
Efficacy of Sunflower

Sunlight is beneficial & important to the lives of all living things, whether plants, animals, & humans. Depictions of the sun is usually a round yellow with yellow flames licking around it.

Preview of the sun that makes large-size flowering plants with yellow flowers is often called the sun. Named such because there's other reasons. Sunflower always faces toward the sun where it rolled. At night, the flowers bowed down, while in the work of the day, the flower show his face.
That said, sunflower (Helianthus annus L) comes from North America. In 1919, planting in Java. This plant thrives in mountainous regions, areas that have sufficient moisture as well as a lot get direct sunlight. The tree grows in lowland until height of 1500 meters above sea level.

Lots of individuals who think about anual short-lived herbaceous plants as decorative plants only. You see, the shape & color of the flower is fascinating & exquisite eyes.

Trunked plants wet (herbaceus) tall upright plant grows one to two meters. The whole surface of the plant stem rough-skinned & had hair. Heart-shaped green leaves. For flowers, giant size with a crown formed like a cup of yellow tape along the fringe of the cup. In the midst of the cup there is a small flower-shaped tube with the color brown.

When fertilized, these small flowers in to seeds that are black & white striped gathered in the cup. When ripe, the seeds are basically removed from his cup. Today, lots of individuals who use the seeds for sunflower oil or to snack in the form kwaci sunflower seeds.

Lots of people do not recognize that sunflowers have lots of benefits beyond beauty. The flowers contain quercimeritrin, helianthoside ABC, oleanolat acid, & acid echinocystat. For seeds, there is the content of beta-sitosterol, prostagladin E, chlorogenic acid, quinat acid, phytin, & 3-4 benzopyrine.

All parts of this plant has properties. The flowers have the effect of lowering blood pressure & reduce pain (analgesic). Seeds as antidisentri & stimulate the body's secretion of liquid & measles. The leaves are potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, & anti-malarial. Roots also have efficacy for anti-inflammatory, laxative urine, a cough suppressant & analgesic. Meanwhile, marrow stem & flower Daar efficacious stimulate vital energy, analgesic, soothing the liver, & lots of more.

In every hundred grams of sunflower seed oil, there is fat with a total of hundred, which consisted of 9.8 saturated fat & unsaturated fat (oleic) of 11.7. The rest are linoleic much as 72.9 & the rest do not contain cholesterol.

Use of all parts of this plant can be in the kind of fresh & dry. Outside use, tumbuhannya crushed & placed on the sick. For example for rheumatism, ulcers, & inflammation of the breast.

Use for deep, tumbuhannya boiled & drunk. Some are fried, such as seeds, then finely ground, poured boiling hot water & drunk. Treatment in this way is to complain of headaches, dizziness, toothache, sore breasts, cough, whooping cough, shortness of breath, hypertension, prevent cancer of the stomach, bloating, heartburn, constipation, dysentery, urinary tract infection, give -beri, malaria, vaginal discharge, bleeding, & hernia.

The use of marrow from stem & base of the flower that contains the content of hemicellulose that inhibit sarcoma 180 & Ehrlich ascitic carcinoma in mice. Marrow extracts can destroy nitrosamines & can be used for the prevention & treatment of gastrointestinal tumors. However, for mothers who were pregnant, it is forbidden to drink boiled sunflower.

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