Foodstuffs containing high nutrient so it is a nice medium for growth & development of various microbes. In addition there is a disturbing profitable, the presence of harmful microbes are frequent & often cause disruption in humans.
Microbial pathogens can be present in all places, in soil, water, air, plants, animals, foodstuffs, equipment for processing even the human body. Microbial pathogens can be carried on since the food was still alive in the fields, ponds, or animal cages. Its presence increased after food experience death.
In addition to microbes, other sources of contamination may even be present in the contamination of foodstuffs both biological (biological), chemical, or physical that may cause health issues in humans who eat them.
Food carrying various types of microbes, which can be derived from natural microflora, both originating from the environment as well as the way in in the work of harvesting or slaughtering, distribution, handling & postharvest processing, & storage products.
Intoxication is a condition in which the toxin is formed in the food or food ingredients, so it is a more unsafe situation. Even if food or food ingredients have been heated before eaten, the toxin that has been formed is still active & may cause poisoning although the bacteria are not present in food.
Biological or microbiological hazards consist of parasites (protozoa & worms), viral, & bacterial pathogens that can grow & create in the food, which may cause infections & poisoning in humans. Some pathogenic bacteria can also produce toxins (poisons), so that if the toxin is consumed by humans may cause intoxication.
Causes of biological hazards are bacteria, viruses, parasites, yeast & fungi. Biological hazards can be caused by contamination of water used in food handling, use of equipment & containers that are not hygienic, non aseptic handling, workers who become infected due to lack of toilets & hand washing facilities, lack of hygienic practices, & the disease, the use of packaging non-sterile or contaminated by faeces from rodents, birds, & insects.
The existence of viruses & protozoa in the food or food ingredient is not widely researched & identified. However, information on hepatitis A virus & protozoa Entamoeba hystolitica been known to pollute water. Worms are known to have on the results of the ranch, such as Fasciola hepatica is present in meat or beef liver. The existence of the worm contamination will cause infection in humans if consumed meat or beef liver that is not cooked properly.
one. Microbial Contamination in Animal Products
May even be caused by environmental conditions are not hygienic because it is contaminated by the cooling circulation technique.
Four times cut, the microbes start to damage the tissue so quick animal food does not get damaged when nice handling. Microbes in livestock products chiefly come from the digestive tract.
Food from cattle at high risk of microbial contamination or decomposition of pathogens that are harmful to human health. With distinct characteristics, livestock products are the preferred medium of microbes as a place to grow & create.
Several types of diseases caused by food animal origin is a disease of anthrax, salmonelosis, brucellosis, tuberculosis, klostridiosis, & diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus contamination.
Pathogenic bacteria from contaminated meat can contaminate other food ingredients such as vegetables & fruits, & food prepared to eat when food was placed adjoining to the contaminated meat.
two. Microbial Contamination in Poultry
Like other animal meat, poultry meat suitable as microbial growth media, because birds tend to be in an unclean surroundings. Apart from living in filthy conditions, contamination of poultry meat in Indonesia may even be caused by the low level of knowledge of farmers, cleaning cages, as well as sanitation, water & feed. Poor cage sanitation can lead to contamination of undesirable microbial pathogens.
Raw chicken carcasses most often associated with the contamination of Salmonella & Campylobacter that can infect humans. Campylobacter jejuni is of the bacterial pathogens that contaminate poultry & karkasnya. This bacterial contamination in chickens does not cause disease, but causing the disease known as campylobacteriosis in humans. The disease is characterized by extreme diarrhea accompanied by fever, poor appetite, vomiting, & leukocytosis.
Some cases of disease caused by contamination of microbial pathogens (foodborne diseases) on poultry meat & processed products such as cases of transmission of disease caused by Salmonella enteritidis through chicken meat, eggs, & dairy products. In Indonesia, the contamination of Salmonella in poultry in Yogyakarta Sleman district reached 11.40% at one.40% in meat & eggs.
Other cases are caused by Campylobacter microbes. Contamination Campylobacter jejuni, species of Campylobacter, in Indonesia is high. About 20-100% of chicken meat contaminated with bacteria that are marketed C. jejuni. About 70% of cases of campylobacteriosis in humans caused by a contaminant C. jejuni on chicken carcasses.
Pathogenic bacteria are also often contaminated chicken meat & processed products is Salmonella. This needs to get attention because S. aureus can produce enterotoxins that are resistant to heat. Bergdoll (1990) states, S. aureus 105 CFU / g is a guide to the susceptibility of the toxin. However, based on research results, enterotoxin could not be detected in the total S. aureus> 106 CFU / g.
Chicken carcass that used to make chicken meatballs contaminated S. aureus one.40 x 105 CFU / g with total bacteria one.90 x 107 CFU / g. Based on ISO 01 - 3818-1995, S. contamination aureus in meatballs maximum product of one x 102 CFU / g, total bacteria maximum of one x 105 CFU / g, & negative for Salmonella.
Raw chicken carcass are used as raw satay is polluted S. Aures as much as one.60 x 106 CFU / g. In the case of food poisoning, usually the number of S. aureus had reached 108 CFU / g or more. Chicken carcass used in the manufacture of grilled chicken satay spice has a total of 6.50 x 107 bacteria CFU / g & total S. aureus 7.30 x 105 CFU / g.
The development of catering industry in Indonesia needs to get attention, in relation to the provision of food derived from poultry. Processed poultry products like chicken satay, roast chicken & chicken opor produced by the catering industry in danger of microbial contamination.
Preliminary population of pathogens is crucial that the resulting food security. High preliminary population of potential food safety issue, depending on the length of time between preparation to consumption. The maximum limit of microbial contamination in raw chicken carcasses on the basis of Decree No. DG POM. 03726/8/SK/VII/85 is 106 CFU / g & ought to be the negative of Salmonella sp.
Other food products from food services industry often introduced in the event of marriage or a gathering is the spice grilled chicken satay.
Making chicken satay need long preparation times, causing these products susceptible to microbial contamination.
In making chicken satay there's several steps that need to be regarded as critical control points, namely the preparation stage (cutting & stabbing), freezing, roasting, & the transport & presentation.
Warming may reduce the total S. aureus to be two.30 x 103 CFU / g & total bacteria to be 6.40 x 105 CFU / g. Although the total microbial decreased in the work of processing, the figures were still high. The method of cooking or heating reduces microbial contamination to be 103 CFU / g & negative for Salmonella sp.
At the finish of the boiling stage, the total bacteria on chicken carcasses decreased to one.70 x 106 CFU / g & total S. aureus
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