Some research shows that eating salted fish became one of the causes of cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma. One of the substances contained in dried fish called nitrosamines is the trigger factor.
"Nitrosamines are a carcinogenic substance, which can cause cancer," said Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Bambang Hermani, Sp. ENT-KL (K), Wednesday (01/06/2011) in Jakarta.
Nitrosamine substance will emerge in the process of salting and drying of salted fish in the hot sun. Sunlight reacts with nitrite (the result of protein turnover) in the fish meat to form nitrosamines compounds.
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (KNF) is a type of malignant tumor of the head and neck are most commonly found in Indonesia. Based on the sequence in the Asian region, nasopharynx case is most prevalent in southern China countries, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
KNF is found endemic in southern China countries that predominately eating salted fish. In a study in southern China revealed that the villagers who ate lots of salted fish was also high rates of nasofaringnya. Special in Europe, said Bambang, the incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer is very rare, even till now have not found cases of KNF in white people.
Bambang said, salted fish produced in Indonesia is still relatively safe to eat, although he advises people not to eat them too often.
"Salted fish in southern China and Indonesia there is a difference. Clearly, the levels of toxins. In Indonesia there has been no research that says that the dried fish as a causative factor. If baseball once in a while eat nothing, the important thing is not long term," he said.
Nasopharyngeal cancer, said Bambang, not caused by one single factor alone, but multifactorial, such as genetics, diet, nutrition, chronic disease, smoking, alcohol, smoke, dust, and Epstein-Barr virus infection.
Several other factors also influence or trigger KNF, working in environments exposed to gases and industrial chemicals, iron smelting, formaldehinda, and sawdust.
Based on data from patients treated at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta, found more than 100 new cases each year with the nasopharynx. Most patients who came for a treatment already in an advanced stage.
Kitchen and Incense Smoke Can Cause Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Nasopharyngeal cancer may still not that familiar in the community. Some things are known to be a trigger, one of which is poor circulation of kitchen smoke and smoke from the incense.
"Smoke kitchen if circulation is not good and also incense smoke can trigger nasopharyngeal cancer, because it stimulates the nasopharynx to overproduction," said Prof. Dr. Dr. R Susworo, SpRad (K) Onk.Rad the sidelines of a promotional event on behalf of Drs Yurnadi doctorate, Kes in Room Sena Pratista Sutomo Tjokronegoro, Faculty of medicine, on Wednesday (01/06/2011).
Prof. Susworo said nasopharyngeal cancer is a multifactorial genetic disease, which is influenced by genetic, environmental and food consumed. As well as some risk factors of this disease is a race (Mongoloid race are known to be susceptible), infection with EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) and the food.
Foods that can affect or trigger suspected nasopharyngeal cancer is preserved foods such as salted fish, fermented, smoked and burned because they contain compounds which are carcinogenic nitrosamines (cancer-causing compounds).
In fish, a substance produced nitrosamines because in the process of salting and penjemurannya, sunlight reacts with nitrite in the fish meat to form nitrosamines compounds.
"Generally there are no typical symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer, if a cold-blooded cold or it is considered as a matter of the community," said Prof. Susworo of the Department of Radiology Faculty of medicine.
But most of the new society will be checked himself into a doctor if the condition is severe as his eyes squint or swelling in the neck (because it was metastatic, or spreads to the neck) which indicates already entered an advanced stage.
To make early detection of nasopharyngeal cancer, usually recommended to ENT specialist (Ear Nose Throat) to be examined his throat, if found mass (lump) will usually do a biopsy to detect further.
"If cancer is found in early stages then it can be cured and for kekambuhannya level of about 15 percent if they are found in stage 1 or 2," he said.
For nasopharyngeal cancer in Indonesia into the top 10 cancers that are often found after the cervix (cervical), breast, liver and lungs, but if from the ENT the nasopharynx cancer is still number 1.
Kiss-kiss like Poultry Nasopharyngeal Cancer Risk Taxable
Not only the risk of spreading bird flu, poultry can also cause cancer. People who like to sleep or kiss-kiss birds could be at risk of nasopharyngeal cancer (cancer of the back of the nose, throat, or ENT cancers).
"Nasopharyngeal cancer is the disease of Asians, in the West rarely people affected by this cancer. In Indonesia too much because here people are living with poultry," explained Prof. Dr. Santoso Cornain D.Sc. from the Stem Cell and Cancer Institute Jakarta in events Round Table Discussion ' Handling Cancer with Biotechnology 'at the Plaza Property, Jakarta, Wednesday (18/05/2011).
According to Prof. Santoso, nasopharyngeal cancer is usually a lot happening in China and Hong Kong. But after investigation, the results are quite surprising because Indonesia is also a lot of people suffering from nasopharyngeal cancer.
"For one thing, living with Indonesia's poultry and people like to eat salted fish," continued Prof. Santoso who is also lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.
Nasopharyngeal cancer or also known as throat cancer is a disease caused by malignant cells (cancer) and is formed in the nasopharyngeal tissues, namely the top of the pharynx or throat. This cancer most often occurs in the ENT (ear nose throat), head and neck.
Nasopharyngeal cancer is caused by several risk factors include exposure to Epstein-Barr virus. Epstein-Barr virus is actually widely available everywhere, even in free air. It's just that not all will become cancerous, this virus will remain 'asleep' in the nasopharynx, if not triggered by certain factors.
"Epstein-Barr virus was also found in birds. So if the live poultry or poultry often kissed, then the virus is contagious," explains Prof. Santoso.
Trigger factors active Epstein-Barr virus, among others:
1. GeneticMongoloid race was recorded at most nasopharyngeal cancer because it has a certain gene.
2. An unhealthy way of lifeAn unhealthy way of life such as are often exposed to pollution, smog, cigarette smoke, alcohol.
3. How to eatHow to eat unhealthy like frequent eating of salted fish (contain nitrosamines that can trigger the severity of Epstein-Barr virus), food preservation of smoked or fermented, and cooked with wood.
4. Employment and religiousPeople working in factories that many gases and industrial chemicals, iron smelting, formaldehyde, wood dust. And religious activities such as incense and incense.
Many people are unaware of suffering from nasopharyngeal cancer. The symptoms are not typical and often make the wrong diagnosis of this cancer. Symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer is more similar to flu like symptoms.
Here are some early symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer, namely:
Epitaksis (bleeding nose or a nosebleed) mild
Nasal congestion
Ringing in the ears next
Diplopi (double vision or there are two shadows)
There was a lump in the neck that does not hurt
"If the cause is a virus, there should be a vaccine that can prevent as well as cervical cancer caused by HPV. But because in the West rarely people suffering from nasopharyngeal cancer so until now no one has made the Epstein-Barr virus vaccine," concludes Prof. Santoso.
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