
Omega-3 Eggs and Egg Low Cholesterol

The appearance of omega-3 eggs and low-cholesterol eggs raises interest for consumers although the cost is 2-3 times as much. Actually, eggs (chicken) is healthy and nourishing food is high, but why was engineered? According to the list of food ingredients, Directorate Nutrition Department of Health egg contains 162 calories, 12.8 g protein, 11.5 g fat, 0.7 g carbohydrates, 900 SI 0.1 g vitamin A and vitamin B1.

Eggs are usually engineered to be a mere business tactics. In order not to be fooled, consumers also must be vigilant. More-over of products that are not accompanied by a list of food substances. Because, physically difficult to distinguish between egg "normal" with eggs engineering. The color of egg yolks that are engineered to look older than egg "ordinary" is not a guarantee that the eggs are berkandungan omega-3.

Not without reason when some people interested in omega-3 eggs. Omega-3 essential fatty acids. That is, omega-3 fatty acids are needed by the body. Because the body can not make it, it must be supplied through food.

Why search?

Why is that? The answer is related to diet. Main Food Eskimo communities in the polar regions there is raw fish. Three times analyzed, the fish they eat eikosatinpanoat fatty acids (EPA), which was then called omega-3 fatty acids that. Research also continues, to know the role that the element of cardiac health.

The discovery of omega-3 actually originated from observations by the specialists of the Eskimo community. Those who live in the polar regions is not known to the diseased heart. While the Eskimos who live outside the polar regions (eg, in Denmark), lots of are stricken with heart disease.

As a result, the omega-3 fatty acid proven to have a nice effect on the body. Individuals who consume omega-3, the pieces of blood (platelets) are not basically broken or clot. Omega-3 fatty acids make the blood vessel walls (endotil) strong, not fragile, not basically penetrated by substances that can break the walls of blood vessels, and not simple to contract.

Omega-3 fatty acids, lower biochemical parameters as risk factors for atherosclerosis, such as cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides. These fatty acids are also able to improve blood pressure or lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension.

Another advantage is the prevention of heart disease. Omega-3 also affects the formation of enzymes that play a role in the recovery of coronary heart disease. It also increases the cardiac muscle cell endurance in the face of a heart assault.

There is even a mention of omega-3 can prevent diabetes, making the eyes more alert, improve learning ability and memory, boost immunity, relieve arthritis signs, eliminate the backbone and brain disorders (multiple sclerosis), and inhibits cancer growth.

Fatty acid levels in blood plasma, is also closely associated with mortality (death rate) due to heart issues. In America, for example, mortality from heart issues to 45%. This relates to the worth of the ratio of levels of omega-6 fatty acids compared to omega-3 in the blood is high, namely 50. In Japan, the ratio is 12, the death rate from heart issues 12%. While the Eskimo community, comparison value, and mortality from heart issues 7%.

Here appears the smaller the worth of the ratio of omega-6 versus omega-3 in plasma, the smaller also the mortality rate from heart issues in that population.

Meanwhile, low-cholesterol eggs are thought about less "useful". Low cholesterol eggs cholesterol only reduces the input from the outside, and do not reduce cholesterol in the body. Against products labelled "no cholesterol", consumers ought to be cautious. For example, oil nonkolesterol. "Cooking oil can be definite it does not contain cholesterol, but it contains fatty acids that can be turned in to cholesterol in the body.

Giving as much omega-3 eggs one eggs / day for a month, have not shown changes in cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as HDL and LDL, but changing the fatty acid levels in blood plasma. A single egg contains omega-3 fatty acids omega-3 (618 mg), and omega-6 fatty acids (999 mg), as listed on the packaging of eggs that are traded.

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