
Fermentation Food Processing with

At the beginning of fermentation is defined as the solution of sugar in to alcohol & CO2. Then the growing understanding that solving the lactose in to lactic acid by Streptococcus lactis in an atmosphere of an anaerobic (lacking oxygen) is also defined as fermentation.

At this time of fermentation is basically can be interpreted as a food processing process using the services of microorganisms to produce the product properties as expected.

Fermentation can occur because there's activities of microorganisms cause fermentation in an appropriate organic substrates. Fermentation causes changes in the nature of foodstuffs, for example: fruit juice would arise if the fermented taste & smell of alcohol; tapioca & sticky will produce odor of alcohol & acid (tape), & milk will produce a sour smell & taste.

Based on the addition of starter (culture of microorganisms), fermentation divided in to types, ie, spontaneous fermentation & spontaneous fermentation. Spontaneous fermentation is fermentation that run naturally, without the addition of starter, such as fermented vegetables (pickles / pikel, sauerkraut from sliced ��cabbage), shrimp paste, & others. Spontaneous fermentation is fermentation that goes with the addition of starter / yeast, for example, tempeh, yogurt, bread, & others.

Based on the above description can be formulated principles of fermentation, which enable the growth & metabolism of alcohol & acid-forming microorganisms as well as suppress the growth of microorganisms proteolytic (protein-breaking) & microorganisms lipolytic (fat-solver).

Fermentation is intended to expand the number of microorganisms & to speed up the metabolism of food. Limited types of microorganisms that are used & adjusted to the desired finish product. Other nutrients are also broken down to produce CO2 & others. Results of fermentation depending on the type of food (substrate), the type of microorganisms, & the environment.

The benefits of fermentation include:

Advantages & Disadvantages of Fermentation

Fermentation Products

  * A quantity of the results of fermentation (acid & alcohol) to prevent the growth of poisonous microorganisms example Clostridium botulinum (pH three.6 can not grow & do not form a toxin).
  * Having a higher nutritional value than the nutritional value of native materials (microorganisms are catabolic, break down complex compounds in to simpler compounds so simple to digest & synthesize complex vitamins & growth factors other entity, for example, vitamin B12, riboflavin, provitamin A).
  * Can occur solving materials that can not be digested by specific enzymes, such as cellulose & hemicellulose is broken down in to simple sugars. Losses from the fermentation of which is to lead poisoning because the toxin is formed, for example tempeh bongkrekic can produce toxins, as well as oncom.

  * all kinds of vegetables & fruits are vegetables that can be fermented, so long to contain sugar & other nutrients for growth of lactic acid bacteria.
  * Environmental factors to think about are: one) anaerobic, three) sufficient levels of salt, three) temperature, & three) obtainable lactic acid bacteria.
  * The beginning of fermentation were Lactobacillus mesenteroides & terminated by various types of Lactobacilli.

Fermented Vegetables

  * Special ingredients added is sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, glucose, sucrose, pepper, garlic, nutmeg, mustard, coriander.
  * Sugar is added to fermented by bacteria & produces a sharp flavor.
  * Salt serves as an ingredient flavor, improve texture, lasting power (also due to the decrease of pH due to fermentation).
  * Spices to flavor, enhanced by fumigation.
  * Lactic acid fermentation occurs in the coursework of curing (28 - 32 ° C, 12-16 hours).
  * Fermentation better if the temperature is 37-40 ° C for 4-8 hours.
  * The microorganism most strongly is Pediococcus cerevisiae & Lactobacillus plantarum. Lactobacillus mesenteroides & Lactobacillus brevis reduced because it is heterofermentatif which may cause sausage casings swell & burst. Micrococcus so reduce nitrate nitrite. Now add the starter culture Pediococcus cerevisiae & Lactobacillus to keep away from erratic natural fermentation & variety of product quality.



  * Organisms whose role is Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast produces gas so that the dough expands & causes the texture of bread off / soft & porous.
  * Consists of bread dough mixture of flour, water, salt, yeast, sugar, eggs & others.
  * The mechanism of fermentation by yeast of sugar originally contained in the flour & sugar are added to fermented by yeast. Carbohydrate starch is converted in to maltose by the enzyme amylase in starch converted in to glucose.
  * Furthermore, glucose is broken down by maltase from yeast to ethanol, CO2, volatile parts, & other products. CO2 retained by the gluten. Gluten is a protein flour is not soluble in water. Gluten is elastic & can be elongated.
  * The existence of gluten & the CO2 produced by yeast in the coursework of fermentation causes the gluten expands.
  * Effect of temperature: at low temperatures inhibited the formation of gas; if the temperature is high then the gas produced much, the volume of the dough is large.
  * Temperatures that are high cause fermentation runs fast, giving the dough more sour taste & aroma. To keep away from the temperature rise is fast, then added cold water (water ice) to make dough.
  * Sugar is added to the dough to give a sweet taste, as an energy source for yeast, giving the brownish yellow color on the surface of bread.
  * Salt is added in little quantities. Salt can solidify sweetness. The main purpose of the addition of salt to control the fermentation process. In making bread dough to keep away from the occurrence of contact between the salt by yeasts or yeast bread directly. To keep away from contact, the first yeast mixed with flour, then put other ingredients besides salt, salt is added last. Usually in the manufacture of bread recipes are written the way of making bread in query.
  * The optimum temperature 25-30 ° C, pH 6.
  * Flavor sour bread (souerdough) does not depend on yeast work, but also by lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, Streptococcus) (Lactobacillus plantarum & Lactobacillus brevis, regge bread & pumpernickel bread is bread acid (Lactobacillus mesenteroides).
  * Temperature ranges toasting bread 160-200 ° C, depending on the large-small size would bread dough is formed.
  * In general, the process of making bread as follows: preparation of equipment, weighing & measuring ingredients, mixing, fermentation to-1, the division in to measures in accordance with the desired weight, molding (rounding the dough), fermentation to-2, the charging (for bread sweet), 3rd fermentation, roasting & cooling.

  * Soy sauce is a salty & something sweet. Manufacturing process:
  * Soybeans => washed & boiled => steamed => dry => inoculated with A. oryzae => Fermentation I (3-5 days) => added a solution of salt 20% => FERMENTATION II (bacteria & yeast, 3-4 weeks) => boiled with water => filter => filtrate (press cake for animal feed) => pasteurization => and caramel & spices => filter => soya.

Soy sauce

  * Fermentation consists of three stages: one) fungal fermentation (R. oryzae, oligosporus, A. oryzae) & three) fermentation salt solution (lactic acid bacteria).
  * The making: Soybean => release of the epidermis & wash => reduction 24 hours => steaming 1-2 hours => draining & cooling => inoculation => Incubation 2-5 days, room temperature => destroy or not => give a solution salt 25-50% => fermentation of 10-20 days, room temperature => addition of brown sugar => boiling => tauco.


Based on how to make it known types Brem, namely Brem Brem solid & liquid. Brem solid white to brownish with a sense of sweet acidity which is the result of cooking or drying sari tapai. Liquid Brem Brem Bali's popular as a drink that tastes kind of sweet, slightly acidic, & red with 3-10% alcohol content.


In alcohol fermentation, simple sugars are broken down in to alcohol & carbon dioxide gas. In order for fermentation to happen normally closed so that air-tight material because this process ought to be carried out without contact with air (oxygen). Fermentation took place was not spontaneous, that can happen with the addition of yeast (starter) on raw materials.

Brem Fermentation in the manufacture takes place in stages, namely stage of fermentation of sugar & alcohol fermentation stage. In the fermentation of sugar occurs starch solution in material substance by amylase, an enzyme breaker starch produced by microorganisms in the yeast, to form simple sugars (glucose).

Nata de Coco

The word "nata" is taken from the Spanish language derived from Latin word "natare" which means "to float". Natalie can be made from a variety of fruit juices as a medium such as banana, pineapple, tomato, mango, papaya, coconut water, & others.

Its products are named according to the type of media used. Giving a name beginning with nata nata species & followed by the type of raw materials used in the back of the word nata. As an example of nata de coco, means the medium used is coconut milk. Nata de soya use soymilk, nata de pina using pineapple juice or waste, & so forth.

Solution that will be made nata must contain sugar as a carbon source for microorganisms producing nata with proportions & the acidity of the solution must comply with the requirements of bacterial growth in use, & necessary the addition of nutrients such as ammonium sulphate, urea & ammonium phosphate as nitrogen source.

The fermentation process in the manufacture of nata lasts between 6 to 14 days. Formation of cellulose layer will continue to happen if the medium is still there. Fermentation in the manufacture of nata de coco included in the fermentation is not spontaneous because it requires a starter culture or microorganisms are added to the medium in the kind of coconut water.

Nata formation by bacteria Acetobacter xylinum are deliberately grown on media such as coconut water. Acetobacter xylinum can live & breed in a specific solution with a temperature of 28 ° C, pH three to three.5, obtainable source of carbon & nitrogen. Thus, the medium used for the manufacture of nata de coco ought to be rich in nutrients, allowing nata-producing bacterium Acetobacter xylinum perform metabolism that leads to the kind of a layer of cellulose. The result of these metabolic form a layer of white clay. The longer the fermentation of the layers due to bacterial metabolism of Acetobacter xylinum increasingly thick.

To make nata de coco famous example of the type nata), namely:

  * Setting up the equipment, such as pots, stoves / heaters, scales, measuring cups, plastic containers, milk strainer, paper & rubber (to cover the fermentation vessel).
  * Selecting & starter materials that meet the desired quality.
  * Measure & weigh the material in accordance with the formulation used.
  * Filtering the coconut water, then boil until boiling. If the foam is formed on the surface of coconut water is boiled, the scum was taken using filter coconut milk.
  * Insert all the nutrients, followed by heating until all ingredients dissolve.
  * In hot conditions, a solution coconut water media that has been heated is inserted in a tidy plastic container, then immediately covered with newspaper & tied tightly, & then cooled.
  * One time cold, inoculated (added) with nata de coco starter aseptic.
  * They then performed incubation for 6-12 days.
  * The characteristics of nata de coco is lovely: not contaminated (not overgrown with mold), no holes, white color, texture clay, according to the desired thickness.

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