one. Health Issues due to Lack of Energy and Protein (KEP)
This type of nutritional disorder that often affects people, children under in Indonesia are:
a. Nutritional disorder caused by lack of energy and protein (PEM)
b. Nutritional disorder caused by vitamin A deficiency (VAD)
c. Nutritional disorder caused by iron deficiency (anemia nutrition)
d. Nutritional disorder caused by iodine deficiency
The results at various places and in plenty of countries shows that diseases nutritional disorder most often found is a nutritional disorder caused by lack of energy and protein (PEM). In English this illness called the Protein Calorie Malnutrition or abbreviated PCM. There's also specialists who refer to it as enery Protein Malnutrition or EPM, but means the same.
There's forms of PEM are marasmus and kwashiorkor. Both marasmus and kwashiorkor are both caused by protein deficiency. But in marasmus in addition to protein deficiency there is also lack of energy. While in kwashiorkor less protein only, while in calories. Marasmus occurs at a very young age children are in the first month after birth, while kwashiorkor is usually found at age 6 months to five years.
There's characteristics that are always present in patients with kwashiorkor is as follows:
* There is edema in the feet, heels and other body parts such as swelling due to liquid accumulated.
* Weakened body growth. Weight and body length of children can not reach the proper weight and length according to age.
* Changes in psychological aspects, namely children appear needy, whiny, weak and no appetite.
* The muscles of the body looks weak and not well developed, although still seems a layer of fat under the skin.
* Children looked very narrow and the deterioration of muscle growth seems very obvious when the child is held in the armpits and lifted. Kid's weight is less than 60% of body weight ought to be according to age.
* The boy's face looked like the face of the elderly. So contrary to the sign shown in kwashiorkor. In patients with marasmus, the child face looks wrinkled and haggard as is the face of a man who has aged. Therefore the kid's body is very narrow, then the kid's head seems giant when compared to his body.
* In patients with marasmus usually found also signs of other nutritional deficiencies such as lack of vitamin C, vitamin A and iron, and often also children suffering from diarrhea.
The term comes from the greek marasmus which has long been used as a term in medical science to report a child whose weight is less than the weight ought to be. The main characteristic of patients with marasmus are as follows:
five. Health Issues Due to Lack of Vitamin A
Vitamin A is necessary for vision. Vitamins are an important part of the light receptor in the eye. In addition vitamin A is also necessary to maintain the epidermis tissue in nice health. Leather, edges and cover various parts of the body, such as eyelids, eyes, nose, mouth, lungs and the digestive tract, all of which are known as the epidermis tissue.
Vitamin A also has several functions related to growth and development. Vitamin A deficiency becomes stunted growth and skeletal body stops growing.
Early signs of vitamin A deficiency is tureunnya ability to see in dim light. Patients did not see when entering the room dark all of a sudden. This illness usually affects children.
The occurrence of vitamin A deficiency is due to various causes such as the following:
Vitamin A deficiency may cause permanent disability in the eye (blind) that can not be cured. Xerophthalmia due to vitamin A deficiency is the highest cause of blindness, and the concern is exactly sufferers children aged under who is a budding nation.
* The absence of the body reserves of vitamin A in children at birth because in the work of in utero, his father five times consume less food sources of vitamin A.
* Levels of Vitamin A in breast milk (breast milk) is low. This is due to consumption of low maternal vitamin A in the work of lactation.
* Children fed breast milk substitutes that vitamin D levels are low.
* Children do not like the food sources of vitamin A, sayursayuran.
* Weakened absorption of vitamin A by the intestinal wall due to various reasons such as low consumption of fats or oils.
Overcoming vitamin A deficiency carried out other than by way of counselling to improve relatives food to consume more food sources of vitamins such as green vegetables and fruits in color, made of high-dose vitamin is also 200000-300000 SI to children under.
five. Health Issues Iron Deficiency (Anemia Nutrition)
Iron is a micro mineral which has an important role to maintain a healthy body. Minerals are present in the blood and all body cells. Iron in red blood exists as part of hemoglobin and red cell pigment. these minerals act as carriers of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
If there is not iron to meet the needs of the body, then the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells is reduced and unhealthy circumstances arise which is named anemia. Low levels of hemoglobin in the blood seen when the eyelid patient looks pale. Standard levels of hemoglobin in the blood that is used to select whether a person suffering from nutritional anemia is as shown in table one below.
Table one. Raw Hb levels in the blood
Age (years)
Hb (g/100ml)
0.5 to five
Male / female
Male / female
Adult male
Male / female
Adult ladies
Pregnant ladies
Sources: Jellife (1996) in Sjahmien Moehji (1986)
five. Health Iodine Deficiency Disorders
Iron is so plenty of found only in vegetables. Likewise, folic acid, B12 is found only bitamin in foodstuffs of animal origin. Prevention of nutritional anemia in addition to consuming food sources of iron may even be done by providing iron in the type of tablets to pregnant ladies in the work of the last months before the child was born.
Iodine deficiency will lead to enlargement of the thyroid. Therefore, diseases resulting from iodine deficiency illness called goiter. Since the enlargement of the thyroid illness is present in sure areas for long periods of time, then it is called endemic goiter.
In areas of endemic goiter, an enlarged thyroid gland may occur at any age, even a father who suffered from goiter enlargement will give birth to a child who also suffered from iodine deficiency, and if not treated then at the age of year is about to happen gondoknya gland enlargement.
The occurrence of iodine deficiency chiefly due to low levels of iodine in the soil so that water and plants that live in the area were also low levels of iodiumnya. In addition, some foods contain substances that may cause enlargement of the thyroid gland and is called goiterogen substances. These substances are present in vegetables of the Brassica species such as cabbage, radishes, cauliflower. The substance also present in soybeans, peanuts and sure drugs. Goiterogen substances can delay decision-iodine by the thyroid gland so that the concentration of iodine in the thyroid gland is very low. Besides these substances can also inhibit the shape modify of inorganic iodine in to organic forms thus inhibiting the formation of the hormone thyroxine.
Highest incidence of thyroid enlargement was present in age between 9 to 13 years in boys and men between the ages of 12 to 18 years in girls. In adulthood are rare except for enlargement of the thyroid gland in ladies who are often found enlarged lymph new gondoknya arise after the age of 19 or twenty years. After reaching puberty, thyroid arising in childhood that can quickly grow and modify in to a form nodules. However, the concern is the chance of human or dwarf cretinism in addition to weakened brain development, which inflicts mental disorders.
By knowing the most important causes of thyroid illness was then prevention efforts might have been done basically. In 1833 conducted the experiment by mixing iodine in salt and lime in 1924, new thyroid illness prevention efforts is by using iodized salt (iodized salt) on a giant scale in the United States. This type of iodine used in the manufacture of iodized salt is a compound of potassium iodate (KIO3) with levels of iodine mixed with part 10000-200000 part of salt. Iodized salt production in Indonesia is done by entering five.3 mg of KI solution in to each brick of salt (brickets) and in this way obtained iodized salt with twenty ppm levels.
There's still some other factors that could be expected to lead to enlargement of the thyroid gland, such as contaminated drinking water, levels of calcium in the water that is high and so on.
Fast economic development, causing an increase in income residents. It is characterized by a shift in consumption patterns towards more diverse. Proportions of calories from carbohydrates, rice, was reduced and was followed by increased fat and protein, from animal sources.
four. Health Issues Due to Excess Energy Materials
Excess nutrients in this case the substance of energy in a sustainable time period will lead to increased weight, increased fat deposits and occur fat (fat). Usually individuals who are fat is difficult to move rapid, move so slowly and are usually more susceptible to cardiac and renal functional impairment.
With rising incomes, those living in the city with style and diet as a westerner, usually suffer from excess of these nutrients. Diet they usually consume much protein, fat, food is not fibrous.
Illness control due to over nutrition, ought to start from the arrangement of food, which means that by reducing the usual amount of food consumed, reducing the consumption of sugar, salt, fat, and increase the consumption of fibrous foods such as vegetables and fruits.
Additional later energy consumption in people with obesity will lead to energy are poisonous or closer to death than the actual useful power. Similarly, excessive protein intake causes kidney increasingly heavy workload, and if continued will lead to excessive interference in the kidney. Another impact of the excess consumption of energy and protein is in addition to heart and kidney illness, can also cause hypertension, diabetes, cancer.
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