
Tips for Keeping Your Penis Health

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a common thing that occurs in elderly men, with increasing age, you take a little longer to get an erection and it requires both physical and psychological stimuli more to maintain it.
Few men in the thirties and forties experienced erectile dysfunction, and many things can you do to see to it that did not experience it. Even if you are affected by erectile dysfunction, the chance for cure remain.
At least seven out of ten cases of erectile dysfunction has physical causes, including diabetes, thyroid disorders, atherosclerosis, or injury to the penis.
Medication, alcohol consumption, smoking and psychological factors like depression, stress, and anxiety in the work can complicate matters. At the heart of this is that anything that stops blood flow to the penis, you will minimize your chances to get an erection.
How can you avoid erectile dysfunction? Here are some tips to maintain the health of your penis.
1. Reduce fatty foods
Poor eating habits also will adversely affect the ability of your erection. Research has shown that the same diet that can cause heart attacks by inhibiting blood flow to the heart, such as some types of fruits and vegetables, fats, fried foods, and processed foods - can impede blood flow to and within the penis. Blood flow is necessary to be able to become erect penis.
In terms of food, the important thing is to limit fat intake. The doctors recommended that the diet to be a mighty man is a low-fat diet, with only 20 percent of calories come from fat.
2. Avoid Excessive Weight Loss
Excess body weight can bring many health problems, including type 2 diabetes, which can cause damage to nerves throughout the body. If the damage was already reaching the nerves of the penis, then this can also lead to erectile dysfunction.
3. Avoid high blood pressure and high cholesterol
High cholesterol or high blood pressure can damage blood vessels, including those that carry blood to the penis. Finally, it can cause erectile dysfunction. Make sure your doctor check cholesterol levels and blood pressure, also check your blood pressure.
Blood pressure drugs can make you difficult to erect. Many doctors who blame these drugs in cases of erectile dysfunction, in fact this is caused by artery damage as a result of high blood pressure or hypertension.
4. Stop Drinking Alcohol
There is no evidence that mild or moderate alcohol consumption negatively affect erectile function, but excessive drinking can cause liver damage, nerve damage, and other conditions that can cause erectile dysfunction.
When alcohol is consumed excessively in the long run can have direct impact to the testicles, reduced production of testosterone and disrupt the balance of hormones and brain chemicals necessary to produce an erection.
5. Regular exercise
There is strong evidence that links between lifestyle with erectile dysfunction. Running, swimming, and other forms of aerobic exercise can help prevent showed evidence of erectile dysfunction. No matter which type of aerobic exercise you choose, the important thing you do, at least three times a week and each time lasted for twenty minutes. Running and swimming are good choices.
Be careful with the exercise that causes excessive pressure on the perineum, which is the area between the scrotum and the anus. Ride a bicycle, can cause erectile dysfunction is suspected. Every now and then cycling with the short distance, probably will not cause problems. But for men who spend much time with the cycling must ensure they fit properly, wearing padded cycling shorts, and often stand while pedaling.
6. Keep an eye on your testosterone
Even in healthy men, testosterone levels begin to fall sharply in their 50s. Every year after age 40, levels of testosterone a man usually drops about 1.3%. Symptoms such as low sex drive, moodiness, or lack of stamina, may be symptoms of testosterone deficiency.
7. Be careful with drugs
Medications types of anabolic steroids, which are often misused by athletes and bodybuilders, can shrink the testicles and weaken the ability to make testosterone.
Other types of medications can cause erectile dysfunction as a side effect, including diuretics, lowering high blood pressure, some antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if medications you take can make you problems.
8. Stop Smoking
Smoking can damage blood vessels and restrict blood flow to the penis. Nicotine can also constrict blood vessels, which can impede blood flow to the penis.
9. Avoid risky sexual positions
In some cases of erectile dysfunction, it is the result of an injury to the penis during sex. Sex positions that do not fit not only makes you feel uncomfortable, but can also harm your penis, can even make a penis injury.
10. Reduce stress
Psychological stress can increase levels of the hormone adrenaline, it can constrict blood vessels, which adversely affects the ability of an erection. The things you can do to relieve stress, will give a positive impetus to the sex life and Excellence Milk anda.Manfaat Wild Horses
We often hear in the media advertisements that offer wild horse milk, but often ask how the heck it was, what could be the wild horse drawn milk? The answer, of course, horse milk can be squeezed as wild as any. It was also not inferior to milk from other animals.
Prof. DR. Made Astawan, food technology and nutrition experts from the IPB to mention, that the wild horse milk nutrient is not inferior to dairy cow nutrition. Popular in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, wild horses were also bred in Sukabumi, West Java. Even very popular in Southern France. Milk is also processed into cheese.
Protein content of milk Milk Quality Horse Approach
The content in milk protein content and higher-quality horses than cow's milk as an additional alternative to breast milk (breast milk) for infants in its infancy and for the intelligence of the brain.
"Unlike the mare's milk, cow's milk also contains proteins with high levels and it is not good for babies," said Ida Eva Roman, head of research student at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Padjadjaran (Padjadjaran University) in Bandung on the sidelines of the exhibition on the campus of Padjadjaran University Student Creativity Street Dipati Ukur Bandung.
Protein chains on Sumbawa horse milk is shorter compared to that of cow's milk so it is easy to digest baby. In general, the protein content in cow's milk as much as 17.35 percent and 17.52 percent on the mare's milk.
Rano Kurnia, members of the research group of students in the study entitled "Analysis of Protein Levels in Sumbawa horse milk as an alternative Milk Infant Formula" reveals how to manufacture powdered milk horse.
First, the test protein levels performed, followed by drying to be used as powder. The content of infant formula packaging on the market does not show a complete materials of manufacture.
"At least 150 ingredients, but may be a company secret," he said. Therefore, Rano and his team made a simple formula milk with a material that refers to a batch of milk packaging. The research team hopes the study that began in late April will be completed by mid June 2009.
Horse milk, Suitable For Babies
A high fat content makes horse milk was tasty and creamy. Yellowish-white color and are usually sold as fresh or processed. Wild horse milk contains proteins with low molecular weight so easily digested. Because of its nutritional composition is close to breast milk (milk), fits babies consumed.
Just like cow's milk, mare's milk is also a source of fat, vitamins, minerals. Short-chain fatty acids contained in horse milk are easily absorbed making body. According to FAO, in addition to its nutrient content is close to breast milk, milk suitable for infants because kaseinnya lower levels than cow's milk. Kandunga high casein according to Made, makes milk easier to agglomerate in the baby's stomach, making it more difficult to digest.
Although potentially contain Bacillus coagulans which causes the milk clots and Citrobacter freundii bacteria and yeast Saccharomyces sp, Aspergillus sp., And Mucor sp according to research conducted Sus Handayani of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, real wild horse milk contains natural antibacterial components that make milk be durable.
However, if the external environment does not support such a dirty milking by hand, stored in a humid room, the milk still be easily damaged.
Anti-Bacteria and Less Risk of Stomach Pain
One hundred grams of mare's milk contains 44 kcal of energy are to be 100 grams of cow's milk mengandun 64 kcal and 70 kcal. Thus, energy is lower than the mare's milk to cow's milk. Moreover, according to research Yuniati Heru, the advantage is on the content of mare's milk that has antibacterial activity lisosimnya.
This enzyme functions in relation to lactoferrin and immunoglobulin A (IgA). Lysozyme is effective against Escherichia coli when working with Ig A which are also found in the milk so the risk of abdominal pain or diarrhea due to dairy consumption can be reduced.
Lysozyme is important for its role as an anti-inflammatory agent. Even granting lysozyme in newborns may reduce the indications of infection or salura gastriintestinal digestion.

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