
Eating Behaviour School Children

Udin's parents complained their children these days do not require to eat at home. Quizzed had inquired was spending money & habits of eating snacks in schools is increasing. Time-consuming activities in the largest school of the whole infant in everyday activities, including eating activity. Snack foods in schools was dicy place biological or chemical contamination are plenty of disturbing health. Eating behaviors in children at school age must dihatikan carefully & carefully.

School-age children is an investment the nation, because they are the future generation. The quality of the nation's future quality of children is determined at this time. Efforts to improve the quality of human resources ought to be done early, systematic & continuous. Growing development of school-age children who depend on optimal nutrition quality & kuantiítas lovely & true. In times of growth & development of the provision of nutrition or food intake in children can not always be implemented perfectly. Often issues arise chiefly in feeding incorrect & distorted. These deviations cause disturbances in plenty of organs of the body organs & systems of children. Foodborne diseases or foodborne illness is a major public health issue in plenty of countries. The illness is thought about not include a serious illness, so often overlooked.


To give the right foods at the school-age children ought to be seen from plenty of aspects, such as economic, social, cultural, religious, in addition to medical aspects of the children themselves. Food at school-age children ought to be harmonious & balanced. Match means in accordance with the level of development of the infant. Harmony is in accordance with economic conditions, social, cultural & religion of the relatives. edangkan balanced means that the worth must match the nutritional needs based on age & type of food such as kabohidrat, proteins & fats.

Because of the massive variation in the dietary needs of each infant, then in giving advice on a kid's diet ought to not be rigid. Feeding in children ought to not be done by force but by persuasion & monitoring of the growth.
A lovely feeding ought to match the amount, type & age of the infant on a sure schedule. These things must be fulfilled according to the age of the infant as a whole, not a priority species, but forget the numbers or otherwise provide a sufficient amount but the type is not suitable for children.

Example, feeding the number has a lot but the foods are lacking lovely nutritional value yan. At school age had to be divided in sex since their needs are different. Boys do more physical activity so mmerlukan more calories than girls. At this age girls usually have had periods that need more protein, iron from the earlier age.


Every day breakfast for school aged children is important, because when school is filled with activity that requires energy & calories are massive. For breakfast must meet ¼ as plenty of calories a day. By eating slices of bread & eggs; serving of chicken porridge, cup of milk & fruit; will get 300 calories. If no time for breakfast in the morning the infant ought to be provided with meals / snacks are heavy (nutritionally complete & balanced) for example: arem-arem, fried noodles or meat sandwiches. Lunch is usually more varied food menu because time is not limitless. Dinner is a fun time eating because they can collect with relatives.

A study in Jakarta recently found that the pocket money of school children now average between Rp 2000 - Rp 4000 per day. Some even reached Rp 7000. About 5% of the children bring lunch from home. They are more exposed to the hawker food street vendors & have the ability to buy food.

In general, a habit that often the issue is the habit of eating in the canteen or shop around the school & the habit of eating fast food. Hawker food sold by street vendors or in English called by FAO didefisinikan street food as food & drinks prepared & sold by street hawkers in the streets & in crowded places other general be eaten or consumed without further processing or preparation information. Food vendors can answer any public challenge to the food are cheap, simple, fascinating & varied. Schoolchildren usually every day spent ¼ of his time in school.

In addition to microbiological contamination, chemical contamination is often present in hawker food street vendors is the use of food additives (BTP) illegal such as borax (pengempal Boron containing heavy metals), formaldehyde (a preservative used for the body), Rhodamin B (red dye on textiles ), & methanil yellow (yellow dye in textiles). These materials can accumulate on the human body & are carcinogenic in the long run lead to diseases such as cancer & tumors in human organs. Later also revealed that the reaction turned out to be the intersection of sure foods affect brain functions, including behavioral disorders in school children.

Interestingly, hawker food street vendors accounted for the energy intake of school children as much as 36%, protein 29% & 52% iron. Because it can be understood an important role pavement hawker food on the growth & learning achievement of school children. However, these snacks security both in terms of microbiological or chemical is still open to doubt. In a study conducted in Bogor has found Salmonella paratyphi A in 25% - 50% sample drinks sold on the sidewalk. Another study carried out for an institution in the area of ��East Jakarta study revealed that the categories of snacks are often consumed by school children is a rice cake, brains, fried tofu, noodles meatballs with sauce, sticky rice uli, ice syrup, & cilok. Based on lab testing, the brains & found borax meatballs, fried tofu & noodles found formalin wet yellow, & red syrup ice Rhodamin positive for B.

Interviews with street vendors indicated that they did not know the existence of illegal material I BTP snacks they sell. BTP illegal to be excellent additional material in the hawker street vendors because they are cheap, can provide an pretty appearance of food (eg, bright colors that attract kid's attention) & basically available. Furthermore, they know that the food sold by street vendors are usually not prepared properly & tidy.

Behavioral disorders include sleep disturbances, weakened concentration, emotional disorders, hyperactivity & worsen signs in people with autism. Effect of short-term use raises gelaja BTP-a common signs such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or even water Luang great difficulty. Joint Professional Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) of the WHO set up & assess the BTP standards forbid the use of such chemicals in food. This standard is also adopted by the POM & the Ministry of Health of Indonesia through the Minister of Health Regulation no. 722/Menkes/Per/IX/1998.


Most vendors have a low knowledge about safe food handling, they also have less access to tidy water & washing facilities & trash. The occurrence of foodborne diseases at the hawker street vendors can be a contamination of both raw materials, food handlers who are not healthy, or equipment that is less tidy, as well as time & temperature of storage that is not appropriate.

Attempt ought to be made of a snack or lunch is done in the school surroundings. This is done to prevent children from any pocket. Coordination by the school, parent-school students under the consulting physician or the local Community Health Centre to be able to serve snacks in the coursework of breaks out a manageable portions & nutritional value. This work will certainly be cheaper than the children outside school snack that there is no guarantee of nutrition & cleanliness.

To reduce exposure of school children towards unhealthy snack foods & hazardous, there ought to be a lovely food safety promotion efforts to the schools, teachers, parents, students, & merchants. Schools & governments need to reactivate the UKs (Business School of Health). Communication materials on food safety that has been done by the POM & the Ministry of Health can be improved its use as a tool for food safety schooling in schools.

By conducting additional food, the expected benefit, for example: the infant is no guarantee of food in schools, so parents do not worry about the food eaten by children in school. Mom always used to worry about packing food to her infant. If the food is lovely & nourishing food available in schools, will ease the task of motherhood. In this activity may even be introduced to various types of food that may not like children when it is served at home, but will accept when introduced in schools. With demikan infant can recognize a variety of food.

Plenty of studies show the percentage of American school children who were overweight increased  fold in the last twenty years. The trend is thought to be due faft food food (junk food) & lack of exercise. Experiences that can be taken to be examples of new owner in Los Angeles within the next few years will eliminate step of soft drinks in vending machines & cafeterias. Drinks that are thought about not useful it will get replaced with water, milk & fruit & sports drinks. This shows the statu of concern for school-age kid's health.

Dangers that always threaten the health of school-age children because of this eating behavior must be observed by all parties. Parents, teachers, union of parents & teachers, in particular local government schooling departments & health departments ought to start taking immediate measures to coordinate repair efforts. To think about rulemaking or kebjaksanaan by either the school or the relevant agencies so as to overcome this issue.

Increased attention to the health of children of school age is expected to mengciptakan students a healthy, clever & accomplished.

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