
8 Factors Cause Diarrhea in Children

Diarrhea is a bowel movement (defecation), with feces as a liquid or semi-liquid, thus the water content in the stool over usual (100-200 ml per hour normal stool). Diarrhea is a state of bowel movement frequency over three times in children & over one time in children. Consistency technique can dilute the color green or can be mixed with mucus & blood or mucus only.

Diarrhea is a disease syndrome characterized by changes in shape & consistency of stools slowed until melted & increased frequency of bowel movements than usual one time or more a day.

Various factors affect the incidence of diarrhea, such as environmental factors, nutrition, population, schooling, socioeconomic circumstances & behaviors of society.

Diarrheal disease is the No. three cause of morbidity & mortality in children, among children under three years of age.

one. Schooling Factor
According to research, found that the group of mothers with secondary schooling status to the top has a one.25 times likely to give nice oral rehydration solution in children compared with a group of mothers with primary schooling status down. also note that schooling is a factor affecting the morbidity of children under. The higher the schooling level of parents, the better the level obtained by the kid's health.

three. Work Factor
Brother & brother who worked civil servants or private sector have on average higher schooling than the brother & brother who worked as laborers or farmers. Type of work usually associated with schooling level & income. But working mothers ought to let their children cared for by someone else, so have a greater risk for exposure to the disease.

three. Toddlers Age Factors
Most of diarrhea occur in children under the age of three years. Child 12-24 months elderly had three.23 times the risk of diarrhea than children aged 25-59 months.

three. Environmental Factors
Diarrheal disease is disease-based surroundings. dominant factors, namely: water supply & sewage treatment. Both these factors will interact together with manbusia behavior. If environmental factors are not healthy because of diarrhea & accumulate germs contaminated with human behavior that is not healthy also, that is through food & drinks, it may cause diarrheal disease incidence.

three. Nutritional Factors
Diarrhea causes malnutrition & worsened the diarrhea. Therefore, treatment with nice food is a major part of the healing diarrhea. Children & toddlers are largely affects less died of diarrhea. This is due to dehydration & malnutrition. Nutritional factors on nutritional status is seen well = 100-90, less =

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