Food or food is of the basic or primary needs of man. The more developed a nation, the demand and attention to quality food will be consumed even greater. The purpose of eating is no longer overcoming hunger, but more complex.
People are increasingly aware that food is the main source of fulfillment of nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy body. Nowadays people are increasingly selective in determining the necessity for food with the consideration is the safety factor of food.
Hygiene of foodstuffs is important, because it will affect the quality of food being consumed. Food quality may even be pursued by improving the flavor, texture, atmosphere and appearance. Food sanitation issue is there's still plenty of individuals who ignore it. Plenty of individuals who think in terms of the most important food is lovely taste and stunning appearance. But how to make a neat appearance, lovely, and safe to eat is not fully in to attention.
Sanitation and hygiene needs ranging from menu planning, purchasing materials, goods receipt, storage, dispensing goods, processing preparation, processing, activities to keep the food before serving, presentation activities, until the cleaning and maintenance activities.
Here are the factors that may affect the hygiene of food or food:
a. Food poisoning bacteria
Bacteria reproduce by splitting in to three parts or also called Mitosis. At temperatures of 30 º C to 41 º C the numbers will be doubled every 15 minutes and within four hours to one million.
The bacteria will cease breeding at temperatures above 74 º C and below three º C. At chilled temperatures the bacteria will break. Pathogenic bacteria multiply at 37 º C together with human body temperature. This bacterium can tertularkan through the food touched by dirty hands, dirty and dusty cloth, table and kitchen equipment is dirty.
Food ingredients such as Milk, Butter, Margarine Yogurt, Cheese can be stored at temperatures of three º C. For eggs stored at temperatures of -6 º C to 7 º C. Fruits and vegetables are stored at temperatures of ten º C. Meat stored at temperatures of four º C to 8 º C. Seafood can be stored at temperatures of three º C to four º C. For the "Danger Zone" (danger zone) 37 º C to 69 º C where bacteria can grow quickly with multiples of three ).
b. Biological Food Keracuanan
Various kinds of plants and animals mangandung natural toxins that may cause poisoning if eaten. Among them include:
Plants containing fungal toxin from the outside look a lot like the categories that do not contain toxins and poisonous if eaten raw or cooked. So it is important to buy mushrooms only from reliable sources.
Green Potatoes
This mangandung solanine which may cause illness or death if eaten in massive quantities. Green potatoes ought to always be discarded.
Seafood dishes
Some material mangandung seafood toxins or metal - heavy metal. Included in these oysters, mussels as well as a massive number of fish. So it is important that the supply of seafood will be obtained from the source - a trusted source.
Food can be inadvertently contaminated by poisonous chemicals along the production line. The way it happened, and what can be done to prevent it, including things - the following:
c. Chemical Food Poisoning
Residual spraying of chemicals or anti-pest
So make a lovely habit to wash all vegetables and fruit - fruits before use.
Disinfectant made of chemicals, insect sprays, cleaning agents, rat poison
Chemicals ought to be stored separately from food, tools and kitchen tools that are used to make food. And ought to be the ingredients - ingredients that are allowed to be used around food surroundings and ought to be used only - subject to specification in the factory.
Zinc poisoning can occur if the acid levels of the food left long inside the tin-plated zinc. Also, do not store food in the place where made of copper.
A section of people, people with asthma are sensitive to the additional - additional use in processing and / or manufacture of food. Among the additional triggering an allergic reaction to MSG (monosodium glutamate), tartrazine (a yellow dye for food) and products of sulfur that is used to slow oxidation (eg bleach potato or vegetable and also used in the preservation of dried fruits).
Additional material in food
Food Substances
All micro-organisms require nutrients to survive. Some foods in particular are lovely sources of food substances. Law - Health Law to include such foods on the list of "Food Can Be Dangerous" because the fast food poisoner bacteria grow and multiply therein. Raw food is usually high in protein, starch mangandung ripe, damp and low in acid content.
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