They are simple to pass out often thought about a weak heart. Moreover, frequent heart palpitations. & wear tight clothes & collars can be adversely impacted.
Have you now stand following the ceremony on the field or are attending an official reception, suddenly felt heart palpitations, fast heart degupnya, followed by mild head & body felt limp, chilled sweat, vision & dizzy & faint dark finish?
The reason for such incidents might have been because our heart is less wrong, but could even be due to outside factors. Moreover, if they do not have a history of heart issues or heart disease risk factors & the comparatively young age.
Most cases of fainting is not due to heart abnormality (non-kardik syncope), according to specialists, is due to the exposed vagus hypersensitivity. The vagus nerve is tenth of the brain that mensarafi internal organs in the body & affect the heartbeat frequency.
reflection of hypersensitivity vagus known as vasovagal syncope (related to blood vessels & the vagus nerve) & vasodepresif. This happens because of the emergence of imbalances in the autonomic nervous reflexes react to a extended standing position. Beginning from an inclination of gathering some blood in the veins below the earth due to gravity, this causes the amount of blood returning to the heart is reduced so that the rainfall to the heart & blood pressure decreased sistoliknya. To overcome this decline, resulting automatic reflex normal compensation, in the type of increased frequency & strength of heart contractions, with the aim of rainfall to the heart to restore its original level.
In someone who is hypersensitive, the increased force of contraction is exactly to enable the existing mechanical receptors in the wall of the left heart ventricle, causing reflex called Bezold-Jarisch reflex (as the name of the inventor). In effect, the frequency of turning a slow heartbeat, peripheral blood vessels widen, & then going low blood pressure (hypotension) so that blood flow to weakened nervous technique. This is where syncope occurred.
However, to choose a diagnosis, doctors usually recommend checking tilt check, where check results can be used as a reference for further tests if necessary.
To prevent not to faint, when signs are mild such as the new feels still feels palpitations, try a small wiggle the leg or foot, while occasionally a small cough. Sometimes this technique can be helped more by shifting our attention for a moment. For example in case you are in a ceremony think about the other participants in front of us after the other, recalling fun events we have ever experienced, mumbled a favourite song or songs you pep mars.
Prevent fainting
If the way the signs are not reduced, but in lieu began to issue a chilled sweat and head feels lost, what can make! Better to direct your squatting, sitting, or lying down looking place for the leg can be raised higher than his head. Usually in a short time will feel more comfortable & recover. when coupled with fresh drinks.
Conversely, if they ought to help individuals who fainted, according to the Relatives Health Guide, 1996 (Yayasan Essentia Medica) ought to do the following practical tips. Lay the patient in bed along with his head tilted. Be cautious not to position the head elevated. When the patient was in the stool, pushed his head down as low as feasible between the knees. Loosen tight clothing for blood flow is not interrupted. If necessary, dropped in to chilled water on the brow or neck to speed up the recovery of consciousness. Seldom give anything by mouth if the patient is unconscious. Call the nearest doctor or ambulance if not being aware.
Because of tight collar
Vagus hypersensitivity may even be carotid sinus syncope, namely fall unconscious in lieu triggered by a long standing attitude but when turned around abruptly. This can happen when people wore high-necked dress is tight, so that head movement causes the pressure on carotid sinus which is located on the side neck slightly to the front. This might lead to slow heart rate & cause syncope.
In order to keep away from experiencing it, avoid the use of the collar is tight & do not massage the neck area or something else that causes pressure on the carotid sinus.
If the electro-physiological examination (examination of the heart's electrical activity) in patients, the heart's electrical function is usually seen to work within normal limits. It is a gentle type of emphasis neck modification in the carotid sinus area was visible in the type of a flat line on the monitor screen. That is, an interruption occurs in the work of activity or electrical conductivity modification completed earlier.
To prevent the occurrence of syncope is not due to cardiac abnormalities were, among others, by exercising such as running, running, swimming, or dynamic exercise that strengthens leg muscles.
Another more rare appearance of the vagus is paroxysmal sinus hypersensitivity arrest. Here the main power source of the heart sometimes experienced cessation (pause) for 6-23 seconds without any clear trigger. This incident could in the work of sleep or when active, day or night, with the result that very fainting or fainting (presinkop or syncope). Here the results of examination with the electrophysiology of the heart's electrical sources also indicate normal, but in general the treatment is directed at the use of a permanent pacemaker is implanted under the skin of the patient's chest.
If syncope caused by heart defects clearly would diajurkan consult your heart specialist for more thorough examination & treatment more exact.
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