
Prevent Disease with Healthy Food

In addition, cooking methods also require to be thought about for nutrition that is contained is not damaged or lost in vain because way to cook it. For nutrients stay intact recommended cooking by boiling, team, steamed, and stir-fry or eaten directly or in juice.

Healthy body ought to be supported by a balanced diet as well as a complete nutritional support in the right proportions and supported by healthy lifestyle and lovely. Lovely and healthy food does not must be pricey, and not only uncontaminated source of disease, or lovely to eat, but that is also important that the food must contain a substance the body needs, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, water, and other -other.

Ought to reduce the fried foods and foods that are baked or roasted as it would produce substances that are not lovely for the body. Fried foods with a high temperature heating primarily used frying oil using lots of times will produce trans overweight or lipid peroxides that are harmful to health.

While the food is baked until charred to produce substances that are carcinogens. Nutritionally balanced food consumption and body needs, such as natural food ingredients such as vegetables and fruits, will be beneficial for health.

Consumption of food with a menu of "four of perfectly healthy" as a guide to achieving optimal nutritional intake. Optimal Nutrition is the nutritional quantity and quality so that the body is in lovely condition and healthy. Total nutrient intake from food consisting of a restriction which limits the maximum and maximum rate limit.

In general, the human appetite for food is more directed to the aroma and taste, while nutrition is an additional consideration when thinking about the nutritional content of foods in a necessary, in view of the importance of nutrition for health, and ought to not be neglected in the every day food consumption.

 Ideal Healthy

Reduce Instant Food

If nutritional intake is less than the maximum, there will be issues of malnutrition, such as lack of vitamin A causes vision issues, lack of iron causes anemia, and others. Similarly, the maximum rate limit, also ought to not be exceeded, because there will be issues such as being overweight (obesity), gout, high cholesterol, and others.

With properties like that of coursework, preserved foods and prepared meals not so healthy body, so that if consumed often can lead to various diseases such as obesity (obesity), cholesterol and high triglycerides, hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke, and others.

 Diet Could Hit Osteoporosis

In this modern period of diet trends and practical all instant that developed in the community such as speedy food and preserved food. These foods usually have a low nutritional value, high cholesterol saturated overweight, high salt and low in fiber.

Other food ingredients containing high calcium namely: anchovies, sardines, and so forth. To keep away from obesity ought to keep away from excessive consumption of overweight. Overweight consumption ought to not be eliminated but is limited in accordance with the needs of the body that is about 30% of caloric needs.

To keep away from and overcome obesity, some people on a diet. Improper diet such as eliminating milk entirely can lead to calcium deficiency, whereas the human body requires about 500-1000 mg of calcium every day. A study shows in people doing the diet pattern of osteoporosis. But it is been lots of low-fat dairy products containing high calcium, so do not must set aside a milk diet.

Helpful and Harmful Fats Fats

Overweight is necessary by the body as an energy source than carbohydrates, overweight sources that contain monounsaturated fatty acids rich in omega-9 and functioning lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and high triglycerides.

To reach a healthy diet and avoid the various diseases such as narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis), coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer in particular, in addition to reducing fatty foods, ought to also consume more foods that contain lots of vitamins and high in fiber such as vegetables and fruit fresh fruits that contain a source of antioxidants such as carrots, broccoli, spinach, kale, celery, yellow squash, eggplant, tomatoes, oranges, mango, papaya, cherry, and others.

While the overweight that is harmful to the health of overweight that contains saturated fatty acids, trans fats and high cholesterol, as present in fatty meat, offal (intestines, tripe, lung, etc.), cuisine bersantan, and so forth.

Content of carotenoids in carrots (beta-carotene), tomatoes (lycopene), spinach, broccoli and more efficacious as an antioxidant that fight free radicals cause cancer, as well as nourishing boost immunity and prevent aging. Fresh fruits are a source of vitamin C, vitamin C which also function as antioxidants, increase endurance, and speed healing.

Also recommended to consume whole grains and beans such as soy, sprouts, cereals, and others. In grains and nuts are contained vitamin E, which also functions as an antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer.

Also, be aware of eating a balanced and ought to not be full, the kind of food ought to be diverse, less salt, avoid foods that are spicy, and preserved food. Also avoid smoking and alcoholic drinks.
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