
Know The various dishes of rice in Indonesia

Rice Food Ingredients

Rice dishes are popular for us. Rice is a dish that can not be left for the people of Indonesia, because it is familiar with cooking the rice and all its issues is something that is important. Processing of rice can not be separated from the rice as its main ingredient, and if the techniques it makes use of.

Rice merupkan pagan material derived from rice plants. Some well-known types of rice include long beans (Long Grain), seed medium (Medium Grain) and short grain (Short Grain Rice).

Food is used to make rice dish is rice. Rice is a food that is produced from rice. Rice came from Southeast Asia. Quickly spread to western Asia, China and Japan, where rice is the main food source. Utilization then spread to Europe, the Nile Delta and Mediterranean. Around the year 1700 rice was introduced in to the USA, now where is the main result.

As for the categories of rice in the market:

Long grain rice is often boiled or fried while the short grain rice is preferred to rice pudding. Milled rice (milled rice). Rice usually experience the milling method to remove some parts of the outer layer or skin (bran). Number of milling method to choose the nutritional value and the best way of cooking.


   Brown rice (brown rice) is removed sekamnya rice (hull) but maintain the germ and whole skin (bran). Without the polished rice (unpolished) and has high nutritional value compared to different kinds of processed rice.

   Unpolised Rice (without polished rice) is a germ of rice husk and its slightly removed in the method penggilingannya.

   Polished or white rice (polished rice / white rice) is a layer of brown rice (brown coated) and sekamnya (bran) has been eliminated. Polished rice is usually coated with glucose and talc for a better appearance and quality can be maintained.

   Converted rice is the most popular rice varieties used in food preparation service. Nutisinya value high and the shape and texture when cooked fixed.

   Precooked or instant rice: not so nice, and comparatively low nutritional value.

In this century, rice production continues to increase quickly because of high yielding varieties and advanced farming know-how. Rice is the main source of food for half the world population and demand continues to increase.

   Rice paddy planted by the Americans is a neat, high quality, seldom touched by human hands from the fields until pengepakannya. No need to be washed before cooking.

Various kinds of rice dishes

North Americans consume about ten pounds of rice (five kg) per capita per year while the Oran-Asian people consume about 200 pounds of rice per head per year. To make a variety of dishes of rice necessary a different type of rice.

a. Porridge

Porridge is a food of rice using liquid material in the kind of water, broth or coconut milk. Pulp processing using liquid materials which are over the rice. Usually, liquid materials that are used for cooking porridge is one:4 or one:6.

one) ordinary Porridge

There's several kinds of rice porridge that comes from, among others:

five) Porridge Menado

The basic ingredients of rice by using liquid water, broth or coconut milk. The development will be introduced as a breakfast dish, served with soup, porridge can be served as food for safety such as white and red pulp
Ashura porridge.

Typical dishes from Manado, porridge cooked with sweet potatoes, corn and vegetables. Congee is served with fried fish and tomato sauce.

five) Chicken Porridge

Chicken porridge comes from Chinese food. Using a liquid broth, in addition to fried chicken to be complementary, also using ati and gizzard, eggs, tongcai, and sprinkled with fried onions.

b. Rice Team

Cultivate rice teams with tires au techniques marie or cook with pots without delay. Rice generated by this mengetim method is a soft rice. Initially the team only processed rice to feed children, children and the sick, but in its development, the rice in to rice special teams, so the team was once rice snacks such as rice team Sepinggan chicken, rice, salted egg teams and so forth.

Rice processing team as follows:

c. Rice liwet

  * The rice is cleaned, put in pot team.
  * Add liquid ingredients. To 100 grams of rice necessary 400 cc of liquid material.
  * Mix the spices and other ingredients, such as meat, liver, vegetables.
  * Enter the pot that already contains the ingredients, in to a bigger pot.
  * The bottom of the pan, must be submerged in water
  * Cook with the method au bain marie.
  * Serve.

Meliwet is a matured way of processing directly in boiling water. Liwet rice is rice that is processed by means diliwet, liquid material used to make rice liwet is water, broth or coconut milk. typical dish is rice liwet Solo solo, namely rice diliwet using coconut milk, served with sambal fried jipang, chicken and eggs are diopor. Presentation of food with dipincuk leaves, or dipiring eating dialas with banana leaves.

d. Steamed Rice

Stages of steaming rice, among others, are as follows:

Steaming rice is the most work done by the people of Indonesia. Steaming is the way in which the processing of food material is placed in a specific tool (eg steam) and then matured with water vapor. Water vapor generated from boiling water underneath. Tools for steaming rice is cormorant, steam or risopan.


   Cormorant-high water filled steam tip, then covered and bring to a boil.

   After the water boils, the rice is inserted and closed

   After the rice expands, the lift from the steam and diaru in Pengaron (tools such as basin, but are made from clay) or a bowl, then pour the boiling water.

   Rice aron included in the steamer and steamed until cooked further. After cooking the rice, place rice in place, then dibulak behind with a wooden spoon while dikipas so that the rice becomes fluffier and not stale quickly.

   Cormorant didisi again with water and bring to a boil again, steam is inserted and closed again.

Fried rice is rice which is excellent and the pride of the people of Indonesia. Indeed this fried rice is left over or chilled leftover rice that is recovered for breakfast, incidentally to make food ingredients in the frying pan containing cooking oil, butter or margarine is hot . But in its development in to rice fried rice is special, because it is flexible to be varied with various other materials, according to the availability of materials in various areas.

e. Fried Rice

f. Wrapped in rice leaves

Now they know tripe fried rice, fried rice, goat meat, fried rice, bananas, salted fish fried rice and so on, with an fascinating variety of presentation techniques. This fried rice dish not only used for breakfast, but also as an option dish special menu in the buffet, choice of lunch or dinner provided by the restaurant.

Examples of types of processed rice wrapped in leaves, among others arem-arem, rice cake, rice cake and bakcang.

There's several rice wrapped in leaves. Rice wrapped in leaves requires a comparatively longer time in the method compared with the diliwet rice or steamed. This is because rice wrapped in demanding the contents of a dense, homogeneous, texture lebut cooked to perfection. Leaves used to wrap the banana leaves, coconut leaves, or bamboo leaves.

one) Arem-arem

Arem-arem diaru made from rice with coconut milk and salt, wrapped in banana leaves, filled with side dishes, can sambal goreng, osengoseng or other. After arem-arem wrapped steamed until cooked. Arem-arem have scrambled eggs wrapped in advance on the inside, prior to banana leaves on the inside.

five) Lontong

Rice cake cooked by boiling in water, whereby rice that has been wrapped in the leaves put in water and cooked for 4-5 hours. To receive a nice rice cake was washed rice was given small whiting for its color and texture better.

Make ideal rice cake skin can be done with the help of a pipe, so receive a rice cake with diameters of five ½ to five cm long and 15-20 cm.

The method is thought about more practical, is to be entered on the pan-shaped cylinder and can be opened, before the pans filled dialas leaves, so that after boiling, pan is opened, the kind of rice cake will be permanent as the pipe. Rice cake served with various side dishes and vegetables, such as satay, vegetable ve, vegetable curry, opor, sambal goreng and others.

Ketupat is rice wrapped in young coconut leaves woven special. The shape can be triangular, square, pentagon. The rice was a small after being washed whiting, loaded in to the wicker diamond. After it boil for 4-5 hours to receive a diamond with the desired texture. Ketupat a typical dish at Lebaran day, in various regions in Indonesia, served with chicken opor, and chili fries.

five) Ketupat

Designed tub is filled with rice dishes, and wrapped in bamboo leaves. It can be assumed that that was not food bakcang native to Indonesia, but was taken by the Chinese community. Bakcang according to the name of the dishes, containing pork, but in its development bakcang adjusted to the religion and culture that embraced the Indonesian nation, bakcang filled with beef or chicken meat.

five) Bak designed

g. Rice Specialties

Special rice is rice that was served special, because rice is made for specific purposes, with positive standards, which sometimes may not be violated.

one) Rice Wuduk Gurih or rice;

Some special rice may include:

Rice is used for salvation. Savory rice with coconut milk liquid ingredients, and spices and steamed. Rice is served with various side dishes.

The usual side dishes are included fried chicken, or dibumbu opor, made ingkung. Meat sunlight or other flavored, boiled eggs, direndang or salted. Sambal fried, can be made from tempeh, meat or chayote. This type of crackers or a plate, peanut brittle peanut, soybean, or anchovies. Vegetables consisting of cucumber, cabbage, bean sprouts, basil, sliced ��banana or jengkol, and sambal pecel dry.

five) Nasi Kuning

Rice is prepared like rice tasty, but given a yellow color from turmeric, and a small lemon juice to receive a bright yellow color. To get an easy-shaped yellow rice can be added with a combination of glutinous rice (I kg of rice: five tablespoons of glutinous rice).

h. Tumpeng

Plain yellow rice served with fried chicken, potato prekedel, sambal goreng tempe dry, omelet, cucumber and basil vegetables, and fried chips.

In Javanese culture, the change of cycle of life or the early commencement of any work, always thought about something special, and the cone is always used as a way or a symbol on these occasions. This is nothing to be done to apply safety in every turn of the cycle of life or the success of the work to be done. Cone shape cone-cone which represents the state of the universe and its contents.

There's so plenty of types of cone are present in Javanese society. Researchers have successfully identified over 40 types of cone.

The various types of cone often present in communities, among others: Alus cone, cone-Among Among, cone-asrepan asrep, blawok cone, blue cone, cone resin, rosin murub cone, cone duplak, golong cone, cone gudangan, tumpeng bald , savory cone, cone-inthuk inthuk, janganan cone, cone jene, golden cone, cone kendhit, yellow cone, cone langggeng, mancawarna cone, cone Megono, pitu cone, cone pungkur, dom rajeg cone, cone couple, rasulan cone, cone robyong, tumpeng ropoh, sacred cone, cone tulak, natural cone / cone urubing lawaran and resin.

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