Rabbits are animals that lots of people cared for and loved, ranging from children to the elderly. Carrot-eating animals is so lots of kinds. Similarly, the color of his fur. There's white, brown, black, grey and lots of more. Up on his hind legs, the animal can jump quickly to keep away from danger.
Lately livestock farming rabbits are so advanced that the presence of rabbits are basically present in all places. Even in the markets shock (residential areas or on the street) have sold rabbits in appreciable amounts, using a pickup.
Efficacy of rabbit meat was discovered students of the Faculty of Medicine UB Malang. Content of ketotifen in the rabbit meat to be an alternative for people with asthma. Molecular compounds contained in this meat can cure asthma. The most effective lies in the hearts of rabbits. To maintain nutrient levels and the content of this ketotifen, is best cooked using a method of hard-boiled.
Rabbit as a pet besides, it turns the meat is also believed to cure a illness. Fascinating experience occurred in Sleman - Yogyakarta. A rabbit breeder day one time the arrival of people struggling to breath. Without lots of comments people are directly asked dibakarkan rabbit liver and heart. Without thinking fulfill the request. One time the rabbit meat is cooked, the person eating it straight up without anything left. About two minutes later the man who turned out to people with asthma are no longer struggling. Even his face appeared happy. A moment later the person to report to her that rabbit meat rabbit breeders believed to cure asthma. Moreover, when cooked by boiling it.
Based on these unusual experiences finally opened the pedanag rabbit rabbit satay stall not far from his home. every day there is a typical buyer organs in rabbits, eg head, bile, liver and penis. According to buyers, the organs of these animals has its own efficacy as a treatment alternative.
Based on his experience, traders said sate that all parts of the rabbit have properties to cure diseases. For example the head, liver, gall, meat, and his penis. But there is still not known, who knows from blood and skin are also stored powerful properties.
How to method them there is plastic incorporated then steamed. Indeed scientific research on the efficacy of rabbit meat has not been heard, but some people expressed (suggestions) of truth properties of rabbit meat.
Head of rabbit in which there is the brain, for example, can increase the fertility of ladies. Rabbit liver to treat asthma. The meat is known to have high protein and low cholesterol are also lovely for health. Medium animal penises and testicles can increase the bravery of men.
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