
Reasons Body Needs Nutrition Supplements

Food, water and oxygen are the basic substances that make life on this planet. Food gives us energy and nutrients needed to build, maintain and repair all the cells of our bodies. Nutrition research is the study of food and nutrition, including the sources of nutrients, how the human body to digest, absorb and utilize nutrients and what they do to support life and health.

Lifestyle and diet are very significant effect on the type of food that the body needs. Individuals who consume alcohol, drink tea, coffee, exposed to smoke, consume a variety of drugs (prescription etc.) or sports athletes have specific nutritional needs are greater than others. For example, individuals who drink alcohol requires giant amounts of vitamin B, zinc and magnesium for metabolism, because there's nutrients in alcohol-soluble in water so that the substances will be excreted more quickly with a diuretic effect of alcohol.

Here are some reasons why vitamin and mineral supplements you may require:

Lots of people think that eating fresh food and balanced diet can provide all the needs of vitamins and minerals essential for health. For normal circumstances this may happen. However, there's lots of reasons why vitamins and mineral supplements is necessary to maintain body condition.

This is a giant issue because although food intake is , poor digestion can limit the absorption of vitamins and minerals by the body. Eating speedy may cause the amount of nutrient flows that are numerous to be absorbed by the digestive enzymes, so lots of that material is wasted. Lots of people with dentures are also unable to chew food effectively.

Bad Digestion reply


Consuming food or drinks (or drugs such as aspirin) can also cause inflammation of the lining of the digestive enzymes leading to decreased digestion and decrease the extraction of vitamins and minerals from food.


Alcohol is known to destroy the liver and pancreas, which is an important organ for digestion and metabolism. Alcohol can also destroy the digestive tract, can affect nutrient absorption and cause subclinical malnutrition. Consuming alcohol in giant quantities cause increased requirement of vitamin B complex, B1 (thiamin), B3 (niacin), B6 ��(pyridoxine), folic acid and vitamin B12, and vitamin C. Alcohol also increases the necessity for the minerals zinc, magnesium and calcium and affects availability, absorption, metabolism and excretion of all these nutrients.

Smoking tobacco may cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs, and increases the metabolic demands of vitamin C. Every cigarette use to 25 mg of vitamin C and 30 percent of smokers require more vitamin C than nonsmokers. Smokers also have a greater require for vitamin A, zinc, and lecithin to improve lung membranes.



Laxatives (or chronic diarrhea) can lead to poor absorption of vitamins and minerals from food, to speed up the transit time of food in the intestine. Paraffin and other mineral oils increase losses of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and essential fatty acids. Laxatives can also cause loss of minerals / electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and magnesium.


If not done carefully, the diet may cause the body lacks all the vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Even the popular low-fat diet, when used often or long, may cause a significant deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and essential fatty acids. Vegan (and lots of vegetarian diet) must be well planned to keep away from deficiencies of iron, vitamin B12 and zinc.


Although very important role in overcoming the extreme infection, antibiotic substances can also kill bacteria 'good' in the gut so it can irritate indigestion. Therefore often advised to add vitamin B complex supplements until three weeks after using antibiotics. And hormone replacement pills also reduce the absorption of folic acid and increase the necessity for vitamin B complex, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc.


Lots of individuals who depend on prescription drugs to cope with various medical conditions. Though sometimes it can save lives, the use of drugs may also increase the necessity for various nutrients. For example, using antacids will reduce levels of calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin B1. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs increases the necessity for vitamin B6, C and E and iodine. Antihypertensive drugs will increase the necessity for vitamin B6 and B12, potassium and magnesium. Steroid treatment increased require for calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin B6, C and D. Even simple aspirin will increase the necessity for vitamin C.


Injuries may cause the lost of protein and essential nutrients. Surgical procedure increases the necessity for zinc, vitamin E and other nutrients that play a role in cellular repair mechanisms. Vitamin C is essential for the detoxing of anesthesia and prevent shock due to surgical procedure (adrenal fatigue). Repair a broken bone will be slowed by lack of calcium, boron and vitamin C. Improving organ infection will need a high requirement will substances zinc, magnesium and vitamin B3, B6, A, C and E.

Stress chemically, physically and emotionally can increase the body's require for vitamin B2, B3, B5, B6 and C. Air pollution can also increase the necessity for vitamin A and E and minerals zinc.


Sun Rays

Elderly people have a low intake of nutrients, protein, calcium, zinc and magnesium. Deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency is common. Fiber intake is often low. Lack of riboflavin (B2) and pyridoxine (B6) has also been observed. Feasible cause of all this is a reduction or weakening the ability of substances of taste and smell (a sign of zinc deficiency), reduced secretion of digestive enzymes, chronic illness and use of drugs.

The people that are less affected by exposure to sunlight may suffer from lack of vitamin D, needed for calcium metabolism. Lack of sunlight can also increase the risk of osteoporosis.


Ultraviolet light is a stimulus to produce vitamin D in the skin. Melatonin levels may also affect the insomnia and depression. This can be exacerbated in individuals who used to sit for hours in front of a computer or are in the room with electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

Poor Soil Nutrient

Today lots of farms that lack of mineral elements. Intensive monoculture farming systems that drain lots of elements of the soil. Replacement of soil nutrients through fertilization, usually only aimed at the nutrients necessary work, not entirely. This will affect the mineral content in food crops produced.

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