One of the foundation to maintain the highest state of physical efficiency & sports achievement is the optimal nutrition. This condition is defined not by increasing the food intake of nutrients that plenty of but to keep somebody in a maximum physical condition.
But in every day practice plenty of of the athletes & coaches lack of understanding about food athlete, so satisfied about the various myths of food & drinks when consumed will provide exceptional strength. Below will be discussed on the myth of food & drinks that hit plenty of outstanding athletes who consumed both inside & outside the convergence of training.
Plenty of of the athletes, coaches & sports coaches think, that milk is the reason for stomach cramps & diarrhea. low-fat milk or skim basically digested, & high nutrition. An athlete, if he drank milk & diarrhea, caused by lactose intolerance or lactose can not stand. This can be explained as follows.
Somebody who had not been drinking milk, since the kid until he was an adult did not drink milk, then the lactose enzyme that digests lactose is lost. (Lactose is only present in milk, do not exist in other food ingredients, because it also often called carbohydrate lactose milk). Where relevant now drink milk, while the enzyme laktosenya already lost, the athlete will suffer from diarrhea.
Milk Myths
An athlete has a habit of drinking a cup of coffee before the match. They thought that coffee increases its ability to compete.
Coffee Myths
There is research proving that caffeine gives advantage to an athlete endurans. Drinking coffee before the match to give a stimulant to release fat in to the blood circulation, & muscle burns fat in to energy. An athlete endurans will be able to survive longer exercise before glycogen is used up.
So coffee has a positive effect on energy availability, whereas plenty of other researchers doubt the truth of this. Recently some researchers argue that there is no effect of coffee against the relevant performance when athletes eat foods high in carbohydrates. High carbohydrate in the diet is more an effect on the availability of energy than coffee.
Myth Supplements
Usually, athletes often use supplements assume that a small is lovely, if much would be even better. In this case they did not know about how the vitamin works & reacts in the body. Vitamins if consumed much may cause poisonous. For example, vitamin B6 consumed over one.0 g per day in the long months could lead to loss of muscle coordination & paralysis. much vitamin C (over one g per day) may cause issues with digestion, kidney stones, & diarrhea. In general, when doses greater than ten times the RDA (requirement) is regarded as a megadose, & only be taken under medical supervision.
What undesirable side effects of nutritional supplements megodosis?. All vitamins or other nutrients consists of chemical substances. In megadose, the enzyme technique in our bodies to function as a catalyst, but because plenty of others to function as a chemical substance or is no longer as nutrients. For example vitamin C, at low doses of vitamin C to function as a binder & prevention skurvi networks, but large amounts of vitamin C to function as a binder & prevention skurvi networks, but large amounts of vitamin C can serve a variety of agents such as reduction in some it dangerous to health, such as elevated uric acid levels, & increased risk of gout. much vitamin C may even be bad for diabetes disease, such as urine tests negatid when it ought to be positive.
People use supplements because they felt that poor food menu will be nutrients, or they needed nutrients over others because of sure circumstances, such as heavy smokers, stress, etc.. In this unfavorable situation, there was inhibition of secretion or the performance of an enzyme that makes the technique less efficient metabolism. Or in other words when the body makes use of nutrients in a high acceleration, then that person needs sure nutrients in large quantities which may not necessarily be supplied only from food.
Protein Myth
The best thing you need to do is to increase healthy eating behavior, & do not follow other people to behave in a sure food or drink supplements, because something lovely for others is not necessarily lovely for you. In the event you are familiar with the supplements, read labels carefully & select supelemen made from natural ingredients.
Since the days of Ancient Greece, they are familiar with nutritional advice for athletes to higher achievement. Advice coach to athletes such as eating deer meat so that faster walking, eating goat meat that is higher meloncatnya, & eat meat for a stronger bull slammed his opponent. Nowadays, trainers recommend eating more protein for better achievement.
Proteins are the main nutrients to maintain growth & structure of the body, but the protein is a poor source for supplying energy in a rapid period for individuals who are physically active. Plenty of athletes who eat protein two or four times over their needs.
On the metabolism of protein, released poisonous waste products that are ammonia & urea. Both these waste materials must be removed from the body in urine. If the protein consumed much, then the athlete will be more urine to remove the poisonous materials they are going to be, so the kidneys will work harder as well as the heart to normalize the t ersisa poisonous substances in the body. In addition, the urine will come out well with potassium & other minerals. So that the athletes will be in danger of dehydration, & lack of mineral substances, & decreased performance of athletes.
Athletes actually only takes 50 to 80 g protein per day. What will happen when athletes consume much protein?. In the digestive tract before it is absorbed, the protein is broken down in to amino acids. Amino acids are then formed various proteins according to their function such as to maintain & replace damaged cells with new cells, the formation of enzymes & hormones, maintaining immune to disease & others. If the protein consumed over necessary, then the excess protein stored as body fat. In other words the body in to fat, not muscle getting bigger.
Salt Myths
Sodium is a mineral whose numbers in the body's most lots when compared with other mineral substances. An adult requires about ½ gram of salt per day. Professional trainers often advise to take tablets Na Cl in before, in the coursework of & after competition. Athletes who trained regularly, remove the sodium & potassium through sweat. But the agency has also trained how to maintain the salt in the body effectively, so that lost in sweat a small. What is necessary by athletes who sweat not water and minerals, but only water. If that athlete is recommended to drink salt tablets, will be dangerous for health in query.
Myth Sport Drinks
Sport drinks contain artificial sugar as a sweetener, glucose, salt & water. In advertensikan that this drink more quickly enter in to circulation Daran water than usual to be able to provide energy. The results proved the opposite. Sport drinks in to the bloodstream more slowly than regular water. So it takes an athlete is water, water & more water than sports drinks.
Fasting Myth
Plenty of coaches tell fasting before athletes compete. Fasting is not rational for the purposes of improving performance. Until now, plenty of athletes who still think that fasting or not eating solid foods increased endurans & performance of athletes. This is not true. Fasting even lower endurans, due to reduced amount of food consumed, would lead to thinner deposits of nutrients in the body including glycogen. In addition, fasting for over 12 to 24 hours will be reduced vital muscle tissue, glikone, vitamins & minerals. So fasting for athletes is unnecessary & potentially reduce performance.
If there is such a pill, food or drinks that are believed to have khasit that gives strength, & athletes can feel the usefulness, the case can not be proved scientifically, it is said to be a placebo effect. Do you have thoughts that drive to do something, there's psychosocial impact on performance.
Placebo effect
Report the placebo effect of changes in performance resulting from changes in an athlete's mentality that expects pengarush of something received or drink. In the clinical surroundings, a placebo is given in the kind of inactive seustan to satisfy the needs of symbolic of a therapy. In a double-blind study, some subjects diberik & partly as a control group who diberik not therapy, but similarly formed sehngga recipient also think as a therapy. Officers who have given & subjects who received the double-blind studies are equally not know whether a given that a therapy or no therapy.
In plenty of research subjects in the control group who received the placebo also showed a lovely increase in performance. For example, patients were injected only with water (saline solution), reduce pain as much as 70% when compared with morphine injections. Other examples, such as athletes who were told injected with anabolic steroids, when in fact injected with water, an increase of performance in doing the exercises.
Examples of such common germ oil supplement (containing vitamin E & fatty acids unsaturated), gelatin (as a source of amino acid glycine), phosphate & alkaline given to athletes. Raw foods can provide psychological benefits, but it is not advantageous in terms of nutrition & physiology. Provision of food mentioned above & other superior food more based on supersisi & custom.
This also applies to a variety of beverage products ergogenik. Beverage products are not / has not been scientifically proven to provide actual benefit to exercise performance. Ergogenik hundreds of products sold to athletes that have not been conclusive memberik profit, but to give the placebo effect for athletes who think in the commercial. Special skhema ergogenik diet & has plenty of products & often advised the coaches to improve fitness & endurans.
Fanatical or superstitious beliefs to food are common among athletes & coaches. Some specific foods are thought about to provide exceptional strength, & vice versa some foods ought to be limited. Although this diet sheme provide psychological benefits but not at all against fisikologik profits & ignores the rational calculation but was based on elderly traditions or superstitions.
Knowledge of nutrition coaches & athletes need to be improved & must be prevented efforts to find food or drug that is tremendous or wonder in order to improve performance. To improve quality, athletes ought to be given priority in nutrition & health programs. Athletes ought to have the chance to learn about food, nutrition & health, & practice it so formed healthy behaviors.
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