Aging (Aging) is a method of disappearance of the network's ability to repair or replace ourselves & maintain the structure & function normally. This method is ongoing throughout one's life. Unlike the pathological condition, every man must be experiencing the method of aging. Aging is genetically programmed in to each individual, but outside factors plays an important role in modifying this method, so that the aging process-were held with different levels of speed on each person. This is what explains why some people can look older / more youthful than chronological age. Physical condition & activity status of a person can radically affect cardiovascular function when they was older.
Physiological aging is marked by the disappearance of the function of lots of organs. Simultaneously also increase the incidence of diseases such as coronary arterial disease (CAD), cerebrovascular diseases, kidney & lung disease. This will cause more speedy loss of body organ functions.
Along with increasing life expectancy can they expect will even be an increase in prevalence-prevalence disease that occurs in older people. Heart disease in the elderly is a worldwide issue which until now still of the main priorities. This is because heart disease is the largest cause of mortality, morbidity & disability in older people.
Physiological Changes Due to Aging Heart
There is a major issue in measuring the impact of aging on cardiac physiology, namely the issue that there's latent disease in the elderly. This can be seen from the disease prevalence of CAD at post-mortem, which found over 60% of patients died aged 60 years or more, having 75% occlusion or greater, at least coronary artery. While on the other information recorded only about 20% of patients aged> 80 years who had clinical manifestations of CAD. Clearly this illustrates that in most elderly, the disease is asymptomatic CAD.
Aging method will cause changes in the cardiovascular process. This in turn will also cause changes in cardiac physiology. Changes in cardiac physiology ought to be differed from the pathological effects that occur because of other diseases, such as extreme coronary arterial disease is also common with increasing age.
It is hard for us in conducting research on the physiological effects of aging on the heart. They must first rule out the likelihood of other diseases such as CAD in a group of apparently healthy elderly. However, not all the research done by first removing latent diseases that may be present. This is what often causes the presence of differences in the results of information on a variety of studies.
The changes that occur in the Heart:
* In the myocardium occurs accompanied by accumulation lipofusin brown atrophy (aging pigment) in the fibers of the myocardium.
* There is fibrosis & calcification of the fibrous tissue that becomes the framework of the heart. Also in valve calcification & changes also occur sirkumferens becomes larger so that the valve thickening. Noisy heart (murmur) caused the stiffness of the valve is often present in the elderly.
* There is a reduction in the work of the sino-atrial node which is the regulator of cardiac rhythm. Cells from the SA node will even be reduced by 50% -75% since the 50-year-old man. The number of cells of the AV node is not reduced, but it will happen fibrosis. While on His file also will be found to lose at the cellular level. This modify will lead to lower heart rate.
* There was a thickening of the heart wall, on the left ventricle. This causes the amount of blood that can fit in to although there's fewer heart enlargement as a whole. Completion of blood to the heart also slowed.
* Erjadi subendokardial ischemia & interstitial tissue fibrosis. This is caused by decreased tissue perfusion due to decreased diastolic pressure.
The changes that occur in blood vessels:
The changes that occur in the Blood:
* The loss of elasticity of the aorta & other giant arteries. This led to increased resistance when left ventricular systolic pressure & the pump so that the afterload increases. This situation will finish with the so-called "Isolated aortic incompetence." Additionally, it will happen is & a decrease in diastolic pressure.
* The reduced cardiac response to �-adrenergic receptor stimulation. Also in reaction to changes in baroreceptors & kemoreseptor also declined. Changes in response to baroreceptors can report the occurrence of orthostatic hypotension in the elderly.
* Capillary walls to thicken so that the exchange of nutrients & disposal of slowing down.
* There is a decrease of Total Body Water so that the blood volume also decreased.
* Number of Red Blood Cells (Hemoglobin & hematocrit) decreased. & a decline in the number of Leukocyte important to maintain body immunity. This causes the body's resistance to infection decreases.
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