National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the United States reported 80% of the population of the United States of magnesium deficiency. In fact, the magnesium needed muscle & nerve cells of the heart so that they can work optimally. result of the dearth of intake of magnesium in the body is an assault of heart illness. Information from the Third National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey says 11.2-million Americans suffer from the illness. In 1992, heart illness kills around 480,000 people. In fact, if only the intake of magnesium are met, the illness can be prevented.
way to receive magnesium intake is to drink water. Water of the best sources of magnesium because 30% of magnesium in the body available there. Regrettably, in Indonesia, drinking water contains more calcium. & The Water Health Association recommends that in each liter of water ought to be contained 25 mg of magnesium. In fact, the amount of magnesium in drinking water in Indonesia is still less than that figure.
Until now, heart illness remains the number one killer. The causes can vary, stress & consumption of unhealthy foods in between. Recent research conducted Arthur Marx & Raymond R Neutra from Johns Hopkins University School mentions ischemic heart illness, coronary heart-alias-something to do with lack of magnesium in the body.
Japanese society is more blessed. They used to drink nigari as a source of magnesium. Nigari aka sari sea water is an elderly sea water or in the upper layers-about as thick as ten cm-in the manufacture of salt. While the bottom layer would be the salt. In order to extract the sea water, elderly water was processed by crystallization autoclave. Usually the elderly water wasted in the method of making salt. ton of salt production, need 50 m3 of seawater. The amount of water that formed the elderly one.9 m3. Nigari type of magnesium chloride powder is often used for coagulant (hardener) experience in the manufacture of tofu, aka know japanese & natural cooling of fish.
Waste brine rich in minerals such as magnesium sulfate, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, & calcium chloride. The main content of magnesium, the fourth largest mineral in the body. If the waste is extracted, the juice can be used for human needs, for magnesium nutritional adequacy. Magnesium plays maintaining heart health. 'He could prevent the deposition of fat in the blood vessel walls of the heart,' said Prof Dr Bambang Wirjatmadi of the nutrition of Public Health Faculty, Airlangga University, Surabaya.
In the land of the Rising Sun, nigari is bitter indeed popular. Babies until their parents get used to consume them in every day life. Although elderly cultures producing salt in Indonesia, but new nigari introduced last year. Dr Nelson Sembiring, researcher Research & Development Agency of East Java Province who introduced it. Nelson knows the efficacy of nigari while studying in Japan.
According to Bambang, the dearth of magnesium intake may speed up the emergence of fatty deposits in blood vessels of the heart. 'And that is the heart blood vessel size is small. Deposition of fat can lead to clogged arteries. Consequently, the work of the heart are blocked, 'added an alumnus of the Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University. To prevent heart illness, regular Bambang nigari dissolve twenty drops in twenty l of drinking water.
Lots of Benefits
Other Benefits: salt waste could increase the quality of female beauty. Tatsuya vocabulary research to show it. According to the director Nigari Research Institute, the magnesium in sea water extract can burn fat & remove liquid in the body useless. Naturally, if in Japan, among young people-especially young women-always carryover juice of sea water. 'The point guard's body stay slim & avoid cholesterol illness despite eating anything,' said Nelson.
Sari aka nigari seawater is a multi efficacy. In addition to heart healthy, they also has has lot of other properties. For example bone growth. In New Zealand, the government recommends babies aged 3-13 years to consume the juice of sea water. In the land of the kiwi was at the age of the bone growth was slow. Well, calcium in nigari working with magnesium may play a role in the formation of bones & teeth.
Others, nigari can be used for facial cleansers. How: Mix a drop of nigari in 100 ml of water. After the spray on the face. 'Magnesium in nigari able to slow the aging method so that the skin does not wrinkle basically,' they said. In addition, the skin collagen can be repaired, so the facial skin more supple & taut.
Other Panasea
Nigari addition, lots of other popular panasea that are beneficial to heart health. Red fruit for example. Content of antioxidants-carotene, beta-carotene, & tocopherol-owned capable heart healthy. Beta-carotene serves to slow the continuing buildup of plaque on artery walls. Pandanus Fruit conoideus it also contains omega four & omega 9 that can lower levels of cholesterol as well as the active compound antidote to free radical formation in the body.
Panasea from the sea such as sea cucumbers were efficacious for the heart. In the sea cucumber contains essential fatty acids such as EPA & DHA. Combined fatty acids with the content of trace minerals such as chromium, iron, cadmium, manganese, nickel, cobalt, & zinc superoxide dismutase activate aka SOD. SOD is responsible for binding peroxidase compounds that arise due to excessive levels of fat in the body. SOD activity will decline due to the lots of pollutants in the body. Excess fat (in the type of cholesterol & triglycerides), triggering the formation of plaque on artery walls of the heart.
Not only red fruit & gamat-term sea cucumbers in Malaysia-that can prevent & overcome heart issues. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) aka virgin coconut oil also has similar capabilities. Lauric acid in VCO raise the level of polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA & DHA. Both fatty acids were shown to decrease low density lipoprotein (VLDL). They also plays a role in inhibiting the production of thromboxane, prostacyclin increase, decrease blood viscosity, thrombosis & prevent blood vessel blockage alias.
Dr Sidi Aritjahja from Happy Land Medical Centre, Yogyakarta, regular use of ginger, galangal, & a cup to cope with coronary heart illness. The materials that both contain saponins (triterpene glycosides), which has fat dissolving properties. That must be thought about, the ingredients that ought to not be boiled long. 'If boiled long, high content of saponinnya, danger to the kidneys,' they said. Now, the choice is yours, panasea which works best for your heart.
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