
Formalin Use in Food Products

Preservatives are of the BTP of the most widely used by food manufacturers. Use of BTP is intended to maintain the freshness or for long lasting products, as well as to improve the taste, flavor, physical appearance, & color. Some preservatives including antioxidants function to prevent food become rancid due to chemical changes. However, due to lack of knowledge about the dangers of the use of BTP, the food producers using BTP (preservative) to excess.

The use of food additives (BTP) or food additives have been widespread. all food industries, both giant industrial & domestic industry, determined using the BTP. Use of BTP is not prohibited on condition that such materials are safe for human health & the proper dosage.

Formalin is a preservative that recently widely used in foods, whereas type of preservative is highly unsafe for health. Formalin is a solution is colorless, pungent, containing about 37% formaldehyde in water, usually 10-15% methanol added.

Additional Prohibited Materials Used in Food, among others:
one. Boric acid (boric acid) & its compounds.
two. Salicylic acid & its salts (Salicylic Acid & its Salt).
two. Dietilpirokarbonat (Diethylpirocarbonate DEPC).
two. Dulsin (Dulcin).
two. Chlorates Potassium (Potassium Chlorate).
6. Khloramfenikol (Chloramphenicol).
7. The vegetable oil dibrominasi (Brominated Vegetable Oils).
8. Nitrofurazon (Nitrofurazone).
9. Formalin (Formaldehyde).
ten. Potassium bromate (Potassium Bromate).

Formalin has lots of names or synonyms, such as formol, morbicid, methanal, formic aldehyde, methyl oxide, oxymethylene, methyl aldehyde, oxomethane, formoform, formalith, oxomethane, karsan, methylene glycol, paraforin, poly-oxymethylene glycols, superlysoform, tetraoxymethylene & trioxane .

Nature Formalin

This preservative has elements that are simple aldehydes react with proteins, thus when it splashed in to foods such as tofu, formalin element binding protein would start at the surface continues to seep out to miss it. With the demise of bound protein after the chemical element of formalin then when pressed to know feel more supple. In addition, proteins that have died won't be attacked by bacterial decay that produces acid compounds, That is why knowing or other berformalin food becomes more long lasting.

Formaldehyde kills bacteria by making a network in bacteria dehydration (water shortage), so the bacterial cells will dry & form a new layer on the surface. That is, formalin not only kill bacteria, but also form a new layer that protects the layer underneath, so resistant to assault other bacteria. If other disinfectants mendeaktifasikan assault by killing bacteria & does not react with the material that is protected, then the formaldehyde will react chemically & persist in such materials to protect from later assaults.

The issue, as the material used only to preserve food, which used formalin dose would be low. So that the side effects of consuming foods berformalin not be felt directly by consumers.

Seeing nature, formalin is also definitely going to assault a protein that is widely available in the human body such as the stomach. Moreover, when formalin in to the body it's a high dose.

The issue of formaldehyde content in various food products received a serious response from the government, because in the long term can lead to cancer. According to the Head of Drug & Food Monitoring Agency (BPOM), up to sure levels, formalin preservative allowed for cosmetics, toothpaste that is for a maximum of 0.1% & 0.2% other cosmetic products. This provision is in accordance with internationally accepted rules such as the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive, the European Union Directive, & SK BPOM for cosmetics.

Lots of parties also have properties reminiscent of formaldehyde or carcinogens may cause cancer kanker.Tetapi emergence of this unsafe material due to cancer from other causes  difficult to distinguish, both need a long time to assault the human body.

Benefits & Makes use of of Formaldehyde

Formalin besides the cost is cheap, basically available & its use is not difficult so it is desirable as a preservative by food manufacturers are not responsible. The survey results & laboratory examination showed, lots of food products using formaldehyde as a preservative.

  * As a germ killer, which is widely used in cleaning floors, clothes, vessels & warehouses,
  * Flies & other insect repellent,
  * Any of the ingredients in the manufacture of artificial silk, dyes & explosives glass mirror,
  * Hardener layer of gelatin & picture paper,
  * Urea fertilizer ingredient, fragrance, nail hardeners & preservatives cosmetic products,
  * Prevention of corrosion in oil wells,
  * Materials for insulation foam, &,
  * Plywood adhesives.

Suggested use of formalin is:

Formalin for Health Hazards

In concentrations less than 1%, formalin is used as a preservative in household cleaning, dishwashing liquid, fabric softener, automobile shampoo, wax, & carpet.

The case of the use of formalin in the know, fresh fish, salted fish, & other food products showed a lack of knowledge producers & the dearth of socialization to the community about the benefits & dangers of additives. Formalin not allowed in food or drink, because in the long term can lead to the development of cancer cells. Formalin is unsafe if inhaled, swallowed or on the skin because it may cause irritation of the respiratory tract, allergic reactions & burns.

Danger Short Term (Acute)

  one. If inhaled may cause irritation, tissue destroy & injury to the respiratory tract, nose, & throat. Other signs are sneezing, coughing, sore throat, sore throat, chest pain, fatigue, palpitations, headache, nausea & vomiting. At high concentrations may cause death.
  two. When exposed skin will cause color changes, ie the skin becomes red, hardened, numbness, & burning.
  two. When exposed to the eyes may cause irritation to the eyes reddened, pain, itching, blurred vision & shed tears. At high concentrations may cause great expense tears so that the lens is broken.
  two. When swallowed, the mouth, throat & stomach burning, pain, nausea, vomiting & diarrhea, the chance of bleeding, extreme abdominal pain, headache, hypotension (low blood pressure), convulsions, or unconscious until coma. There has also been destroy to the liver, heart, brain, spleen, pancreas, central nervous technique, & kidneys.

Long-Term Hazards (Chronic)

Adverse Formalin for Human Body

  one. When inhaled in long term will cause headaches, respiratory issues, coughing, rhinitis, nausea, drowsiness, injury to the kidneys, & sensitizing the lungs. Neuropsychological effects include sleep disturbance, irritability, weakened balance, loss of concentration & memory is reduced, menstrual disorders & infertility in ladies, & cancers of the nose, nasal cavity, mouth, throat, lungs & brain.
  two. When exposed skin will feel the heat, numbness, itching & redness, destroy to the fingers, hardening of the skin & sensitivity of the skin, & skin inflammation that causes the bubbles.
  two. When exposed to the eyes may cause inflammation of the lining of the eye.
  two. If ingested may cause irritation to the respiratory tract, vomiting & headache, burning sensation in the throat, decreased body temperature, & itching in the chest.

Avoiding Berformalin Products

  * Skin: irritating, skin redness, burning skin, skin allergy.
  * Eyes: irritating, red & watery eyes, blindness.
  * Nose: Nosebleed.
  * Respiratory: Shortness of breath, hoarseness, chronic cough, sore throat.
  * Gastrointestinal: gastric irritation, nausea, vomiting, mules.
  * Liver: Liver destroy.
  * Lungs: Pneumonia due to chemical substances (pneumonitis).
  * Nervous: Headache, fatigue, insomnia, sensitive, difficult concentration, simple to forget.
  * Renal: Kidney destroy.
  * Reproductive Organs: Destroy to the testicles, ovaries, menstrual disorders, infertility secondary.

Formaldehyde is naturally present in raw food materials in the range of one mg per kg to 90 mg per kg.

The presence of formaldehyde itself is in the range of products. Formaldehyde is also present in cigarette smoke & smoke-contaminated air vehicles. Besides it may even be obtained on products including antiseptics, medicines, dishwashing liquid, fabric softener, shoe care, carpet cleaning & adhesive materials. Formaldehyde is also present in plywood, when it was new. Formaldehyde levels will drop over time.

Fish sauce:

Detection of formaldehyde exactly both qualitatively & quantitatively can only be done in the laboratory. However, to keep away from accidental poisoning, the public must be able to distinguish materials / food products that contain formaldehyde & are healthy. Some product features berformalin among others:

Chicken pieces:

  * Long lasting at room temperature (25oC), over one month.
  * Neat & bright colors (not tawny).
  * Texture hard, no unique smell of salted fish & not basically destroyed.
  * No fly infestation. Wet fish / shrimp.
  * Gills dark red & not bright.
  * The color of pure white with a chewy texture.
  * Long-lasting up to two days at room temperature, not basically rot & smell.

  * The color white.
  * Long-lasting & not basically rot.

Tofu raw:

  * Chewy texture, not solid but not basically destroyed.
  * Long-lasting up to two days at room temperature, hold up to 15 days in the refrigerator.
  * The smell stinging smell of formalin (0.5 to one.0 ppm levels).

Mi wet:

  * Sleek, not sticky & greasy.
  * Long-lasting up to two days at room temperature, hold up to 15 days in the refrigerator.
  * Aroma sting (no smell mi) & not perishable.


  * Not broken for two days at room temperature.
  * The texture is chewy.

Dangers of the use of formalin in food products for health can not be perceived directly. However, the use of in a long time is worrying. In addition to knowing, wet noodles, fresh fish & other products, lots of products that use formaldehyde as a preservative.

Disclosure berformalin food ought to be followed up with law enforcement so that people can enjoy the food that is free of harmful preservatives.

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