
Junk Food Can Cause Mental Disorders in Children

Research carried out Central Queensland University in Australia found that children who often eat fatty foods & sugary junk foods such high tend to experience physical & psychological health issues.

Parents ought to pay attention to food intake for the infant. Junk food (junk food) which causes the kid's poor nutritional value tend to behave naughty, hyperactive, & difficulty concentrating.

As researcher Dr. Burke said, due to junk food specific disorders are depression & hyperactivity in children. "There is significant facts that diet affects kid's mental health," they said.

The study also revealed that children with unhealthy eating patterns tend to have performance that is not lovely in school. The majority had poor check results.

Burke advises parents to increase the intake of non-processed foods such as fresh fruits & vegetables to kid's dishes. Of coursework, with a healthy balance of physical activity like sports.

Besides an effect on mental health, unhealthy food intake also lead to obesity. Therefore, now lots of are experiencing food processing with the addition of high-calorie food ingredients such as salt, sugar & overweight. "At some level, would endanger the lives of children," they said.

"We can eat healthy food, but individuals who do not exercise have risk factors because of lack of movement," they said. "An important point is that parents become lovely examples for children. If parents can not live a healthy life ought to not expect the opposite occurs in children."

Shouts & blows Can Cause Children Dull

"The brain ought to be used to think, only used to maintain life due to blows & shouts," says psychologist Ery Soekresno in the seminar on "Educating Children Without A blow & shout" in the Hall of the Regional Secretariat in Serang Banten province.

Knocks & shouts that sometimes meant to educate, can actually cause children to be dull, so be reminded by a psychologist.

Ery mentakan, educate the infant by beating & screams can indeed speed up the infant to understand that parents need, but it is not an awareness of the children because there is an element of compulsion.

Ought to enforce discipline & the rule is to train children to be able to control the impulse from within himself in order to reach that lofty objective.

Educating children, according to Ery, not the same as punishing. The purpose of schooling is to make children happy & productive by providing actual work.

In case you educate with shouts & blows, then the work is reftil brain that is behind, so the children so dull because the brain makes use of to maintain life.

"Kids think to defend itself, it is difficult to think of others. Punch & shouting was not , but the infant must be the schools," said psychologist Nations Educational Lovers Group (KPPB) is.

In addition, Ery said, how to educate children with shouts & blows could also lead to a less confident infant & the infant will tend to commit crimes because it mimics the actions of parents.

"But a parent to do is make the rules & give consequences when children break the rules, in accordance with what was violated," said Ery.

Seminar organized by the Kindergarten Isam (TKIT) Al-Izzah Assault was held in the Hall Setda Banten Province, attended by hundreds of mothers from the town of Serang.

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