
Improve Diets Can Prevent Cancer

Cancer prevention efforts more attention. Conduct of life is of the main causes of cancer, beyond heredity, surroundings, & health service utilization. Living behavioral factors that chiefly involves the every day diet. Dr. Elvina Naidoo, M.Sc., a dietician, invites us to understand that a lovely diet that can prevent definite cancers.
Specialists later identified that 80-90% of various forms of cancer is closely related to the every day food they consume.
Breast & prostate cancer allegedly due to eating much overweight. Alcohol was also cited as a culprit emerge breast cancer.
A lot of epidemiological studies show, the emergence of cancers of the digestive tract are closely related to various exposures of definite types of food. Meanwhile, throat cancer (esophagus) associated with high consumption of alcohol & could even be due to smoking habits. Stomach cancer is also associated with higher consumption of food preservatives that high salinity. While cancer of the colon (gigantic intestine) & rectum caused by high consumption of overweight & alcoholic drinks ( beer).
Liver cancer is thought to be due percemaran food by aflatoxin & high alcohol consumption. Some specialists argue, hepatitis B virus infection is & a cause of liver cancer. Meanwhile, lung cancer & bladder cancer primarily caused by exposure to tobacco (cigarettes) as well as some contaminant chemicals from various industries.
In addition to harmful substances in the nutrient content of definite foods, there's nutrients known as antikarsinogen substances, ie substances that are protective (defending someone who consume them from the onset of cancer). This class includes chiefly vegetables & fruits that contain plenty of vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin C & vitamin E. Other nutrients are also currently known potential to prevent cancer such as selenium (Se), folic acid, niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin D, zinc (zinc), calcium (Ca) & magnesium (Mg).
Fibers that are part of the vegetable food that can not be digested by the body also plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body & can prevent colon cancer. The function of fiber is important because it can draw water out of the blood vessels so that soften the chair & encourage the efficient expenditure through the intestine. Food sources containing fiber are grains, leather & meat, fruits & vegetables such as celery, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, etc..
Antioxidants stimulate immune
Beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, & selenium are known as antioxidants which can stimulate the body's immune method to fight free radicals that form carcinogens (substances that may cause cancer). The mechanism of antioxidants in inhibiting the occurrence of this cancer includes stopping the formation of carcinogens & mengalangi destroy to normal cells.
In experiments on animals proved, the antioxidants inhibit chromosome destroy, stage of tumor promotion, cell transformation & cancer formation stimulation by chemical or radiation.
Much beta-carotene present in yellow vegetables such as carrots, while vitamin C is widely present in plenty of kinds of citrus fruits, guava, etc.. Vitamin E present in plenty of cereals, vegetable oil, corn, green leafy vegetables, & fruits. Selenium is present in meat, shellfish, cereals, & dairy products.
According to some studies, ladies with cervical cancer (cervix) of folic acid levels in the blood decreases. This does not necessarily mean that low levels of folic acid that trigger or cause cancer. With folic acid supplementation, abnormal changes in cells of the cervix (cervical dysplasia) that can create in to cervical cancer, can be prevented. Folic acid is widely present in green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, asparagus), seeds, liver, peas, beans.
Supplementation of vitamin B3 or niacin is reported also to prevent cancer. This vitamin is usually given also in cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, to reduce the poisonous effects (poisoning) of the chemotherapy itself. Popov research even states, providing a combination of niacin & aspirin in patients with bladder cancer was lower recurrence rate & improve the extension of time living with cancer. Niacin is a lot contained in beef, chicken, beans, fish, lean meat, eggs, & avocado.
While studies of other specialists, Garland et al. & Colston et al. show, supplementation of vitamin D in its active form (one,25 - dihydroxy) can inhibit the multiplication (doubling) of cancer cells. The higher vitamin D in the blood (in the type of 25-hydroxy vitamin D), the lower the risk of colon cancer. This vitamin is often present in butter, milk, egg yolks, liver, rice, & fish.
Zinc prevents cancer
Calcium plays a role in the method of proliferation (proliferation) of cells in the lining of the human colonic mucosa. Because it is a high calcium intake may reduce the risk of colon cancer. The study was conducted by a Russian researcher showed that calcium supplementation given to patients with bone tumors can improve the effectiveness of cancer treatment with radiation therapy. Calcium is widely available in milk, yoghurt, cheese, spinach, & broccoli.
The study ever conducted on experimental animals showed, lack of magnesium in the diet of animals can improve the development of throat cancer & cancer of the outer skin. It was found that a person suffering from throat cancer have low zinc levels in their blood. But this is still not known with certainty whether zinc deficiency is a cause or a consequence of this cancer.
According to Garafalo, another professional, in the act of surgical procedure for cancer is recommended to be cautious because it could irritate zinc deficiency, even to the extent that permanent. Moreover, when patients have low levels of zinc in serum before surgical procedure.
In the case of prostate cancer in men also found that low levels of zinc in the prostate gland & prostate gland secretion occurs itself. So the specialists also think zinc is a protection against prostate cancer. Everyday foods that contain plenty of zinc can be found for example in food of animal origin such as chicken, beef, eggs & also in grains, bread, milk & other dairy products.
Later known also some specific substances that are useful to prevent cancer as there is a lot alkilgliserol on shark liver oil, co-enzyme Q10, butyric acid, cartilage Antiangiogenesis factor (the shark) that serves to prevent the formation of new blood in the spread of cancer cells. Also, omega-3 from fish oil, omega-6 as well as some plant extracts such as bromelain from pineapple trees, garlic (Allium sativum), onions (Allium cepa) & substance lentinan from shiitake mushrooms from Japan.
Bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus, also often called the normal bacteria in human colon & function normalizes the activity of enzymes produced by other bacteria.
High levels of overweight & low in fiber are basically found on the Western diet can affect enzyme activity in the type of feces in the colon that can increase the risk of colon cancer.
Carcinogen in foods
Substances contained in foods (dietary factors) may cause the promoters to generate malignancies that do not directly cause a tumor. These substances classified as carcinogens. In addition there's also prokarsinogen carcinogens that are changing the chemical substance that is a trigger cancer.
Carcinogens in foods can be found for example in the processing that causes plosiklik hydrocarbon carcinogen due to fumigation method food, nitrosamines chemicals, physical substances due to nuclear radiation, or biological substances that exist in nature such as the toxins in tobacco.
These poisonous substances will destroy the integrity of cell structure & its core becomes malignant that is mutagenic (normal cells following poisonous or contaminated environmental pollution in to malignant cells that proliferate without control). In addition, carcinogenic substances can arise from improper food processing. For example, the heating is long & high temperatures (causing substances trans-fatty acids), how to fry an excessive & preservation by salting.
Food contaminated by the fungus Aspergillus flatus that produce toxins such as aflatoxin in peanuts rotten & expired cheese is & a carcinogen. The use of oil (cooking), which has been repeatedly contains free radicals such as peroxide, epioksida, & others who are also carcinogenic & mutagenic that turns normal cells become malignant. In experiments on animals, consumption of foods rich in these peroxide groups can lead to colon cancer.
Artificial sweeteners such as cyclamate & saccharin, which is widely used in snack foods according to an epidemiological study could also lead to bladder tumors. Food preservatives such as formaldehyde as a preservative meatballs or know, the use of textile dyes (not for food) as methanyl yellow on crackers, tofu, etc.. & rhodamine, red color in the syrup according to research can also induce liver cancer.
Given that plenty of food substances around us that can induce cancer, as far as feasible they ought to keep away from foods that are less neat, through the expiration date or improperly processed. Although in every day life difficult to keep away from, at least they try to stay away.

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