The word autism comes from the Greek "auto" means self directed at a that shows signs of "living in his own world". In general, people with autism to ignore the sound, sight or incident that involves them. If no reaction is usually the reaction is not appropriate to the situation or even no reaction at all. They avoid or unresponsive to social contact (sight, touch, affection, play with other children & so on).
According to the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) autistic disorder is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by abnormalities or barriers in social interaction, communication & the presence of behaviors & restricted interests & repetitive. Manifestations of this disorder varies depending on the developmental level & chronological age of the individual. Usually the signs of autistic disorder was beginning to look at children more youthful than years.
Autistic disorder in children in the inability of the kid to relate to others or being indifferent to other individuals who tried to communicate with it. They appeared to live in his own world, playing alone, & do not require to get together with others. However, children with autism usually have a surplus or a specific skill, such as smart draw, arithmetic or arithmetic, music, & others.
Autistic disorder can be characterized by major signs, namely weakened social interaction, weakened communication, & behavioral disorders. Conduct disorder could be a lack of social interaction, avoidance of eye contact, as well as difficulties in language.
Autism can occur in all groups of people rich & poor, rural town, educated or not, & in all ethnic groups & cultures in the world. Yet children in developed countries usually have the chance diagnosed early to permit management of an earlier with better results.
The reason for autism has thus far not known with certainty, but allegedly related to hereditary factors, the relationship between father & fetus in the coursework of pregnancy.
Diagnostic criteria for autistic disorder
WHO has formulated criteria that must be met to be able to diagnose autistic disorder, namely ICD-10 (International Classsification of Illness) 1993. Other diagnostic formulation which is also used worldwide to guide the diagnosis of autistic disorder is the DSM-IV (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual) 1994. The contents of these diagnostic criteria are fundamentally the same.
Although diagnostic criteria have been outlined, misdiagnosis is still common. This is caused by the frequent presence of other diseases or disorders that accompany autistic disorders, such as hyperactivity, epilepsy, mental retardation, or Down Syndrome. Often attention is focused on comorbid disorders that are diagnosed autistic disorder alone escaped.
The diagnosis can be established from ganggguan autistic signs appeared to indicate a deviation from normal development with age anak.Untuk it is important for us to know the parameters of normal development in children ages one to four years.
Pyramid System Autistic Kid Development:
Behavioral intervention to children with autism
of the methods of behavioral interventions to teach autistic children is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). This approach is the result of long research of Dr. Ivar Lovaas & his colleagues at UCLA, USA. ABA methods are widely used because this system is structured with a clear system, focused & measurable, where the expected behavior of children can be seen directly. Autistic kid's ability level is expected to be achieved in the coursework of behavioral therapy is as shown in the pyramid below.
The key part of the pyramid is the bottom, namely:
- Work habits, self-regulation,
The attitude of kid's work each time given the task, & how they developed the control & strategy of each face of stress,
- Helping self, independence,
The ability of children to help themselves & be independent in accordance with the age of its development stage,
Six times the kid can master the skills at the bottom of the pyramid, the kid is expected to be able to attend school or doing school work & finally be able to perform two-way communication verbally & nonverbally. Treatment with ABA-intensive system that is 30-40 hours per week for years.
- Functional Communication,
The ability to reply to the questions consistently & contextually, expressed wishes, feelings & opinions.
Parameter Normal Kid Development
ABA therapy aims to improve the quality of life for autistic children so that they can create their potential to the fullest. But often the cost factor is often an hindrance for parents of autistic children to bring their children to the middle. This needs attention from all parties such as governments, nongovernmental organizations & national or international communities.
Age 1-2 years:
one. Crawls stairs
six. Piled or objects
four. Pointing to express ideas
four. Follow simple instructions
four. Holding colored pencils & draw a line
6. Putting objects in container
7. Shake the objects out of container
8. Throwing objects out of container
9. Follows simple commands
ten. Name simple objects, such as balls, home
11. Started walking
12. Able to recall the picture of the object
13. Pillaged the drawers, clothes hamper, & other containers because they require to know
14. Sit in silence to listen to a simple story
15. Throwing the ball in the direction of others
16. Kicking the ball
17. Walking backwards
Age 2-3 years:
one. Opening & closing the door
six. Walking well
four. Happy with the climb
four. Down the stairs after the other with the same foot slowly
four. Bodies piled higher (four items or more)
6. Using colored pencils to generate a scribble
7. Can fold the paper when the first exemplified
8. Trying to put on & take off clothes
9. Using or more words when speaking
ten. Start enjoys listening to a picture story
11. Leaping from a higher place
12. Participate actively in the game
13. Join the cleanup
14. Know the full name
15. Know the sex
16. Know how elderly they is
17. Mimic the behavior & sound
18. Stand balanced on foot for some time
19. Understand simple ideas (eg up / down, hot / chilled, small / large, open / close)
twenty. Engage in a game that requires concentration (sorting, pairing).
one. Up & down stairs with alternating left & right foot
six. Trying to cite a variety of shapes depicted (circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, ovals)
four. Installing & removing shoes
four. Counting from to objects the same
four. Repeat at least consecutive last-mentioned objects
6. Being able to retell or recall simple story or experience
7. Individual game play is simple among other friends
8. Took off his own shirt button
9. Mengendarari tricycle (coordination looks lovely)
ten. Speaking of short sentences & simple
11. Appeared to understand the rules of play
12. Playing foot jump
13. Cutting the landing
14. Know the four basic colors
15. Solve issues (sink / float, nuts / bolts, a puzzle)
16. Knowing the kind of circles, squares, triangles, rectangles & ovals
17. Know some letters of the alphabet
18. Able to walk balanced on a narrow footbridge
19. Finishing a simple command
twenty. Jump on foot with a stunning system ideal.
Age 3-4 years:
one. Exercise pee
six. Eat with a spoon & fork
four. Sit quietly for some time
four. Happy when listening to tales
four. Wearing a jacket on their own without the help of
6. Being able to do up his own jacket
7. Being able to properly wear their own shoes
8. Picking up toys when asked
9. Glad to be among others
ten. Attention to & take care of their own property
11. Share & willing to take turns
12. Usually accept what limited by the parents
13. Sharing the attention of parents with siblings
14. Follow simple instructions
15. Been to relatives of others without their parents for a short time
16. Being able to call her full name
17. Understand simple ideas (large / small, in / out, up / down, open / close)
18. Recognize common objects in the encounter at home
19. Showed a positive impression of yourself
twenty. Asking for information
21. Understand the idea of numbers (1-5)
22. Recognizing the usual noises in the house
23. Recounts
24. Mention the usefulness of objects often encountered in homes, such as jackets worn, eaten bananas
25. Recognize four basic color
26. Recognize letters & sounds
27. Able to keep in mind / repeat or different objects in the same idea, for example (four,7,9), (red, blue, yellow), (g, b, d)
28. Jump or times with foot in line
29. Able to capture a large ball
30. Being able to run or cease command
31. Able to draw simple pics
32. Able to distinguish different forms
33. Being able to cite the picture circle or box
34. Discussing the story heard or seen on TV
35. Selecting an object or picture that is the same
36. Showed his desire to attend school.
Age 4-5 years:
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