The vaccine is a live attenuated bacteria / germs dead / substance which, when inserted in to the body generate immunity to sure diseases.
Immunization is an try to make a person immune to sure diseases by injecting the vaccine.
Immunisation aims to provide immunity against diseases: Poliomyelitis (paralysis), measles (measles), diphtheria (indrak), pertussis (whooping cough / cough hundred days), Tetanus, Tuberculosis (TB), Hepatitis B & to prevent disease & kid mortality & children caused by the frequent outbreak of plague.
Benefits of Immunization
a. Benefits for children
Prevent suffering caused by disease, & the likelihood of disability or death.
b. Benefits for families
Eliminate anxiety & medical expenses when a kid is sick. Encourage small families where the parents think that children will serve their children safely.
c. Benefits to the state
Improving health, making a powerful nation & sensible to continue the development of the country & improve the picture of the Indonesian nation among all nations in the world.
Kinds of vaccines & Administration
b. Measles Vaccine
Germs that cause measles is a virus. The vaccine used is a live vaccine. Blob-shaped flacon packaging in the frozen & dried for solvent dissolved in two cc. Before injecting the vaccine, must first be dissolved with a solvent vaccine (aqua bidest). Called freeze-dried vaccine manufacturing plant because it is the first time the vaccine is then freeze dried. The vaccine has been reconstituted potential quickly declined & only lasted for 8 hours.
a. Polio Vaccine
Germs that cause polio is a virus, a vaccine that is used by lots of countries including Indonesia is a live vaccine, as a liquid.
The vaccine is made from the germs of life that has been attenuated, was found by Calmett Guerint. Before injecting BCG, the vaccine ought to be first dissolved in two cc of liquid solvent (NaCl 0.9%). Vaccines that have been dissolved ought to be used within two hours. The vaccine will be basically damaged if subject to direct sunlight. Injection site is likely the right upper arm.
c. BCG Vaccine
BCG vaccine is a live vaccine derived from bacteria. BCG vaccine is freeze-dried vaccines such as measles in powder form. BCG vaccine protects children against tuberculosis (TB).
d. Hepatitis B Vaccine
Germs that cause hepatitis B is a virus. Hepatitis B vaccine made from the outermost layer of the virus (viral coat) that has undergone a method of purification. Hepatitis B vaccine will be damaged due to freezing & warming. Hepatitis B vaccine are best stored at a temperature of three.8 ° C.
e. DPT vaccine, TT, & DT
Consisting of diphtheria toxoid, pertussis & tetanus toxoid bacteria, sometimes called "triple vaccine". DPT vaccine is stored at a temperature of three.8 ° C packaging used:
- two cc for DPT,
- two cc for TT,
- two cc for DT.
Provision of DPT, DT, TT dose was 0.5 cc.
f. Diphtheria toxoid vaccine
This vaccine is part of the DPT or DT, diphtheria is caused by bacteria that produce toxins, vaccines made from the toxin diphtheria toxoid that has been attenuated. Diphtheria vaccine will be damaged if frozen & will even be damaged by heat.
h. Tetanus vaccine
This vaccine is part of the DPT vaccine, a DT or tetanus toxoid (TT). Tetanus is caused by bacteria that produce toxins. The vaccine is made from tetanus toxin that has been attenuated, tetanus toxoid will be damaged if frozen & will be damaged by heat.
g. Pertussis vaccine
Is part of the DPT vaccine, pertussis is a bacterial cause of disease, vaccines made from bacteria that have been turned off, will be basically damaged by heat, as the BCG vaccine, the pertussis part of DPT vaccine is the vaccine most basically damaged.
Immunization Side Effects
a. BCG
one. Normal reaction
BCG bacteria in your body works slow. After three weeks will be a small red swelling at the injection site with a diameter of ten mm.
After 2-3 weeks later, swelling in to a small abscess which later became a lesion with a diameter of ten mm, do not give any medicine on the wound & let it be open or closed when using dry gauze. These wounds will heal & leave scar tissue was 3-7 mm.
three.Reaksi weight
Sometimes there is a extreme local inflammation or abscess is deeper, sometimes swelling in the lymph nodes in the neck / armpit, this is due to fault injection is deep & high doses.
b. DPT
one. Hot
Most children will suffer from the heat in the afternoon after receiving DPT immunization, but this heat will recover within 1-2 days. Advise not to be wrapped with thick clothes & bathed by wiping with water dipped in warm water.
two.Reaksi faster
If the kid already has immunity against tuberculosis, the swelling may occur sooner than weeks, this means that the kid had received BCG immunization or kid may have been infected with BCG.
two. Inflammation
When swelling occurs a week or more, then this may be caused by inflammation, probably caused by unsterile needles because:
three. The pain at the injection site
Some children feel pain, pain, redness, swelling.
* It's been touched,
* Prior to injecting the needle is placed over the worn places that are not sterile,
* Sterilization less long,
* Pollution by germs.
two. Convulsions
The reaction is rare otherwise known to the officer, the reaction is caused by a part of the DPT vaccine.
c. Polio
If the kid has diarrhea it is feasible the vaccine did not work properly because there is an interruption of vaccine uptake by the intestine caused by extreme diarrhea.
d. Hepatitis D
Side effects: none
e. Measles
Side effects of measles vaccine: the heat & redness.
Children may be hot in the coursework of the 1-3 days after one week of injection, sometimes accompanied by mild redness such as measles.
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