
The Common Health Problems In Children

Toddler's body consists of 70-80% liquid. Dehydrated from diarrhea may cause dehydration. In the midst of dehydration, can lead to loss of consciousness. While extreme dehydration may cause death. According to studies, in IMR patients with diarrhea not caused by germs that infect the body, but due to the loss of body fluids.

Many people died from diarrheal diseases, children. Most often, they die of dehydration. Everyone at any age can suffer from dehydration, but the impact is most extreme and quickly in tiny children, so this condition is hazardous for them.

Signs of dehydration

Every kid who suffered from watery diarrhea in danger of dehydration. Give them plenty of fluids and take it to the doctor right away young children with signs of dehydration.

  * Eyes sunken and there was no water
  * Dry mouth and thirst
  * Weight loss drastically
  * Urine tiny or none at all, or dark yellow
  * The skin loses its elasticity. To find out, try to pinch the skin between fingers, then release. If the skin does not get back to normal, the kid is dehydrated.
  * Baby's crown loosens / droop

Here are the signs of dehydration in children:

If a kid has watery diarrhea or diarrhea and vomiting, do not wait until there's signs of dehydration. Immediately act.

 way to overcome the dehydration is to provide rehydration drinks to children. Rehydration drinks can help prevent or treat dehydration. This drink does not cure diarrhea, but it can help the patient until the diarrhea stops.

Overcome With Rehydration Drinks

Here are given ways to make rehydration drink. If there is, add ½ cup of fruit juice, coconut water, or that have been mashed ripe banana in to a second drink. It contains potassium, a mineral which can help sufferers to digest food and drink better.

How to make a rehydration drink

one. Made with powdered cereal and salt
The best material is rice flour. But you can use corn pipil already mashed, flour, a kind of wheat, or cooked potatoes are mashed.

Give it a few sips the drink to people with children every four minutes, day and night, until they began to urinate normally. For adults need four liters or more a day. A kid needs at least one liter a day, or one cup every time they defecated a dilute. Permanent give this drink a few sips often. Although the patient vomit, not all drinks excluded. After day, throw a drink that was made, if still necessary, make a brand spanking new mix.

How to make:

  * Enter pressed ½ teaspoon salt in one liter of tidy water and cooked,
  * Also input 8 teaspoon filled with powdered cereal.
  * Simmer for four to 7 minutes until it becomes watery porridge. Quick chill and began to give children diarrhea.

Attention: Taste the drink each time before given to patients to be sure drinks are not stale. In hot weather, drinks like this can be stale cereal in a few hours.

four. Made with sugar and salt
You can use a coarse sugar, brown sugar or white sugar, or molasses.

  * Enter pressed ½ teaspoon salt in one liter of tidy water and cooked,
  * Also enter pressed 8 teaspoons of sugar. Stir well.

How to make:

Parents ought to be vigilant and know the signs if the kid's diarrhea worse. Take the kid to the health care facility or a doctor if the condition did not improve in four days or liquid bowel movements become more frequent, repeated vomiting, eating or drinking tiny, there is fever and bloody stools children.

Caution: Before you add sugar, taste the drink first and be sure not seasin tears.

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