
Ten Types of Cough in Children

Cough is a symptom of most respiratory infections. Respiratory infection include:

Cough is of the signs most often present in children, & is a complaint that often causes parents to bring their children to the doctor.

  * Upper respiratory infection, such as runny nose (also often called common colds, runny nose, nasofaringitis faringorinitis acute or acute.)
  * Lower respiratory infections, like pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiolitis.

Fundamentally, a cough is not risky because as already explained above cough is a mechanism to issue something like mucus. Cough in children ought to be aware if accompanied by:

Sometimes the cough sounds great. However, cough is usually not a risky symptom. Actually cough is a reflex of the body to help clear the airway. However, cough may be the reason for the visit to the doctor. They must know the categories of cough, so they know how to handle it & they know also when to seek medical assistance.

  * High fever up to 39 ° C & over four days,
  * Listless & breathing speedy,
  * Chest tightness, bluish lips face & tongue,
  * Bloody.

one. Cough "barking" or bark

The categories of cough in children, among others:

Children aged less than four years most often suffer from croup. Croup can occur suddenly in the midst of the night, so parents were worried. Although most cases can be handled at home, if the infant has croup is suspected, contact your doctor to speak about his condition.

Coughing like this are usually caused by croup, an inflammation of the trachea larings & triggered by allergies, alter in temperature at night, or most often are caused by viral upper respiratory infection. In little children, little airway narrowing when it will become inflamed. Vocal cords to swell so that the infant was having difficulty breathing.

Cough is caused by allergies, alter in air temperature & upper respiratory tract infections. Coughing can strike children suddenly, at night & before dawn when a infant is sleeping.

four. Whooping Cough (Whooping Cough)

The sound "whoop" is the sound that occurs after the cough, which is when the infant tried to take a deep breath after a coughing continuously for couple of times. If your infant wheezes "whoop" (which sounds like "hoop") after a persistent cough several times, most likely there's signs of pertussis (whooping cough)-especially if your infant is not vaccinated diphtheria / tetanus / pertussis (DTP / DTaP ).

A cough that often ends with a voice like vomiting when they take a breather. Cough is caused by bacteria such as pertussis, which can be transmitted through the liquid spray from the nose or mouth of infected people, who can out due to sneezing, coughing, or laughing.

On the other hand, kids who suffer from pertussis is usually not wheezes "whoop" after a long episode of coughing, but the infant like this can be lack of oxygen or even cease breathing because of the illness. In kids & very young children, pertussis can be deadly. Therefore, contact your doctor immediately.

four. Cough with wheeze

six. Stridor

Cough accompanied by wheezing sounds when a infant is breathing out the air, this may indicate the existence of a "blockage" in the lower airway. This blockage can be caused by the swelling due to respiratory infections (such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia), asthma, or due to something stuck in the airway. In circumstances like this, contact your doctor, unless your infant has often experienced this issue & you already have a drug, such as an inhaler or nebulizer, accompanied by instructions for using the drug to deal with asthma at home. If the infant does not improve with treatment, contact your doctor.

Stridor, most often caused by swelling of the upper airway, usually caused by croup due to viruses. However, sometimes it can also arise because of foreign objects that obstruct the airway or a more extreme due to infection is epiglottitis. Epiglottitis rnerupakan life-threatening situation, where the epiglottis swollen & covered the flow of air in to the lungs. Causes of swelling of the epiglottis are the most common bacterial infection is Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib). However, epiglottitis can also arise from other causes such as burns due to hot water, wounded in the throat, & various viral & bacterial infections.

In contrast with wheezing, stridor is a loud breath sounds & coarse-sounding when the infant inhales. In case you listen to stridor, call your doctor immediately.

if the infant is coughing a sudden, the infant may be choking on food or drink in. "wrong track" is to the airway or is there something (eg piece of food, vomit, or perhaps a toy or coin) is caught in his throat or airway. Coughing helps clear the airway & the release of such blockages.

six. Sudden cough

Coughing can last up to a minute or so only briefly due to the throat or airway irritation. However, if the cough does not subside or even become kinjung difficulty breathing, contact your doctor. Do not try to clear his throat along with your fingers as this can actually push the blockage that is farther down in to the windpipe.

6. Nighttime Cough

Plenty of coughs are worse at night. This is because while the infant is lying in bed, blockage of the nose & sinuses drains in to the throat & cause irritation. This situation is usually not worrisome unless the infant to disturb sleep.

Asthma can also trigger nighttime coughs because the airways they tend to be more sensitive & become more irritable at night.

Usually caused by allergies, asthma, colds (colds), influenza & other respiratory infections. Chilled air or activity can worsen a cough, & cough are often better at night or while the infant is resting. In these circumstances, ought to the AC is not turned on, no pets or smoke, which causes coughing infant.

7. Daytime Cough

8. Cough with chilled (colds)

Most colds (colds) accompanied by a cough. Therefore, it is understandable if when your infant is chilled, it also has a cough (dry or with phlegm). Coughing usually lasts for a week when the signs of colds (colds) others have been eased.

If the infant coughs, fevers that are not high & runny nose, chances are he suffered from colds (colds) ordinary. On the other hand, the cough is accompanied by 39 degrees Celsius or higher where the infant seems lethargic & breathing quickly, think about the likelihood of pneumonia. In this case, contact your doctor as soon as feasible.

9. Cough with Fever

ten. Cough with vomiting

Extreme cough in children is often stimulate the vomiting reflex. Usually, this does not harm unless the vomiting continued. Children who cough with colds (colds) / flu or asthma, may vomit if the mucus to flow to the stomach & cause nausea. Keep in mind, this situation can be is a common & harmless.

Handling at home

There's some things you can do at home to make children more comfortable when he was coughing. However, consulting a doctor is still necessary in the circumstances as described above.

  * If the infant has asthma, make positive that you have received asthma management instructions from the pediatrician. Monitor the kid's development closely in the work of asthma assaults & give asthma medicines as directed.
  * If the child-stuffy nose, wipe his nose before giving food.
  * If your infant has colds, rest at home. This will help healing & prevent transmission to others. Keep in mind, hand washing is essential to prevent transmission.
  * If the infant awoke at night with a cough like a barking ", take the infant to the bathroom, close the door, & turn the faucet shower warm water for a couple of minutes to fill a bath. If there is no hot water shower, you can put hot water in to the bucket & let the room be full steam. Sit along with your infant on the bathroom floor for about twenty minutes. The water vapor will help the infant breathe simpler. Read the story books so that children feel comfortable.
  * Keep the environment remains damp (air conditioner makes the room becomes dry).
  * Chilled drinks like juice can give a sense of comfort. Avoid fizzy drinks or drinks acidic because it can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.
  * Do not give your children ( kids & young children) cough medicines are freely sold without specific instructions from the doctor.

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