
Deer Horn Boost Stamina

The system of traditional Chinese medicine has been known since hundreds of years ago. The drugs were mixed not only from plants nutritious, but some are from parts of animals and plants. One of the ingredients are fairly well known is the antlers.
Dr. William Adi Teja, MMed, of the Chinese Medical Center Clinic Utomo, Jakarta, said that in China, deer antlers have been famous since ancient times as a tonic emperor. Now the deer's antlers are part of traditional Chinese medicine. Usefulness has also been recognized in various parts of the world.

Common in East Kalimantan
In East Kalimantan, deer antlers used to enhance male vitality. In District Paser Penajam, East Kalimantan, deer actively cultivated. Besides the meat is tasty and low in cholesterol, skin can be used as basic materials of high quality crafts. According to some local residents stag antlers can be vitality-enhancing drugs are sold at expensive prices.
In an age Kekaisaraaan Ancient Rome, Pliny Secundus, velvet lining that covers the antlers are known to contain various kinds of drugs, including epilepsy to overcome the interference.
In Korea, deer antler has also been used since 1800 years ago and is known as a symbol of longevity and vitality. In Russia in XV century material it has been famous as the horns of gold because it has a high value on health.
In many countries, known as the velvet deer antler Antler (Britain), lu rong (China), no gyong (Korea), and rukujo (Japan).
Antler Velvet antlers are still in its infancy and young bone-shaped, has a smooth velvet lining that covers the horns. Soft coating that is what is known as moss or fuzz. Velvet Antler is produced by a stag and was first formed when the 10-month-old male deer.
Velvet Antler growth begins in spring and fully formed within 6 weeks. Velvet Antler is a living tissue, has a blood flow, leather-wrapped, and covered with fine hair. At the moment reaches a maximum size, Antler velvet hardens, blood and nerve supply was stopped, and finally detached or dislodged.
This cycle is repeated at every spring. If taken at the right time, before starting to turn into bone, all the Antler velvet can be used for medicinal purposes.
Reindeer antlers large shape and branching (2-4 branches). Principal horn length can reach 23-37 cm, with a diameter of about 3 cm more. The color is black and gray, blue feather gray or yellowish gray, the center of the rice yellow, perforated like a honeycomb, slightly fishy smell and tastes salty.
The composition of deer antlers is 12.91 percent water, 12 percent water-soluble material, insoluble materials ethyl 1.16 percent, 60.44 percent of organic matter, 2.31 per cent alcohol-soluble material, and ash materials (Ca, P, Mg) 26 , 65 per cent. Its function in the traditional treatment is to warm the body, strengthen the body, increase blood, improve the intellect, strengthen bones, muscles, and content, eliminating tiredness, headache, hearing loss and bladder stones.
Other literature mentions deer antler helps the growth of children, improve infant motor skills, cope with cardiovascular disorders, help cure respiratory tract infections, treating diabetes mellitus, strengthen immunity. Deer antlers also to treat and overcome breast cancer and menopausal disorders mestruasi.
Deer antlers good herb used to treat thrombotic disorders. Whether consumed those undergoing chemotherapy. Success potion of deer antlers for breast cancer cases reached 87 percent.
However, elk horn potion is not good for people with hypertension (high blood pressure), acute lung, hepatitis, influensaa, and colds.
To get the deer antlers is by cutting or sawing. Used horns cut should be given drugs wound, then wrapped in waxed paper. Deer that have been sawed off its horns can be removed again. Cutting can be done twice a year, namely in May and August.
Horn should be immediately processed. The trick, clean the dirt on the horn and the remaining blood feathers attached.
After that, put in boiling water 3-4 times, each time about 15-20 seconds, then drained. This method can remove the blood that still exists in the horn until the former saw blade white smoke, when no longer be kissed bebau yolk.
Horn consumed after boiling, blend, then made powder. Daily doses of powdered deer antlers 1 to 3 graam. Dry powdered deer antlers can duperoleh in Chinese Medical Clinic center Utomo, Jakarta. The price of a gram of Rp 5000-10000.
Some of the research benefits of deer antlers, among others, tonic effect. In Russia taduk deer known as pantocrin (ekstral alcohol from deer velvet).
In the 1930s, Prof. Albov pantocrin test to help soldiers wounded in battle in order to come back healthy and strong. Another Russian researcher, Dr Korobvov, extract of deer antlers calling plays accelerate the body's natural healing process by increasing resilience to adverse external influences.
In addition to improving the ability of the muscle. Research conducted by Dr Mr Yudin and Dobryakun of Russia against the 50 athletes who follow the race. Pantocrin group athletes who were given 30 minutes before the game better record time daripadaa group given placebo. The average athlete's health improved after taking pantocrin.
Research over the past ten weeks to 24 athletes at Otago University, New Zealand (1998), shows, group fed a potion visible progress than the group who received a placebo while undergoing a test of strength. Interestingly it was found the extra power comes from increased muscle activity rather than muscle size that actually means.

Various Benefits of Deer Horn
Deer antlers can also accelerate wound healing. According to Dr. Alex Duarte, elements such as N-actyl-glucosamone, glycosaminoglycan, and synociocytes contained in the antlers is useful for accelerating wound healing. Japanese study shows, the extract of deer antlers pemyembuhan accelerate nerve tissue damage, wounds, ulcers, and complaints of gout.
In addition, deer antlers to improve blood circulation. Dr. Lester Morrison observed chondroitin sulphate A on the horn rusaa gangguann useful to overcome the blockage of blood vessels which improves blood circulation. Deer antlers could also reduce the risk of fatal heart attacks and strokes.
Deer antlers for the add blood. Report from Korea (in guinea pigs) to increase the number of erythrocytes and stimulates red blood cell sintesi. Deer antlers increased serum erythrocyte, hemoglobin, leukocytes, and retikolosit and increasing acceleration through the womb ectosaponin cell rejuvenation.
No less important is the deer's antlers to increase sexual potency. In Russia, pantocrin has been used widely for people with sexual incapacity (impotence and impaired sexual function generally.) Effect androgonik and gonadotropik, it means helping regulate the activity of the sex organs.

Increase Testosterone Levels
A series of studies by Pavlenko (1969) showed pantocrin contain biologically active ingredients, either on the types of male and female sex organs. Fulder states pantocrin maslaah useful biological and overcome the pain in the joints. Some women who have entered menopause are treated in this way gets even longer periods.
In addition, deer antlers to overcome the effects of aging. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 36 of 1998 states, extract of deer antlers increase testosterone levels in male rats while lowering the levels of enzymes associated with the aging process.

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