on mucous membranes in the mouth or throat, and contain cancer-causing cells.
As lots of as 31 people from 43 patients suffering from disorders of the larynx leucoplakia subtracted those files are about 50% after treatment with folic acid for 6 months. Treatment consisted of three mg of folic acid given every 8 hours. The results were published in the journal Cancer.
In earlier studies, patients diagnosed menglami leucoplakia on brain cancer and larynx and neck appeared to have levels of folate in the blood is low compared to normal conditions. However by giving folic acid supplements, saw an increase in significant levels of folate in the blood.
Recent research also supports the earlier notion that low folate levels are long-term risk factors that could affect the occurrence of cancer of the larynx, when combined with exposure to carcinogens from the surrounding surroundings.
Other versions Asa Research Folate
For further, still needs more extensive research conducted to assess the effectiveness of folic acid supplements after surgical procedure leucoplakia the larynx to prevent the occurrence of brain and neck cancer.
It is a nice reason for females to consume folic acid, in the event that they are planning a pregnancy, because there is proof that folic acid can reduce the defects at birth. But for the average woman in relation to cancer risk, vitamin B and folic acid does not appear to appear to be able to lower or increase the risk.
Although lots of studies that folic acid can berhubungkan mendegah or treat cancer, there was also the results of different studies. Dr. Shumin Zhang, a professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston, concluded that dietary supplements containing vitamin B and folic acid was not shown to prevent cancer. Folic acid are essential nutrients necessary in the coursework of pregnancy or planning a pregnancy.
Addition of Folic Acid In Foods Trigger Cancer
Folic acid is widely consumed by pregnant females to prevent birth defects and found also in some foods and supplements. But recently, researchers from Norway found an indication of a growing risk of cancer after the administration of folic acid.
Since 1998, folic acid (vitamin B9), lots of fortified (added) on food or drinks in order to reduce neural tube defects in newborns. As lots of as 40 percent of people in the United States are now taking supplements containing folic acid. But now, folic acid is suspected to be cause of cancer.
"We found indications of folic acid fortification of insecurity and various kinds of supplements. Communities and food producers require to make this material of attention," said Dr. Marta Ebbing of the Department of Heart Disease at Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, as quoted from HealthDay.
Ebbing said that in Norway, no food supplemented with folic acid or as a supplement. "That's what makes Norway as an ideal place to do this inquiry," he said.
From the study results, it is known that those who got folic acid for about years, are at increased risk of cancer by 21 percent. Even if it was given for 6 years, developed in to a risk of death.
The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that analyzed 6837 patients from 1998 to 2005. The result, as lots of as 341 participants who got folic acid is known to have cancer growing in her body, and 136 participants died. Conversely, those who were not given folic acid did not experience it.
Cancer of the most widely reported due to consumption of folic acid is a cancer of the lung, prostate, blood and colon.
"Folic acid has been used widely in all countries. Researchers think that folic acid in fortified food products and drinks for pregnant females could prevent a child born with brain defects. So, to say folic acid may finish up in cancer, more studies require and long, "said Drake.
Although the Norwegian researchers have shown that folic acid can increase the risk of cancer, but Bettina F Drake of the Cancer Middle of the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis said it was early to conclude it.
However, this study must still be thought about and is expected to trigger other studies of folic acid. Meanwhile, to prevent cancer there's three things to do than to think about folic acid, ie cease smoking, consumption of healthy foods and exercise.
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