Relieve Work Lung.
Lizards that live in the bush can overcome the interference in the kidneys and lungs of asthma, cough, and tuberculosis (TB). Lizard present in plenty of parts of Asia, North and Southeast Asia. According to traditional Chinese medicine, lizards are salty and neutral. Function as a tonic for the lungs and kidneys. In the theory of elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), lizards serve as a tonic element of the kidneys and can increase sexual vitality. Also as a tonic pure energy, blood, and lung chi. Benefits, can relieve asthma and treat cough mucus.
Lizard powdered herb is believed to remove the mucus, making coughing sounds heard no more, and longer breaths. Lizard powder is also nice for people with tuberculosis, who had a extended cough. Dr. Budi said his experience while still practicing in hospital Beijing, China. They found, there's patients with asthma and cough remained recalcitrant smoking, conditions are better when compared to patients Indonesia. In fact, the nicotine from cigarettes to make the lungs work to weaken. Their condition, might have been due to diligent drink wine with the marinade yellow lizard.
Lizards are believed to have functions similar to the hormone testosterone. Lizards are also efficacious as a reliever lung muscles are tense from lack of oxygen supply. Powdered lizard can increase endurance, lower blood sugar levels, and serves as an anti aging or antiaging. "According to research in China, lizards contains proteins, fats, minerals, and calcium," said Dr.. Budi.
How do I manage it?
"Remove the whole contents of organs and their scales. Rinse the remaining body parts, and then widened. Wide body is pierced with bamboo wood until smooth and narrow. Three times prepared, bake until dry with low temperatures, "he said. Three times dry, prepared to grind up the meat lizards in powder form. Dose can then be consumed in grams or put in to capsules.
To get the benefits of treatment, the recommended dose one times a day each 1-3 grams. When in the type of capsules, drink three x three a day. Herbs and Acupuncture Clinic in Beijing, Jakarta, one gram of powdered lizard Rp one,000, while the lizard capsules for consumption 7 days, it costs Rp 130,000.
Alternatively, three roasted lizard tail is inserted in to the vessel containing three liters of wine a yellow liquid. Let stand for night, then drank times a shot every day. Dr. Budi reminded, before it is processed in to drugs, it ought to discard the head and foot lizards because they contain toxins. The tail is the most efficacious than other body parts. However, they did not report why.
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