
Tripang mortal enemy of tumors

That is the result of research Sugeng Juwono of the Centre for Surroundings Studies (PSLH) University of Gadjah Mada. His research found as much as one.43% from 3213 Grujugan Village, Banyumas, Central Java, suffering from tumors. Taking randomized 9 patients showed two people diagnosed with lipoma, two people fibrodenoma, and three kistaovaria. Allegedly originators: excess fat, heredity, the use of mosquito coils in the long term, and also food berpengawet.

Often eat fatty foods and berpengawet, while smoking? If it becomes a lifestyle, you are invited tumor. Habits that make the body difficult to unravel and control compounds in berpengawet food and cigarettes. The impact of compounds in to free radicals, damaging the body.

Lipoma in the back of the knee struck Eva Yulinda, ladies who like to eat food bersantan. West Sumatra bloody woman did not know the origin and the time comes a bump. 'All of a sudden had a round of chicken eggs,' said Eva. Initially, the tumor under the skin that do not interfere at all. However, when he squatted down, the pain memerih.

'Fatty foods have an effect on the buildup of carcinogenic compounds,' said the Gods Generous, Specialists in the illness, Bintaro International Hospital, Tangerang. Fat-rich foods such as meat, trigger prolactin, a hormone that stimulates tumor growth. The higher the fat in the body, increased hormone secretion and tumors growing increasingly aroused.
Below the knee

 tumor that grows due to excess fat is a lipoma. Tumors in the kind of an abnormal lump that includes benign and filled with fatty tissue. The shape is oval. When held, can be soft, chewy, or hard. Although benign ought to not be allowed to grow. Therefore, size can reach ten pounds and hanging from a leather-like fruit. The amount could be dozens. This tumor type affects more ladies on the arms, torso, neck and back.

Doctor's diagnosis was benign lumps in the kind of fatty deposits called lipomas diffosa. To get rid of fat suction, or surgical procedure performed removal of the tumor.

When preparing for surgical procedure, a mate suggested massage therapy helped herbal consumption. Eva's advice is followed. Because, her mate believes, is not necessarily surgical operations to remove all the tumor cells that spread. It also strengthened the healing of friends the same illness. Every weeks for two months, Eva undergoing treatment, but nevertheless did not lead to recovery.

Sea cucumbers

'I massaged the body. I am afraid if the lump is also suppressed even bigger, 'said the sister of two children. After that, Eva moved to massage therapy and consumption of other herbs. This technique also ends the same. Although a year had passed, the tumor remained enlarged.

The dose was also coupled with spirulina two grains a day. After three months of regular consumption, the bulge is gone. 'Not consciously, suddenly gone and lost the pain,' said the woman was born February 22, 1959.

Alternative medicine again tried. This time a colleague gave sea cucumber extract. Eva necessary to spend three 350 ml bottles for lump deflate. To show his word that Eva started eating jelly gamat-term sea cucumbers in Malaysia, with a dose of one tablespoon one time every day.

According to Revelation Suprapto, a doctor and herbalist in Malang, East Java, tumors of fat under the skin may even be breaking down a layer of herbs that have alias triterpene saponin compounds. Herbs that include crown god, bitter, ginger, and leaves of the gods. 'There are lots of herbs that can be shed from the skin tumor. However, the most important from the outset for tumor prevention is not settled, "said Wahyu. It can be obtained by away from fatty foods, exercise, and life without smoking a cigarette.

Sea cucumbers can tame tumors has antitumor thanks alias named philipnoside terpenes. It is proved by Tong Y of antitumor Pharmacology Division, Shanghai, China. After isolating the compound saponin sulfate from sea cucumber, Tong inseminating 2-10 microliters philinopside A on rat aorta. The compound was shown to prevent formation of new micro blood vessels. As a result, tumor cells do not receive a supply of nutrients so the cells fail to grow and finally die.

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