
Five Kind of Disease Due to Dust Particles in Air Pollution

Air pollution by particles can be caused by natural events and may even be caused by human activities, through industrial activities and technologies. Particles that pollute the air lots of kinds and types, depending on the kinds and types of industrial activities and technologies. Regarding the kinds and types of particles in air pollution and pollution has lots of sources

When people breathe, air containing particles will be inhaled in to the lungs. The size of particles (dust) that comes in to the lungs will choose the position of attachment or particle deposition. Particle size of less than two microns will be captured in the upper respiratory tract, while the particle size is three to two microns will be captured at the middle of the respiratory tract. Particles that are smaller, one to three microns, will enter in to the air sacs of the lungs, attached to the alveoli. Even smaller particles, less than one micron, will come out when the breath is exhaled.

In general, particles that pollute the air can destroy the environment, plants, animals and humans. The particles are harmful to human health. In general, air that has been contaminated by the particles may cause various respiratory tract disease or pneumoconioses.

Pneumoconioses is a respiratory disease caused by particulate matter (dust) that enter or settle in the lungs. Pnemokoniosis diseases of lots of kinds, depending on the type of particles (dust) entering or inhaled in to the lungs. Several types of pneumoconioses diseases that are often present in areas that have lots of industrial activities and technologies, namely silicosis, asbestosis, Bisinosis, Antrakosis and Beriliosis.

one. Disease silicosis

Silica dust in to the lungs will experience the incubation period of about one to four years. The incubation period will be shorter, or the disease silicosis signs will soon appear, if the silica concentration is high in the air and inhaled in to the lungs in giant quantities. Silicosis disease characterized by shortness of breath accompanied by cough-cough. Ii cough is often not accompanied by phlegm. In silicosis behavior is, signs of shortness of breath accompanied by visible and on examination of lung abnormalities fototoraks basically observed. When the disease silicosis is extreme then shortness of breath will worsen and then followed by cardiac hypertrophy of the right that will lead to failure of the heart.

Silicosis disease caused by silica dust pollution-free, in the type of SiO2, which is inhaled in to the lungs and then settle. Free silica dust in the factory there's lots of iron and steel, ceramics, concrete casting, metal working workshop (hone, grinding, etc.). In addition, silica dust Juka numerous in places where the cross-section of iron ore, tin and coal mines. The use of coal as fuel also generate lots of free silica dust SiO2. When burned, silica dust will come out and dispersed in to the air together - together with other particles, like dust alumina, iron oxide and carbon in the type of ash.

Supervision and periodic medical examinations for workers will help prevent and control diseases caused by work. Workers' health information before entering the workplace, in the work of work and after work it ought to be noted for the reflection of workers if any history of disease - the time necessary.

Workplace potential for silica dust contaminated by the necessity to get safety and occupational health supervision and strict environmental causes of disease silicosis has been no proper cure. Preventive action is more important and significant than the act of treatment. Silicosis disease would be worse if the patient had historicallyin the past been suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, astma broonchiale and other respiratory diseases.

Asbestosis is a disease occupational disease caused by dust or asbestos fibers that pollute the air. Asbestos is a combination of various silicates, but the main thing is magnesium silicate. Asbestos dust often present in factories and industries that use asbestos, asbestos fiber mill, asbestos-roofed factories and so forth.

one. Asbestosis disease

Asbestos dust is inhaled in to the lungs will lead to signs of shortness of breath and cough accompanied by phlegm. The fingertips of sufferers will appear enlarged / widened. If done on sputum examination could reveal the existence of asbestos dust in the sputum. Use of asbestos for a variety of purposes would be followed by safety and health awareness of the environment in order not to cause asbestosis this.

three. Bisinosis Disease

Bisinosis disease is a disease pneumoconioses caused by dust contamination of breath or cotton fibers in the air which is then inhaled in to the lungs. Dust cotton or cotton fibers are often found on cotton spinning mills, textile factories, businesses, and warehousing of cotton as well as factory or other work that makes use of cotton or textiles, such as the manufacture of mattresses, making the stool seat and so forth.

The incubation period is long bisinosis disease, which is about two years. Early signs of disease this bisinosis shortness of breath, feel heavy in your chest, on Monday (ie the early days working on each week). The psychic every Monday to work who suffer from diseases bisinosis feel the heavy load on the chest and shortness of breath. Allergic reactions due to the cotton that goes in to the respiratory tract is also an early symptom bisinosis. In bisinosis who had advanced or extreme, the disease is usually followed by disease and chronic bronchitis may even be accompanied by emphysema.

Antrakosis disease is respiratory disease caused by coal dust. The disease is usually present in coal mine workers or the workers who often involves the use of coal, like coal pengumpa in iron furnaces, locomotives (stoker) and also on coal-powered ships, and workers at the central boiler-fired steam power coal.

four. Antrakosis Disease

Diseases caused antrakosis pure coal dust. This disease requires a long time to be heavy, and comparatively not so dangerous. Antrakosis disease becomes extreme when accompanied by complications or emphysema which allows the occurrence of death. If it happens then antrakosis pure emphysema is more extreme than the comparatively rare silikoantraksosis followed by emphysema. Actually between pure and silikoantraksosi antrakosis difficult to distinguish, except from the source cause. While paenyakit tuberkolosilikoantrakosis more basically distinguished by other antrakosis disease. This difference is basically seen from fototorak which showed abnormalities in the lungs caused by coal dust and silicate dust, as well as the tuberculosis bacillus which assaults the lungs.

The incubation period of the disease is between 2-4 years. As with any disease silicosis and other diseases pneumokonisosi, antrakosis disease also characterized by a feeling of shortness of breath. Because the coal dust is sometimes also have the disease antrakosis silicate dust is also often accompanied by disease silicosis. If this happens then the disease is called silikoantrakosis. Antrakosis disease there's kinds, namely pure antrakosis disease, disease and disease silikoantraksosis tuberkolosilikoantrakosis.

The air is contaminated by beryllium metal dust, either in the type of pure metal, oxide, sulfate, or in the form halogenida, may cause respiratory disease called beriliosis. Metal dust may cause nasoparingtis, bronchitis and pneumonitis is characterized by signs of slight fever, dry cough and shortness of breath. Beriliosis disease can occur in industrial workers using beryllium alloy, copper, factory workers in fluorescent tube manufacturing factory radio and also on material processing workers supporting the nuclear industry.

two. Beriliosis Disease

In addition, workers who use lots of zinc (in the type of silicate) as well as manganese, can also cause disease or delayed pending beriliosis berryliosis also called chronic beriliosis. This delayed effect could lapse two years after cessation of breathing air contaminated by dust metal. So years after the worker is no longer in the environment containing metal dust, beriliosis disease may arise. The disease is characterized by signs of fatigue, weight loss and shortness of breath decrease. Therefore, periodic medical examinations for workers involved with workers who use these metals need to be continued - again.

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