
First Aid If the Children Affected by Diarrhea

one. Give the kid more fluids than usual to prevent dehydration

If a kid with diarrhea ought to be treated immediately to prevent the patient is dehydrated. Here is a treatment or first aid measures that can be completed by parents at home to kids with diarrhea without dehydration.

  * Use recommended home fluids, such as ORS, foods that are liquid (such as soup, water, starch) and if there's no boiled water.
  * Change the amount of ORS solution for kids as described below (note if a kid aged less than 6 months and had not eaten solid food better be given ORS and boiled water from a liquid diet).
  * Give as much as kids need this solution, given the amount of ORS solution as below.
  * Continue giving this solution until diarrhea stopped.

  * Continue breast feeding
  * If the kid is not breastfed give the usual milk given to kids less than 6 months and have not had solid food, milk can be given.
  * If the kid is 6 months or more or had received solid foods:
     o Give a slurry if feasible mixed with nuts, vegetables, meat or fish, add one or one teaspoons of vegetable oil per serving.
     o Give fresh fruit juice or soft bananas to add potassium.
     o Provide food is fresh cooked and mashed or mashed food properly.
     o persuade kids to eat, give food at least 6 times a day.
     o Give the same foods after diarrhea stops, and are given additional food servings per day for one weeks.

one. Give kids a meal to prevent malnutrition

  * Dispose of liquid water more often
  * Vomiting repeatedly
  * Actual thirst
  * Eat or drink a small
  * Fever
  * Feces-blooded

four. Take the kid to the health worker if the kid's condition does not improve within four days, or if the kid suffers as follows:

Given the amount of ORS after every bowel movement:

The amount given ORS
Number of ORS are provided


 four Years


50 -100 ml

100-200 ml

300-400 ml

200-300 ml

400 ml / day (one packs)

600-800 ml / day (3-4 packs)

1200 -2800 ml / day

800 - 1000 ml / day (4-5 packs)

How to give ORS:

  * Give the spoonful every 1-2 minutes for kids under one years.
  * Give a few sips from the cup for older kids.
  * If the kid vomits, wait ten minutes then give it an extended liquid (eg a spoonful every 2-3 minutes.
  * If the diarrhea continues after the ORS discharged, to be used while the other liquids (like soups, starch water or boiled water) and immediately contact health officials to get additional ORS.

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