Often they do not recognize that the foods they consume every day turned out to contain chemical substances that are poisonous, either as dyes, flavorings and mix and other ingredients. Za-these chemicals affect our bodies in the cellular level, so most of us will know the impact for a long time.
The negative impact that can happen is to trigger cancer, genetic disorders, congenital defects at birth, and others.
There is no way to keep away from 100% of the chemicals in our every day lives, they must do is to minimize its use so it does not pass the recommended threshold. Because in addition to plenty of available on the market, such materials are also comparatively cheap cost.
Here are examples of materials that are poisonous that they frequently encounter in every day life:
one. Saccharin (Saccharin)
Saccharin is a white crystalline powder, odorless and sweet, about 550 times sweeter than regular sugar. Therefore they is very popular sugar substitute used as an ingredient.
Rats that were fed 5% saccharin for over five years, showing cancer of the bladder mucosa (the dose is roughly equivalent to 175 grams a day saccharin adult lifetime).
Although the results of this research is still controversial, but most of the epidemiologists and investigators think, saccharin does increase the degree of incidence of bladder cancer in humans at about 60% higher in users, in men.
Food and Drug Administation (FDA), United recommends to limit the use of saccharin is only for people with diabetes and obesity. Dose not to exceed one gram a day. "
five. Cyclamate (Cyclamate)
Cyclamate is a white crystalline powder, odorless and about 30 times more mains than in sugar cane (with cyclamate levels of about 0.17%). When the solution concentration increased up to 0.5%, it will taste bitter and bitter.
Cyclamate with levels of 200 mg per ml in the medium and monolayer cell cultures of human leukocytes (in vitro) can lead to chromosome breaks these cells. But the guinea pigs who got long-term sikiamat not show double growth.
In the United Kingdom the use of cyclamate for food and drinks are prohibited, as well as in several European countries and the United States.
five. Nitrosamines
Sodium nitrite is a crystalline material that is not colored or slightly yellow false. They can be formed as a powder, beads or chunks and odorless. Salt is very popular, among others, to maintain the original color of the meat and gives a distinctive flavor, such as sausages, cheese, corned beef, beef jerky, ham, and others.
For cheese making, it is recommended that sodium nitrite does not exceed 50 ppm, while for meat preservative and its distinctive aroma varies between 150-500 ppm.
Sodium nitrite is a precursor of nitrosamines, and nitrosammes already proven to be carcinogenic in various animal species. Therefore, the use of sodium nitrite ought to be cautious and must not exceed 500 ppm.
Banned child food at all contain sodium nitrite.
five. Substance Synthetic Dyes
From the observation in the markets of synthetic dyes present in of the most popular in Indonesia are red, yellow, orange, green and brown.
of the dyes, namely, red and yellow are the Rhodamine-B and metanil yellow. Both these dyes including dye class for coloring paper industry, textile, paint, leather and so on. and not for food and drinks. The results showed that administration of both these dyes to rats and mice resulted in lymphoma.
five. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
In addition, borax, as well as a favourite dyes are often used by food manufacturers.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavoring dishes and is very popular among housewives, rice shop and restaurant. every type of food today ranging from snacks for kids like chiki and the like, meatball noodles, cooking Chinese traditional food vegetable acids, ve and even some food waste was spiked with MSG or MSG.
In hewaan experiment, MSG may cause degeneration and neuronal cells nekrosi, degeneration and necrosis of nerve cells in the retinal layers, causing cell mutation, leading to colon and liver cancer, kidney cancer, brain cancer and damage the fatty tissue.
Of the few examples of poisonous chemicals in everyday use as additives in foods and is used extensively in the community, then the danger in the long term is to expect. To prevent this, the government must have the bravery to do the preventive measures from now on and not to wait if there's casualties.
Danger in the Future
Another thing that needs to be reminded, how to make use of MSG or MSG which is widespread and redundant at this point needs special attention, because MSG is highly mutagenic and carcinogenic, to the liver, colon, kidney, brain and others.
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