
Wine, Snack For Healthy Heart

Wine was mentioned as a functional food that provides plenty of benefits from the nutrients they contain because it can reduce the risk of heart issues.

According to scientific research on wine has been long believed to have the efficacy of treatment. Wine is a low-fat fruit sizes, shapes & different colors are fresh, sweet & sometimes have the sense that sharp.

Grapes also contain several phytochemicals including resveratrol contained in the skin, quercitins, anthocyanins & catechins. With a role for heart health, prevention of stroke & cancer protector make wine  be categorized in the tremendous food status.

As of the fruits of the most healthful, the wine contains 70 calories per half cup as well as a source of potassium, vitamin C & pectin-like fibers that can help reduce blood cholesterol. When dried in to raisins, grapes have a concentration of sugar & higher in iron.

In several studies of resveratrol contained in the skins of all kinds of nice wine to reduced risk of breast cancer, liver, intestine & heart disease. Wine as a main part of red wine is a beverage that is nice for heart health which may regulate the negative effects of diets rich in high saturated fat.

To receive a nice wine, select a fresh wine with bright colors & does not shrink or blister. Avoid maturation in the trunk because it is a sign that the wine is elderly. Save the wine in the fridge without washing in the dibolongi bag for week.

Here are some other benefits for the health of your heart:

one. Asthma

Wine assimilatory power that could increase water levels in the lungs. This is excellent for asthmatics because it can reduce the issue of shortness of breath.

three. Antibacterial

Red wine contains a powerful antibacterial & antiviral, so it can protect the body from infection.

five. Alzheimer's

Studies show that wine can improve brain health & avoid from Alzheimer's disease. This is because wine contains resveratol, namely a amyloidal polyphenols that reduce the levels of beta peptides in Alzheimer's.

three. Breast cancer

two. Constipation

Research also indicates that purple grape juice helps in stopping breast cancer that significantly reduce tumor mass in the breast.

6. Fatigue

Wine contains organic acids, sugars, cellulose, known as a laxative. These benefits are excellent to deal with complaints of constipation or difficult bowel movements.

Grape juice contains instant energy. Grape juice is rich in iron can reduce fatigue balanced with adequate rest.

7. Digestion

8. Migraine

In the event you suffer from indigestion, you'll be wanting to consume wine. Wine is also nice for other stomach issues.

9. Kidney Disorders

Drinking pure grape juice without water mixture in every morning to cure disease or migraine headaches.

Grapes may help get rid of acid in the kidneys. This means reducing the disruption of renal pressures.

Panasea Heart Rescue

National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the United States reported  80% of the population of the United States of magnesium deficiency. In fact, the magnesium needed muscle & nerve cells of the heart so that they can work optimally. result of the dearth of intake of magnesium in the body is an assault of heart illness. Information from the Third National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey says 11.2-million Americans suffer from the illness. In 1992, heart illness kills around 480,000 people. In fact, if only the intake of magnesium are met, the illness can be prevented.

 way to receive magnesium intake is to drink water. Water of the best sources of magnesium because 30% of magnesium in the body available there. Regrettably, in Indonesia, drinking water contains more calcium. & The Water Health Association recommends that in each liter of water ought to be contained 25 mg of magnesium. In fact, the amount of magnesium in drinking water in Indonesia is still less than that figure.

Until now, heart illness remains the number one killer. The causes can vary, stress & consumption of unhealthy foods in between. Recent research conducted Arthur Marx & Raymond R Neutra from Johns Hopkins University School mentions ischemic heart illness, coronary heart-alias-something to do with lack of magnesium in the body.


Japanese society is more blessed. They used to drink nigari as a source of magnesium. Nigari aka sari sea water is an elderly sea water or in the upper layers-about as thick as ten cm-in the manufacture of salt. While the bottom layer would be the salt. In order to extract the sea water, elderly water was processed by crystallization autoclave. Usually the elderly water wasted in the method of making salt. ton of salt production, need 50 m3 of seawater. The amount of water that formed the elderly one.9 m3. Nigari type of magnesium chloride powder is often used for coagulant (hardener) experience in the manufacture of tofu, aka know japanese & natural cooling of fish.

Waste brine rich in minerals such as magnesium sulfate, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, & calcium chloride. The main content of magnesium, the fourth largest mineral in the body. If the waste is extracted, the juice can be used for human needs, for magnesium nutritional adequacy. Magnesium plays maintaining heart health. 'He could prevent the deposition of fat in the blood vessel walls of the heart,' said Prof Dr Bambang Wirjatmadi of the nutrition of Public Health Faculty, Airlangga University, Surabaya.

In the land of the Rising Sun, nigari is bitter indeed popular. Babies until their parents get used to consume them in every day life. Although elderly cultures producing salt in Indonesia, but new nigari introduced last year. Dr Nelson Sembiring, researcher Research & Development Agency of East Java Province who introduced it. Nelson knows the efficacy of nigari while studying in Japan.

According to Bambang, the dearth of magnesium intake may speed up the emergence of fatty deposits in blood vessels of the heart. 'And that is the heart blood vessel size is small. Deposition of fat can lead to clogged arteries. Consequently, the work of the heart are blocked, 'added an alumnus of the Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University. To prevent heart illness, regular Bambang nigari dissolve twenty drops in twenty l of drinking water.

Lots of Benefits

Other Benefits: salt waste could increase the quality of female beauty. Tatsuya vocabulary research to show it. According to the director Nigari Research Institute, the magnesium in sea water extract can burn fat & remove liquid in the body useless. Naturally, if in Japan, among young people-especially young women-always carryover juice of sea water. 'The point guard's body stay slim & avoid cholesterol illness despite eating anything,' said Nelson.

Sari aka nigari seawater is a multi efficacy. In addition to heart healthy, they also has has lot of other properties. For example bone growth. In New Zealand, the government recommends babies aged 3-13 years to consume the juice of sea water. In the land of the kiwi was at the age of the bone growth was slow. Well, calcium in nigari working with magnesium may play a role in the formation of bones & teeth.

Others, nigari can be used for facial cleansers. How: Mix a drop of nigari in 100 ml of water. After the spray on the face. 'Magnesium in nigari able to slow the aging method so that the skin does not wrinkle basically,' they said. In addition, the skin collagen can be repaired, so the facial skin more supple & taut.

Other Panasea

Nigari addition, lots of other popular panasea that are beneficial to heart health. Red fruit for example. Content of antioxidants-carotene, beta-carotene, & tocopherol-owned capable heart healthy. Beta-carotene serves to slow the continuing buildup of plaque on artery walls. Pandanus Fruit conoideus it also contains omega four & omega 9 that can lower levels of cholesterol as well as the active compound antidote to free radical formation in the body.

Panasea from the sea such as sea cucumbers were efficacious for the heart. In the sea cucumber contains essential fatty acids such as EPA & DHA. Combined fatty acids with the content of trace minerals such as chromium, iron, cadmium, manganese, nickel, cobalt, & zinc superoxide dismutase activate aka SOD. SOD is responsible for binding peroxidase compounds that arise due to excessive levels of fat in the body. SOD activity will decline due to the lots of pollutants in the body. Excess fat (in the type of cholesterol & triglycerides), triggering the formation of plaque on artery walls of the heart.

Not only red fruit & gamat-term sea cucumbers in Malaysia-that can prevent & overcome heart issues. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) aka virgin coconut oil also has similar capabilities. Lauric acid in VCO raise the level of polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA & DHA. Both fatty acids were shown to decrease low density lipoprotein (VLDL). They also plays a role in inhibiting the production of thromboxane, prostacyclin increase, decrease blood viscosity, thrombosis & prevent blood vessel blockage alias.

Dr Sidi Aritjahja from Happy Land Medical Centre, Yogyakarta, regular use of ginger, galangal, & a cup to cope with coronary heart illness. The materials that both contain saponins (triterpene glycosides), which has fat dissolving properties. That must be thought about, the ingredients that ought to not be boiled long. 'If boiled long, high content of saponinnya, danger to the kidneys,' they said. Now, the choice is yours, panasea which works best for your heart.


Fish Consumption ward off disease Coronary Heart

Historicallyin the past 10-20 years, CHD has become the number killer in the world, to the communities in large cities. In Jakarta, for example, lots of young people & adults prefer speedy food like pizza, high-calorie cakes, & fried chicken. Foods high in saturated fats usually are invited to taste. Without realizing it through foods such saturated fatty acids in to their bodies. Will be more wretched, if simultaneously, they have less to eat foods low in saturated fat & high in fiber, & lack of exercise.

Coronary heart disease (CHD), of which is caused by high levels of saturated fatty acid consumption. Therefore, reducing the risk of CHD can be done by shifting patterns of consumption of foods high in saturated fatty acids in to a pattern of balanced feed.

But not to worry. There's lots of ways ward off diseases that may cause sudden death from require & consistently follow the recommended diet specialists.

& a cast that ngendon

Free fatty acids consisted of saturated fatty acids (saturated fatty acid, abbreviated as SAFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (monounsaturated fatty acids, MUFA) & polyunsaturated fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFAs). While excessive free fatty acids are stored in the kind of triglycerides.

So what is the story of CHD relationship with the consumption of fatty substances? In the coursework of the process of digestion in the intestine, fatty substances that enter the body through the food has split in to free fatty acid triglycerides, phospholipids, & cholesterol.

Cholesterol comes from animal foods is an essential ingredient of fat. In addition comes directly from food, it may even be formed in the liver, is derived from saturated fatty acid triglyceride-solving results. Indeed, in metabolism in the liver, only saturated fatty acids that can be formed in to cholesterol.

Did you know, our bodies produce cholesterol from one.5 to five g per day? Much greater than that obtained through food. This is because cholesterol is a fatty substance is present in every cell of the body. Its function is also important. Aside from being a source of energy, also plays a role in the formation of hormones & cell membranes. Not to mention the stuff of bile acids in bile.

In the body, cholesterol form a complex bond-fat protein - more often known as lipoprotein - such as chylomicron, low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL) & high density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL & HDL levels are closely related to the occurrence of deposits in blood vessels.

If the group is more crowded than the protein cholesterol, is formed at low-density lipoprotein compound - known as LDL - & known as "bad" cholesterol. Conversely, if cholesterol is a bit more protein while the troops, this bond is called high density lipoprotein or HDL, & known as "good" cholesterol.

Branded as "evil" because LDL ngendon facilitate fat deposition on the inner walls of blood vessels. The thicker the sediment, the heart's blood vessels will become clogged or thickened or hardened (atherosclerosis). HDL given a stamp of "good" because he helped "drive out" LDL cholesterol from body tissues. Other words, if more blood vessels filled with troops of HDL, LDL, automated his gang won't miss a place in the vessel so that sediment can be prevented.

Therefore, a reasonable level of LDL is suggested no over 130 mg%, while HDL levels of at least 35 mg%. Total levels of cholesterol are said to be nice no over 200 mg%. No less significant is to carefully look at levels of triglyceride fat that serves as the source of most energy in the body. Because high levels of triglycerides can contribute to support the occurrence of CHD. Normal triglyceride levels less than 200 mg%.

Expand the consumption of unsaturated fatty acids

Is it true that high cholesterol they also automatically receive a large risk of CHD assault? Not , because it remains to be seen one time the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol. In the event you for example HDL 60 mg%, while others 40 mg%, then the ratio between total cholesterol & HDL respectively two.5 & three, means you have a CHD risk less than men. The higher the ratio, the higher the risk.

In addition to its innate factors, high levels of cholesterol & triglycerides is not unusual for a less balanced diet. As an Indonesian who know a variety of foods from different regions, be it known to any food containing saturated fatty acids.

Dashed high levels of cholesterol & triglycerides in the blood may well be braking by limiting consumption of foods containing saturated fatty acids of this. Among cattle meat (beef, pork, lamb), broiler chicken skin, & coconut, including dairy products (milk, grated coconut, serundeng, coconut oil). Avoid foods made from coconut is not simple, but at least they must recognize to what extent that ought to be consumed.

Organ meats such as beef liver & kidneys, brains, cow tongue, & egg yolk, full cream milk & other dairy, & cheese are also not often glimpsed, not to mention eaten. For lovers of sweet foods, limit your consumption of sugar because the sugar will go rising boost levels of triglycerides. Seafood such as shrimp & crabs that contain monounsaturated fats still be consumed, although in limited numbers.

Indeed, all the food sources of fat or oil (vegetable or animal) contains all the fatty acids, either saturated, monounsaturated, & polyunsaturated. Only the levels differ. Most fatty acid content in food indicates that food was a source of fatty acids in query.

In the event you require to stay safe mengonsumi saturated fatty acids, nutrition specialists recommend that consumption is balanced with monounsaturated fatty acids & double. The comparison is about one: one: one. However, the practice is not simple, if you have introduced before the eyes of the publishing food tastes!

For example, because coconut oil over the saturated fatty acid content of monounsaturated fatty acids & its dual, then he disebutlah saturated oil. Because corn oil contains more monounsaturated fatty acids & saturated fatty acids than double, then called an unsaturated oil.

Regrettably, this type of oil is comparatively more expensive than palm oil or palm. Cooking oil saturation can be seen when heated. The lower the smoke point, the higher the saturated fat (the nice general to a temperature 180 - 200oC smoke coming out.)

Another best way is to fry or saute foods with high oil monounsaturated fatty acids & double as corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil & fish oil. However, it ought to not be used again if it is completed cooking (used repeatedly) because it was turned in to a saturated oil.

A study by Grundy from the Faculty of Medicine, Los angeles, USA, proved, the body's levels of cholesterol can go down if the diet contains more monounsaturated fatty acids & saturated fatty acids than double. Dietary saturated fatty acids proven to raise the month-long levels of cholesterol. While with dietary monounsaturated fatty acids, levels of cholesterol dropped significantly, including his LDL & HDL. In the dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid, total cholesterol & LDL decreased, while HDL remained comparatively unchanged.

Grundy argues, the ideal diet ought to contain a composition of 10% saturated fatty acids, 50-10% polyunsaturated fatty acids, & 10-15% monounsaturated fatty acids. For example, today in the event you require to eat offal soup for lunch, at dinner also avoid other foods that contain saturated fatty acids kinds of beef steak, fried shrimp flour mixed with eggs. In lieu, eat-oseng oseng tempeh, sweet, marinated tofu, or fish and vegetables Pepes.

Effect of omega-3

If tonight you ought to go to a party, at breakfast & lunch try not to eat foods that contain saturated fat. With so expected levels of cholesterol can be controlled.

You who have high cholesterol & triglyceride levels are also encouraged to consume lots of ocean fish such as tengiri, sardines, tuna, mackerel, snapper, etc.. Cook it by pan-fried, steamed, baked, or roasted. Within a week try to eat at least 1-2 fish.

Indeed lots of marine fish contain omega-3, a polyunsaturated fatty acid containing eikosapentaenoik acid (EPA) & doko saheksaenoik (DHA). Omega-3 fatty acids can help lower total cholesterol, LDL, & triglycerides, could even raise HDL. Omega-3 is also simultaneously to suppress blood clotting process so that the process of coronary artery calcification can be inhibited.

Eat high fiber foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, & processed products such as tofu, tempeh, oncom, green beans, mashed rice ari-skinned, etc.. also highly recommended. They neutralize the beneficial fats. Dietary fiber increases fecal mass thus speeding the journey of food in the gut. Thus the chance intestine absorbs fat & sugar will be reduced.

The role of fish oil is also no less nice because it can lower cholesterol 27-45% & triglycerides 64-79%. Already examined, Eskimos & Japanese fishermen who ate fish seldom have heart assaults. In case our fishermen, .

The females in reproductive age are encouraged also to provide breast milk (milk) to her kid because it turns out has a long chain of the prevention of CHD. You see, breast milk also contains omega-3 fatty acids. Females under 50 years of age (before menopause), small affected by CHD because of the role of estrogen hormones that support the strength of blood vessels. Nevertheless ought to still maintain a balanced diet since young.

As your business with diet & exercise do not also decrease levels of cholesterol or triglycerides, then ask your doctor's advice. People berpembawaan high cholesterol would not require to swallow the cholesterol-lowering drugs usually contain niacin, by staying on the diet & exercise.

Avocado & durian which is often controversial, according to the study, containing monounsaturated fatty acids that are safe for consumption, with the record is not excessive.

In addition to enhance the consumption of fiber & unsaturated fat, ought to also increase the consumption of antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins E & C & carotene (provitamin A) because these nutrients can help prevent the occurrence of fat oxidation. Some foods that contain lots of vitamins that the third instance of red fruits such as papaya, carrots, & tomatoes.

Let me be more stable, consumption is also an antioxidant genjot nongizi, in particular isoflavonoid in nature will improve health. Isoflavonoid it is present in tempeh, red onion, saffron, fruits & vegetables, & tea. Sometimes it is advisable to drink low-dose aspirin tablets as directed doctors to reduce blood viscosity.

Require to try fasting, may also, because it can restore our health is compromised, including the effect of high levels of cholesterol. For example, fasting nonlemak & nondaging or drink fruit juice, water, & eat vegetables for a few days or periodically, for example, days a week. Fasting gives your body a chance dispose of poisonous materials that could disrupt the cells, tissues, & organs in the body. But the terms, outside the period of fasting ought to not directly hit by high-calorie foods.

To prevent children from CHD when day an adult, do prevention since the early to accustom them to consume a balanced diet. It is axiomatic that a childhood diet will affect the medical conditions as adults later. High fat foods are limited & balanced with vegetables & fruits.

Ideally, our food contains fat consumption below 30%, carbohydrate 50-60%, & 20% protein. Do not eat foods cholesterol above 300 mg per day.

Sleep Noon reduce Heart Disease Risks Hit

Not lots of are aware, slept a moment in the work of the lunch break to help reduce the risk of death in the able-bodied young men. Greek scientists who conducted research for six-year period mentioned nap for about 30 minutes at least times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of weakened heart disease.

The specialists expressed naps help people to relax and reduce their stress levels. Even the smaller heart issues present in the country who regularly take a nap, although some studies show different results.

In a six-year study, the participants were asked details about their siesta hour, their eating habits and regular physical activity they do. As a result, the researchers said those who napped had a lower risk of suffering from heart issues as much as 34 percent than those who did not nap. While those who napped for over 30 minutes for or more in each week has a record 37 percent lower heart disorder.

Research conducted in Greece was carried out on 23,681 men and ladies in the age range twenty to 86 years. The participants have a lovely health record, no history of heart disease and other acute illnesses.

Napping also reduce the risk of heart issues in the workers, where about 64 percent decreased risk of heart who are in danger of death. While unemployment in men, accounting for only about 36 percent. In this study, the comparison is not a lot found the death rate in ladies.

Sleep On Labor Day

Trichopoulos also added, although various studies of napping is often done with different results. However, there's important points that can be drawn from this study, namely: they become aware of health and limit one's ability to control their physical activity.

"Nap and vascular disorders have a significant relationship. Phenomenon is present in countries that all of the population is undergoing method periodic naps, and the result is the death rate due to the disruption of blood vessels is very low," said lead investigator Dr. Dimitrios Trichopoulos, Harvard School of Public Health, as quoted by the BBC on Monday (12/02/2007).

"Nap in the midst of hours of rest helps us to relax and escape the burden for a moment, and it was very berrarti for our health. What they must keep in mind is to balance rest and activity," said Davison.

The same thing even be said June Davison, health nurse from the British Heart Foundation, which states nap penyaki help reduce the risk of heart disease, in the male workers.

Davison also added those who are basically stressed because the work tends to reckless with their health behaviors, such as excessive smoking, eating unhealthy foods, drink alcoholic drinks and even forget to exercise. This has further increased the risk of heart issues.

The program has been ogled nap Yarde Metals, aluminum and iron industry has a special room for workers nap in their offices, in Southington, Connecticut. Nap room has leather sofas, soft pillows, dim lighting and an alarm clock.

"Although only a tiny nap, but I can return to collect the energy and make the body fit. I think naps ought to start to get used in the method of our jobs," says Mark Ekenbarger, Yarde Metals Company engineers, who suffered pembesaraan arteries and ought to routinely undergo upper nap heart doctor's advice.
"Nap itself is not a habit in The united states, because the same napping with laziness in the business world with high mobility. But now, several offices in the United States began to permit time for a nap for 30-40 minutes in the work of the lunch break. As a result, those who utilize naps become more productive, "said Bill Anthony, psychological, Boston University and author of" The Art of Napping at Work. "


Diet For Heart Disease Patients

Low Salt Diet

Without the use of table salt, sodium content in foods can be reduced to such an unusual amount of Na contained therein. Low-salt diet is fundamentally a regular diet of cooked & eaten without salt. In addition, the use of a food that is high Na content in the diet, reduced.

Things that require attention for patients who must undergo abstinence salt diet is not justified to make use of people with lovely salt for cooking or for food.

Food is processed by using salt, such as soy sauce, margarine, butter, cheese, shrimp paste, paste, pastries, etc. ought to not be eaten. Similarly, preserved foods that use salt such as salted fish, sardines, corned beef, sausage, & so forth. Raw foods high sodium content of both animal & vegetable foodstuffs ought to be limited.

In low-salt diet, Na content was still high at around 2500 mg. on a diet low in sodium, Na content is between 600 mg - 1200 mg. However, by using only definite foods in the diet, Na content in foods can be reduced to a maximum.

Low Sodium Diet

Low-sodium diet is only given to patients who were treated in hospital. low-sodium diet is most often used is called kempner diet. Diet consists of rice & fruits contain as much as 200 mg sodium, twenty grams of vegetable protein, & 460 grams of carbohydrate a day. The amount of liquid given between 700 ml to 1000 ml a day.

How to give Kempner diet are as follows:

Patients got food which consists of 200-300 grams a day of cooked rice as rice. Rice ought to not be cooked with salt. The number of calories obtained from rice is between 700-100 calories.

Additional calories are obtained by adding sugar or fresh fruit. All fruits can be given unless advokad, dates, & fruits that have been preserved / canned fruits. Tomato juice & vegetable juice ought to not be given.

Patients not only must limit foods that contain high sodium & salt abstinence, but also drugs or other substances which high sodium content such as Na-cyclamate (artificial sugar), spices (monosodium glutamate), & so forth.

Low-salt diet or low-sodium is not only given to people with heart disease, but also given to patients with kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, & pregnancy poisoning.

Patients who had undergone low-salt diet ought to think about the following matters:

  * If the kidney function is not ideal, patients will experience a deficiency of sodium because of the ability of the kidneys reabsorb Na decreased.
  * Na deficiency can also occur if patients got diuretics.
  * Less salt syndrome may occur in patients, the body becomes weak, loss of appetite, nausea, & vomiting. In addition, blood pressure will turuh, a fast pulse. This condition is also called "water intoxication".

In acute circumstances, to people with heart failure given Karell Liquid Diet (Karell Liquid Diet) consisting of 800 ml fresh milk provided 200 mg two times, each given at 8.00 am, at 12.00, at 16.00, & at twenty.00.

From this diet the patient will get the calories 550 cal, 28 grams protein, while the content of sodium in the diet that is 450 mg Na.

Karell Liquid diet is usually only given for or days. If the state of the patient gradually well, liquid diets can get replaced with a Low Sodium Diet Program. Fixed salt ought to not be given. Similarly, food ingredients or foods that contain high sodium.

Changes in Cardiovascular System in Elderly

Aging (Aging) is a method of disappearance of the network's ability to repair or replace ourselves & maintain the structure & function normally. This method is ongoing throughout one's life. Unlike the pathological condition, every man must be experiencing the method of aging. Aging is genetically programmed in to each individual, but outside factors plays an important role in modifying this method, so that the aging process-were held with different levels of speed on each person. This is what explains why some people can look older / more youthful than chronological age. Physical condition & activity status of a person can radically affect cardiovascular function when they was older.

Physiological aging is marked by the disappearance of the function of lots of organs. Simultaneously also increase the incidence of diseases such as coronary arterial disease (CAD), cerebrovascular diseases, kidney & lung disease. This will cause more speedy loss of body organ functions.

Along with increasing life expectancy can they expect will even be an increase in prevalence-prevalence disease that occurs in older people. Heart disease in the elderly is a worldwide issue which until now still of the main priorities. This is because heart disease is the largest cause of mortality, morbidity & disability in older people.

Physiological Changes Due to Aging Heart

There is a major issue in measuring the impact of aging on cardiac physiology, namely the issue that there's latent disease in the elderly. This can be seen from the disease prevalence of CAD at post-mortem, which found over 60% of patients died aged 60 years or more, having 75% occlusion or greater, at least coronary artery. While on the other information recorded only about 20% of patients aged> 80 years who had clinical manifestations of CAD. Clearly this illustrates that in most elderly, the disease is asymptomatic CAD.

Aging method will cause changes in the cardiovascular process. This in turn will also cause changes in cardiac physiology. Changes in cardiac physiology ought to be differed from the pathological effects that occur because of other diseases, such as extreme coronary arterial disease is also common with increasing age.

It is hard for us in conducting research on the physiological effects of aging on the heart. They must first rule out the likelihood of other diseases such as CAD in a group of apparently healthy elderly. However, not all the research done by first removing latent diseases that may be present. This is what often causes the presence of differences in the results of information on a variety of studies.

The changes that occur in the Heart:

  * In the myocardium occurs accompanied by accumulation lipofusin brown atrophy (aging pigment) in the fibers of the myocardium.
  * There is fibrosis & calcification of the fibrous tissue that becomes the framework of the heart. Also in valve calcification & changes also occur sirkumferens becomes larger so that the valve thickening. Noisy heart (murmur) caused the stiffness of the valve is often present in the elderly.
  * There is a reduction in the work of the sino-atrial node which is the regulator of cardiac rhythm. Cells from the SA node will even be reduced by 50% -75% since the 50-year-old man. The number of cells of the AV node is not reduced, but it will happen fibrosis. While on His file also will be found to lose at the cellular level. This modify will lead to lower heart rate.
  * There was a thickening of the heart wall, on the left ventricle. This causes the amount of blood that can fit in to although there's fewer heart enlargement as a whole. Completion of blood to the heart also slowed.
  * Erjadi subendokardial ischemia & interstitial tissue fibrosis. This is caused by decreased tissue perfusion due to decreased diastolic pressure.

The changes that occur in blood vessels:

The changes that occur in the Blood:

  * The loss of elasticity of the aorta & other giant arteries. This led to increased resistance when left ventricular systolic pressure & the pump so that the afterload increases. This situation will finish with the so-called "Isolated aortic incompetence." Additionally, it will happen is & a decrease in diastolic pressure.
  * The reduced cardiac response to Ã�-adrenergic receptor stimulation. Also in reaction to changes in baroreceptors & kemoreseptor also declined. Changes in response to baroreceptors can report the occurrence of orthostatic hypotension in the elderly.
  * Capillary walls to thicken so that the exchange of nutrients & disposal of slowing down.

  * There is a decrease of Total Body Water so that the blood volume also decreased.
  * Number of Red Blood Cells (Hemoglobin & hematocrit) decreased. & a decline in the number of Leukocyte important to maintain body immunity. This causes the body's resistance to infection decreases.


Heart Disease Risk Factors

A. Alcohol
There is some theory that alcohol consumption can reduce the incidence of CHD. But after further review, the American Heart Association concluded that there was no justification in recommending the use of alcohol (or wine) for cardioprotective strategies. Even the excessive consumption may cause liver destroy, increased blood pressure, increased incidence of oral cancer and esophageal cancer, and so forth.

Aging is a method that must be experienced by all people, this means that changes in cardiac physiology and anatomy will also occur in all people. But this does not mean that all elderly people will certainly have issues on the heart. Because in addition to endogenous factors influenced, also influenced by exogenous factors, such as environmental, social, cultural and economic, all of which can be known as a lifestyle (life style). Exogenous factors are better known as risk factors.

C. Drugs
Some drugs may cause hypertension, such as mineralocorticoid group, NSAIDs, amphetamine, tricyclic antidepressants, and others. Use of other alternative medicines that do not cause or complicate hypertension.

B. Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus has long been recognized as an independent risk factor that may cause various cardiovascular disorders. A theory says that of the type of diabetes is associated with primary inherent abnormality in which the cells will be short-lived so that an increase in cell turnover. In addition, platelet dysfunction in diabetes also contribute to a significant role. Coexistence of DM and hypertension may increase the risk of heart issues and mortality as much as 2-fold. Persistence in the control of hypertension in diabetic patients is important. Diabetes type two (NIDDM), lots of present in people aged 30 years or older who are fat or fat. This can be prevented by making lifestyle improvements, maintain a standard body weight and multiply physical exercise.

D. Exercise / Physical Exercise
Regular exercise can lower blood pressure by 5-10 mmHg. Exercise can also improve cardiac output, by:
� Increasing the contractility and the muscles that myocardium can be achieved maximal stroke volume.
� Increase the number of capillaries in the myocardium.
� Lower heart rate at rest.
� Reduces peripheral resistance at rest.

E. Hiperlipoproteinemia
Increasingly lipoproteins that circulate in the blood, the greater the likelihood for them to enter the arterial wall. When giant amounts of it will be beyond the ability of smooth muscle cells to memetabolismenya so the fat will accumulate in the artery wall. Hyperlipidemia ought to be handled aggressively, either with medication or with lifestyle improvement. By lowering total levels of cholesterol as much as 20-25% (or lower LDL-cholesterol by 30%) proved to reduce the risk of CHD.

F. Hypertension
Hypertension is the most important risk factor in heart issues. Hypertension accelerates atherosclerosis, that is by causing mechanical injury to the endothelial cells in a high pressure. Hypertension is estimated to cause 33% of all incidents of heart disease. Give medications (ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, calcium antagonists or diuretics) to reduce morbidity and mortality.

G. Obesity
Obesity can lead to atherosclerosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes type two, and various other conditions. Maintain a healthy weight by improving your lifestyle and regular exercise.

I. Smoke
Research shows that smoking increases the risk of heart issues as much as 64%. Effects of smoking on the cardiovascular method are:

H. Excessive salt intake
Restriction of salt intake can lower blood pressure 10-10 mmHg. Excessive intake may cause sodium and water retention, thereby increasing heart load. Patients need to be briefed about the necessity for this.

  * Nicotine has a direct effect on coronary arteries and blood platelets.
  * Inhaled carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of erythrocytes. It also increases myocardial oxygen demand, increased platelet adhesiveness and plasma catecholamines.

This is where the importance of health promotion and disease prevention (intervention in lifestyle) which ought to be started as early as feasible. In addition, they do prevention measures, namely to prevent the aging method is not accompanied by patolologik method. This idea is now highly developed and known as the idea of Healthy Aging (to grow elderly in nice health).

In addition to promotional and preventive measures are also contained measures of rehabilitation, which is addressed to those who are or have experienced heart issues. The objective of rehabilitation measures are:

  * To help them recover both physically and spiritually.
  * To train them in performing their every day activities and re-active in the community.
  * To restore their confidence.

Dietetic Care for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

One risk factor in coronary heart disease is eating habits. Growing prosperous population of a country life, the consumption of fat will rise sharply, fat of animal origin such as milk, eggs, meat, and so forth.

This animal fats in lieu of saturated fatty acids in high levels. Meanwhile, vegetable proteins derived from unsaturated fatty acids. Hypothetically, the occurrence of coronary heart disease in relation to fat consumption.

Of coursework there's other factors that played a role in the development of coronary heart disease, namely the existence of other diseases, the level of consumption, cholesterol, and so forth. In line with the increase in consumption of saturated fat, if there's no barriers to blood flow that causes the heart muscle tissue suffering from oxygen deprivation (anoxia miocardian). But if the heart's workload is heavy, angina may occur, for example, if patients eat full. Therefore, in the regulation of coronary heart disease diet, feeding was divided in to several times in small portions. Eating in the amount is much to be avoided.

Because coronary heart disease is preceded by the presence of atherosclerosis, the basics of dietary treatment for patients with atherosclerosis also apply to dietary treatment of coronary heart disease.

Here are some things must be thought about in the treatment of patients with coronary heart diet:


   The use of saturated fats ought to be avoided, while unsaturated fats multiple (polyunsatrated fatty acids) which can lower blood levels of cholesterol, can be propagated to replace saturated fats.

   Calorie restriction in the diet needs to be completed if patients classified as fat or weight exceeds the ideal weight. Patients with coronary heart disease ought to have a weight slightly below the ideal weight.

   Consumption of sugar in the every day diet ought to not be excessive, because the high sugar consumption can facilitate the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

   To reduce the workload of the heart, food portions ought to be small. For your body to get all the necessary nutrients in adequate amounts, frequency of feeding ought to be more frequent.

   Reduction of salt needs to be completed if the patient shows signs of increased blood pressure or seen any edema.

   Raw foods may cause gas in the stomach, such as cabbage, radishes, durian, and so ought to not be given.

   Spices that can lead to stimulation such as chilli, pepper, and so ought to be avoided.

   Patients were not given a drink of coffee, strong tea, or drinks containing soda (soft drinks) and alcohol.

   In addition to dietetic treatment, also needs to be completed other relief efforts, to reduce the various risk factors, such as smoking, emotional stress, and so forth. Physical exercise also needs to be completed to make definite to keep away from gaining weight.

   Food or cake that is sweet and fatty foods cooked in fat or ought to not be given.


Setting Food For People with Coronary Heart

As with drugs, the use of food to cure the disease must even be in accordance with the provisions given by the doctor treating him. However, unlike drugs, the provision of food not merely as a process of healing. Over that, the food still has another function that is to give a sense of satiety, feeling satisfied and comfortable, feeling cared for, and so on, who in the administration of drugs is seldom thought about.

Arrangement of food for the sick is not an act that stands alone and apart from the act of care and treatment, is a unity in the process of healing disease. Therefore, the responsibility for food arrangements for the sick is not solely the responsibility of nutritionists, but it is a shared responsibility of all elements that play a role in the healing process of diseases, namely doctors, nurses and nutritionists.

Gaining weight and height with reasonable, it can be estimated that consumption of a person's diet balanced with energy expenditure. If physical activity is less, while food consumption continues to increase, it may cause various diseases. The advantages in consuming carbohydrates and fats can menimbulan blockage of blood vessels and berbegai diseases, like heart.

The recommended nutritional guidelines for reducing the risk of coronary heart disease are:

Consumption of overweight is,

Press Carbohydrate Diet Heart Risks

Intake of foods with high carbohydrate content such as white bread, noodles & rice ought to be limited. If excess, can trigger heart assaults.

In the work of this fat is often the reason for various diseases in the community. In fact excess carbohydrate intake is equally hazardous for the heart condition.

Among the plenty of foods that contain carbohydrates, foods that ought to be reduced is a corn & white bread. Another study as reported by Health Day, in an annual meeting of the Community of Endocrine Specialists in Washington found that people would like a small bloated when reducing the supply of carbohydrates in the body.

A study in Washington, the United States a while ago said, the consumption of carbohydrate-rich diet has the potential to increase sugar levels which will affect the function of blood flow. Simultaneously lead to heart disease risk getting bigger.

Then research is divided in to groups with different types of breakfast. The first group of participants, will be given the content of glucose, maize, cereals rich in fiber or water which is then monitored in the recording index carbohydrate content in the body (glycemic index).

The first study conducted in Israel, Chaim Cheba Research Middle that evaluated 56 men & ladies who are healthy but fat with age range 35-60 years. Each volunteer does not have a record associated with diabetes or heart disease.

Before & after meals, the research team will check the function of the endothelium, a layer of cells that become limiting in the blood vessels. If the function of endothelium is not maximal then it is a feasible trigger of heart disease.

For the section of low-carbohydrate diet, volunteers will be given wheat, fruits, vegetables & nuts. Then the section of high-carbohydrate, volunteers will be given corn bread & potatoes. Counts highest index lies in the food content of sugar in the blood increases.

FMD kemudan subtract hours for each group, but the reduction is done by giving a sign when eating foods high in carbohydrates. Broadly speaking researchers concluded high-carbohydrate foods susceptible damaging endothelial function.

Check device used is Barchial Arter Flow-mediated dilation (FMD), which can detect the function Endothelium.Tak only that, the researchers also memeriksan blood sugar levels. sugar levels checked before & hours after meals. But most of the volunteers experienced increased blood sugar levels when entering the minutes 30 & 90 after consuming foods rich in content karbohdirat.

Conversely, a high-carbohydrate foods would potentially malfunctioning endothilia that trigger heart disease. "The main message that must be thought about, a record high carbohydrate content in the blood would be hazardous since the main function endthelial reduced. Where the risk is another risk to bear fruit that will lead to heart disease," they said.

Cardiology researchers from the University Sackler Medical Faculty, Tel Aviv, Dr. Michael Shechter Israel said, according to studies conducted, the individuals who consume low-carbohydrate foods have better health records as well as a small potential for heart disease.

Watch out for Rich Foods Glucose

Earlier research also found that sugar content in blood glucose after eating rich foods is a risk factor for heart disease, not only for patients with diabetes but also most societies.

The reduced function of the major key developments endothilial heart & blood vessel disease. This study has dipulikasikan in the American Journal of Cardiology University. Other specialists argue, the research was fascinating.

But the bottom line of research still needs further confirmation. "Studies with cross-border design is unusual," said Director of the Laboratory of Metabolism, University of Massachusetts at Amrhest, USA. But they said the research ought to be done sustainably.

Another study conducted at the University of Alabama Birmingham, USA questioned whether reducing carbohydrates can not help feeling satisfied after eating. Led by a nutrition specialist, Barbara Gower noted in other studies 55% of Americans in general have a every day caloric content of sugar, fiber & starch. It is to be controlled in the diet.

The research team also took samples from the study noted 43% dietary carbohydrate calories come from carbohydrate levels. Importation of the same value of protein for every diet but to keep away from more moderate dietary fat as a difference.

The result, after a month, 16 volunteers a diet moderate renadah contain insulin, blood sugar levels more stable & feel full longer after eating food than 14 sukrelawan the diet on the control diet. "Reducing the levels of carbohydrates will help minimize energy consumption & lose weight body, "said Gower.


Overview Understanding Heart Failure

Heart illness in the elderly have a multifactorial cause overlapping. For that they must first understand the idea of Risk Factors and Degenerative Diseases. The risk factor is a habit, disorders and other factors which if found / owned by anyone will cause people were significantly more likely to suffer from positive degenerative diseases.

Degenerative illness is a illness that has a cause and is always associated with or more risk factors, where these risk factors work together cause the degenerative illness. Degenerative illness itself can be a risk factor for other degenerative diseases. For example: heart illness and hypertension is a risk factor for stroke.

Heart failure is a syndrome, not a diagnosis. Syndrome of CHF (Chronic Heart Failure / CHF) also have high prevalence in the elderly with a poor prognosis. The prevalence of CHF is dependent age / age-dependent. According to research, rare heart failure at age below 45 years, but rose sharply at the age of 75-84 years.


Etiology and Pathophysiology

With the increasing life expectancy, will be found the prevalence of CHF is increasing as well. This is because the increasing number of elderly individuals who have hypertension would probably finish with CHF. Also getting better safety rate (survival) post-infarction in middle age, causing the increasing number of elderly with the risk of CHF.

There's five changes that directly affect the capacity of cardiac output in the face of the load:

CHF occurs when the heart is no longer strong to pump blood to meet the needs of the network. Sitolik cardiac function is determined by major determinants, ie: myocardial contractility, ventricular preload (finish diastolic volume and resultant ventricular fiber length before contraction), towards the ventricular afterload, and heart rate.

  * The reduced response to beta-adrenergic stimulation due to increasing age. The etiology is not known for positive. The result is a decreased heart rate and contractility in the face of limited load.
  * The walls of the blood vessels become more rigid in the elderly because of the increase in collagen connective tissue in tunica media and adventisia medium and sizable arteries. As a result, blood vessel resistance (impedance) increases, which increases afterload because it often occurs isolated systolic hypertension.
  * In addition, stiffness of the heart so that cardiac compliance is reduced. Several factors cause: increased interstitial connective tissue, compensatory hypertrophy myocytes because plenty of cell apoptosis (death) and relaxation of myocytes late due to the disruption of non-calcium ion liberation.
  * Energy metabolism in mitochondria changes in the elderly.

These factors are at an advanced age will adjust the structure, function, physiology together reduce cardiovascular reserve and increase the occurrence of heart failure in the elderly.

Common causes is the decrease in myocardial contractility due to coronary heart illness, cardiomyopathy, cardiac workload is increased by conditions such as extreme aortic stenosis or hypertension, abnormal mitral valve as regurfitasi.


Relative frequency

Dilated cardiomyopathy / unknown


Ischemic Heart Illness

Valve abnormalities




Source: Cardiology and Respiratory Medicine 2001


  * Excess sodium in the diet
  * Excess liquid intake
  * Not taking medication adherence
  * Iatrogenic volume overload
  * Arrhythmias: flutter, ventricular arrhythmias
  * Drugs: alcohol, calcium antagonists, beta blockers
  * Sepsis, hyper / hypothyroidism, anemia, kidney failure, vitamin B deficiency, pulmonary embolism.

There's also other factors that can trigger the precipitation of heart failure, namely:

To decide the diagnosis of CHF in the elderly is difficult. The signs are not typical. Signs such as shortness of breath while on the move or get worn out often regarded as of due method of aging or thought about because of other comorbidities such as lung illness, thyroid dysfunction, anemia, depression, etc..


In elderly age, diastolic dysfunction is often exacerbated by the CHD. Myocardial ischemia can lead to increased filling pressure in to the left ventricle and the pulmonary venous pressure also increased, making it simple going pulmonary edema and shortness of breath complaints.

Signs are often found is shortness of breath, Orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, peripheral edema, fatigue, decreased ability to move and cough with clear sputum. Often also obtained physical weakness, anorexia, falls and confusion.

On physical examination, receive the JVP (jugular Venous Pressure) rising. Often there is also the third heart sound, pitting edema, atrial fibrillation, systolic noisy due to mitral regurgitation and pulmonary ronkhi.

CHF according to New York Heart Association is divided in to:

Additional checks that can be done:

  * Grade one: Decrease in left ventricular function without signs.
  * Grade two: Shortness of breath in the coursework of strenuous activity
  * Grade five: Shortness of breath in the coursework of everyday activities.
  * Grade five: Shortness of breath while resting.

  The worth of the heart, the existence of pulmonary edema and pleural effusion. But plenty of patients with CHF without a kardiomegali.

  * Thorax X-ray Inspection



  * Echocardiography

  Value of rhythm, whether there's signs of left ventricular strain, former myocardial infarction and bundle branch block (left ventricular dysfunction is seldom found when the ECG lead a normal-12).

  Possibly show a decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction, ventricular enlargement and mitral valve abnormalities.


In general, drugs that effectively cope with heart failure showed the benefits for systolic dysfunction. Left ventricular systolic dysfunction is  always accompanied by neuro-endocrine system activity, because it is of the drugs of choice are ACE inhibitors.

Heart failure with systolic dysfunction

Diuretics, aims to overcome liquid retention, thereby reducing the burden that inhibits the circulation volume of the heart. The most widely used for the treatment of congestive heart failure from this group are furosemide. In the elderly often have no impairment of kidney function in which furosemide is less effective and in these circumstances can be added metolazone. In the administration of diuretics ought to be monitored since blood potassium levels due to furosemide diuresis was always accompanied by the release of potassium. In the state of hypocalcaemia simple going heart rhythm disturbances.

Inotropic drugs, such as digoxin is given in cases of heart failure to improve ventricular contraction. Digoxin dose ought to be adjusted dengn magnitude creatinine clearance of patients. Drugs other positive inotropic drugs are dopamine (5-10 Ugr / kg / min) that is used when the blood pressure of less than 90 mmHg. When blood pressure was above 90 mmHg can be added dobutamin (5-20 Ugr / kg / min). When blood pressure was above 110 mmHg, the dose of dopamine and dobutamin reduced gradually until terminated.

ACE inhibitors, in addition to overcoming neurohumoral disorders in heart failure, may also improve the tolerance of physical work that was evident after 3-6 months of treatment. From the class of ACE-I, captopril is the drug of choice because it does not cause extended hypotension and not much interfere with renal function in cases of heart failure. Kontraindikasinya is extreme kidney dysfunction and when there is bilateral renal artery stenosis.

Heart failure with diastolic dysfunction

Spironolactone, used as therapy for congestive heart failure with low ejection fraction, if even if treated with diuretics, ACE-I and digoxin showed no improvement. Dose of 25 mg / day and is proven to reduce mortality of heart failure by 25%.

  * Improving the coronary circulation in addressing myocardial ischemia (in the case of CHD)
  * Control of blood pressure in hypertension to prevent left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy in the long term.
  * Aggressive Treatment of comorbid diseases that worsen the burden blood circulation, such as anemia, weakened kidney function and some metabolic diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus.
  * Efforts to improve cardiac rhythm disorders for atrial systolic function is maintained within the framework of ventricular diastolic filling.

In the elderly more often have heart failure with diastolic dysfunction. To cope with diastolic heart failure can be a way:

The drugs used include:

  one. Calcium antagonist, to improve myocardial relaxation and cause coronary vasodilation.
  two. Beta blockers, to address and fix the charging ventricular tachycardia.
  five. Diuretics, for heart failure with pulmonary edema due to diastolic dysfunction. If signs of lung edema is gone, then the provision of diuretics ought to be cautious not to happen hypovolaemia which ventricular filling is reduced so that cardiac output and blood pressure decreases.

Resynchronisation Cardiac Therapy

Provision of calcium antagonists and beta blockers ought to be thought about because they may decrease myocardial contractility thus worsen heart failure.

To CHF with conduction abnormalities (Left bundle branch block) may be surgery-biventricular pacing tool implantation to overcome dissinkronisasi ventrikelnya. But it is also even can lead to arrhythmia-induced sudden death. Therefore used a combination of tools and biventricular pacing cardioverter-defibrillation.

Heart transplant

However, heart transplant surgical procedure is a major operation which is impossible and demanding, given:

Heart transplants performed in patients with CHF that if no surgical procedure will die within a few weeks. Usually performed in elderly patients with less than 65 years, which has no other serious health issues. Over 75% of heart transplant patients live longer than two years after operation. Some may even live up to over 12 years.

  * The necessity for an appropriate donor organ.
  * The procedure itself is complicated operation and traumatic.
  * It needs a specialist middle.
  * The necessity imunosupressan drugs after surgical procedure to reduce the risk of organ rejection by the body.
  * Some cases arise antibodies that assault the inside of coronary arteries within about a year after surgical procedure. This issue no treatment and can finish up with a deadly heart assault.


Prognosis of CHF depends on the degree of myocardial dysfunction. According to the New York Heart Association, CHF class I-III obtained mortality one and five years respectively 52% 25% dab. While class IV one year mortality is about 40% -50%.

Protect Heart with Strawberries

There's lots of ways you can do to prevent it. In addition to implementing a healthy lifestyle, regularly eat strawberries every day can reduce the risk of this disease. Strawberries are believed to have the ability to improve elasticity of blood vessels.

A heart assault is still a champion the reason for death worldwide. Occur suddenly and can kill in minutes. A survey revealed that this disease is a major cause of death of young people under the age of 40 years.

The team of University of Oklahoma conducted research on patients with metabolic syndrome, a collection of signs of heart disease such as obesity and high levels of cholesterol. They were asked mengasup strawberries regularly every day.

Beyond the benefits to health, the nutrients contained in strawberries also help generate more skin young and pleasant. cup of strawberries can meet the requirement of vitamin A in the body up to 130 percent.

High antioxidants in strawberries also increase production of collagen fibers that help keep skin smooth and quick. While vitamin C contained in fruit is also believed to reduce fine lines, and be able to moisturize the skin so the skin always tight and elastic.

Strawberries can also lower the risk of cancer by inhibiting the development of malignant cancer cells. In study, individuals who regularly eat strawberries times lower esophageal cancer.

But before beginning the habit of eating strawberries regularly, it helps to understand the ill effects of strawberries, for people with allergies, gastritis, gastroduodenitis and other stomach disorders.

Bad Effects Strawberries

Strawberries are the fruit of the tempting tastes. Made a meal of any kind, can still attract the attention of your taste. But, you know, that Strawberry was risky if taken by you which has a lot of health issues? Like, allergies, gastritis, gastroduodenitis and other stomach disorders.

Strawberries can be risky can be consumed by patients:

Fresh fruit may cause individuals who suffer from disorders of the stomach may cause serious irritation of mucous. What is risky is strawberry seeds that cover the whole surface of the fruit. Looks fascinating though these seeds may cause interference on your gastrointestinal tract.

Stomach upset

There is as well as a belief that strawberries are not accepted body stiff aka gout sufferers. While for those who suffer from hypertension also abstinence eat this red fruit. The medical officer has also been suggested to be cautious eating strawberries, because there is wicked in the seed strawberry substance that can suppress the kidneys work.

Rheumatic aches (arthritis) and Hypertension

Strawberries are prohibited to individuals who are very allergic, because the pore structure of the berry may cause allergies is very strong.


For those of you who have no health complaints above, ought to also must be cautious when eating this fruit. From the outside, it looks neat fruit, but simultaneously may contain harmful parasites. At the time strawberry farmers add organic fertilizer that is where the nest parasites.

Why Strawberry Risky?

You can not get rid of parasites only by rinsing the fruit with water. All you need to do to eliminate harmful parasites it is with a special method, namely the ozonizer. Processing strawberries to ozone does not hurt because the lovely qualities of strawberries can still be obtained. With this process of health hazards can be minimized.


Heart Disease Risk Quiz

Note: this quiz is not a diagnostic device, & score your results are not a diagnosis. This quiz created to give you a general overview of your risk level. If your score raises concerns or questions, make an appointment together with your doctor to speak about this quiz use your check results.

A quarter of all men in the world had a heart assault - the average age is 65 - & for 80,000 of them, the first symptom is a symptom of the latter: death. The contents of this quiz to find out if your heart is a ticking time bomb for you.

one. How elderly are you?

Over 83% of individuals who die of heart disease aged 65 years or more, but your risk of atherosclerosis (& finally succumb to a deadly heart assault) began to increase after age 40.
a. 35 or less Score = 0
b. 36 to 50 Score = one
c. 51 to 60 Score = four
d. 61 or more Value = two

Genetics is the single greatest sign that can indicate whether you will experience a case of cardiac arrest. The closer the relatives ties & the young age when they had a heart assault, the higher ought to be your vigilance.
a. Yes * Value = four
b. No Value = 0
* Duplicate your score if your sister died of a heart assault before age 50. Multiply the if your grandfather suffered a similar fate.

four. Does your relatives have a heart disease?

Chemical substances in cigarettes acts like sandpaper to the blood vessels & gave the "grip" for the plaque to survive.
a. Yes Value = four
b. No Value = 0

two. Do you smoke or are often exposed to smoke?

four. What is your blood pressure?

Hypertension have the same effect as smoking, which is damaging the walls of blood vessels & facilitate arteriosclerosis.
a. Values ��greater than 140/190 = four
b. Between 121/81 & 139/89 Value = four
c. Less than 120/80 Value = 0

The farther the distance between your HDL & LDL, the greater your risk of heart assault. You ought to check your lipid profile every years since the age of 30 years, & every time your doctor recommends.
a. HDL less than 40 mg / dL Value = four
b. LDL over 130 mg / dL Value = four
c. Total cholesterol below 200 mg / dL Value = 0

four. What is your cholesterol level?

Triglycerides are the chemical kind of fat in your blood. If the level is high, this can increase the risk of plaque formation in blood vessel walls. (Profile of your fat for years will include the level of triglycerides.)
a. Greater than 150 mg / dL Value = four
b. Less than 150 mg / dL Value = 0
c. Do not Know Value = four

6. What is your triglyceride level?

7. What is your fasting blood glucose level?

The more sugar you have in your blood, your blood more sticky. It can increase blood pressure & facilitate the formation of plaque. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that people with high blood sugar levels (ie prediabetes & diabetes) have an increased risk of heart disease times greater than their nondiabetic. You need to undergo examination one time a year when stepping aged 35.
a. Over 125 Value = four
b. Between 100 & 124 Value = four
c. Less than 99 Value = 0
d. Do not Know Value = four

8. What is your waist size?

Visceral fat - which lies behind your stomach, forming a hard bloated stomach - release of hormones that increase blood pressure & cause inflammation.
a. Over 36 * Value = four
b. Less than 36 Value = 0
* Your risk of heart assaults increased by 300% in case you have a distended abdomen & of the following diseases: high triglycerides, low HDL, high blood sugar, or hypertension. (Add four if yes.)

In case you put your fingers on top of your foot, which is in the middle between the lower ankle & huge toe, you ought to be able to feel the strong pulse. If no, it is a symptom of arteriosclerosis, which regularly appears first in the blood vessels in the leg.
a. Yes Value = 0
b. No Value = four

9. Are you able to feel the pulse in your foot?

ten. Are your erections as hard when you are in their 20s?

Arteriosclerosis is also the first time be able to assault the small blood vessels in the penis, blocking blood flow & lead to erectile dysfunction.
a. Yes * Value = 0
b. No Value = four
* Having or more orgasms a week can reduce your risk of heart assault by half, according to researchers at the University of Bristol, in England. (Subtract one point.)

11. Measure your stress level

Stress hormones trigger the fight-or-flight response, which increases blood pressure & facilitate the blockage that, in time, delaying blood flow.
a. high values ��= four
b. Medium Value = one
c. Small or zero value = 0

12. How often do you drink wine?

Drank glasses of wine a day reduces your risk of heart assault by 30%, according to Harvard researchers. However, your risk of heart assaults actually increased when you drink increasingly each day.
a. or more every day Value = four
b. Binge drinking every weekend Value = four
c. or drinks per day Value =- one
d. Seldom Score = 0

The occurrence of apnea (ie when you cease breathing for a moment at bedtime) makes the heart deprived of oxygen & may cause cardiac arrhythmias, which can lead to deadly heart assaults.
a. Yes - every night with sawdust-like sound that is consistent Value = 0
b. Yes - growling & grunts, then silence Value = four
c. No Value = 0

13. Do you snore?

14. Your ill-tempered?

Over 30,000 cases of heart assaults occur each year because of the emotions triggered a second, according to a study at Harvard University. Men are often angry also times more likely to experience a stroke, according to a recent study in the journal Stroke.
a. Yes Value = four
b. No Value = 0

15. How often do you exercise?

 hours of aerobic exercise a week (which is divided in half hour sessions) can reduce your risk of heart assaults by half, according to Canadian researchers. Resistance training also helps: A recent study from California Technological University showed that men who do weight-bearing exercise times a week dialostik lower levels in the blood of four points, which can reduce their risk of heart assault by 15%.
a. times or more a week, each 30 minutes Value four =-
b. or times a week, Value =- one
c. No regular exercise Value = four

Eating servings of fruits & vegetables a day can reduce your risk of heart assault by 12%, according to a recent study from Harvard University. Focus on green leafy vegetables. serving per day can reduce your risk of heart assault by 11%.
a. Same exact value =- four
b. similar values ��= 0
c. Nothing like Value = four

16. How similar to your diet with the food pyramid?

So, how your heart condition?

Sum the points you & use this answer key to gauge your risk of heart assault & to choose whether you need further inquiry.

Total Score: 11-25
Moderate Risk
Although your risk of heart assault is low , your prediction for the next twenty years is not promising.
Perform blood tests every year, including HDL, LDL, & triglycerides, to monitor the health condition of the heart & start to adjust your lifestyle to heart.

Total Score: 00-10
Low Risk
Being in this section does not mean you are free to live casually - research shows that 50% of men had cardiovascular issues at time in their lives - but the likelihood of your heart won't let you down for 30 years in to the future, in case you maintain a healthy lifestyle for heart.

Total Score: 40 or more
Danger Zone
You like a time bomb waiting to explode. You need medical help & radically change your lifestyle to prevent heart assaults in the next years. Immediately discover a doctor to undergo further tests & get guidance.

Total Score: 29-39
Zone Alert
The tendency of genetic, lifestyle, physical condition, or your relatives history shows that you could have a heart assault within the next 15 years.
See your doctor & ask in case you need to undergo further tests, & change your lifestyle.

Fructose increases heart disease risk factors and body weight

Researchers at the University of Texas, namely Peter J. Havel, Ph.D., Kimber Stanhope and colleagues designed a smart study to find out. First, they took two adults are fat (fat) and fat (fat), aged 43 years to 70 years, the middle of their clinics. For weeks, the volunteers' diets were strictly controlled. They receive a high-carbohydrate diet (55%), medium fat (30%) who had been balanced so that no excess energy to them, other than those issued for sport.

The sweetener they call sugar is actually a double sugar. Half the sugar called glucose, the body's basic fuel. Half is another sugar called fructose. Researchers have suspected that fructose is a bad actor, but the proof so far has been circumstantial. Fructose is worse than glucose.

After the measurement of risk factors for heart disease to them, such as blood fat, cholesterol, the weight, the researchers gave them freedom. Then, for 8 weeks, the volunteers were allowed to eat anything they wanted except for thing. Each person ought to drink two sweetened drinks each day, which provides 25% of the recommended every day energy intake. etengah subjects drank with pure glucose. The other half receive a fructose-sweetened drinks pure. The researchers continued to check their heart disease risk factors.

After 8 weeks, the volunteers were asked to return to the nearest clinic, where they continued to drink soft drinks but had to return on a balanced energy diet. weeks after they start drinking soft drinks, the dark side of sugar became more actual. Those who drank fructose-sweetened drinks showed signs of increased risk of heart disease. Who drank glucose-sweetened drinks is not the case.
The fructose drinkers LDL (bad) cholesterol, blood fats, and signs of worsening heart disease isiko. Their insulin sensitivity declined, a sign isiko their diabetes is also increasing.

It is early to give an overview of this new study. But Stanhope regretted ach that provides health food labels on soft drinks with sweeteners. "It's not a nice suggestion to drink plenty of soft drinks. They give people as much as two sodas a day. Some drink that much, some people are over that, and some have only one time a day. Give me years, and they will know more about eamanannya level. "

In addition, fructose drinkers earn additional weight around one.5 kg, while the glucose drinkers did not. This news may be bad. Stanhope said the preliminary information from new studies show that regular sugar and high fructose corn syrup each have the same effect with fructose alone, although they only contain half fructose and half glucose (usually normal syrup containing 100% glucose).

Stanhope reported these findings at the 67th Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association on December 22 to 26 June 2007 in Chicago


Fainting Not Always Weak Heart

They are simple to pass out often thought about a weak heart. Moreover, frequent heart palpitations. & wear tight clothes & collars can be adversely impacted.

Have you now stand following the ceremony on the field or are attending an official reception, suddenly felt heart palpitations, fast heart degupnya, followed by mild head & body felt limp, chilled sweat, vision & dizzy & faint dark finish?

The reason for such incidents might have been because our heart is less wrong, but could even be due to outside factors. Moreover, if they do not have a history of heart issues or heart disease risk factors & the comparatively young age.

Most cases of fainting is not due to heart abnormality (non-kardik syncope), according to specialists, is due to the exposed vagus hypersensitivity. The vagus nerve is tenth of the brain that mensarafi internal organs in the body & affect the heartbeat frequency.

 reflection of hypersensitivity vagus known as vasovagal syncope (related to blood vessels & the vagus nerve) & vasodepresif. This happens because of the emergence of imbalances in the autonomic nervous reflexes react to a extended standing position. Beginning from an inclination of gathering some blood in the veins below the earth due to gravity, this causes the amount of blood returning to the heart is reduced so that the rainfall to the heart & blood pressure decreased sistoliknya. To overcome this decline, resulting automatic reflex normal compensation, in the type of increased frequency & strength of heart contractions, with the aim of rainfall to the heart to restore its original level.

In someone who is hypersensitive, the increased force of contraction is exactly to enable the existing mechanical receptors in the wall of the left heart ventricle, causing reflex called Bezold-Jarisch reflex (as the name of the inventor). In effect, the frequency of turning a slow heartbeat, peripheral blood vessels widen, & then going low blood pressure (hypotension) so that blood flow to weakened nervous technique. This is where syncope occurred.

However, to choose a diagnosis, doctors usually recommend checking tilt check, where check results can be used as a reference for further tests if necessary.

To prevent not to faint, when signs are mild such as the new feels still feels palpitations, try a small wiggle the leg or foot, while occasionally a small cough. Sometimes this technique can be helped more by shifting our attention for a moment. For example in case you are in a ceremony think about the other participants in front of us after the other, recalling fun events we have ever experienced, mumbled a favourite song or songs you pep mars.

Prevent fainting

If the way the signs are not reduced, but in lieu began to issue a chilled sweat and head feels lost, what can make! Better to direct your squatting, sitting, or lying down looking place for the leg can be raised higher than his head. Usually in a short time will feel more comfortable & recover. when coupled with fresh drinks.

Conversely, if they ought to help individuals who fainted, according to the Relatives Health Guide, 1996 (Yayasan Essentia Medica) ought to do the following practical tips. Lay the patient in bed along with his head tilted. Be cautious not to position the head elevated. When the patient was in the stool, pushed his head down as low as feasible between the knees. Loosen tight clothing for blood flow is not interrupted. If necessary, dropped in to chilled water on the brow or neck to speed up the recovery of consciousness. Seldom give anything by mouth if the patient is unconscious. Call the nearest doctor or ambulance if not being aware.

Because of tight collar

Vagus hypersensitivity may even be carotid sinus syncope, namely fall unconscious in lieu triggered by a long standing attitude but when turned around abruptly. This can happen when people wore high-necked dress is tight, so that head movement causes the pressure on carotid sinus which is located on the side neck slightly to the front. This might lead to slow heart rate & cause syncope.

In order to keep away from experiencing it, avoid the use of the collar is tight & do not massage the neck area or something else that causes pressure on the carotid sinus.

If the electro-physiological examination (examination of the heart's electrical activity) in patients, the heart's electrical function is usually seen to work within normal limits. It is a gentle type of emphasis neck modification in the carotid sinus area was visible in the type of a flat line on the monitor screen. That is, an interruption occurs in the work of activity or electrical conductivity modification completed earlier.

To prevent the occurrence of syncope is not due to cardiac abnormalities were, among others, by exercising such as running, running, swimming, or dynamic exercise that strengthens leg muscles.

Another more rare appearance of the vagus is paroxysmal sinus hypersensitivity arrest. Here the main power source of the heart sometimes experienced cessation (pause) for 6-23 seconds without any clear trigger. This incident could in the work of sleep or when active, day or night, with the result that very fainting or fainting (presinkop or syncope). Here the results of examination with the electrophysiology of the heart's electrical sources also indicate normal, but in general the treatment is directed at the use of a permanent pacemaker is implanted under the skin of the patient's chest.

If syncope caused by heart defects clearly would diajurkan consult your heart specialist for more thorough examination & treatment more exact.

How to Reduce Risk of Heart Attack

Here are ten ways to nourish and extend the life your heart:

In Indonesia, heart disease included in the major diseases that cause the highest mortality. Unhealthy lifestyle, diet, providing a great influence in the development of the risk of heart assault. To reduce the risk of heart assault, they require a healthy heart and strong.

two. Drink two servings a day
 servings of drinks a day - whether beer, wine or other liquor - can reduce the risk of heart assault by 30%, according to research at Harvard.

one. Sex
Men who experience an orgasm two times or more each week reduced their risk of heart assault by 50%, according to a study in the United Kingdom.

four. Eating fruits and vegetables
About 80% of men do not eat four servings of fruits and vegetables every day, but it can reduce the risk of heart assault by 12%, according to research at Harvard. Eat a piece of fruit at each meal and eat vegetables at lunch and dinner. Simple is not it?

two. Chill head
Over 30 thousand cases of heart assaults each year, triggered by a moment of anger, according to a study at Harvard. Take control of your anger with a few more fascinating deep breath using the stomach, not the chest.

6. Lift your body
 times a week bodyweight exercises total bsia-lowering diastolic blood pressure up to 8 points, according to research at Illinois Technological University. That was to reduce the risk of heart assault by 15%.

four. Run the engine with high speed
With only two hours a week of aerobic exercise (jogging, spinning, hoop) - which are divided in to sessions for a maximum of 30 minutes - could reduce the risk of heart assault up to half, according to research in Canada.

7. Eliminate your stomach
Risk of heart assault increased by two times in case you are bloated and have of the following indicators: high triglycerides, low HDL, high blood sugar, or hypertension. Keep your waist size less than 36 inches and body overweight of less than 18%.

8. Drinking vitamin D
Men who are deficient in vitamin D have a higher risk of heart assault compared to normal men, according to research at Harvard. Every day dose is best up to 800 I.U.

ten. Strengthen with nuts
Nuts are nice for your heart. Individuals who consume two ounces of black beans a day reduces the risk of heart assault up to 38%, according to research in the Journal of Nutrition.

9. Eating fatty fish
High consumption of omega-3 fatty acids - up to 9 grams a day from supplements and oily fish like wild salmon - may reduce the risk of heart assaults and 59%, according to research in Circulation and Hypertension.

ten Best Foods For Heart

Here are ten types of foods that are nice for your heart.0 of these foods can reduce levels of LDL cholesterol, increase "good" cholesterol HDL, and, most great, does not need a prescription.

one. Nuts
Individuals who ate one.5 ounces of nuts, pistachios, almonds, and walnuts-more than times a week have an increased risk of coronary heart disease 37% lower than those who seldom ate nuts, according to recent research in the British Journal of Nutrition.

two. Fish
Eating meals of fish rich in omega-3 in a week is to reduce significantly the risk of heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and elcosapentaeonic acid (EPA) are omega-3 fatty acids in fish can fight coronary heart disease. Wild salmon and mackerel from the Atlantic is the best source.

four. Avocado
Loaded with monounsaturated fats and betasitosterol, avocados offer a double dose of LDL-destruct explosion. Avocados are also rich in folate, vitamin B is water soluble and helps reduce levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that can obstruct blood flow in the vessels.

two. Wheat
Ate an average of two.5 servings of whole grains per day (such as wheat, brown rice, and barley) to reduce your risk of heart issues by 21%, according to a recent study in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases.

6. Linseed
A recent study of people high cholesterol (over 240 mg / dL) compared the effects of treatment with statins and consumption of twenty grams of flaxseed per day. After 60 days, those who ate flaxseed showed results as nice as those using statin drugs. Sprinkle flaxseed in to oatmeal, yogurt, and salad you.

four. Black beans
Individuals who ate ounces of black beans a day reduce their risk of heart assault by 38%, according to a recent study in the Journal of Nutrition. Black beans loaded with nutrients top, namely protein, healthy fats, folate, magnesium, various B vitamins, potassium, and fiber.

8. Watermelon
Filled with potassium that can lower blood pressure, a nice source of vitamin C could reduce inflammation, and rich in lycopene, a piece of watermelon or a glass of watermelon juice ought to be part of your diet everyday.

7. Green tea
EGCG, an antioxidant substance that helps fight heart disease, lots of present in green tea. Drink this tea as you drink water: cups of green tea a day can improve your heart health, according to some recent research. But do not add milk, because it can eliminate the benefits.

9. Spinach
Rich in various important minerals, namely potassium and magnesium, spinach is the best source of lutein, antioxidants that can help prevent blockages in blood vessels. Eat a cup of fresh spinach or a half cup of cooked spinach a day.

ten. Red wine
With a high content of resveratrol - a natural substance that can lower LDL, increase HDL, and prevent blood clots - red wine could actually be the savior of your life. American Heart Association recommends glasses per day. Vin rouge is as well as a rich source of flavonoids, antioxidants that help protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart. Not a wine drinker? Eat dark chocolate. The content of flavonoids with red heart assault that Met wine.Pemicu Everyday

Increased risk of heart assault based on the common triggers that can be present in everyday environments are as follows, as quoted from MensHealth.com.

Various triggers heart assault may very well be present in every day life, ranging from coffee to air pollution. The amount of the increased risk of heart assault varies depending on the trigger and this is the comparison.

one. Coffee

Effects of caffeine is stimulate the heart and increases blood flow to muscles, thereby increasing blood pressure. Coffee addicts average one.5 more liable to heart assaults within one hour after drinking coffee.

Alcohol can also increase blood pressure so that an increase in heart load. Alcoholics are times more in danger of heart assault within 12 hours after drinking alcoholic drinks.

two. Alcohol

Various heart issues including blockage of blood vessels more often experienced by individuals who live along the main road. Pollution increases the risk of heart assault up to two times within one hour.

two. Traffic Pollution

Strenuous exercise when done by individuals who usually did not exercise regularly it will bring danger. For those who seldom exercise, the risk of heart assault in the work of heavy exercise could be increased two times compared to a method exercise.

four. Heavy exercise

Heart rate and blood pressure will increase dramatically when someone is having an orgasm, either through masturbation or sexual activity. Various sexual activities that increase the risk of heart assault as much as four times within two hours afterwards.

four. Sexual activity

6. Overeating

Overeating, when lots of overweight and salt can also increase blood pressure. Because of heart assault risk increased 7-fold within one hour after eating to satiety.

7. Cocaine

The use of narcotics, cocaine increase heart assault up to 24-fold within 24 hours thereafter. But a recent study published in the journal Lancet shows, air pollution is actually times more dangerous than cocaine heart.

Research shows that intercourse regularly can be healthy for the heart. But for men, the condition ought to be done with the official partner for having sex with mistresses even enhance the risk of heart assault.

Men Hobbies MOLESTER Taxable Vulnerable Heart Assault

A study in France showed that sex no longer provide benefits for the heart if it involves the element of betrayal. For men who are married, the risk of heart assault increases in case you often have sex with another woman.

"We found that the attitude of being unfaithful is a risk factor for cardiovascular disorder ternmasuk heart assaults later in life," said Alessandra Fisher, a researcher of Sexual Medicine and Andrology Unit in Florence, France.

According to him, a man whose hobby cheating more likely to show signs of depression than other male sex life was fine. In that study, the men admitted having an affair because of the household was not harmonious.

These conditions lead to a depression which is marked by several signs. Signs observed in the study include obesity, hypertension and lifestyle changes including consuming alcohol and more frequent smoking.

The study, published late in 2010 did not mention how lots of men who had a heart assault because of an affair. However, unofficial sources on the net call, 85 percent of men who cheated died of a heart assault.

Depression is accompanied by signs such clearly increases the risk of heart assault. Although not directly triggered by infidelity, increased risk of heart assaults could worsen if the forbidden relationships lead to new conflicts.


Kiss, Benefits and disadvantages

Lose weight

According to some specialists, the kiss has several benefits for individuals who do this are:

The calculation is more details: kiss mediocre burn 9 calories. That means you need 389 times the kiss to lose a pound of body weight. So kalo mo skinny, ciumin deh all that is around you.

"Long Kiss make your metabolism burn sugar faster than usual," says Claire Potter, fitness consultant Cosmopolitan journal.

Increasing resistance to influenza virus infection

Our mouths contain natural defenses, such as antibodies and enzymes. It made it difficult for the influenza virus to survive and build the kingdom in the oral cavity. Rhinovirus, germs cause (most of) the flu, more happy stay in the hand and inside the nose, said Gary Munk, PhD, director of clinical virology department at Hackensack University Medical Middle in New Jersey.

So unless you are rubbing his nose while kissing or holding hands, then wiping noses, kissing is safe only when you or the they had a icy, also do not fit anymore nelen snot if a kiss \. later moved his nose, and kisses 

Helps prevent tooth decay

Kissing encourages saliva flow and reduce plaque to normal levels. Kissing also slow the aging process in the face. Activity kiss on the cheek muscles move. With this sort of exercise is not simple to sagging cheeks.

"After the meal, our mouths filled with sugar solution and acidic saliva, which causes the formation of dental plaque. A kiss can be a cleansing process that alamish, they said. Peter Gorden, Dental Advisor at the British Dental Association.

After all, in case you often kiss it must often brush your teeth, you do not need it, you smell so individuals who fainted from the smell of your mouth.

Improving fitness

Lowering the nervous tension

Because when kissing, our heart pumping and pulse racing. "If a kiss feels nice, they release adrenaline in to the bloodstream, jantungpun pump more blood throughout the body," said Dr. Susan Hotchkies. Moreover, if the kiss as they furtively at home girlfriend, heart and pulse is racing, and you are more fit, except if ketangkep ama bokapnya wet.

Moreover, while kissing breath becomes deeper and your eyes closed. This is what they do when relaxing: take a deep breath and closed his eyes. For a moment they come out of tension, obviously Mc Nabb again. So relax can also reach overslept times

According to stress consultant, Michelle Kay Mc Nabb, kissing can reduce nervous tension. A passionate kiss is powerful relaxation techniques. "When they are in a position mouth kissing, is  definite that when they are smiling. Because emotions and body language closely related,  impossible if simultaneously tugging at his lips smirk, but inside the middle of raging high emotion, they explained.

"Kissing with new girlfriend gives you the chance to check the signals sexual attraction between you and him.'s First kiss the best way to find out if there is chemistry between you guys," said Paul Brown, a sex therapist and marriage. In case you are not greeted by means love of hand clapping, but in case you ditabok mean they refused. Kisses arouse a sense of self esteem. "We kissed, they are definitely happy. And when happy, they feel nice things about yourself," says psychotherapist Paul Zeal.

Being a nice indication of how \.

Do not forget, a kiss is also there due to the bad you know, among other things:

  * much kissing may cause addiction, so in case you are already often kiss and activities that may cause us plenty of stops blank (blank) which can lead to insanity ( if fitted kesambet demons passing).
  * A kiss can lead to tooth loss, namely that kissed the lips that resulted in our neighbor's spouse punched neighbors.
  * A kiss may cause us to go bankrupt, that is if they are the nights at home engrossed in the kiss, so they did not recognize that there's more thieves drained our house.
  * A kiss can make us  mistaken, that is if they kiss couch in the doctor's waiting room

Criteria and Conscious Family Nutrition Guide

Family Self Conscious Nutrition Criteria

  * Regular eating diverse foods.
  * Always monitor the health & growth of their relatives (weigh), children & pregnant ladies.
  * Regular use of iodized salt.
  * Providing support to mothers giving birth to kids only breast milk until three months of age.
  * Regular breakfast.

That require to be submitted for ordinary families to eat a variety of food

The relatives is said to Kadarzi, when to over out all these behaviors. If behavior can not be executed, then the relatives has not been Kadarzi.

Eat 2-3 times a day consisting of three kinds of foodstuffs. From each food group & type consumed, the more types the better. The food groups are:

one. Understanding a variety of foods, namely:

  * Food principal, as a source of energy substances: rice, maize, yams, cassava, noodles, & others.
  * Side dishes, as a source builder substance: fish, eggs, chicken, meat, tempeh, beans, tofu, etc..
  * Vegetables & fruits, as a source of regulating substances: spinach, kale, carrots, green beans, long beans, mustard greens, cassava leaves, leaf katuk, papaya, bananas, oranges, watermelons, pineapples & others.

seven. Benefits of eating a variety of foods, namely:

To complement the nutrients needed by the body in order to do their every day work & to keep away from nutritional deficiency diseases.

two. Due to not eating a variety of foods, namely:

Body lacks positive nutrients & more susceptible to disease & special children & their intelligence weakened growth.

three. Action needs to be done if the relatives had not eaten in a variety of foods, namely:

  * Portray the importance of eating a variety of foods on health, growth & intelligence.
  * Utilizing the yard around the house by planting crops, raising chickens, ducks, fish & others to be eaten by relatives members & the yard may even be sold to supplement relatives income.
  * Seek help from the agricultural sector, to pursue the use of agricultural land in a mutual help for families who do not have a yard.
  * Encourage the brother to cook with a variety of menu preferred by relatives members.
  * Enjoy a variety of foods available.

That require to be delivered to the relatives to monitor the health & growth of relatives members.

one. Understanding monitor the health & growth, that is: follow the development of health & growth of relatives members, children, toddlers & pregnant ladies.
seven. Usefulness monitor the health & growth are:

  * Knowing the growth & development of children & toddlers.
  * Knowing the health of pregnant ladies & fetal development, stopping maternal kid with low birth weight & the occurrence of bleeding in the coursework of childbirth.
  * Knowing the health of adult relatives members & elders.

  * Not knowing the development of the growth of children, toddlers & children in a standard fetus.
  * Not aware of any signs of disease in children, toddlers, & pregnant ladies, such as nutrient deficiencies, obesity, weakened fetal growth & other health issues.

two. As a result when not monitor the health & growth of relatives members, namely:

three. Action needs to be done if the relatives has not been monitoring the health & growth of relatives members, namely:

  * Encourage the relatives members / brother & kid child weighed every month to Posyandu. When the kid's weight down or does not rise, then recommend that parents / mothers to check their children to health workers in table four Posyandu or the nearest health middle.
  * Encourage the pregnant woman to check her pregnancy as soon as feasible to the health worker on a regular basis, at least three times in the coursework of pregnancy. When pregnant ladies look narrow, then encourage the brother to eat 1-2 more dishes than usual, & drank blood tablets one tablet per day, at least 90 tablets in the coursework of pregnancy. In addition to drinking blood tablets, mothers are encouraged to eat iron-source foods such as fish, eggs, tempeh, beans, vegetables & fruits.

That require to be delivered to families for use / cooked with iodized salt.

  * Enlarged thyroid glands in the neck area, thus reducing one's attractiveness.
  * The growth of abnormal child called cretins / dwarf.

one. Definition of iodized salt, ie salt has added iodine needed by the body. On the packaging is usually written "iodized salt".
seven. Usefulness of iodized salt, namely: to prevent the occurrence of disease Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD).
two. Due to not use / cooked with iodized salt, namely the occurrence of disease Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) is characterized by:

three. Action needs to be done if the relatives had not eaten / cooked with iodized salt, namely:

  * Encourage the relatives to keep eating / cooking with iodized salt.
  * Portray to the relatives how to distinguish between iodized salt & iodized salt is not using the check kit called Yodina check (can be bought at pharmacies / drug stores).

four. What if no available check kit & liquid yodina?

Next portray how to make use of the check kit, ie: drops of table salt with liquid yodina, it will show the color change to blue-purple & white salt in iodized salt. The older the color, the better the quality of iodized salt.

That require to be delivered to the brother for breast milk alone memberika children to age 0-4 months.

  * Peel the cassava is still fresh, & then shredded.
  * Pour one tablespoon grated cassava juice with no added water in to a tidy place.
  * Add 4-6 teaspoons of salt Munjung to be examined.
  * Add seven teaspoons of vinegar starter, stir until smooth, leave a couple of minutes. When the resulting purplish blue color means that the salt contains iodine.

  * Breast milk is the most ideal child food, cheap & straightforward to give it to child.
   Breast milk alone can meet the nutritional needs of children to grow flowers with ormal in children up to three months elderly.
  * The first milk called Colostrum out yellowish, & contains immune substances to prevent the occurrence of disease. Therefore it ought to be given to kids & never two times discarded.
  * The relatives does not require to pay for child food 0-4 months.
  * With milk to strengthen the bond of affection between brother & child.

one. Definition of mother's milk (breast milk) only, namely: do not give food & drink other than breast milk for children aged 0-4 months.
seven. Usefulness give only breast milk, namely:

  * When a child aged 0-4 months got food other than breast milk, digestive gizmo interference can occur.
  * Kids do not have the endurance to prevent disease.
  * If the child is given milk bottles frequent diarrhea, probably does not match the child with milk powder or how to make it tidy, & spending more household expenses.
  * Reducing the bond of affection between brother & child.

two. Due to not give kids only breast milk, namely:

  * Provide nutrition schooling or knowledge about the importance of giving only breast milk for children from age 0-4 months.
  * Preparing for mothers to breastfeed their kids immediately after birth by encouraging food-nutritious foods that can increase breast milk, such as nuts, green vegetables, fish, eggs & fruit.
  * From age three months, kids can be introduced to complementary feeding.

Action needs to be done if the brother has not given only breast milk for children from age 0-4 months, namely:

That require to be submitted to the usual relatives for breakfast

  * To maintain endurance, in order to work or study well.
  * To help focus the mind to learn & facilitate the absorption of lessons.
  * Helps sufficient nutrients.

one. Understanding dining / breakfast, namely: food eaten in the morning before the activity, which consists of staple food & side dishes or snack food. The amount eaten about one / two of a regular diet.
seven. Benefits of eating / breakfast, namely:

  * Body feels weak because of lack of nutrients needed for energy.
  * Unable to perform activities or work with a lovely morning.
  * Children school can not think properly & lazy.
  * Adults his work declined.

two. Due to no breakfast, namely:

  * Portray the benefits a person when used to eat breakfast.
  * Encourage your morning meal according to relatives economic circumstances.
  * Use a food that is available & straightforward to make dikeluarga or basically available in the local area.
  * Give examples of a simple breakfast & nourishing.

three. Action needs to be done when the relatives is not ordinary breakfast, namely:

  * Eat a variety of foods
  * Eat foods that meet the energy smacker
  * Choose a medium-fat foods & low in saturated overweight
  * Use of iodized salt
  * Eat food sources of iron
  * Give only breast milk to kids until the age of three months & thereafter add the MP-ASI
  * Make a habit of eating breakfast
  * Drink water, secure a sufficient amount
  * Perform regular physical activity
  * Avoid drinks that berakohol
  * Eat foods that are safe for health
  * Read the labels on packaged foods

In general guidelines balanced nutrition there's 12 (twelve) messages to note are:

Conscious Relatives Nutrition is Healthy Families, Relatives Productive
Becoming Conscious Nutrition With Relatives, Your Future Be Bright Family