
Water Supply and Healthy

According to WHO calculations, in developed countries each person requires between 60-120 liters of water per day. While in developing countries including Indonesia, each person requires 30-60 liters of water per day. Among the usefulness-usability of water, which is important is the necessity to drink. Therefore, for purposes of drinking water ought to have a special requirement for water does not cause disease to humans.

Water is a substance that has a important role for the survival of humans and other living creatures. Humans will die faster from lack of water than food shortage. In the human body itself consists chiefly of water. Adult body, about 55-60% body weight consists of water, for children about 65% ��and for the kid about 80%. Water is necessary by humans to meet a variety of interests including: drinking, cooking, bathing, washing and agriculture.

Neat Water and Healthy

Drinking water ought to be sterile (sterile = does not contain any pest or disease). The sources of drinking water in general and in rural areas in particular are not protected so that water does not or does not meet health requirements. For that require processing first.

one. Cook or boil water, so all the germs ¬ germs dead. This technique requires a long time and can not be done on a large scale.

For drinking water treatment can be done in one ways, the following:

one. By using chemical substances such as gas chloor, chlorine, and others. This can be done on a large ¬ scale, fast and cheap.

For drinking water does not cause disease, then the water ought to strive to fulfill the health requirements, at least cultivated close to these requirements. A healthy water ought to have the following requirements:

one. Physical Conditions
Physical requirements for safe drinking water is clear (colorless), no taste, temperature below the outside air temperature so that in every day life. How to recognize water that meets the physical requirements is not difficult.

one. Terms bacteriological
Water for drinking purposes must be free from all bacteria, pathogenic bacteria. How to know whether drinking water contaminated by pathogenic bacteria is to examine a sample (example) water. And if the examination 100 cc of water contained less than three bacteria E. coli then water has met health requirements.

two. Chemical Terms
Safe drinking water must contain sure substances in sure quantities, . deficiency or excess chemicals in water will cause physiological disorders in humans. In accordance with the principles of appropriate expertise in rural areas, the drinking water comes from springs and wells in water is acceptable as a healthy and meet the requirements mentioned above on condition that is not polluted by the dirt, human and animal feces. Hence springs or wells in rural areas ought to receive supervision and protection so as not polluted by individuals who use the water.

Drinking Water Sources

In principle, all water can be processed in to drinking water. These water sources, as follows:

one. Rainwater
Rainwater can be collected and then used as drinking water, but this rain water does not contain calcium. Therefore, in order to be safe drinking water ought to be added calcium in it.

one. Water rivers and lakes
Water rivers and lakes on the basis of origin are also derived from rain water that flows through the channels in to the river or lake. Both water sources are often called surface water. Therefore, river and lake water has been contaminated or polluted by various kinds of dirt, then when will be drinking water must be processed first.

two. Spring
Water coming out of spring water comes from groundwater that comes naturally. Therefore, the water from this spring when it is not contaminated by dirt is to be used as drinking water directly. But because they are not sure if true then it would be lovely not yet polluted water are boiled before drinking.

three. Water wells

  * Water wells are shallow water coming out of the ground, so-called groundwater. Water comes from a layer of water in the shallow soil. The depth of this water layer from the surface soil from place to another is different. Usually ranging from five to 15 meters from ground level. Shallow well water pump is not healthy because of dirt from the surface soil contamination is still there. Therefore require to be boiled before drinking.
  * Water wells in the water that comes from the second water layer in the soil. The depth of the soil surface is usually over 15 meters. Therefore, most of the water wells in this well to be used as drinking water directly (without going through the treatment method).

Drinking water treatment

There's several ways of processing drinking water are as follows:

one. Processing In Natural
Processing is done in the kind of water storage obtained from various sources, such as lake water, river water, well water and so forth. In this storage water for a few hours left in place. Then it would happen coagulation of the substances contained in water and finally precipitate. The water will be clear because there's particles in the water will come to settle.

one. Water Treatment Filter
Filtering water basically can be done with gravel, palm fiber and sand. Sand filtration with high expertise made by the PAM (Drinking Water Company), the results can be consumed by the public.

three. Water Treatment by Flowing Air
The final aim is to eliminate taste and disagreeable odors, eliminating the gases that are not needed, such as CO2 and also raise the degree of acidity of water.

two. Adding Water Treatment by Chemical Substances
Chemical was two times one types namely chemicals for coagulation function and ultimately speed up precipitation (eg alum). The second is a chemical used to disinfect (kill the germs that are in the water, such as chlorine (Cl).

  * Public Drinking Water Treatment
  * Collecting Rain Water. Rainwater can be accommodated within a dam (manmade lake), which builds on the participation of local communities. All the rain water flowed in to the lake through water grooves. Then around the lake was made well pumps or wells dug to the public. Rainwater may even be accommodated with bath-tub built ferosemen and surrounding roofs to collect rainwater. Around the tub is made out channels for taking water to the public. Rain water either from wells (lake) and the bacteriological water tank is not guaranteed to it then the duty of families to cook their own example with boiling water.

five. Water Treatment with Boiling Heat Up
The aim is to kill the germs present in water. Such processing is more appropriate for consumption only a little example for their household needs. Viewed from consumers, water treatment, in principle, can be classified in to namely:

7. Spring Processing
The spring water that naturally arise in these villages have managed to protect these water sources so as not contaminated by feces. From here the water can be channeled in to people's homes through bamboo pipes or residents can take their own directly to the source who had protected them.

6. River Water Treatment
The river water flowed in to a container vessel I through a coarse sieve to separate solid objects in larger particles. I was two times given a container vessel filter composed of fibers, sand, gravel and so forth. Then the water flowed in to the container vessel II. Here affixed alum and chlorine. From here flowed to the population or the population itself is taken directly to that place. To be free of bacteria when the water will still require a drink boiled first.

8. Water Treatment For Domestic
Water well pump well water pump, in already sufficient to meet health requirements. But this pump wells in rural areas are still expensive, besides that the expertise is still thought about high for rural communities. Much more common in rural areas are dug wells.

For dug well water pump is not contaminated by impurities in the vicinity, the necessity for the terms as follows:

  * There ought to be a lip huujan well for when the season arrives, groundwater won't enter in to it.
  * At the top of about two m from the ground ppermukaan be walled, so that water from above not to contaminate water wells.
  * It ought to be given a layer of gravel at the bbawah wells for reducing turbidity.
  * As a substitute for gravel, in to the well can be inserted a substance that can form a precipitate, such as aluminum sulfate (alum).
  * Neat water is turbid wells this can be done by filter with a filter that can be made of tin cans.

9. Rainwater

Household needs for water may even be done through rainwater. Each relatives can make rainwater from their roof gutters ¬ each through flow. In the rainy season this is not an issue but in the dry season may be an issue. To cope with relatives needs rain water reservoirs for having a bigger reservoir for the dry season.

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