
Harmful If Excessive mineral intake

Minerals are nutrients derived from land that can not be generated by the body, eg, magnesium, iodine, arsenic, potassium, phosforus, sodium, manganese, iron, calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, & so forth. Body's need for minerals in tiny but the benefit is not something tiny, like they would know the benefits of the mineral zinc, selenium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium & others.

There's several types of minerals that are hazardous or poisonous if our excess minerals, such as arsenic, which can damage the kidneys, lead may cause anemia, & others.

Here are some minerals that must be cautious if excessive & try to limit your intake:

Sometimes minerals are hard to keep away from such places that have been contaminated, such as chemical plant surroundings, soil & water in to lots of mineral content is harmful. These minerals will finally accumulate in the water, plants, grass or vegetables, & livestock that eat grass minerals will accumulate in the flesh. Next they are eating vegetables, fish & meat will be a surplus of minerals was well.


 much aluminum intake can have negative effects that can damage the brain (causing Alzheimer's disease), causing DNA damage, renal dysfunction, & allegedly can trigger breast cancer.

Aluminum accumulated in various tissues in the body, including brain, kidney, liver, lung, & thyroid. Aluminum competes with calcium in the absorption process that can lead to reduced bone mineralization. In this infant hamper growth. It is also interfere with the absorption of phosphorus, zinc & selenium by the body.

Source of aluminum that can be feared, among others, its content in medicine, such as antacids, aspirin, anti-diarrhea drugs, infant powder & lipsticks. In addition to watch out for cookware made from aluminum or aluminum foil because it can react chemically when exposed to vinegar, sour tomatoes, tamarind, sour orange, & so forth.


The potential danger of poisoning aluminum, among others: it may cause brain damage, injury bowel & stomach, gastrointestinal disease, Parkinson's Disease, skin issues, mental retardation in babies, learning disorders in children, heart disease, headache, nausea, heartburn, constipation, lack of energy & abdominal bloating.

Think it or not, in fact the body is in desperate need of arsenic even in tiny amounts. Most people get about 140 mcg a day from their diet. Doses greater than 250 mcg a day are poisonous.

Arsenic (As) or often referred to arsenic is a chemical that is found around the 13th century. Most of the arsenic in nature is a type of basic compounds in the type of inorganic substance. Inorganic arsenic can dissolve in water or in the type of gas & exposure in humans. Inorganic arsenic is responsible for a variety of chronic health issues, cancer. Arsenic can also damage the kidneys & is a strong poison.

Arsenic contained in fish & other seafood such as shrimp, squid, & shellfish. The content of arsenic in seafood reaches over six.5 micrograms of arsenic / g wet weight. Arsenic is also present in meat & vegetables, but the number was tiny.

Potential dangers of excess intake of arsenic, among others: to cause kekeracunan with signs ranging from headaches, confusion & drowsiness. Further cause seizures & changes in pigmentation of the nail. When the poisoning becomes acute, signs may include diarrhea, vomiting, blood in urine, muscle cramps, hair loss, abdominal pain, & convulsions again. Organs are usually affected by arsenic poisoning are the lungs, skin, kidney, & liver. The effect of arsenic poisoning is coma to death.


Long-term exposure to arsenic associated with vitamin A deficiency associated with heart disease & night blindness (nyctalopia).

Copper (Cu) is mikroelemen essential for all plants & animals, including humans. Cu metal is necessary by various enzyme systems in the human body. Therefore, Cu ought to always exist in the food. Of particular interest is to keep the levels of Cu in the body does not lack nor excess.

Copper is involved in various biochemical reactions in human cells. Copper is a part of several enzymes, which are involved with regulation of gene expression, mitochondrial function / cellular metabolism, connective tissue formation, & absorption, storage, & metabolism of iron.

Contamination of copper (Cu) present in vegetables & fruits are sprayed with pesticides to excess. Spraying pesticides is mostly done to eradicate snails & worms on vegetables & fruit crops.

Raw foods naturally contain copper include vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, & fruits, as well as shellfish, avocado, & beef (organs like the liver). Because copper is present in the earth's crust, most surface water & groundwater used for drinking purposes contains tiny amounts of copper.

Body needs per day will Cu is 0.05 mg / kg body weight. At these levels there is no accumulation of Cu in the normal human body. Consumption of copper in huge quantities may cause poisoning & even connected with Wilson's disease is a genetic disorder in which the body can not break away from copper, lead deposition in the organs & serious consequences such as liver failure & neurological damage. Potential hazards include obstruction of bile flow, contamination of dialysis liquid (in patients receiving hemodialysis for kidney failure), & cirrhosis of the infant.

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