
Eating Disorders In Athletes

Eating disorders often encountered in athletes because they are concerned with weight & desire is hard to win so that it becomes an obsession. Use of nutritional supplements, vitamins are common in the world of sports. Some use rotein supplements, mikronutruen, even yuang try to keep away from all fat or all animal protein.

The desire to win in athletes caused lots of athletes use extreme methods that are usually without any scientific basis & could jeopardize the performance of sport with the risk of nutrient imbalances (deficiency / excess). Pricey & only apparent effect (placebo effect) & tends to generate dependency.

  * Advice from coaches or parents
  * Fear of bad consequences if not completed
  * Superstition & ignorance of nutrition
  * Habits
  * Mimic's top senior athletes

What factors that cause athlete was having trouble eating behavior? Usually caused by:

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can be all kinds but a clinical syndrome of anorexia nervosa & bulimia nervosa that may be encountered in the sport, whereas pica & rumination / regurgitation of food not a controversy in the world of sports.

Anorexia Nervosa:

Lots of athletes, athletes who practice pengongtrolan daughter wrongfully weight so risky. Biasan; yes this is present in athletes whose performance needs to look slim but little practice stout & heavy that it becomes narrow but still need to maintain that weight. How often used included stimulate vomiting, fasting, use of diuretics or laxatives. According to the definition of the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:.

Anorexia nervosa is chiefly present in females (up to 95%) The beginning is usually at the time of adolescence, but can be up to young adult (30s). There is an inclination of relatives patterns & the onset is often associated with stressful circumstances.

  * Refusal to maintain minimal body weight still thought about normal according to age & height.
  * afraid of being fat despite weight was less.
  * He is complained of feeling fat even in case you do have narrow or feel that a part of her look fat.
  * In females at least four times in a row are not getting your period (amenorrhea if females have menstrual arise only after being given hormone).

Bulimia Nervosa

  * Repetition eat quickly, voraciously, & lots of within a positive time.
  * The feeling less able to control eating behavior in the work of eating with gusto & lots of it.
  * Regularly return the person will vomit his food, using laxatives or diretikum, strict dieting or fasting, or weight training exercise to prevent weight gain.
  * At least four times a week & for at least four months to eat voraciously, & lots of had completed.
  * Evaluation of self is strongly influenced excessive attention to shape & weight.

Due to Behavior Eating Disorders

Usually people are eating & spat it out clandestinely. Vomiting relieve abdominal discomfort, so in case you need, they can continue again eats. Usually the onset bulimia are also at the time of adolescence or young adulthood. Her parents are often fat & fat patients with bulimia are also often at the time of adolescence. Patients with bulimia can throw up twenty times or more of the same mind.

  * Nutrient deficiencies such as anemia
  * Decreased muscle mass & decreased muscle function
  * Backup glycogen decreased.
  * Depression
  * Decreased tolerance to chilled

Due to the dearth of food inputs are among others:

In male athletes also occur suppression of testosterone production. The use of laxatives, the drug agency arrangements, diuretikum, & vomiting may finish up in the disturbance of electrolytes & mineral deficiencies that can arise heart & gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation & bloating.

Feeding behavior disorders in females may cause amenorrhea can lead to decreased bone density & increased bone mineral disorders, is a triad of disease / disorders.

Anorexia Nervosa Signs

  * Weight down with a great body
  * The mind is always about food, calories & body weight
  * Exercise & weight indefatigable
  * Feelings of changing
  * Avoid meetings where food is provided
  * All of a sudden decided to not eat red meat
  * Classifying foods in the diet that are thought about nice & the food is not nice.

But it must be recalled that these signs can also arise without a sign of anorexia nervosa.

Signs Bulimia Nervosa

  * Decrease or increase in mean body weight
  * afraid of gaining weight.
  * Immediately go to the bathroom after eating.
  * Depressive / feeling depressed.
  * Strict diet followed by eating a lot & gusto.
  * Highly critical of the size & shape of the body.


In the early stages of an eating disorder, perhaps before menstruation irregular or prior weight loss with great, nutrition schooling alone may be sufficient to prevent clinical manifestations of anorexia nervosa.
As treatment is necessary:
- Medical Treatment
- Dietetic treatment
- Psychological Medicine

In the state of extreme complications or attempts suicide, eating the patient needs to be treated:

Some Types of Eating Disorders in Athletes

In bulimia nervosa nutrition schooling is necessary to:
one. Eliminate dietetic factors that can trigger eating a lot & gusto
four. Try eating a traditional / usual.
four. Alter abnormal attitudes about food, weight & diet.

one. Vegetarian

Lots of athletes use a vegetarian diet, do not need to make use of animal foods because they think more healthful vegetarian diet, providing more energy & do not make fat. There's athletes who try hard to stay slim, such as bodybuilders, runners, gymnasts, dancers & athletes diving. Usually athletes avoid animal foods but do not use substitute materials. Arguably they are a brand spanking new type of vegetarian, not a vegetarian.

four. much fiber

Diets with high fiber can be caused diarrhea & flatulence & may be difficult to meet energy needs, in addition to fiber to the inhibitor to absorb micronutrients.

Low-calorie diet was ( low) are usually unable to meet energy needs & nutrition such as iron, calcium & zinc. Low energy input, it can also lead to loss of fitness & exercise performance. Losing weight quickly on low-calorie diet due to declining reserves of glycogen, loss of liquid & loss of muscle mass by gluconeogenesis.

four. Low-calorie menu

Thus, the risk for decline in performance arose due to the energy reserves that is not & in the long term decline in muscle strength & endurance due to decreased muscle mass. After some time the weight might not go down again but it may have been changes in body composition.

two. Mixing food

There is a belief which assumes that the carbohydrates & proteins can not be digested simultaneously so that ought to not be eaten at the time; the same. Also that the fruit ought to not be eaten together with other food ingredients & that fruit ought to only be eaten between two am to midday is the time thought about for cleaning the body.

This theory is actually no scientific basis. But the successful application of this theory because of the lots of dietary restrictions so that the general input,  low fat, causing weight loss. But it is also the input of iron, calcium & zinc less restrictions on athletes, it can also lead to lack of carbohydrates & protein.

four. Mixing food
On this diet is only allowed to eat fruit & nuts on the stage of cleaning needs, from two am to midday.

6. Mixing food
Usually these products are used primarily by individuals who need to lose weight & athletes who need to increase muscle mass, decrease body fat, or usually improve the strength & sports performance. About the herb was said to be a blood purifier & to treat allergies.

Lots of herbs that contain diuretics & laxatives. Actually, these materials ought to not be used because it will cause dehydration athletes that would degrade the performance of sports.

7. Diet arrangements: some diets can lead to eating disorders

one. In face of athletes ought to note that among the athletes with behavioral disorders or eating disorders are common because of their quasi-vegetarian is not a true vegetarian by religion. So need to be examined & rational mind, including the belief in a variety of foods in order to understand the behavior of eating the wrong. Assessment based on DSM-III-R (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) can be useful to diagnose eating disorders are hidden.


four. The most difficult is when athletes do not need to recognize the situation, coaches still need to maintain a low body weight, or if weight loss is low & has no side effects eg. Amenorrhea. Possibly cooperation with psychologists needed in handling the case.

four. Knowledge about loss inadequate diet & weight / body fat that does not fit might need to be given also to the parents & coaches:

two. In assessing the feeding behavior can be used DSM-III-R. Moreover, it can also cultivated for athletes who have been diagnosed with an eating disorder can be met with athletes who have a pattern & nice eating habits to eliminate confusion & to persuade athletes that advice which is correct.

  * The weight that is lost chiefly due to loss of muscle tissue
  * Exercise won't give effect to the low muscle mass
  * carbohydrates needed for muscle glycogen reserves; entries that are not cuku will restrict the results of exercise
  * Eating disorders can lead to amenorrhea & increase the risk of loss of bone mass & stress fracture incidence.

four. In providing nutrition schooling is also important to the educators recognize that athletes often use food supplements that are thought about healthy & can improve sports performance.

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