
Setting Food For People with Coronary Heart

As with drugs, the use of food to cure the disease must even be in accordance with the provisions given by the doctor treating him. However, unlike drugs, the provision of food not merely as a process of healing. Over that, the food still has another function that is to give a sense of satiety, feeling satisfied and comfortable, feeling cared for, and so on, who in the administration of drugs is seldom thought about.

Arrangement of food for the sick is not an act that stands alone and apart from the act of care and treatment, is a unity in the process of healing disease. Therefore, the responsibility for food arrangements for the sick is not solely the responsibility of nutritionists, but it is a shared responsibility of all elements that play a role in the healing process of diseases, namely doctors, nurses and nutritionists.

Gaining weight and height with reasonable, it can be estimated that consumption of a person's diet balanced with energy expenditure. If physical activity is less, while food consumption continues to increase, it may cause various diseases. The advantages in consuming carbohydrates and fats can menimbulan blockage of blood vessels and berbegai diseases, like heart.

The recommended nutritional guidelines for reducing the risk of coronary heart disease are:

Consumption of overweight is,

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