
Fish Consumption ward off disease Coronary Heart

Historicallyin the past 10-20 years, CHD has become the number killer in the world, to the communities in large cities. In Jakarta, for example, lots of young people & adults prefer speedy food like pizza, high-calorie cakes, & fried chicken. Foods high in saturated fats usually are invited to taste. Without realizing it through foods such saturated fatty acids in to their bodies. Will be more wretched, if simultaneously, they have less to eat foods low in saturated fat & high in fiber, & lack of exercise.

Coronary heart disease (CHD), of which is caused by high levels of saturated fatty acid consumption. Therefore, reducing the risk of CHD can be done by shifting patterns of consumption of foods high in saturated fatty acids in to a pattern of balanced feed.

But not to worry. There's lots of ways ward off diseases that may cause sudden death from require & consistently follow the recommended diet specialists.

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Free fatty acids consisted of saturated fatty acids (saturated fatty acid, abbreviated as SAFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (monounsaturated fatty acids, MUFA) & polyunsaturated fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFAs). While excessive free fatty acids are stored in the kind of triglycerides.

So what is the story of CHD relationship with the consumption of fatty substances? In the coursework of the process of digestion in the intestine, fatty substances that enter the body through the food has split in to free fatty acid triglycerides, phospholipids, & cholesterol.

Cholesterol comes from animal foods is an essential ingredient of fat. In addition comes directly from food, it may even be formed in the liver, is derived from saturated fatty acid triglyceride-solving results. Indeed, in metabolism in the liver, only saturated fatty acids that can be formed in to cholesterol.

Did you know, our bodies produce cholesterol from one.5 to five g per day? Much greater than that obtained through food. This is because cholesterol is a fatty substance is present in every cell of the body. Its function is also important. Aside from being a source of energy, also plays a role in the formation of hormones & cell membranes. Not to mention the stuff of bile acids in bile.

In the body, cholesterol form a complex bond-fat protein - more often known as lipoprotein - such as chylomicron, low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL) & high density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL & HDL levels are closely related to the occurrence of deposits in blood vessels.

If the group is more crowded than the protein cholesterol, is formed at low-density lipoprotein compound - known as LDL - & known as "bad" cholesterol. Conversely, if cholesterol is a bit more protein while the troops, this bond is called high density lipoprotein or HDL, & known as "good" cholesterol.

Branded as "evil" because LDL ngendon facilitate fat deposition on the inner walls of blood vessels. The thicker the sediment, the heart's blood vessels will become clogged or thickened or hardened (atherosclerosis). HDL given a stamp of "good" because he helped "drive out" LDL cholesterol from body tissues. Other words, if more blood vessels filled with troops of HDL, LDL, automated his gang won't miss a place in the vessel so that sediment can be prevented.

Therefore, a reasonable level of LDL is suggested no over 130 mg%, while HDL levels of at least 35 mg%. Total levels of cholesterol are said to be nice no over 200 mg%. No less significant is to carefully look at levels of triglyceride fat that serves as the source of most energy in the body. Because high levels of triglycerides can contribute to support the occurrence of CHD. Normal triglyceride levels less than 200 mg%.

Expand the consumption of unsaturated fatty acids

Is it true that high cholesterol they also automatically receive a large risk of CHD assault? Not , because it remains to be seen one time the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol. In the event you for example HDL 60 mg%, while others 40 mg%, then the ratio between total cholesterol & HDL respectively two.5 & three, means you have a CHD risk less than men. The higher the ratio, the higher the risk.

In addition to its innate factors, high levels of cholesterol & triglycerides is not unusual for a less balanced diet. As an Indonesian who know a variety of foods from different regions, be it known to any food containing saturated fatty acids.

Dashed high levels of cholesterol & triglycerides in the blood may well be braking by limiting consumption of foods containing saturated fatty acids of this. Among cattle meat (beef, pork, lamb), broiler chicken skin, & coconut, including dairy products (milk, grated coconut, serundeng, coconut oil). Avoid foods made from coconut is not simple, but at least they must recognize to what extent that ought to be consumed.

Organ meats such as beef liver & kidneys, brains, cow tongue, & egg yolk, full cream milk & other dairy, & cheese are also not often glimpsed, not to mention eaten. For lovers of sweet foods, limit your consumption of sugar because the sugar will go rising boost levels of triglycerides. Seafood such as shrimp & crabs that contain monounsaturated fats still be consumed, although in limited numbers.

Indeed, all the food sources of fat or oil (vegetable or animal) contains all the fatty acids, either saturated, monounsaturated, & polyunsaturated. Only the levels differ. Most fatty acid content in food indicates that food was a source of fatty acids in query.

In the event you require to stay safe mengonsumi saturated fatty acids, nutrition specialists recommend that consumption is balanced with monounsaturated fatty acids & double. The comparison is about one: one: one. However, the practice is not simple, if you have introduced before the eyes of the publishing food tastes!

For example, because coconut oil over the saturated fatty acid content of monounsaturated fatty acids & its dual, then he disebutlah saturated oil. Because corn oil contains more monounsaturated fatty acids & saturated fatty acids than double, then called an unsaturated oil.

Regrettably, this type of oil is comparatively more expensive than palm oil or palm. Cooking oil saturation can be seen when heated. The lower the smoke point, the higher the saturated fat (the nice general to a temperature 180 - 200oC smoke coming out.)

Another best way is to fry or saute foods with high oil monounsaturated fatty acids & double as corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil & fish oil. However, it ought to not be used again if it is completed cooking (used repeatedly) because it was turned in to a saturated oil.

A study by Grundy from the Faculty of Medicine, Los angeles, USA, proved, the body's levels of cholesterol can go down if the diet contains more monounsaturated fatty acids & saturated fatty acids than double. Dietary saturated fatty acids proven to raise the month-long levels of cholesterol. While with dietary monounsaturated fatty acids, levels of cholesterol dropped significantly, including his LDL & HDL. In the dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid, total cholesterol & LDL decreased, while HDL remained comparatively unchanged.

Grundy argues, the ideal diet ought to contain a composition of 10% saturated fatty acids, 50-10% polyunsaturated fatty acids, & 10-15% monounsaturated fatty acids. For example, today in the event you require to eat offal soup for lunch, at dinner also avoid other foods that contain saturated fatty acids kinds of beef steak, fried shrimp flour mixed with eggs. In lieu, eat-oseng oseng tempeh, sweet, marinated tofu, or fish and vegetables Pepes.

Effect of omega-3

If tonight you ought to go to a party, at breakfast & lunch try not to eat foods that contain saturated fat. With so expected levels of cholesterol can be controlled.

You who have high cholesterol & triglyceride levels are also encouraged to consume lots of ocean fish such as tengiri, sardines, tuna, mackerel, snapper, etc.. Cook it by pan-fried, steamed, baked, or roasted. Within a week try to eat at least 1-2 fish.

Indeed lots of marine fish contain omega-3, a polyunsaturated fatty acid containing eikosapentaenoik acid (EPA) & doko saheksaenoik (DHA). Omega-3 fatty acids can help lower total cholesterol, LDL, & triglycerides, could even raise HDL. Omega-3 is also simultaneously to suppress blood clotting process so that the process of coronary artery calcification can be inhibited.

Eat high fiber foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, & processed products such as tofu, tempeh, oncom, green beans, mashed rice ari-skinned, etc.. also highly recommended. They neutralize the beneficial fats. Dietary fiber increases fecal mass thus speeding the journey of food in the gut. Thus the chance intestine absorbs fat & sugar will be reduced.

The role of fish oil is also no less nice because it can lower cholesterol 27-45% & triglycerides 64-79%. Already examined, Eskimos & Japanese fishermen who ate fish seldom have heart assaults. In case our fishermen, .

The females in reproductive age are encouraged also to provide breast milk (milk) to her kid because it turns out has a long chain of the prevention of CHD. You see, breast milk also contains omega-3 fatty acids. Females under 50 years of age (before menopause), small affected by CHD because of the role of estrogen hormones that support the strength of blood vessels. Nevertheless ought to still maintain a balanced diet since young.

As your business with diet & exercise do not also decrease levels of cholesterol or triglycerides, then ask your doctor's advice. People berpembawaan high cholesterol would not require to swallow the cholesterol-lowering drugs usually contain niacin, by staying on the diet & exercise.

Avocado & durian which is often controversial, according to the study, containing monounsaturated fatty acids that are safe for consumption, with the record is not excessive.

In addition to enhance the consumption of fiber & unsaturated fat, ought to also increase the consumption of antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins E & C & carotene (provitamin A) because these nutrients can help prevent the occurrence of fat oxidation. Some foods that contain lots of vitamins that the third instance of red fruits such as papaya, carrots, & tomatoes.

Let me be more stable, consumption is also an antioxidant genjot nongizi, in particular isoflavonoid in nature will improve health. Isoflavonoid it is present in tempeh, red onion, saffron, fruits & vegetables, & tea. Sometimes it is advisable to drink low-dose aspirin tablets as directed doctors to reduce blood viscosity.

Require to try fasting, may also, because it can restore our health is compromised, including the effect of high levels of cholesterol. For example, fasting nonlemak & nondaging or drink fruit juice, water, & eat vegetables for a few days or periodically, for example, days a week. Fasting gives your body a chance dispose of poisonous materials that could disrupt the cells, tissues, & organs in the body. But the terms, outside the period of fasting ought to not directly hit by high-calorie foods.

To prevent children from CHD when day an adult, do prevention since the early to accustom them to consume a balanced diet. It is axiomatic that a childhood diet will affect the medical conditions as adults later. High fat foods are limited & balanced with vegetables & fruits.

Ideally, our food contains fat consumption below 30%, carbohydrate 50-60%, & 20% protein. Do not eat foods cholesterol above 300 mg per day.

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