
Know at a glance Human Papilloma Virus

Human Papilloma Virus is one rather than the various types of venereal disease among adults. He may be characterized by spots like warts on the genitals (which looks like the content of the grapes). Most HPV infections can heal itself, so people never knew. Only a small proportion of HPV infections that became chronic infection, then progress to cancer.
You never see the warts do not you? Rash on the skin swell up like a cauliflower shape? That's one of the "footprint" attack human papilloma virus (papilloma = pimples / warts). Human papilloma virus type more than 100 kinds, which were each given a number to distinguish one species with another species. 60 types of which cause skin warts are harmless. The rest is a mucosal HPV types, which only attacks the mucous membranes as found in the mouth, throat, tip of the penis, vagina, cervix, and rectum. Mucosal type is also called genital HPV, because the most frequently attacked are the genital area. There is cause warts in the vagina or penis, commonly called the disease "cock's comb", the HPV types 6 and 11, but this will not become cancerous.
Human papilloma virus infection is something that is very easy going. An estimated three-fourths of the number of people who never have sex, men and women, experience it. Not unlike the flu, most HPV infections can heal itself, so people never knew. Only a small proportion of HPV infections that became chronic infection, then progress to cancer.
French Kisses HPV Can Cause Mouth
This is a warning for those who like oral sex or a French kiss. Watch out, two behaviors can enhance infection of human papilloma virus (HPV) in the mouth. This is expressed by Dr. Maura Gillison in The Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Gillison and colleagues from The Ohio State University, Columbus, investigating oral HPV infection is associated with sexual behavior. Investigations carried out on 332 adults and 210 male age-level students. They saw 4.8 percent of adults and 2.9 percent of men aged mahasisma have oral HPV infection.
In adults, oral HPV infection was significantly increased among smokers and in individuals who reported having more than 10 sexual partners more than 25 oral or vaginal sex partners over their lifetime. The same risk factors experienced by men aged students.
Male students aged at least six couples oral sex couples kissing or French-style kiss. In their behavior is independently associated with the development of oral HPV infection.
Meanwhile, 28 percent of men aged students who reported never having oral sex, has 10 or at least five French kiss your partner, also has a risk of significantly higher for the occurrence of oral HPV infection.
"Our data suggest that oral HPV infection that can become cancerous tendency can be transmitted through behaviors such as french kiss," said Gillison, told Reuters Health.
It is also associated with gonorrheal pharyngitis, an infection that is transmitted sexually tonsil and the back of the throat, and associated with oral HPV infections that can trigger cancer of the mouth the next 10-20 years.
Cause Cervical Cancer
Which can cause cancer is genital HPV types 16, 18, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, and 58. More than 70% of cervical cancers caused by HPV types 16 and 18. In addition to causing cervical cancer, HPV can also cause cancer of the anus, vagina, vulva, penis, and even esophageal cancer.
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that most Papuan region in Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia is the second country in the world after China which has the highest cervical cancer sufferers.
Though cancer is often called cervical cancer, including cancers that are easily detected early and can be prevented / treated before it develops further.

Not Causing Symptoms
The virus is transmitted primarily through sexual intercourse, including anal sex, oral sex, sex and hand. Most of them are infected by the age of 15-30 years, ie within four years after first sexual intercourse. People infected with genital HPV usually does not know he was infected, because these infections cause no symptoms at all (except that caused "chicken's comb"), and immediately attacks the immune system so that the virus is dead or weak, so it is not active.
Until now the human papilloma virus infection can not be cured, but a healthy immune system can cure 90% of them within 2 years. The rest remain active, or present but inactive. Viruses are inactivated can still be infectious to others, is active again at any time (if decreased immune system), or alter cervical cells become pre-cancerous cells, which many years later can become cancerous.

HPV Vaccination
The best way to prevent infection with human papilloma virus (also to prevent attacks of all sorts of other viruses) is by taking care of your body to stay healthy and fit with the pattern of a balanced life: preventing stress, avoid pollution, consumption of nutritious and balanced diet, adequate exercise, adequate rest . Classical huh? But that's the best.
HPV infection can also be prevented by vaccination, and its consequences (warts, precancerous lesions, as well as early-stage cancer) can be easily detected and treated. The vaccine is injected three times in the arm is able to protect us from the four types of HPV cause cancer and "cock's comb", namely types 6, 11, 16, and 18, for four years. Vaccination should be given to the girls who had never been sexual activity. People who have never committed sexual activity likely to have been infected with HPV. If not a virus that infects types 6, 11, 16, and 18, then the vaccination is still no good.
Although it has undergone vaccination, women who have committed sexual activity should conduct periodic routine pap smears. This examination is simple, inexpensive, and effective way to detect the presence of abnormal cells caused by HPV, such as pre-cancerous lesions and early-stage cancer. Cervical cancer is discovered at an early stage is more easily cured.

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