A. Alcohol
There is some theory that alcohol consumption can reduce the incidence of CHD. But after further review, the American Heart Association concluded that there was no justification in recommending the use of alcohol (or wine) for cardioprotective strategies. Even the excessive consumption may cause liver destroy, increased blood pressure, increased incidence of oral cancer and esophageal cancer, and so forth.
Aging is a method that must be experienced by all people, this means that changes in cardiac physiology and anatomy will also occur in all people. But this does not mean that all elderly people will certainly have issues on the heart. Because in addition to endogenous factors influenced, also influenced by exogenous factors, such as environmental, social, cultural and economic, all of which can be known as a lifestyle (life style). Exogenous factors are better known as risk factors.
C. Drugs
Some drugs may cause hypertension, such as mineralocorticoid group, NSAIDs, amphetamine, tricyclic antidepressants, and others. Use of other alternative medicines that do not cause or complicate hypertension.
B. Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus has long been recognized as an independent risk factor that may cause various cardiovascular disorders. A theory says that of the type of diabetes is associated with primary inherent abnormality in which the cells will be short-lived so that an increase in cell turnover. In addition, platelet dysfunction in diabetes also contribute to a significant role. Coexistence of DM and hypertension may increase the risk of heart issues and mortality as much as 2-fold. Persistence in the control of hypertension in diabetic patients is important. Diabetes type two (NIDDM), lots of present in people aged 30 years or older who are fat or fat. This can be prevented by making lifestyle improvements, maintain a standard body weight and multiply physical exercise.
D. Exercise / Physical Exercise
Regular exercise can lower blood pressure by 5-10 mmHg. Exercise can also improve cardiac output, by:
� Increasing the contractility and the muscles that myocardium can be achieved maximal stroke volume.
� Increase the number of capillaries in the myocardium.
� Lower heart rate at rest.
� Reduces peripheral resistance at rest.
E. Hiperlipoproteinemia
Increasingly lipoproteins that circulate in the blood, the greater the likelihood for them to enter the arterial wall. When giant amounts of it will be beyond the ability of smooth muscle cells to memetabolismenya so the fat will accumulate in the artery wall. Hyperlipidemia ought to be handled aggressively, either with medication or with lifestyle improvement. By lowering total levels of cholesterol as much as 20-25% (or lower LDL-cholesterol by 30%) proved to reduce the risk of CHD.
F. Hypertension
Hypertension is the most important risk factor in heart issues. Hypertension accelerates atherosclerosis, that is by causing mechanical injury to the endothelial cells in a high pressure. Hypertension is estimated to cause 33% of all incidents of heart disease. Give medications (ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, calcium antagonists or diuretics) to reduce morbidity and mortality.
G. Obesity
Obesity can lead to atherosclerosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes type two, and various other conditions. Maintain a healthy weight by improving your lifestyle and regular exercise.
I. Smoke
Research shows that smoking increases the risk of heart issues as much as 64%. Effects of smoking on the cardiovascular method are:
H. Excessive salt intake
Restriction of salt intake can lower blood pressure 10-10 mmHg. Excessive intake may cause sodium and water retention, thereby increasing heart load. Patients need to be briefed about the necessity for this.
* Nicotine has a direct effect on coronary arteries and blood platelets.
* Inhaled carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of erythrocytes. It also increases myocardial oxygen demand, increased platelet adhesiveness and plasma catecholamines.
This is where the importance of health promotion and disease prevention (intervention in lifestyle) which ought to be started as early as feasible. In addition, they do prevention measures, namely to prevent the aging method is not accompanied by patolologik method. This idea is now highly developed and known as the idea of Healthy Aging (to grow elderly in nice health).
In addition to promotional and preventive measures are also contained measures of rehabilitation, which is addressed to those who are or have experienced heart issues. The objective of rehabilitation measures are:
* To help them recover both physically and spiritually.
* To train them in performing their every day activities and re-active in the community.
* To restore their confidence.
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